"Star Trek: Picard" Monsters (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Lost and unsalvageable
infinitezer014 April 2022
It's not that this episode is particularly bad, it's just that they have done nothing in the previous episodes to make me care about what's going on in Picard's mind. This season feels like it was conceived under work at home conditions where every contributor added their part without collaborating, and then one person tied it together loosely. There's no continuity in the vibe of the episodes as the show jumps around at will with no worry of rules or past events. The talented cast is barely given any story or dialogue with meaning to redeem its flaws, like the cameos from last season. I find myself more invested in Rios' love interest because the connection feels more genuine than anything else going on. Why the creators developed a season based in 2024 and marooned the cast there, I'll never understand. Star Trek has become a boring, mindless shadow of its former self in the hands of a corporation that wants to factory-produce content for their streaming service. There is no intellect, intrigue, inspiration, or identity left.
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Prismark1015 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another episode that just treads water and has little follow up from the previous episode.

No Q and no Soong. No one is interested that some guy just try to run Picard and Yvette over.

Instead there is psycho technobabble from the guy from Battlestar Galactica who kept talking to his Cylon girlfriend that was in his head.

So you have random scenes from a dark fairy tales when Picard was a boy. It all boiled down to father issues.

Back in LA. The gang split up once again. Seven and Raffi figure that there has to be a good reason why Jurati suddenly started to sing. She has become Borg.

Meanwhile Rios gets to repeat the storyline from Star Trek IV. I'm a space guy from the the future. Let me beam you up to my ship. What a way to break the temporal prime directive for a woman you hardly know.

Again another episode that just felt dull. Very little of the story is pushed forward.
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A Senior Trekker writes.................
celineduchain14 April 2022
Oh dear, what the hell have we just watched? The Young King Arthur? A Haunted House Movie? Poltergeist? I just don't know what's going on any more.

The Lady in Red is wandering around Los Angeles smashing windows for kicks, the Odd Couple have forgotten about their cute Romulan kid and are getting all "meta" about the status of their relationship in the series' narrative. Picard's mum speaks as if she has a mouthful of pebbles and acts as if she has a brain full of pea soup. The British guy from Galactica has wandered into Picard's subconscious only to start psychoanalysing him and Rios is re-enacting bits of The Voyage Home & First Contact. Young Guinan is back and the Abracadabra she is talking about El-Aurians makes us wonder what on earth she puts in those concoctions. Meanwhile the FBI has suddenly become interested in alien abductions.

Perhaps we can console ourselves with listing the things that we have been spared this week:

This episode has no appearance by John deLancie and so we don't have to witness his further emasculation as Q-2 discovers that he no longer has omnipotent powers.

Brent Spiner's grandiloquent, mad scientist and his "daughter", played by the newly-pneumatic Isa Briones, are nowhere to be seen.

The actor who plays the Borg Queen got a rest from all that latex while Alison Pill channelled her character with nothing more than a pair of black contact lenses.

Penelope Mitchell as the Bland Blond, aka the least likely candidate to ever pass out from Astronaut School, has taken a tranquillizer and gone to have a lie down.

It's just as well Senior Trekker has a sense of humour. This one will get the customary 5 points.
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Nobody at the helm!
Ithilfaen15 April 2022
If there has ever been a show that made it clearer that there wasn't a showrunner at the helm, it's definitely Star Trek Picard season 2.

The season started well with two good episodes and it went downhill from there.

Between the storyline that seems like a watered down vague version of First Contact, the plot fillers like Rios little doctor girlfriend story, the utter lack of character development (with the exception of Jurati due to circumstances)... it's an endless slope.

It's obvious that this season's budget and production was cut down by Covid. They made an entire season in 2024 so they wouldn't have to spend any money.

It really wouldn't be too bad if they hadn't also cut the money in the writers room. When you look at the writers this season, it's a long line of inexperienced script editors and writers assistant with no scifi in their filmography....

The episode felt like it was written by an intern... because it was.
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cheddavis-8550315 April 2022
I'm not sure what this was supposed to be, but it wasn't Star Trek. Actors who have played "Star Trek: Picard" characters oozed through scenes written for some fantasy or horror show were involved. And maybe in some twisted "Disney Dark" show this could be something. But this was far from any Star Trek show as you could get. It had absolutely nothing to do with season 2 of Picard - so I'm not sure why it was here. I only gave it a 6 because Stewart is such an amazing talent. Sad times we live in where this passes as a Star Trek episode.
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For whom is this made?
vsek15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In this weeks episode we have to indulge the writers again in their obsession with trauma. And it was all a mistake! Picards father was actually protecting his mother and herself because she had serious mental problems. It's very strange that this is still the 24th century but it feels like 1940 somewhere far away from therapists. It seems like a cop-out to me.

At the end, Picard was just mistaken or forgot that his father wasn't evil. Thanks for taking all this time to tell us this.

The simplistic kitchen psychology is presented that Picard doesn't like closed spaces so he went to the stars... the thing is, he went on a starship which is a closed space.

The story with Rios just gets sillier every week. After having been abducted by ICE, tasered and roughed up, last week he enjoyed real cigars and good food. Now that the show has pretty much given up on saving the timeline by not changing anything, Rios thinks this doctor lady is hot so he shows her beaming and his starship?

It's just facepalm season again.

Raffi is very quick with knowing exactly what medical device is needed and Rios gives doctor lady the device from the future with a quick tutorial consisting of "be in the moment" to which the lady presses a button and holds the device on android Picards head. I criticised the show last week for not using the med bay on the ship but now they need equipment from there? It's all so stupid! And nevermind the fact that a couple of scenes earlier, the ship's systems went offline because of Borg interference. It's presented as a "wtf" moment but later it's just fixed apparently without problems.

This is really the level the show has sunken to. Just nonsense after nonsense.

Raffi and Seven are quarrelling again this week with Raffi showcasing again she is unsuited for Starfleet officer duty: (the consoles switch off) Raffi (to Seven): What did YOU do?

It really makes me angry. Remember when people acted rational and would say "What happened?"

Remember when Borg assimilation took a couple of minutes? Well, here in slow-motion world it takes days. And it apparently needs the victim to have plenty of endorphins, too. Why? Don't know.

I also don't know why synthetic Picard is run over by Soong with a car and is then "stuck" inside his mind. And I don't care anymore. This season is really dragging it's feet and I just want it to get on with it.

Making "shotgun activist" Guinan into a magician straight out of the Wizarding World franchise doesn't really matter anymore. And yes, the actor who played Gaius Baltar in Battlestar is there too. Should we clap because you lifted the whole "lady in red, devil on the shoulder" idea from that show?

Furthermore, the reveal that Talinn is a Romulan comes as one if the most uninteresting and unnecessary twists. Why did they use the same actress as Laris?

I also have to say that I don't see where the budget is going. The first episode looked expensive but the last four or five episodes look a bit on the cheap side.

Who is this show for? There has been ONE scene so far with Q and Picard. ONE. And this is how you drew in your audience: with Q advertised. This is Q blue balls.

Why am I watching this? I don't know anymore. Paramount keeps promising "more like classic Trek" things. And then we get this from producers who don't care and writers who don't know better.

What is the show trying to say? Beats me at this point. This is "whatever we have" thrown in. But I can safely say that it may be eclectic, but it is ugly.
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Rewriting Picard's History
sigelm15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Season 1 and Season 2 up to this episode - this episode did not work for me at all. Coma, repressed memories, psychobabble, fairytales in Sci-Fi - it's like mixing salt and sugar, doesn't go together, period. As others pointed out, a filler episode with zero budget and the plot doesn't move forward one inch. The new Guinan doesn't capture the personality of the Guinan we know at all. We knew Guinan, when she was even younger, in 19th century, and then in 24th century, as a smart, witty character, wise and serene, almost constantly optimistic no matter how dire the circumstances. The new actress presents Guinan as always angry, snappy and frustrated, without any sense of humour whatsoever. This episode emphasises what bothers me the most in Picard: The rewriting of his personal history. We had seen the Picard family estate in TNG - it was a two-story half-timbered house, made in the style of 15th century, and "Picard" upgraded it to a stonewall castle, with towers and tunnels and dungeons. Captain Picard's parents were grape farmers and not a monster and a disturbed painter. And where is his older brother in all of this? It is all extremely annoying.
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The first episode that made me fall asleep
First let me say that I liked Season 1. Although it wasn't one of the best Star trek shows it was interesting. Second season started good, but then everything becomes so slow and filler. This episode went in the steps of Discovery. Which is a total bore fest that I stopped watching. I don't know how can they salvage this season, but it doesn't look good. Not sure I want to see another season of this.
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Deja Vu
dalefl14 April 2022
As soon as this episode started I looked at my wife and said, "That sounds just like Gaius Baltar". Surprise! Slick move even if it was a little disconcerting to him in a Federation uniform. Pretty good epi. A little talky at times but not too much to ruin it. As a dyed in the wool Trek fan I have to admit that I'm enjoying this show more than I thought I would.
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Ignore the haters and stick with it
jeff-440826 May 2022
You could (as others would have you) turn this episode off after a few minutes or ignore it altogether BUT you would be missing out on an important plot device and story development.

Yes, this episode has you thinking to yourself early on, "what am I watching" but suffice to say, any dream/coma/imagination scene will be subjective but get past the 30mins and you'll be given a key development about Q, about how Picard views Q and the possible what and why Q is doing this. It sets the series up for the reveal, the prestige if you will.

TNG and all other Trek series before Discovery and Picard were self contained episodes and this is a series long story arc fitting with the times. Monsters isn't a filler episode but yes it could have been better developed but that shouldn't detract from the last 15mins and how it moves the story arc along. It's a pivotal realisation by Picard.

Stick with it, don't believe everything the haters will tell you.
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jeersNcheers15 April 2022
Monsters did not advance the plot in any way! This episode was a BAD cross between Harry Potter movies and Pirates of the Caribbean. All the characters are literally running around acting stupid, with completely changed personalities, and no Star Trek Sci-Fi in sight. (I did enjoy the psychologist, the only one who did any actual acting!) My husband insisted on giving this one last episode a try, but even he agrees now that this Picard thing is a deplorable POS. We. Are. Done!!!
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People need to stop trying to associate things in the show with real life
joe-7212814 April 2022
This is a very different episode in a good way, with an excellent cameo from a famous actor from a much loved sci-fi franchise.

While the focus is on Picard himself, it begins to shed light on what we've seen in past episodes as well as where this is going.
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Reviewers here need to think a bit more
themistergraves14 April 2022
This is miles away from Star Trek: Discovery, so stop treating it like it's the same.

It is telling a story of grief... slowly. It's like the vast majority of folks that come to review on IMDB these days can't stand it when a show takes an entire season to tell a story- especially if it's not entirely linear. People did the same with Westworld. And that says a lot... about the viewer, much more than it does about the writers.

Discovery is/was sci-fi soap opera trash for woke teenagers- Picard is a story about grief and regret and how to it shapes our lives. Dig a little deeper into yourselves- that's what the show is very unambiguously begging you to do.
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Please don't call this Star Trek
confidential-6789715 April 2022
How the mighty has fallen, even the worst TNG episode is far superior to this rubbish. Terrible writing and it's sad to see an actor like Stewart fall so far. I have no idea why the writers are doing this, but it almost seems like they are trying to ruin TNG legacy for its fans.
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Silly-Fi not Sci-Fi
dusadomovine14 April 2022
ST:Picard is getting sillier and sillier. How convenient that Picard teleports right into the middle of a street cam. Boo hoo Picard has issues with mom and dad. Does anyone on TV have a good father? This is getting downright SILLY.
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Just about staying with it
snoozejonc30 May 2022
Picard psychologically explores his childhood.

This is a reasonably okay episode with some good moments.

The narrative feels a bit chaotic as there are lots of plot threads unraveling in various directions that seem quite disjointed. I'll hold off until the later to judge it as a whole, as it still might come together well.

I like the focus on Picard, who has always been an engaging character. The sci-fi angle does nothing for me, but the detail around his early life is good.

I think the Borg plot is strong as well, but with them being done to death as antagonists by a combination of The Next Generation and Voyager episodes, it feels like there is no real threat. The presence of Q hovering over everything also makes you feel the reset button on everything could be pushed at any minute, which also makes for a lack suspense.

There is nothing particularly interesting achieved with any other characters in this episode for me.

Patrick Stewart is on a great form as always and supported well by the rest of the cast, who do well with the material.

It's a 5.5/10 for me but I round upwards.
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One of the worst "Trek" episodes ever
guy_in_oxford16 April 2022
Firstly, this wasn't Star Trek; it was a hodgepodge of bad ideas thrown into a heap.

If goofy magic tricks, shattering windows, shattering glasses, shattering toys, shattering bottles, breaking boards, more of Discovery's OBSESSION with superficial psychobabble, corny fantasy-style exaggeration of Guinan's characer - complete with cheesy parlor tricks, more regurgitation of memorable old Trek bits handled in the most classless juvenile manner possible, completely idiotic handling of hospital drama and the time shock theme, more totally tedious "ABC Family" posturing about kids (Yes! Yes! We Know They're So Great And Precious! We Know You Will Protect Him! Yes! Okay! Yes!), more Agnes doing her best to be ridiculous, more inability of Patrick Stewart to deliver his lines with adequate smoothness, more "gotcha" twist endings that aren't interesting,

That paragraph is a lot like the episode. It's stuffed to the gills with stuff, none of which amounts to much in the end. All saccharine + aspartame + sucralose and no flavor.

I was very annoyed watching this and only finished it simply to be able to say I watched the entire thing. What a triumph.
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Worse than a filler episode
rnixon197415 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This 40 minutes was wasted, as this episode was worse than filler.

Another reviewer said this episode likely was written by an intern. I think it was written by someone with no experience (nor an interest) in science fiction.

When this series began in 2020, I had hoped that Goldsman, Kurtzman and friends would take the time to write the majority of the episodes. That has not been the case this season.

If we can't have the show's creators write more episodes, then someone could bring in Michael Sussman. Or Chris Black. Or Rene Echevarria. Screenwriters who have actually created Star Trek episodes before. And done a decent job.
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Your Dad's Trek
dawsonc-5316114 April 2022
Yes, I am of the generation that grew up on syndicated Original series Star Trek and I am thoroughly enjoying this show. I feel the story, so far, could have probably fit into fewer episodes more focused to the main problem, but I am along for the ride. Reading some of the other reviews here is causing me to laugh a bit though, rather than reconsider my joy at watching Trek. Not much of a fan of the other current incarnations, just too old now to have my childhood/teenaged views changed up so radically, but I am good with Picard and look forward to see where it goes.
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Well, this episode really pumped the brakes.
rrtiverton15 April 2022
Not one of the finer episodes in an otherwise gang-buster season. Plodding, slow - did we REALLY need to see a Picard back-back-back story as a repressed memory that took 2/3 of the episode to culminate?

A lot of rehashing of jokes and gags from the TOS movies. One or two were quaint, but now it feels like they are just working off the script from "The Voyage Home" and hoping no one notices.

Three more episodes to go, then we get to see Pike and the Enterprise.
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Good set up for season finale
wht1knight14 April 2022
I like this episode, despite the detracting comments by others. The series is about Picard, so it seems reasonable to go down this path of exploring his life, the choices he made, and why he is still single so late in life. It explains why he was distant with his past and present crew, explores his own family history, and gives hints about Q.

It also created a foundation for the last episode of the season, and perhaps set up season 3.
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Worst ST episode ever?
yadaboy15 April 2022
Utterly atrocious! Well, kudos to the actors for delivering their abysmal lines with a straight face. Everyone else associated with this episode should hang their head in shame.
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A very odd episode
jp-20616 April 2022
The pacing was all over the place in this episode. The writing was scattered at best. Jeri Ryan looks bored out of her mind. I didn't expect an I Dream of Jeannie twist but there it was with Guinan. This was a filler/bottle episode of disastrous proportions and during a little series that's just weird. I don't get it. Don't even get me started on what the Borg have morphed into.

Two stars for not bringing the Romulan incest twins back.
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Perhaps one of the worst episodes ever.
download_pascal16 April 2022
What was all this about? In the history of Star Trek, perhaps one of the worst episodes ever. Hopefully the remaining episodes will be better, because this was really bad.
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It's billed as "Star Trek" but...
probabilitysurfing15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode consists of:

25% Mindless jibber-jabber dialogue 25% Psycho-babble 25% Dungeons and hokey looking monsters 25% Star Trek.

I scrolled on my phone most of the time, wishing for the old "Star Trek" days. The lengthy psycho-babble segments were especially hard to watch, followed closely by the dungeon scenes. Seven of Nine's character is wasted as mostly an observer, until near the end. The new and cranky Guinan returns, but finally smiles.
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