"The Flash" Enemy at the Gates (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Overall a good episode
nionios888884 July 2021
Imagine performing open surgery on the upper respiratory tract of a person and not even wearing a mask.... These kind of details show what a sloppy show Flash has become.
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Better, but still not great.
danhuiner30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Anything involving Barry or Godspeed i enjoyed, pretty much everything else not so much. Allegra is just so unnecessary at this point and none of her stories are good. Frost and that guy is cringe every time, not every character needs a relationship cw. But overall a better episode.
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Pretty good episode the flash is getting its MOJO back
atjoseph1 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the episode the ultraviolet storyline felt a little out of place but I enjoyed barry fighting the speedsters, barry being the main character and just the stakes and it makes sense why the last episodes were ok or mediocre because they were Saving money for the last four. I do hope the episode after this one become a banger I still have strong faith in Eric Wallace he is now show us how much of a flash fan he is.
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Finally, some action
stevensgrape30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode emphasized why Ill always be loyal to the show.... seeing Barry fight Godspeed head on was the best thing out of this season. I'm also confident he will be the best father of television. This storyline is already better then The Forces.... Here's to next week with Diggle.

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Okayish episode not worth the setup
Typewriter160130 June 2021
They have been setting up this arc since forever and when it starts, it starts loose with wierd plots in between.

The fights didn't seem natural and fluent, they need to change their special effects team, some YouTube videos have better CGI than this.

Story wise the episode was better than past 20 episodes but a few things were out of place there.

Overall I would say watchable and not crap but could have been better.
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Outdone yourself
barryallen-3298930 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was the best episode in a very long time. The person who directed this episode and the screenwriters are the the best the CW should keep them and start making episode about the flash again. Barry's dream about Nora gave me goosebumps. Imagine Barry meeting Nora after this scene, It is going to be a lot more emotional. The quality went up and also seeing Barry face godspeed head-on proves that he is going to be great father. This episode is undoubtably the best of the season but there's more. Imagine the final battle. This is just the beggining. Also John Diggle is gong to be back and I am looking forward it. Maybe he becomes green lantern here, hopefully the CW doesn't just tease it shows results.

Verdict:10 stars.
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No Iris no woke bs decent episode Warning: Spoilers
So Iris isn't in this episode and the flash finally has the focus in his own series. Although he does speak about her possibly being pregnant the whole episode. Still this ep is way better than most of them in this bad season. Chester is ok but he is not Cisco. Wells is missing, Tom is just a great actor and hard to replace.

Goodspeed seems a bit boring and lacking character. Nothing to compare to reverse flash, Zoom, even Savitar. There are only 4 episodes left so lets see how it goes.

I doubt it I'll watch next season I am sure they will be back to Iris and woke agenda bs.
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This was way better than expected
gigiddas30 June 2021
I was expecting this storyline to be good but I didn't think it would be this good. This is definitely my favorite episode of the season so far and I hope it gets even better from here.
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When the fans asked for Godspeed, I don't think this is what we had in mind...
demigodshmurda30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode, not unlike most of The Flash season seven, is a perfect representation of the season as a whole. A bunch of stuff we don't care about, taking up more time in our episode than stuff we do care about. Good scenes mixed in with a ton of bad scenes that we don't care about. That's what The Flash season seven is.

I know I said that last episode was a perfect representation of the season as a whole, but this episode is actually a perfect representation. We got Godspeed. Congratulations. Oh, but here's a whole bunch of stuff not related to him taking up more time in the episode than he does. Come on, man. Fans have been asking for Godspeed for *years* at this point, and *this* is what we get?

Credit where it's due, Barry *finally* got to act like a man against the Godspeed army. He stared down three Godspeeds and made them all chase him, risking his own life in the process. Barry's been so diluted over the season that you really have to ask whether the writers would let him act like a man ever again, but it happened this week, and that might be the best part of the episode. Barry's been acting like a complete soyboy for a few weeks now, so it's good to see him take charge and step up, even if he's also trying to hide the fact that him and his wife may be pregnant in a hilariously terrible fashion at the same time.

Also, believe it or not, it was actually good to see Nora back, even if it was just for one scene. I know a lot of people, my sister included, aren't excited to see this character back, but upon a rewatch of season five, she wasn't that bad. I actually found myself looking forward to her returning this season, which brings me to my next point.

The CW announced that we wouldn't only be getting Bart Allen this season, but also Nora West-Allen. You can't un-ring that bell, writers, no matter how much you want to. We know the kids are coming, heck I even recall Iris saying "When you let me die, you killed our children too." as far back as "Fear Me" this very season, and we've all been waiting for Barry to say "we're gonna need more diapers" since season four. Just get to it already. Please, this is the one thing that you clowns haven't ruined at this point. Just give us the Arrowverse's Tornado Twins already!

Speaking of things the writers have ruined, Godspeed. I know we've all been waiting since season five for this character to make his appearance on the show, but if this is how we're gonna get it... We needed more. What the writers are doing with Godspeed is... Confusing to say the least. Why are they fighting each other? Is this a thing that happened in the comics that I don't know about? I admittedly stopped reading about Godspeed after they tried to turn him into a good guy, so I don't know much about what's happening to him currently, but this just seems bizarre. First he was a guy from the future that wanted to become a speedster, then he was a bunch of clones, and now he's a bunch of clones fighting each other. I just feel more confused than excited for this plotline.

I also want to point out that there's only FOUR EPISODES of the season left. We spent seven episodes on "Force Quest", had three filler episodes, and now with FOUR EPISODES left of the season we're finally getting Godspeed. This character should've easily gotten his own season, not the leftovers from a season that he's too good for. Very underwhelming.

Oh yeah, and one final point on Godspeed, what ever happened to the big cgi speedster fights from the first three seasons? Heck, even season four had more big cgi fights than season seven, and season four was terrible! What happened? Where's all the cgi budget gone? Does the CW really want me to think that Superman and Lois and season six of Legends of Tomorrow were so expensive that they had to suck the cgi budgets of every other show dry? The Godspeeds throwing lightning looked laughable. It didn't look "fake" per se, but it didn't look nearly as good as when Barry threw lightning in season two, or even earlier this season in "The Speed of Thought". The special effects have looked really week all season pretty much. Well, except for the effects on Psyche while he was walking or standing. I like how it seemed like they looped him walking over each other a bunch of times. That was honestly sick. Where did that quality go? Why does it look like the Godspeeds throwing lightning looks like they're bowling all of the sudden?

I wanna delve a little further into this episode's fight scenes for a second. The Godspeeds hitting the barrier around STAR Labs looked hilariously fake. Every clone just sits there, staring at Barry, punching the barrier for a solid thirty seconds of the episode. Now, what they could do is run around the barrier and throw lightning at it, and we see the Godspeed clones throw lightning several times during the episode so there's no reason they wouldn't be able to do this. However, The Flash is clearly running out of cgi money, so Godspeed is just gonna sit here in hit white suit and hit this really fake looking barrier, and I just can't help but laugh at it.

At a distance, Barry vs Godspeed was actually insanely cool. We always get to see the Speedster fights in slow motion, which can be cool, but seeing them in normal time is also really cool. Just watching two blurs fly across the room, throw lightning at each other occasionally, and ram into each other is actually a really fun way to do the fights. However, when they slowed down the fight this time like they've done in seasons past, it looked really, really lame. It felt like the punches should've had so much more impact than they did, and for that reason it never felt like there was any real stakes, which is very contrary to what you want during a fight scene.

Also, both Frost and Chillblaine face off against some of the Godspeed clones and are able to hold their own. It doesn't make either of these characters look cool though. Instead, it just makes Godspeed look really, really stupid. Why aren't the Godspeeds running around the room like the one fighting Barry? And then they throw Speedster lightning at Frost and Chillblaine, and that's where the fight really loses me. There's no way they'd survive that. Frost maybe because of her "Ice Healing" she had back in season three, but Chillblaine is completley human. He'd absolutley be dead if he got hit by Speedster lightning!

Bottom line, the fights in this episode vary wildly in quality, and that's unfortunate when considering the fight quality this show's done in the past.

I still couldn't care less about Allegra's plotline. I'm sorry I don't feel bad for multiple murderer Ultraviolet, but I just couldn't care less about either of these characters. In fact, the only character I cared about during the scenes with Ultraviolet's surgery was Caitlin, whose plotline with Frost seems to have been sidelined so Frost could fall for some evil dude that wanted to steal her powers. Remember when Allegra was a cub reporter that wanted to make a name for herself? Whatever happened to that plotline? That's what they should be focusing on with Allegra. Iris training somebody new, i.e. Allegra, to be a reporter. I would really appreciate seeing that instead of whatever these last two episodes entailed for Allegra.

Meanwhile, Frost's plotline is at least not bad. At its core, Frost actually has a really good plotline. Considering that Frost's plotline last season was all about her learning to live her life, having Frost want to be in a relationship is actually a good direction, and I really like it. See, Frost isn't the problem with Frost's plotline. The problem is Chillblaine, who I'm gonna call him "Not Snart" from not on. See, the problem with Not Snart's character has done a complete one eighty from how he was originally intended. He started out as a sort-of icy Reverse Flash, but turned into a complete joke of a character that's just bad to be bad. I'm not saying Frost has to get with some super soyboy or anything, but, really, this guy? I think the point is that we're supposed to hate him or love to hate him, and Jon Cor does a good job in that respect, but I'm definitely more on the side that just hates him as opposed to the side that loves to hate him.

Joe's plot is still there, I guess. When there's so much to complain about for the rest of the episode, Joe's plot feels like an afterthought. Joe's plots are never the most interesting, but are always solid. When a plot that's solid, or "just okay", is the most interesting plot of the show, that's very telling about the show. It means the rest of the plots are so boring or ludicrous that I couldn't care less about them.

Another mediocre episode of The Flash. Such a shame that this series used to be the best CW show, or even the best superhero show, but has not only consistently been shown up by newer and better tv shows like WandaVision and Invincible (at least from what I've heard, I'm not buying an Amazon Prime account just to watch ONE tv show), but this show has also been consistently getting worse. Granted, season six was the best season since the first in my opinion, and season five was better than I remember it being on my initial watch, but this season just shows a massive drop in quality that I don't think it will ever recover from.

Honestly? I'm more disappointed than angry. And in a lot of ways, that's worse than being angry, especially as a fan.

This one's a mediocre 6 / 10. The writers really lowered my expectations so much that this felt like a GOOD episode!
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Who writes this crap?
trekkergy1 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The supporting characters get dumber with every episode. The Godspeed clones are about to batter down our defensive shield, break in and kill us all... but let's take some time to yammer about how my wife MIGHT be pregnant, and why we know it's going to be a girl, but don't tell anyone yet! The untrained scientist-not-a-surgeon-lady is operating on my cousin... so I should hover close by exuding nerves and constantly interrupting with stupid questions. Ransom defense lawyers will wander into police crime labs to interrupt forensic scientists at their work for a lunch date.

And this has been renewed for another season?! WTF?!?
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why was this episode much better than the latest episodes?
thatswhatshesaid1230 June 2021
Yes you said it's because iris wasn't in it, and flash got the most screen time as the flash not Barry Allen the member of team flash.
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A great start to the Godspeed half
ComicBookNerd2624 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are many great things about this episode. Such as the absence of Iris. With no Iris in this episode it allowed Barry to be Awesome and not the Romantic weirdo he is when she's around. Another great thing is that we got our first speedster fight since season 5 and wow it was good. I think the show is going a good job of transitioning Chester into Cisco's role. As much as I will miss him he is going to need a replacement and chester is the perfect candidate.
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Ranking/Reviewing every Flash episode: Enemy At the Gates
lbramson14 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first good episode in a while...it's been like 2 episodes, but still! It used to be when this show had a bad episode it was outlier. Now, good episodes are very few and far between. This is the episode where the Godspeed Civil War begins when Godspeed infiltrates S. T. A. R Labs. This episode has 4 plotlines, all differing levels of quality. The annoying drama with Allegra is just that...annoying! The stuff with Frost and Chillblaine is straight up cringe. And I couldn't care less about the stuff with Kramer and Joe. (The ending of the episode where the car blows up is cool tho). However, the main plotline with Godspeed is way more interesting! Despite what he becomes later, Godspeed is very threatening in this episode. The fight scene between him and Barry is one of the best moments this season! It's crazy how part of this episode is incredible and other parts are almost unwatchable. At least almost unwatchable is better than just unwatchable so 7.5/10 it is! Going under Alls Wells That Ends Wells, but above The One With the Nineties.
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Look, I am sorry. It is my opinion, though. I am glad that you guys enjoyed it.
wetmars9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nora has returned to meet Barry. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a dream. It was. Godspeed arrives, but there's an army of them. Frost arrives at the clubhouse saving her special interest's life from being killed by street gangs. Cecil senses that Iris is pregnant with Barry until something blasts out the window near the Lab. The guy is taken back to Star Labs to recover. He thinks that there are five Godspeeds out there. Frost locks the guy in. Caitlin is operating on the Meta Assassin. An attack has happened in some secret building. Flash arrives to meet one of the Godspeeds. Chester says that it's a trap, Flash makes a run for it. Chester activates the shield over Star Labs' base making sure that the Godspeeds can't get in at all. The Godspeeds are punching through, decreasing the force field's strength. Chester realizes that Barry and Iris are gonna have a baby, Barry tells him to not tell anyone. Ooo, we got a Dark Flash reference. Either it could be the Black Flash or the Rival. Frost arrives in her room, getting him a chance to team up with the Team, he does so. Cecil uses her powers on the Meta Assassin. One of the Godspeeds uses their special powers on the force field, and the others do so. The Force fields are shut down. The Godspeeds has breached in, Chester makes a run for it to the secret A. I. Room. A big fight happens in Star Labs. The A. I. plays unbearably loud noises to weaken the Godspeeds. Good to see Speedster Action. One of the Godspeeds disables the A. I. Now it's their turn to kick the Team's butts. They start to vibrate their hands, the Flash shows up. They chase after him in Central City unleashing their power on the Flash, surrounding him using their special powers. There's more! But; they're the good guys saving the Flash. "What the hell?" My reaction, lol. The Team assumes that there's a Speedster War. Looks like Iris isn't pregnant after all.


Weird quirky cheesy episode overall.

5/10. It's still decent enough.
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First episode that I can say was really good in a very long
ldamena30 June 2021
Time. Ok, it was slow the first 25 mins and picked up in the 30 min mark. I was afraid that with only 4 episodes left in the season(3 now) the Godspeed story line would be rushed but I was pleasantly surprised with this ep. Maybe the next 3 won't be such a disappointment after all. Just have to wait and see.

P.s. Finally the speeches are gone & we get good action scenes.
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Gates! sigh sigh
cjonesas8 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 15: Aside some good visual effects, CGI and emotional moments, it is hard not to feel childishness everywhere, especially in the fights and action moments. No one gets hurt in a scale of 1 to 10, aside damages to the windows and wall, but they do not count as persons obviously.

A city where there's nobody besides them and (to) which any entity has the possibility to enter.

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That is what we really wanted!!
juanmaprior30 June 2021
I know my last reviews have been so negative. Totally understandable. But the conclusion of this season is gonna be pretty dope. I can tell you. Finally we got some action and we have left aside all the pep talks and the ridiculous power of love. Sad we are gonna only have 4 episodes focused on Godspeed... Why cannot they make all the episodes like this one?? S7 could have been awesome if they had left all the pep talks aside. Or maybe if they had only focused on Godspeed the whole season lmao.
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How is the overall rating for this similar to episode 8?
abubakrusuf2 July 2021
The side plots were short and didnt take much time. Barry was fighting with his fists , he was independent and there was no pep talks. Easily in the top 2 episodes of this season with 7.02. We've waited so long for an episode like this yet it's still not enough for some people.
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Back to basics, best episode in a long time and the cherry on top, no Iris.
EstebanMendez-8 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nora. No Iris. Godspeed. No Iris. Killer Frost. No Iris. Running sequences around the city. No Iris. Slow mo fighting scenes. No Iris. Gideon. No Iris.

Best episode in a long time with The Flash finally focusing and being what it supposed to be. No feelings attached or trash talk and the best thing of all the episode, No Iris whatsoever.
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haadiyausman9 July 2021
Iris wasn't there. 10/10. Finally Barry is the main focus. You know cause the show is called 'the flash'.
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If you dont like the flash why you still watching it.
brian0319079 July 2021
So i have loved the flash from start til now its probably going to be ending soon anyways since everyone wants out. Everyone on here thats so negative doesn't get that the whole season builds off each episode and tells a story, yes we all have opinions but its also one of the least political shows to watch and has really good stories and family friendly with yes some hiccups that could ne better but damn just enjoy the show. Not everything is always going to have fighting action.
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Speedster Civil War
RahulM0073 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After more than a year without any Godspeed material, season 7 finally turns the focus on him. The fifteenth episode of the seventh season titled "Enemy at the Gates" felt refreshing after three consecutive filler episodes (aka the interlude). While it was not the best episode of the season, it still stands out and sets up the Godspeed arc. It seems like the multiple Godspeed clones are trying to fight for the ultimate throne. Who is controlling them, though? How long will graphic novel 4 last?

The Allegra and Esperanza aka Ultraviolet subplot was the weakest part of the episode. Considering l was one of the few people who actually enjoyed the Allegra centric episode, this week's subplot felt unnecessary and poorly placed. It would have fitted more in episode 14.

The Mark Blaine and Frost subplot was probably one of the best parts (apart from the Godspeed scenes) of the episode. I love Mark's overzealous attitude and his charisma. He should really become a temporary member of Team Flash. Frost and Mark's witty back and forth banter always cracks me up.

Allegra constantly referring to Chester as Chuck is a running gag this season. Some people don't get that this is intended as comedic relief. It should not be taken seriously.

Barry's attempt at hiding Iris's pregnancy turned out to be unsuccessful. I loved how he interacted with Cecile and Chester. Much to Barry's dismay, Chester eavesdropped on his conversation with Iris. I think the moment where Cecile asks Barry what's in the brown bag was improvised by Grant Gustin. Iris was absent for two episodes. It was not particularly noticeable because she was mentioned numerous times by Barry. It felt quite awkward and strange when he was talking to Iris in the loft and she did not answer back.

To conclude, the fourth graphic novel is off to to a terrific start. I'm enthused for the next three episodes and wonder how the Godspeed arc is going to be wrapped up in such a short time span.

Final verdict: 9.5/10.
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jkevinpeter30 June 2021
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After the whole forces arc I knew that godspeed would kick things off. A godspeed civil war with Central City as ground zero-it doesn't get much better than that.
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Pretty good, at least in comparison to the rough ride of the series so far
pemigewasset683 September 2021
Series seven has suffer the same fate as our hero; unexpected disasters coming out of nowhere, a dizzying sea of troubles assailing them. The disease rampant through the world interfered with the flow, significant cast changes, & it's taking a while to find it's feet and hit its stride again, but the flash battles on figuratively and literally.

Filming schedules disrupted. Major cast members bowing out. Writers and producers scrambling to fill the holes and cover the gaps.

Were the other episodes bad? No, not really. Modest by necessity perhaps, but OK. The problem is the series was hoist with its own petard; we've come to expect so much, taking what could be done in the presence of life-threatening disease was a bit of a letdown. But now we're back with the bread and circuses the public craves! Only... ... only it almost feels like now they're trying too hard. Like now we're going to be assaulted with a barrage of 'grab them by the tear ducts and heartstrings and don't let go!' It feels like they were going to try to cram all the edge-of-the-seat nailbiting dramatic tension they can into the remaining episodes and hope for an 'Old-Faithful-at-Yellowstone' eruption at the end. It's like supernatural not being able to be satisfied with interesting characters and creatures and their histories, so the series staggered from one mega disaster to the next.

I don't know. I think it's like doing acrobatic tricks while jumping the shark. I think with Valdes' & Cavanaugh's departure, The fat lady is warming up in the wings. I will enjoy it for the rest of the time it's on, but at this point it's almost like a compulsion, or a habit.
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