- A night of debauchery threatens a sexually abstinent student's college standing.
- A Freshman College Girl on a scholarship from an abstinence group that advocates saving sex until marriage discovers that her antics on a night of debauchery, when she reluctantly got drunk for the first time in her life, were captured on camera by a sleazy video producer. Now she and her friends must travel across country to recover the incriminating footage.—Anonymous
- A Freshman at Pennington College, Priscilla White (Jenna Dewan) is on a scholarship from an abstinence group that advocates saving sex until marriage. Priscilla is dating Brad (Ben Marten) from her town, and both are trying out a long-distance relationship. Her parents are the super conservative Harold (Michael Dailey) & mom. Mary (Bridgette Pechman) is her mentor from the abstinence group. At college Priscilla meets Chuck (Chase Ryan Jeffery). His friends include Kevin (Elan Moss-Bachrach) and Eileen (Ashley Schneider), who are dating each other. She is roommates with Naz (Brianne Davis), who has the reputation of never graduating (this is her 7th year at college). Naz is a bad ass, who drinks and smokes pot and has a huge dildo available in her carry bag (which Priscilla is allowed to borrow).
Ed Curtzman (Rob Schneider) is the producer of "Girls gone Wild" raunchy videos and he visits Brad's town, while she is away, in his production camper, looking for new material. Priscilla requests a room change as Naz is busy with 2 guys and a girl in her bed at the same time. Chuck pursues Priscilla, but she resists saying that she has a boyfriend. Naz finds out that Priscilla is on a virgin scholarship. Ed swings by Pennington college for the Gamma party. Naz tells Priscilla that nobody likes her and that depresses her. TO top that Brad is not picking up his phone (he is having his own fun). Priscilla can't sleep due to the noise and shows up at the party. Naz gets her to calm down and gives her Jello (without telling her those are Jello shots). Priscilla becomes drunk. Curtzman continues to promote his show and films Priscilla (wearing a moose head) topless. A title says Priscilla is now 69% pure.
She discovers that her antics on a night of debauchery (She removed her bra and danced naked with a moose head covering her face), when she reluctantly got drunk for the first time in her life, were captured on camera by Ed and his crew. Priscilla is livid as she will lose her scholarship and will have to drop out of college if the abstinence group sees her video. Chuck wants to get into her good books (& her pants) and offers to take her to Ed (who is supposed to be in Detroit for Oktoberfest) so that she can ask him to return her video back to her. Kevin, chuck, Naz and Priscilla get on the road trip.
Now she and her friends must travel across country to recover the incriminating footage. She decides to travel to Detroit on Oktoberfest, with Naz, Kevin and Chuck, to recover the footage from Curtzman. On the way even more weird things happen to her. Ed was staying at the same hotel as Priscilla (in Detroit for Oktoberfest), but they missed him. Ed is a father himself. Naz takes Priscilla to a strip club, as that's where Ed is likely to be. Priscilla ends up getting a "service" from one of the male strippers and she likes it. A title says she is now 47% pure. Next Naz feeds Priscilla a "special" brownie. As a result, she gets up at night, runs into Ed (who she doesn't recognize), and gets into his room and ends up giving a hand job to Ed's assistant Rudy (Bo Burnham). A title says she is now 25% pure.
Finally, Naz spots Ed in the hotel and Priscilla asks for her video back, but Ed refuses saying Priscilla should be proud of her body. Naz suggests breaking into Ed's trailer to steal the tapes, but Ed finds them, and they have to run. Priscilla finds Brad in Detroit and follows him and finds him having sex with Mary. Priscilla's whole world comes crashing down. Her boyfriend and her mentor are true hypocrites.
Priscilla gets drunk and wants to have sex with Chuck, but he refuses saying that he doesn't want to take advantage of a drunk girl. Chuck had found the photo of Ed's daughter in the trailer. Priscilla goes away in a huff, determined to get laid. Naz calms her down and says that whatever she decides should be her own choice and nobody else's.
Chuck tells Priscilla that Ed is going for the world record of titty flash that night. The gang heads there. Chuck tells Ed's daughter Becca (Sarah Habel) the entire story and she comes to help Priscilla. Ed is confronted by Becca and Priscilla. Becca defends her saying that Ed is taking advantage of vulnerable girls. Ed calls Priscilla a b***h. Becca, overhearing the conversation, becomes angry with her father and Becca flashes him. As Ed berates Priscilla, Becca hooks up his microphone to the PA system and the entire auditorium of girls listen to how Ed thinks of them as sexual objects and nothing more. Ed walks out to a hostile reception. He is stripped and groped in all places with the incident being videotaped by Rudy.
A week later, Priscilla is seen to have become close friends with Naz. She flirts with Chuck, and learns he too is a virgin. She receives a package containing the CD footage of the party at Pennington, sent by Rudy, and learns that she was not, after all, the topless girl, as she is seen vomiting beside the camera. Naz, Eileen and Kevin give her a lecture about condom use and she has a romantic evening with Chuck, both having sex for the first time. Naz (finally graduating) is seen with Kevin, hearing Priscilla's screams while having sex in the other room. The movie ends with Naz breaking the fourth wall to say, "I wonder what Mary Margaret would say now?", while a title says that Priscilla is 0% pure but 100% satisfied ... eventually.
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