14 of 39 found this mild
Characters go into a room with naked male statues. This scene is action packed so it's difficult to see the front of these statues. They show this room, multiple times.
A joke is made about a man that had something vibrating in his bag. He then claims it was a toy for his kids to which someone remarks he doesn't have any kids.
One tender, romantic kiss; one kiss with tongues exaggerated for comic effect.
12 of 20 found this moderate
A tremendous amount of hand-to-hand violence, people beaten, hit over the head with heavy objects, stabbed or sliced with knives, thrown into walls, and knocked unconscious. One person is murdered by a gunshot to the head at close range but we don't see the impact or the victim afterward.
A person is poisoned and nearly dies.
A vehicle is rammed to make it stop.
A threat of nuclear terrorism drives the plot.
15 of 39 found this moderate
Use of the word "f*cker"
About 40 words including "fuck" and "oh my god".
About 10 misuses of God's name.
5 uses of sh-t, 5 uses of a-s, 2 uses of b--ch, 1 use of d--ck, 1 use of f-ck.
19 of 24 found this mild
Teen drinking; some fake beer and some real. No one shown drunk.
11 of 20 found this moderate
A person is shown drowning.
We see a person trying to disarm a bomb as the timer approaches zero.