I really wanted to like this show, and to be fair, for the most part I do like the show. I like flowers and the premise of making things from them. I for the most part really liked seeing what the contestants made. Unfortunately that is part of the problem with this show. You don't get to see what everyone makes, I didn't even know all the contestants until the second episode because they just weren't shown. If you are going to have a contest you need to show all the contestants and you need to show what they made. At the end of the first episode you only saw them judge 4 of the sculptures I believe and there were 10 teams. What is the point of having a competition show when you don't get to see all the competition? Really that is my only problem with the show, but it is a major and almost unforgivable one. Who seriously thought that was a good idea? The most interesting part of the show and they aren't showing it? I guess it is a nice show to put on in the background, but unless they change that then I will not turn in for another season.