Soul Masters: Dr. Guo and Dr. Sha (Video 2008) Poster

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Revolutionary Healers
mary-7753 June 2008
The movie "Soul Masters" features the revolutionary work of Dr. Zhi Gang Sha and his mentor Dr. Zhi Chen Guo. In their quest to serve humanity these men have brought ancient spiritual healing techniques to society and expounded on them.

The movie gives you insight into Dr. Guo's clinic in China where herbs, tongue diagnosis, fire massage, and transformational healing are used to treat people with incurable and chronic diseases. The foundation of all treatment is to heal the soul which empowers people to heal themselves. It is refreshing to see these techniques available to humanity.

Since I have seen the movie I have used many of Dr. Sha's teachings to heal my physical body and my relationships. I have a much deeper understanding of how all things are connected on a spiritual level and the role I play in unity.

These humble and loving masters have so much to offer to people. I highly recommend that you see the movie to learn more about them. It will change your life.
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The heart and soul relationship of two Master Healers
lkohuang2 June 2008
Soul Masters is an incredibly beautiful and inspiring movie. This true story brings to light the kinds of miracles that these two Soul Masters perform in the service of humanity. The filmmaker, Sandy Zeig, begins by telling the story of her father's healing. Then she tells of her trip to China with Zhi Gang Sha and other students, to visit his teacher Master Chi Chen Guo.

Much of the film takes place in China, in a small city, a few hours by car south of Beijing. The viewer is treated to scenes of Master Guo healing clinic. The light, energy, and love of his healers and students revealed in each frame of the movie captivate the audience.

When Master Sha introduces and speaks to his teacher, his love, devotion and gratitude are apparent in his eyes and very gestures. This love of disciple and teacher is so very touching. It is an example we in the West need, for so often, we do not appreciate our teachers and mentors enough.

As a woman, I particularly loved the role Mrs. Guo plays in the film. Master Guo has five daughters. In traditional China, and still today, male children are preferred. Mrs. Guo tells of the birth of the daughters, and how she and Master Guo loved each successive daughter even more. Today, the whole family works together, serving patients at the clinic. It is a wonderful family story.

Master Sha and Master Guo come from a lineage of Taoist Masters, who hold metaphysical secrets of health and longevity. These two soul masters represent the spiritual essence and the finest aspects of Chinese culture and civilization. This spiritual essence has a long history and tradition, extending back to the ancient ancestors who knew and lived the Tao.

The movie shows scenes of Master Guo instructing Master Sha. These scenes give us a glimpse of the closeness of master and disciple. They are filled with love, gratitude and affection. We also sense the many years of dedication to practice in order to accomplish a divine task.

The later part of the movies shows Master Sha in the West as he performs many healing sessions. There are several miracles which are amazing and uplifting to witness. We walk away from the movie, healed, amazed, and uplifted. Our hearts and minds are open and we feel the love of the Divine.
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Powerful Movie
donna-4424 June 2008
I recently had the opportunity to view the documentary Soul Masters Dr. Guo and Dr. Sha. Soul Masters is a profound and powerful film that reveals ancient yet simple teachings and practices that have the power to transform and heal every aspect of one's life. As I watched the film more than once, I find that the teachings speak to me in new ways each time I viewed the film.

Teachings on the power of the soul are amazing and the impact that soul healing had on many of the participants worthy of another viewing. I am convinced that this documentary will remain the go to source for soul wisdom and teachings of the soul for generations to come.

The film is filled with love, healing and transformation. A powerful tool of transformation.

Donna Schmidt Honolulu, HI
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Soul Masters Movie
bw-139 June 2008
I have had the great privilege of studying under two great spiritual masters, Master Zhi Gang Sha and Master Zhi Chen Guo. They are both medical doctors and great healers. Master Guo developed an incredible healing system called Body Space Medicine. I saw many people in Dr. Guo's clinic in China who had recovered from cancer. Master Sha, a disciple of Master Guo, is an incredible master in his own right. His ability to give spiritual transmissions and downloads is phenomenal. One night I saw Master Sha give a healing to a very large woman who could barely walk. After the healing, she was walking almost normally. Master Sha gave several other very impressive healings that night. The new Soul Masters movie is a heart-touching story of the journey of these two masters. It is a very inspiring and informative movie. I highly recommend it to you. For more information, see
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Soul Masters movie follow up
injoyiamchristine31 October 2008
Every time I watch SOUL MASTERS movie with others they immediately want to know how they can receive this healing. Some want to jump on a plane and visit Dr. Guo's clinic in China. Others want to know how they can meet Dr. Sha. For many it is often the catalyst for a healing journey filled with hope. For those who watch the movie and are seeking a way to develop the skills portrayed there, I suggest reading the newly released paperback, SOUL COMMUNICATION by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha. This book offers teachings and practices which can help anyone to develop the abilities shown in the film. What appears to be miraculous in the movie will become part of daily life by using this book to open spiritual channels. I offer this suggestion to anyone whose heart is touched by watching the movie and who may be wondering what they can do next. For those of you who do follow through and develop your soul communication abilities perhaps one day others will want to make a movie about you!
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Experience the healing and teachings just from viewing this movie
JanisMcN9 June 2008
Memories flooded back to me as I first viewed the Soul Masters Documentary of a most remarkable time when I was privileged to go to China and study with both Master Guo and Master Sha. I experienced first hand the healing and teachings you see in this movie. Just watching the movie brought me back to the light and messages that were shared in both visits to China in 2005. I have since shared this movie with many others and they have felt the same sense of wonder and excitement of being introduced to these teachings and incredible Masters. I urge everyone to treat himself or herself to this healing experience by viewing the Soul Masters Documentary.

The movie can be viewed or purchased at: &
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There Is No Greater Tool!
dawn-fusco21 November 2008
Soul Masters is the most heart touching film I have ever seen. I have seen it more than a half a dozen times and still want to watch it again and again. If after watching the film you still yearn for more, let me recommend Master Sha's Soul Communication book. I first read Soul Communication when it came out in hard cover and I am thrilled to see it out in paperback so it will be readily available to the masses. If you want to open your spiritual channels and communicate with the soul world, this is the perfect book to tell you how to do that. Simple and straight forward practices show you how to do the job!

My soul language and my direct soul communication channels have opened and I have daily conversations with the Divine and the soul world. I cannot tell you how exciting and amazing it is to receive daily wisdom to guide my life. There is no greater tool!
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Soul Masters Is A Most Inspiring Movie!
kff4823 November 2008
Soul Masters is a most inspiring movie! You can just feel the compassion of these two great healers as you watch the movie. You know they are motivated to heal the suffering of humanity. No doubt about it! After seeing the movie a number of times I realized that I wanted to learn more. What I found is an amazing book by Master Sha called "Soul Communication." It teaches the reader to open their spiritual channels in order to communicate with the soul world and the Divine. A most inspiring read, just as the movie was inspiring. I highly recommend both the book and the movie! They will both change your life forever!
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Soul Masters is a treasure
sb3312 April 2010
Soul Masters is a treasure of a film. The relationship between Dr. Sha and Dr. Guo is clearly one of love and honor. These two masters share their life's work and devotion along with sacred wisdoms and practises for all of us to follow. I am inspired by the service and sacrifice that they have committed to in order to help others heal. I was fortunate to have been in China at Dr. Guo's clinic during the time of the filming of Soul Masters. The sincerity of these two teachers and their students is heart warming. All worked day and night to serve those in need. The combined physical and spiritual healing offered created great success for the patients. I have practised with the knowledge and teachings contained within Dr. Sha's books with great benefit. I highly recommend seeing Soul Masters as an introduction to the world of soul healing.
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Soul Masters will touch your heart
laserjeff22 June 2008
Soul Masters is a beautiful movie that demonstrates the amazing healing powers of these two masters (as well as their students). They also explain the revolutions occurring in the way we perceive and treat sickness. It also opens the way we can perceive ourselves and others. Many deep secrets are revealed in this movie which have never been open to the public. The healing techniques discussed in this movie were being taught primarily in China and the U.S., but Master Sha has now become accessible almost anywhere in the world. Miracles are a common thing for Master Sha and those who practice his teachings. It is a privilege to watch this movie.
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Fantastic book
nina339681523 July 2008
Dear Friends, My name is Nina Sidorova. I strongly recommend a wonderful book called Soul Communication written by an amazing doctor and spiritual master, Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, or as his students call him, Master Sha. This book will transform your life. This book will teach you

  • how to communicate with the soul world,

  • how to ask and a receive communication from any soul, including your spiritual

teachers, favorite Saints, or from people who are not longer with us.

  • how to heal and rejuvenate yourself.

You will also learn from this book that your body has not just one soul, but a soul for each organ, each major system; and for each cell. Fantastic book!!! Please read it and you will receive a teaching of the new Soul Light Era. I love all of you, and one more time I really, really recommend this fantastic book!
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Not to be missed.
alexkiszewski3 June 2008
This documentary is not to be classified as mere entertainment.That would belittle the intention of this film.It has the power to inspire, heal, transform, and guide the viewer on the deepest levels.Watching it more than once is highly recommended to really comprehend the impact of what these highly advanced masters are saying and practicing in the film.Their compassion and selflessness is so heart-touching.You cannot be uninvolved on a deep level after seeing Soul Masters.I have been to retreats with these masters and they are genuine healers.And devoted to their students as well.I can't recommend Soul Masters enough.Get this DVD.Share it with all.It has the power to transform!
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An amazing film
jaforsyth1 June 2008
In a time filled with instability and the earth expressing her displeasure, we seem to need a new way to heal ourselves and humanity. The film Soul Masters has example after example how the impossible is suddenly possible, how the incurable can be cured, how ONE can heal MANY. This film illustrates how each of us has the ability to heal. The movie is filmed primarily in China. Dr. Guo was acknowledged by the Chinese government for assisting in stopping the spread of SARS. The movie documents the path Dr. Sha took in finding his teacher and mentor Dr. Guo. They are both are humble, kind and incomparable healers! I would call this a must see film for everyone.
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Healing available to all
peggy-1109 June 2008
I have been able to view this film several times. I agree that these two men are remarkable healers. I liked that the film showed them in China as well as the US. The depth of their work is amazing. I was very touched by the stories of those who have experienced the healing work first hand. This takes place in China and the UN and in Hawaii. It truly doesn't matter who you are or where you are, the healing is available to all. The gentleman in the UN conference was so surprised by the results of the healing blessing he received. I felt as though I was right there in the room with him. I am grateful that this film is helping get out the message of these healers. We all need more healing.
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Master Healers
brachas3 June 2008
If you want to be transported to a wise and wonderful world where bodies and souls are transformed with the wave of a hand ... "Soul Masters" is a movie that chronicles the personal journeys and amazing capabilities of Doctor and Master Zhi Chen Guo and Doctor and Master Zhi Gang Sha. It is a very interesting and well done film that transports you into their very special world. Master Guo has been credited with containing the SARS epidemic in China. Master Sha travels worldwide to enlighten, heal and transform bodies and souls. Their healings are profound and come from Love. I highly recommend everyone view "Soul Masters" to learn more and experience a glimpse of the lives of these two remarkable healers.
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Wow... transformational movie!!
laserjockrock9 June 2008
This movie is not only touching and entertaining, but also inspiring as to what's possible in the union of Eastern and Western traditions coming together.

All of us are interested in Healing, and I believe that this movie can give us all better access of how to heal and empower ourselves. What could be more valuable.

Also very touching is seeing a modern-day master, and his relationship to *his* master! This is something that Westerners may not easily understand, but perhaps an access to new learnings that we were not able to see before.

Highly, highly recommended!
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Soul Masters is a powerful film
santaufo2 June 2008
The depth, wisdom and quality of the teaching and healing work depicted in this movie is exceptional. Film maker Sande Zeig, takes the viewer on an extraordinary journey into the very hearts and souls of Master Sha and Master Guos work and what it means to be a healer, teacher, doctor and so much more. These rare Masters share deep spiritual wisdom and secrets openly to the viewer. There is amazing footage of fire massage, self-healing techniques, meditation and herbal medicine. Patients are interviewed who were healed of conditions considered incurable in the west who attended Master Guo's clinic in China. Watching the movie Soul Masters is a heart touching experience.
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a movie no one should miss on a spiritual journey
vincentcasano143 June 2008
This is an amazing blessing to all those that view this movie with an open heart and soul. Master Sha has transformed my life. I have gone from physical weakness, depression, emotional and mental blockages, and a soul that was crying for help. Now I no longer play my negative tapes, I am happy, making friends, starting a new business, the blessings our beyond my understanding. Master Sha is God's servant, a master healer that no one should ignore. I can not believe how much my life has been transformed in the past month. The blessings have been countless in the past month. This movie will touch your heart and soul. If it does, please read his books, listen to his teleclasses, go to his work shops, and retreats. This is the real deal a living master healer with God at his side. Learn to open your spiritual channels, learn to heal any sickness.
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See how these masters cure the incurable. Amazing and touching!
steve-fusco21 November 2008
Begin with the documentary and then move to Master Sh'a teachings. One of the many books that Master Sha has brought to us is Soul Communications. Read it. It provided me with simple but profound teachings and practical exercises that I use everyday for improved energy and health. This book also provided me with a "spiritual road map" to help me to become more connected with my true self and God. If you are seeking a greater peace within yourself, this book will provide you the means to achieve this precious gift.

Master Sha teaches us how to heal ourselves and others. The techniques are very simple. We all struggle in our own ways as we live our lives but we no longer need to be a victim. Master Sha teaches us that the root cause of our physical, mental, or emotional issues comes from spiritual blockages. The student learns to open their spiritual channels to discover and heal these blockages. It truly is life transforming because you become empowered to heal yourself and also to finally discover what you have been searching for in your spiritual journey.
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This is a very enlightening film.
dianegiv4 June 2008
There are many forms of healers on Mother Earth at this time, but there are two who have done a combined 50 years extensive study on exactly how the body heals. In the documentary movie, "Soul Masters", Dr. Guo and Dr. Sha take you on the journey of soul healing.

This movie takes you on the incredible healing journey of many who were incurable, the containing of the Sars virus, and many forms of healing physical injuries. This healing is now being taught around the world by Master Sha and his students. These two Dr.'s and Masters share all their secrets of the power of the soul and anyone, and every one can do this healing. It is not limited to only doctors. You only need to believe you have soul. The motto is: Heal the soul first. The mind and body will follow. I had the incredible opportunity to go, as a student, to Master Guo's hospital in China in 2005, when this film was made. I was taught daily by Master Guo, experienced the healing, and felt for myself, the incredible care, compassion and love that is given to his patients. Master Sha has brought that love, care, and compassion to us, in this country and every country he teaches in. His knowledge is shared freely and he encourages his students to heal, learn, and grow and share what we know with every one else. I invite you to please view this movie. Go to I am eternally grateful that I have come to know and study with these two Master's. Heal the Soul first, the mind and body will follow.
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Uplifting, Inspiring, Amazing
sfjenny22 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Soul Masters What an uplifting and inspiring film. I am amazed and in awe of these two healers, Dr. Guo and Dr. Sha. Their dedication to the poor and to the sick around the world is exhilarating. This is a wonderful introduction to these two healers, Dr. Guo and Dr. Sha and the work they do. It is a wonderful addition to Dr. Sha's book Soul Widsom. The film and the book emphasize how you can heal yourself and others and all aspects of your life. You can learn a chant that will allow you healing energy to flow. You will see how easily people are healed by Dr. Guo and Dr. Sha. The dedication of the practitioners at the clinics is such a beautiful sight. It is wonderful to hear Dr. Sha appreciate western medicine and see that there is place for all.
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Amazing healing secrets accessible to everyone
premrichards2 June 2008
For anyone with an interest in healing or who has a need to heal this movie is a must see. Master Sha and Master Guo are brining to the world wonderful healing techniques and insights to heal and enlighten. Join Master Sha as he provides a glimpse into the healing center for one of the worlds leading healers, Master Guo. Master Guo is credited with stemming the Sars virus in China. Together, Master Sha and Master Guo are revealing powerful self healing techniques that when put into practice realize amazing results. After seeing the movie I attended a workshop and have been thrilled with what I have learned. It seems that Master Guo is the go-to guy when almost all hope is lost. It is important for everyone to become aware of his work. I have never been to China, and I am very excited to gain this insight into this world of mystery.
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Your Soul's choice of movie
jlremis8 June 2008
Soul Masters movie is the top movie that your soul would pick for you to watch. You will find out about the journey of your soul and how to make your soul happy: unconditional service. More blessings will be bestowed upon you from watching this film: you will experience an opening of your heart, you will understand the connection between soul blockage and illness of the mind, emotions, and body; you can understand the value of working with an appropriate spiritual teacher; and many more that are specific to you. Get this movie right away! You soul will thank you for it. I thank profusely Master Sha and Master Guo for making this film
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Excellent movie
scott2008123 May 2010
I have watched the movie many times. And each time when I watch it, I get 'A-Ha' moment. Have to say, to see the movie is in the process of healing and moving forward on the spiritual journey. The movie introduced the basic of soul and soul world seems not far from you, from me and from every body. But we need dedicate ourselves to make achievement. The process may be bitter sometimes, but eventually after we gain the purity, we will enjoy so much! The power of soul can make things happen. The movie gives us some examples on how to gain the soul power like opening the third eye. It emphasizes the services. To serve others is the purpose of life. From beginning to the end, two masters heals and helps many people. Watch it. You can get something to yourself. And you will have many 'A-Ha' moment also.
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Master Sha
ninasid3 June 2008
Soul Wisdom book by Master Sha Dear Friends, my name is Nina, and only two months ago I attended a workshop in San Francisco where I met a wonderful spiritual master and Doctor, Master Sha, who healed me. After this meeting many miracles happened in my life. This experience helped me to start to learn Master Sha's teaching. I read a few book and took a few classes. One of the most amazing of Master Sha's books is Soul Wisdom. I really, really recommend to you this book. Lean how to heal yourself and others! Learn how to communicate with other souls, improve your relationships, financial issues, etc. Learn how to help yourself, others you love, and humanity. By reading this book you can learn that the soul has ability to be in charge and direct the mind. Master Sha's main statement is "SOUL HEALING IS TO HEAL THE SOUL FIRST. WHEN YOU HEAL THE SOUL, THE HEALING OF MIND AND BODY WILL FOLLOW!" Dear Friends, read this book. I love all of you, and wish all of you health, wealth, and happiness!!!
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