Unsellable Houses (TV Series 2019– ) Poster

(2019– )

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susanashland2 June 2021
OMG. Too much verbage from the dark-haired twin. Take a breath PLEASE. I have to mute the show to watch the whole thing.
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Enjoy this show!
haoleangel-1351826 March 2022
Love the area, and the twins are fun to watch! Enjoy their renovations and discussions about style. Even their bickering is fun.

It is nice to see how houses can be transformed.
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Lots to like, but hard to believe
debbiewillis-4118527 December 2022
I really like this show as it has a lot of great cost-effective renovation ideas. Another of my favourite shows is a UK show "The House That £100K Built". Wish there were more shows like these because they are more "real world" than other reno shows that work with higher budgets or undisclosed budgets.

I find the budgets on this show hard to believe though. Whole house reno including kitchen, bathrooms, removing walls, paint, carpet and floorboards for $60K does not seem realistic. Especially with the explosion in building costs over past two years. I work for a builder and there is no way we could do the works portrayed for the budgets cited on this show. Nor could they be done in four weeks, which is the typical stated timeframe.

If it is true then I would imagine it would mean cheap materials and the workers are a crew of staff (rather than contractors) working full-time. This wouldn't work for most homeowners, who would need to hire contractors, wait for them to be available for each component of work and pay retail rates for labour and materials to do something like this.

Having said that, still think it's a great show for the ideas aspect, would just take the budgets with a grain of salt.
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drednm20 August 2020
How phony can you get? These twins whiz into a house and and redecorate and then sell it, splitting the profits with the owners.

It's all cosmetics. They never deal with any structural problems, roofs, leaking plumbing, etc. With a minimum of interior construction, the majority of their "work" is all smoke and mirrors ... or in their case, pillows and wall hangings.

And they talk and talk and talk. They might be even worse than that mother/daughter show. They don't actually DO anything.
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Great show!
wmwtramp11 September 2020
I love the concept of this show! These realtors have great ideas and what a business plan! I like their insight into what it takes to sell average homes. I love it - more, please!
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twylamaclin11 June 2022
Love love love the show. The girls are so sweet and adorable. I love that they get along so well and I love how they incorporate their family and friends into the show. I even more love their business plan. The way they use their money up front for the renovation is brilliant and absolutely unique compared to any renovation show. They actually help people who may not have money upfront to complete upgrades that would help sell their homes. NO OTHER SHOW PROVIDES THIS!

Ladies keep doing your thing. You're not annoying or like anyone else in the business. You twins have a show that stands far far ahead of any other HGTV SHOW!
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pmmontelongo22 June 2021
This season it seems as if these ladies are trying so hard to be funny and entertaining that it becomes annoying. They are so into each other that they are losing site of what this show is about. I feel sorry for Jeff, they constantly interrupt him when he tries to talk to them. Leslie is so annoying! Ladies, stick to your job and leave the cuteness at home. You can be entertaining but keep it simple. I do think they have great style especially when it comes to the staging of the homes.
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dhubbard-1000313 November 2022
Can't believe all the negative reviews. My sister and I are Realtors and we love watching this show. My husband who is a contractor has even gotten into watching it with me. The fact is we also live in the Pacific Nortwest makes it fun to watch. No better place to live! Love seeing the local vibe on all these cities and towns we have been to. The VW's they have are quite impressive and look so fun!

There so funny and love the sister bantering. They do an amazing job on these homes and the extra money made, made these home owners extremely happy. Don't watch if it upsets you. Love watching it!
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Great idea. For me, hosts make this unwatchable.
alan-3697514 December 2023
I so wanted to like this show. Great premise. Unfortunately, the two hosts are way worse than nails on a chalkboard. Specifically, I don't buy the over-the-top enthusiasm and abhor Lyndsay's sing/song vocal delivery of nearly every sentence. I started by watching two episodes and hated it by the second one. Being as kind as I can, the two of them just do not resonate with me. I kept hoping some reviews/comments/feedback would cause adjustments, but I found the two later episodes I watched even worse....in addition to the annoying enthusiasm and vocal delivery, a fair amount of condescending know-it-all came to light. Ugh. It's so painful. Different hosts and I'd watch it for sure.
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Love this show!
beckeo-913-1658795 January 2021
I'm looking forward to new episodes. (What a fabulous business model.) The girls' personalities are so cute! They provide the sellers with straightforward advice to help them realize their end goals and sell their previously-unsold homes. Great show!
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2021 season highlights what makes these twins unwatchable
jeffdstockton13 May 2021
The newest season - 2021 - has revealed even more what makes these two sisters so painfully annoying to endure. They don't talk, they screech. AND they don't let other people talk (e. G. Jeff their contractor). They seem so insular to each other's company, and their own narrow perspective - and arrogance - that they barely listen to anyone else.

Unfortunately, the exposure that HGTV/ Discovery has given them seems to have driven them to ever worse attempts at being entertaining - or displaying their 'personalities'.

Their so-called design skills are virtually non-existent. Their jobs are to sell these properties, and to do so quickly. So, they slap-dash the layout changes and 'inprovements', and stage with same junk from their warehouse in house after house after house, almost irrespective of prospective buyer population.

Buyers should be very cautious about properties that are sold and 'renovated' by these two. And viewers should be prepared to suffer many STFU moments in each half-hour episode, before HGTV finally decides to pull the plug on this ego project. It is terrible, and getting worse.
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Take Precaution
kasivaltos19 March 2024
I recently watched an episode where you worked on Pam And Jeff's house. In the episode Lyndsay refinished a door using stripper. She wasn't wearing a mask. That led me to share this cautionary tale. My mom was recently diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. She never smoked a day in her life. She did own a refinishing and antique company for a few years about 30 years ago. She used stripper like Lyndsay, used stains, and sprayed lacquer. She never wore a mask. We are certain that she has the lung cancer because she didn't take precautions and wear a mask. Please always wear a mask and work in a room that is well ventilated. Encourage those you work with to do the same. My mom is doing ok but her treatment plan will take 3 years so she is not out of the woods. Keep up your amazing work!
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zbwyws23 May 2021
Absolutely Love the show! Can't believe it left the air! So bummed! Loved the design aesthetic. You All were amazing! Wish it would come back!
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Who wouldn't love them?
danieljasoncarpenter31 August 2020
Between the style, the fun, the heart and the humor it's impossible not to live these two ladies as they delight in serving their clients and making sure that everybody wins.

Love it!
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How did these two get a show? Really painful to watch
sherryginevra16 January 2022
I had never heard of this show until today, but within 5 minutes of watching I found myself googliing 'Unsellable Houses obnoxious'. I wanted to see if others shared my views on how cringeworthy it is to listen to these women and how poor the show is, and indeed I found I am not alone in my opinion.

It is my distinct preference to give praise rather than criticism, but this show is so unpleasant that I wish I had been spared from even being exposed to it. I generally love property renovation and makeover shows which I have watched avidly for many years: I also am from the Pacific Northwest and spent years there renovating houses and working in Real Estate. I now live in the UK and this show could have been something right up my street to delight me, but I found nothing delightful. These women's voices and demeanor seem so unpleasant to me and so obnoxious that I feel embarrassed that the show has come here.

Disappointment also comes from the fact that these houses (well the two that I saw in my few minutes of watching) were not at all 'unsellable'. All that seems to happen is there are some minor changes made and decoration and staging done on houses that aren't the wrecks one would expect them to be given the title, and put back up for sale in a very hot market.

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Variety from the usual
cdmika-7491420 July 2021
I'm amazed by some of these reviews. Either love them or hate them I guess. I actually enjoy this show. It offers variety from the usual same design shows using the same premise over and over. The first season is always a little less polished but that's what makes them human and likable in my opinion.
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Perpetuation Of Uninspired, Cringe-Worthy "Renovation"
GlenjaminX7 July 2021
Watching this show is reminiscent of looking at my pictures from middle school. I had zero life experience and had no idea what I was doing. Similarly, these two ladies seem to believe that slapping gaudy, bright visual elements on homes somehow suddenly makes them many times better and more sellable.

I just watched an episode called "Mid-Mod Oasis," where they took a beautiful little home that "wouldn't sell," made cheap and ugly additions and now there are dozens of offers. Please don't insult our intelligence. This is precisely the kind of garbage that has driven me away from HGTV.
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Totally LOVE this show!!!
lindagabriel-3818725 May 2022
I have to wonder why more realtor/contractor combinations don't use this business plan. The negative comments take for granted that all owners have the time, upfront money, or decorative abilities to take on pre-sell renovations. The sisters fill a necessary gap. I wish they'd franchise nationally.
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Unbelievably annoying.
wilbur-3995110 May 2022
Why do these 2 have a show? Cringeworthy obnoxiousness. They make me change the channel every time. Had to ff past them on Rock the Block just to get through the show.
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Love this show and the girls!
lori-5828623 February 2021
This show has moved into my favorite top 3 shows, with Hometown and Restoring Galveston. I love so much about this show! The girls have unique personalities that are simultaneously serious and whimsical- which is rare! Usually serious people are not fun, but these girls are a riot to watch. I can see why they are insanely successful realtors in their area because of their energy and skill. Their taste and end results are excellent. The transformations are incredible and the produces do a good job with the "before and after" shots. I appreciate that the majority of their projects are middle-income homes. The show is 30 minutes long and that's perfect in length for this show. I'm thankful they tell you the final sell-price at the end of every show and show the break-down of the profits with the owners. I love to see the surprised and happy faces when they tell them what it sold for. It's like a Cinderella story in house form. And the VW bus is just awesome. I hope they acquire a rainbow fleet of buses over the life of the show! I'm anxious for season two!
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I like this show
jayxtwo-37-11085622 June 2022
The twins are a bit quirky at times, but I just laugh. Jeff has opened up more and pushes back nicely when they are asking the unreasonable. I enjoy the banter about VWs as well.

Others have reviewed it negatively and not being a renovation show. There are plenty of shows that do more renovating, but their's is a different plan for making changes and everyone making money. Not everyone has the extra cash to give up to get the work started.
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Not cute
lmsparkie5 May 2022
The sisters' cutesy routine is tiresome and annoying and their designs are boring. If you've seen one episode you've seen them all. HGTV designs in general can be very repetitive but this show is the worst.
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zbwyws26 June 2021
Excellent Show. What a delight to watch to twins making lots of money doing what they love. They have such a great knack for design. KEEP GINGER!! Love watching the girls drive them around!
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ttincha23 June 2021
Is HGTV so desperate for shows that you have to run a marathon of this one. This and "Love it or list it" need to go. The hosta of love it or list it are just annoying.
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I'm addicted!
stewartjennn3 October 2023
I absolutely love this show. There are currently only 3 HGTV shows I will even watch.

The girls personalities are what really makes the show. They could do a reality show and I'd watch it. If there were any other individuals trying to do this show, it just would not work. I love their designs, and I love their own styles. I love that they drive VW's and it's so nice to have a show represent the state of Washington. There are hardly any shows that represent the West Coast and the other ones that do, are boring and horrible design. I don't even like the property brothers show (except Celebrity IOU). They have good personalities, but I don't care for the designs. I highly recommend Unsellable Houses, Bargain Block and Tough Love w/Hilary Far. Home Town is good too but no longer on.
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