Moon Knight (TV Mini Series 2022) Poster


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Something new - but wanted to do more than it was capable of
Ajanif14 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Went into this with 0 expectations and was initially quite hooked. Really liked the first and even the second episode. Lots of suspense and promising character building. But it quickly went the other way a few episodes in.

The Mark/Steve thing get's rather irritating and boring after a while and it's also sad we don't see them or Moon Knight more in action. The black-outs (after the first few episodes) of the characters seem more like lazy filming than really necessary plot-vise.

I think I have two main issues:

Egypt/Gods Man, I was stoked to finally see some different cultures in more main stream media. I love Egyptian history and therefore was so happy to see them dive into that. Except they actually didn't. All of this seemed more like a facade than something fleshed out and properly researched. The gods seemed rather useless and I honestly think you could erase them from the story and the plot would not really change - which to me is never a good sign when looking at script and world building.

Personality Disorder Again, great to see mental health issues portrayed. And I honestly believe they managed to do it rather well untill episode 5. There we would have had the perfect set up for proper and deep character development...but they screwed it up. Mark faced his past and even if he hasn't completely worked through it yet, I think this would have been the best time for him to let Steve go. From a character development point of view this would have been amazing in my eyes. This wouldn't have to mean that Steve could never reappear (he's his emotional protection) but just that he started to work through his past and with it get emotionally more stable. Not leaving Steve behind just reaffirmed my issues I always have with MCU: the heros are ALWAYS safe. So why would we care what happens to them? This just takes a lot of suspense out of the story.

All in all Moon Knight isn't a bad show. I just think it wanted to do more than it was capable of. Anyways, it's an entertaining watch and at least something new. I honestly take Moon Knight over any other MCU movie/series simply because it seems to be more it's own thing (which is probably something hardcore MCU fans won't like).
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Going In Without Knowing
jen-36243625 May 2022
I went into this series not knowing anything about the characters or story lines. Marvel/Disney deliver interesting and well told stories with these comics. The level of high quality effect is becoming a main stay for all super hero films and while this may be on a smaller scale (or screen) it is amazing to watch how they now tell stories with effects and editing. As a Stand alone or part of the over all Marvel Universe, it is a good series to watch.
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As Much of a Mess as Mark Spectre
leoocampo5 May 2022
I fear for the future of the MCU at this point. Up until recently, the standout fact about the MCU for me was that there were almost no truly bad MCU entries. Sure, the Incredible Hulk and Thor: the Dark World are oft-cited as low-points... but I don't see either as truly BAD. These were mediocre at worst. But, phase 4 of the MCU has some of the best and most thoughtful entries to date (Spiderman: No Way Home, Wandavision, Loki), standing alongside some of the most disappointing ones (Black Widow, Hawkeye).

I have no idea what to expect from the MCU moving forward. More concerning, perhaps, is that I don't think fans know what they want, either. Reviews coloring Falcon and the Winter Soldier as worse than Hawkeye have me truly puzzled, as the former at least had some truly character development and performances and a bold storyline, even if they couldn't ever really figure out how to make it work in the end (because Marvel perhaps couldn't decide what it wanted either?). Then... there is Eternals. What I would call the first truly, unabashedly bad. Not just "bad" in the sense that it was not good... very close to being unwatchably bad.

Going into Moon Knight, though, I was hopeful. I had heard that this was Marvel attempting to get more gritty and dark. "Pulling no punches" is, I think how Kevin Feige put in according to an interview I read. GREAT. That's what I wanted to see to freshen up and add some much-needed edginess to the MCU roster. As a character, Moon Knight seemed like an interesting and sensible choice for leading this push. Lots of interesting territory to explore there... and with a character most of the non-comicbook-reading public hasn't heard of, there'd be tons of room for character exploration.

What I got was lots of pulled punches. It's still squarely in the PG-13 space and as far as I saw didn't push the envelope one bit, unless you count a slightly less self-conscious kill count... there are lots of deaths in Moon Knight and they are acknowledged ones, many at the hands of the main character, which is for the MCU I GUESS a step toward grittiness considering that usually the heroes are laying down enormous destruction and doing away with lots of "bad guys", in a script that encourages the audience to not think to hard about their fate. But, otherwise, what violence there is, is still very sanitized probably falling short of Venom, let alone a Deadpool movie. The "bad boy" vibe they put out in anticipation of this series is neither earned nor delivered upon.

OK, but I wouldn't care if the tone didn't fit the expectations they set up if the end result was still good. It's not. Up until the last episode it was a pretty much on par with Hawk Eye, which itself resembled a bowl of Lucky Charms: a very bland and disappointing filler, with some tasty bits here and there. But, for me it's high point (the culmination of Mark and Steven wrestling with their inner conflict and shared origin) was also it's low point (it was a good plot line that was presented in a style that didn't do justice to its gravity). And then it jumped the shark with the introduction of a really bad CGI hippo god voice acted in a way that simultaneously reminded me that the MCU is under the Disney umbrella, and triggered me to have memories of the moment in the Phantom Menace when Jar Jar Binks first appeared and I sat there thinking "what the hell are they doing".

But, even then, this was still hovering around the pre-Eternals watermark of failure for me. It was the last episode that catapulted this to new heights. I'm glad it was the finale, because if there were more episodes to come I would have to seriously debate whether to throw in the towel and stop watching. The editing of this episode is plain bad. With abrupt and nonsensical transitions at some point to where it breaks continuity, let alone pacing, which itself was as rushed as any season finale's "oh crap, we've got to wrap this up fast" mess I've had to sit through.

This is still better than Eternals overall... But as it was several times the time investment almost makes me more disappointed in Moon Knight. They could have told a much smaller, more intimate story here that would have done much more justice to the more intimate internal character conflict. They could have followed Wandavision or Loki by truly keeping the audience guessing as to what was going on, what was real. They seem to have tried that a bit, but it's hard to excel at that if you're too busy working around yet another tired "save the world" plot. They could have shed more light on the relationship between Mark/Steven and his wife, their past, why they care about each other. But instead, we got a female-Egyptian version of Falcon thrown in. Well, at least they still managed to hit whatever representation quotas they were trying to fill there, even though the story gives us virtually no reason to care about this character even as a regular person.

So, I'm leaving Moon Knight with my morale shaken. I've going forward having decided to not even bother with Morbius after seeing the overwhelmingly bad reviews. And now, Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, one of my most anticipated films of this year, is starting to trickle out an increasingly distressing reception. I can't forgo that one, because I've been too hyped up for it... but if that one is anywhere near the level of Moon Knight, let alone Eternals, it may be what gets me to tune out of the MCU for a while.
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Superhero with mental issues
IQ4218 May 2022
The moon is beautiful and knights can be cool. But the Moon Knight has nothing of each. It is a confusing and boring show for which I needed two months to get through.

There are Egyptian Gods who somehow need avatars to act on Earth. Some of them want to punish the evil but there are philosophical dilemmas here. Ammit wants to eliminate those who will do evil in the future which results in the killing of a lot of people.

Our main guy wants to prevent this but he has problems with himself, getting blackouts and changing his character through and through. Somehow, he can also manifest abilities which is when he becomes the so-called Moon Knight. It'll turn out that these will apparently all be related to some mental illness with childhood issues but the entire revelation just seems contrived and unappealing.

The fighting is absolutely boring and it is not really clear what abilities the heroes even have. The villains are boring as well and Ammit has done basically nothing even though she was so feared upon.

Oh, and there is a talking female hippopotamus.

Yeah, nothing of the story ever remotely peaked my interest and I was a little confused by the attempted revelations in the last two episodes. The finale was very weak, there was a lot of build-up, but it was building up towards nothing. Bummer.
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Oscar Isaac Projects...
strobeable4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sucker Punch, X-Men Apacolypse, the Star Wars sequels, Dune... he can play the part but these are all movies I've been on the bad side of the fence despising.

I can almost say the same with Moon Knight. I get it's a character-based conflict between Marc and Steven (and Khonshu); but it took 3.5 episodes to get there. Better to unfold that arc in a series than an MCU movie you have pay for though, right?

It's the formula Disney+ is getting right compared to the Defenders series that dragged out their welcome on Netflix. I know I didn't wanna see anymore seasons-worth of Jessica Jones or Iron Fist for that matter.

Moon Knight only really paid out towards the end when the Hippo and Crocodile showed up to complete the trinity with the dead bones Tony Hawk Bird God. The persona flipping fight scenes in the last episode between Moon Knight and Steven 'Scrima Styx was cool too; just wished that showed up a lot sooner during the show's run.

That's why MK's a middle-of-the-road 5/10. Isaac's runner-up role to Standard in Drive for me. He was really good in that.
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Mediocre at best
calvenng26 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Great start, episode 1 and 2 were decent to reel people in, awesome sound tracks but plot is mediocre at best as it progresses forward. Too many plot holes, for example. It can be seen that Steven is always awake in the reflection and knowing what is going on while Marc is in control. Contradicting the first episode, where he has no clue what happened. The series made Khonshu look like a clown, a literal moon god.getting manipulated but a mere man.

No way this series can ever beat Daredevil and Punisher by Netflix.
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First episode alright, then mediocre
minaundersokningar19 June 2022
The first episode was alright, made you want to give the story a chance.

However, the most interesting was the main character personality outside the "marvel" stuff when he was moon knight. Interesting concept with the issue of not knowing if asleep or awake. The story and the villain not very engaging so the show went downhill with the episodes after the first one and I lost interest, even fell asleep at some points.
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if you enjoy watching trash and being deluded this is the show for you
syc-9144827 September 2023
This show is trash they made moonknight look soft compared to his comic book counter part and this show should be renamed Steven grant instead of moonknight worst show of all time and I've seen alot of dumpster fire shows.very bad writing very bad ending moonknight is not at all like his comic book counter part instead he's this batman wannabe who thinks he's cool and mysterious Steven grant is an annoying British dude who's very obnoxious Jake lockley is hardly shown in this show and if they feel like using him he's used as in these black outs this is by far the worst marvel show ever to release.
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started good ended disappointing
woody-666085 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Before I started watching this I had not heard much about moon night so after watching the trailers I was excited to watch it,the first 4 episodes was good then boom like many series nowadays it went wierd,it the changed back to a exciting climax were its was good vs bad a fight that I was looking forward to the bang again a massive let down dunno about everyone else but I enjoy the Hero v Villain final battle,this could have been much more,a series 2 to look forward to but sadly no.
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Personally didn't have a connection
mickeythechamp4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I finished this yesterday and haven't watch all the episodes back-to-back so something might change on a rewatch but who knows. Moon Knight just didn't connect with me personally. I think this could have been an incredible show, all the right ingredients are there but it feels like they just threw them all in a pot and said that was that. I need more focus on characters, on the stakes, lore, story, themes but instead I get a little of that every episode moshed together with comedy and mindless action. I like the idea of Moon Knight more than I like the actually show we got.

We follow Steven. A nerdy man obsessed with ancient Egypt. He sleepwalks and has a hard time making his life making sense. One day he finds out he has more than one person living in his body, and he most now save the world from evil forces, dawning the persona of Moon Knight.

The acting in this show is pretty good. Ethan Hawk gives a great performance as Arthur Harrow really diapering into that role as a cold calculated villain. But the standout role is no doubt Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight. The way he can with a face expression change which character he is so impressive and in general the most emotional and touching performances comes from Isaac. He is no doubt the strongest aspect of this show. He is both funny and serious and gives a really charming performance.

I really liked the concept of Moon Knight. The themes of dual nature, who you are, and a mix of comedy and action can blend for sure, but this show has a hard time balancing all these aspects. Steven and Marcs dual nature is interesting and explored and shown more, but I feel like Steven takes a backseat and becomes a minor character only there for exposition. His dialogue becomes really bad towards the end where his just explaining stuff and nothing more.

I liked the first two episodes the most. The mystery aspect is the strongest to me, but as soon as it gets going it becomes a bit too basic and stale for me. The fifth episode pics it up a bit with an interesting setting and a moving idea, but the middle episodes and finale really didn't land with me. It became mindless to me, and it feels like a show of just random side quests that leads to just another side quest.

I really liked the idea of the facing and changing of the Moon Knight. Where they lose consciousness, and it jumps to after the fight. Sure, I wanted to watch that, but it´s a fun chaotic cut that then leads to fun action.

The action choreography is sadly not the best. It´s fun and could be good but is cutting too much and the camera framing is not the best.

I really loved the costume design of the two moon knights. Their costumes look amazing and detailed, and they just look plain awesome.

The ending is extremely abrupt. It was a bit jarring how the show just ends. It´s extremely unsatisfying and really didn't work. I liked the score of the last episode though.

I just didn't buy the world, the lore and the stakes. The show jut felt flat to me, and I just didn't connect with it. I think it´s because of the many things the show wanted to do at the same time. It made me not be engaged because I had to focus on a million things that was done mediocrely. The fights between Marc and Steven, the healing of them and their relationship, the love story, the lore, the big stakes, the comedy, mental illness, the action. Maybe they should have really sticked to one or two of those and really made it make an impact. I personally think the mental illness route would be a strong contender, but I don´t have enough time to really connect with the characters. The love story feels like padding, the Egyptian lore is explained all the time and it´s scopes and the plot seem too grand to really comprehend, the action that are over before it starts. I really see the potential but it´s just executed so bland to me.

Moon Knight is a cool idea done just meh. I never really got engaged in the story, the world, and its characters. It wants to do too many things at the same time but never dose any of them really well. It´s not completely bad and I understand the love, but to me it felt like just like watching side questing unfold on screen, it´s not engaging it´s a chore.
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Good night moon knight
hamidrezampmm11 October 2023
Another not so strong series from Marvel.

The beginning of the series was good, I felt that there was a good script ahead, especially when you didn't know what happened and what the main character's superpower is.

But gradually the series weakened, and it seemed that the end of the series could be predicted.

But the multifacetedness of the main character was one of the creativity and charms of the series, which was well displayed, especially at the end of the series, which was completed.

The special effects of the series were not good and you felt like you were watching a cartoon.

The fact that the events happened in north ofrica and Egypt was one of the innovations of the series.
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hyperdermy19 May 2022
I was very disappointed by this Serie. Habe perhaps expecting too much, but a shame. The actors and special effects were okay but lacked the pep. The campaign almost completely fell by the wayside and when it came it was already over. But that's my opinion.
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When a show tried to do too much
tpreddie4 May 2022
I will start by saying the acting is phenomenal. Oscar Isaac always delivers. Ethan Hawke is great and the supporting cast holds their own. However, if this show was named something else, I would give it a higher rating. I feel like the show has almost nothing to do with Moon Knight and just highlights the personal disorders and mental instabilities he has. For this to have only one season, I would have liked to get to know Moon Knight a little more.
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Green lantern quality effects, but we'll acted
alexhislop5 May 2022
I felt the subject of moonknight would have suited a film as the topics, such as mental health and split personalities was under appreciated without making much sense. I was hoping for something very cerebral like Legion (but better). Legion was very trippy and mind-bending. Ethan Hawke should have been give. More time to develop as Harrow, who could have been frustratingly passive yet completely evil, making him so difficult to confront.

Also, some of the worse effects in ages!!!! That awful CGI suit! Why? Some very basic, practical effects would have worked better. Might have taken a little bit more time, but we'll worth the effort. I enjoyed it, but felt it was a bit hollow, while also not really fitting into what the MCU in a way that meant it mattered. Hope you like it!
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Just didn't connect with this ...
cheapbird-5841819 June 2023
Confusing. . . . Boring. . . . Hard to get through. . . . Unnecessary. . . . Tried too hard to be something, but I could not connect. . . .

Oscar Issac is a fab actor. The only real positive for the whole series.

I have to write 600 characters, but I've said it all. So; Confusing. . . . Boring. . . . Hard to get through. . . . Unnecessary. . . . Tried too hard to be something, but I could not connect. . . .

Confusing. . . . Boring. . . . Hard to get through. . . . Unnecessary. . . . Tried too hard to be something, but I could not connect. . . . Confusing. . . . Boring. . . . Hard to get through. . . . Unnecessary. . . . Tried too hard to be something, but I could not connect. . . .
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A psychological mishmash
I-like-cake20 May 2022
1 star for the sets, 1 star for originality, 2 stars for the acting. I felt like the intended audience for this show was clinical psychologists who dabble in Egyptology. Or vice-versa. The positive feelings I had for the show (really, Oscar Isaac's acting was outstanding) were outweighed by the muddled storyline. I assume that was intentional for the backstory but it turned what could have been a fun ride into a psychological mishmash. I doubt I'll turn up for Season 2.
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Fantastic trip - bad tour guide!
harril-586-2674527 May 2022
In spite of Oscar Isaac appearing in heaps of things I find his acting technically good but somehow always unaffecting. This character of mid-mannered, stupid, Steven Grant is no exception as once again he fails to generate any empathy for himself (except maybe for someone to slap him) or his 'scary' situations. To get any kind of thrill from the show I had to tune him out and focus on the CGI stuff which is not bad. Also great sound effects & music. Strangely, even Ethan Hawke can't shine in this production which shows top priority is on the SFX. I'm starting episode 3 but might not make it thru.
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Lost up it's own A Hole
GoldenGooner046 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like Oscar loved him in the Star Wars universe, but this is just total cuckoo, and very hard to follow. I mean I have even mastered Dune. But this is really hard work, and not very enjoyable. He plays to characters or is it 4 characters. When he changes from Marc, they need to make it more oblivious, this way it's all rather confusing as for the other geezer Hawke he is pretty bad.

Watching the 4th episode and I have really had enough. Only fun bits are in good Old London town Now their are 2 of them, is this a comedy a drama i don't have a cluedo, the music is good, decent titles also and.
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ptsia14 June 2022
The first episode made me feel like it was going to be cool, using a Memento-like plot device to move everything along. They didn't, and boy does it drag. The villain is ill-conceived. The threat of the villain is as threatening as water. Really unsure of what the stakes are.

Waste of time. Unsure why any of this story needed to be told.
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Not enough Moon Knight
The beginning was good, pulled me in I wanted to see more. It had some great moments Oscar Isaac performance was excellent, wouldn't want any other actor playing the alter egos.

Only issue for me is just wasn't enough Moon Knight. Barely saw the guy in the suit. Episode 5 is filler and episode 6 was a thud for me.

Hope it gets a better go around with an second series.
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Anti arab
alex-vaewsorn2 November 2023
Wish I could watch beyond about ep3. Unfortunately a decent show, marred by 1D arab side characters (enemies or cab driver yelling, etc).

Shows arabs as either evil, suicide bomber/self sacrificing, etc or just loud. Oscar Isaac (guatamalteco) is good, and I liked the comic. I wish they had done more with the show being set in the middle east than just use some cool egyptian rap!

I am confident that I could re-create this show in a better fashion. I have no experience working in entertainment but I've imaginged some great storylines and I'm sure I'll probably write it on my computer soon. TBC.
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Its about 6 to 7
ladyliliroche16 May 2022
Episode 2 was a let down and the one that put me off watching the whole thing until recently.

Pilot was so good. Gripping. Full of mystery. Some iffy moments but it was a great episode. Then ep 2 came along with a different director and slowed down the momentum too much that I became disinterested.

Ep 3 pick up a bit weird. Ep 4 kept the momentum, but the greatest episode is ep 5. Lots of interesting moments and character insight. Ep 6 was so so for the series finale.

Oscar Isaac was great though. He shined the most in ep 5.
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Just Another Boring Content
CaptainFantastic71 May 2024
It is such a pitty that the material, concept and potential are so wasted. The series is full of cliche moments and scenes. The story and script is contructed very lazy and poorly writing that lack of quality and details regarding history and mythology. Just generic details are used by lazy screenwriters. I am pretty sure they did not even read the comics and did not internalize the moonknight and this is big problem with marvel nowadays.

Besides that, the series includes incredibly boring and shalow characters particularly Layla. Omg, her face, acting, dialogs everything about her is just boring and unlikeable. She has screenrime almost more than Moonknight himself and it is ridiclus. "Steven" is also very childish and looks like a cartoon character. I like Oscar Isaac but I think he could not do more than this with his material. Konshu is another shallow one as well.

Directing is also another factor makes the all storytelling boring. Every shot every movement every choise is so formulized. There is nothing special special about directors and I would not know if there is a director.

It is so wasted and it is sad.
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Has many flaws, but they certainly try weird!
nashezzubair21 May 2022
Driven by Oscar Isaac's powerful performance, Moon Knight certainly delves into the weirder side of the MCU.

The problem here is that its an exposition heavy story, which doesn't clarify much to the audience (even though they had the time!). Which does leave you scratching your head if you aren't familiar with Egyptian mythology, which in itself certainly isn't as well known as Greek or Norse mythology to most people. Also the second half of the series seems a bit rushed.

No quams with performances though. Ethan Hawke wasn't given much do with but he certainly does his best. May Calamawy is also good in her role, portraying a strong independent woman, capable of carrying the baton herself. Oscar Isaac's portrayal of split personality does appear to be inspired from James McAvoy's performance in Split, which isn't a bad thing, its just not as original as I have come to expect from Oscar Isaac, given his acting capabilities.

Even though it has some problems, I would certainly give them an A for effort but not for execution, mostly coz of the series pacing and lack of exposition.
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Could have been better
mysteryland-8130416 August 2022
Strange series, I kindof liked it, until last episode, last episode feels rushed and I don't like the ending,feels like they where thinking "how can we end this fast. Too bad.
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