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The Second Best Apple-Themed Film I've Seen This Year
gavin694225 July 2007
A group of twentysomethings join their friend in going to his family's apple orchard, which is hidden in a secret location and is reported to have the juiciest, best tasting apples in the world. Since the man's mother and sister were mauled to death by wolves, and his father had passed on, the orchard is now his. But of course a secret location isn't just a good place for an orchard -- it's a good place for a murder.

When I was doing some preliminary looking into this film (sometimes I like to get a feel for things), I found director Brent Nowak was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin -- twenty minutes from here and where I went to college. So, I was already feeling a bit better about what I was to see. And Brent, you didn't let me down. You can move to California, but you have Green Bay in side of you.

The filming itself was very professional -- this wasn't just some kids with a video camera, but cinema-quality film. Things were dark and at times a little blurry. This may have been due to the transfer, and might be gone when the distributor makes new prints. I noticed the online trailers seemed better lit. The DVD had more of a 1970s feel, which isn't all bad. But yes, everything was framed well, angled well, lit well (other than the overall darkness)... Nowak comes off as a seasoned film-maker and shouldn't be making independent films like this when he could be doing big budget features. (This is at least as good as the quality of the films in the After Dark horror festival, if not better.) I also need to give some major credit to the person in charge of the music. Very well done. I felt there was constantly a mood or atmosphere appropriate for the unknown situations. Even the rap and country music was excellent (I'm not a rap or country fan, but felt the rap over the credits was a great choice). One song, an acoustic guitar with a simple riff, was overused a bit around the halfway point, but I don't think most people really pay as much attention to the music as I do and won't notice.

The plot was good, which is crucial these days (I can only take so many of the same horror themes). The introduction with the old man was enough to keep my focus for the rest of the film even if it went sour (but it didn't). The apple theme is new (touched on a bit in "Behind the Mask", but not to this extent) and I found the "secret location" but believable, even in today's modern world. One big problem all horror films need to address is: how do we get rid of cell phones, and this film found a very acceptable way (and land lines, too).

Lots of the other little touches were nice. The news clippings were good -- I always think this adds more depth to any film. The wolf theme was also nice -- with a title like "Harvest Moon" and the talk of people ravaged by wolves, I was waiting for there to be a werewolf twist. Don't worry, there is a twist regarding the story of the wolf ravagings (but I won't reveal it here).

The script was stellar in the dialogue department. A shower scene contains a line that really lets us know the writer knew how we were going to interpret the scene (turning a "derivative" scene into an "homage" scene). Some of the swearing is new, which is hard to do with words we hear a dozen times in every film. The "if you want to live, come with me" was just subtle enough to almost escape me... and the best threat I've ever heard appears here: "I'm going to stick my hand straight up your (nether region) and pull out your intestines!" Priceless.

Horror fans who want blood, gore and nudity? Well, it's not buckets of bloods and scores of breasts, but you get a little of each -- don't worry! I actually didn't expect any nudity and almost did a double take. The blood I think could and should have been stepped up, with far too much of it happening just off the screen. I understand this saves a lot of trouble with visual effects and it's easier to leave it to imagination than have convincing gore. But I would have liked an attempt.

This could be the one independent film of 2007 you should see. (It's already the end of July, and this definitely outranks most of the independent films I've seen.) We have plot, we have acting of a Hollywood caliber. We have decent directing and a solid script. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! I do hope this makes the festival circuit and gets the proper distribution -- I want to see these film-makers in the big time within five years at most.
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Blood, Sweat & Apples
lalaman9912 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Often in indie films the acting is somewhere between mediocre and atrocious. Not the case here. All are quite capable, especially Diego Villareal Garcia (as Javy) whose blend of humor and intensity is fun to watch. Brad Ashten (as Adam) stands out as well with his cool, lines-as-second-nature delivery. As for the ladies, I enjoyed the rapport between Jennifer Black's (as Sam) and Sierra Edwards' (as Courtney).

For the most part, the film is technically sound as well. The cinematography is the caliber of a production with 10 times the budget: sweeping crane shots and skilled hand-held sequences increase the tonal tension. The location doesn't hurt either (a sun-drenched, tree-filled valley) and Matthew Boyd (D.P.) does well to capture the surroundings. There is a bit stock footage of some bears crossing the road, though, which is superfluous. Using stock really cheapens a movie. Well they couldn't afford to shoot this so they jacked it from somebody else is what goes through my mind.

The score/soundtrack begins a bit insipidly, but picks up through the film. A recurring simple yet stirring guitar piece works very well.

While the makeup effects are excellent (on par with studio gore), the special effects are a major cause for concern here. In the past when critiquing indies, I've tried to give them a free pass in this department. IF they had the cash the effects would be immensely improved. The thing is, in a film like this where the visual effects are relied upon to a significant degree, it's exceedingly difficult to overlook them. It was odd- some were adequate but others were almost laughable.

Where I had further problems with Harvest Moon was in the story itself. It follows the clichéd horror equation: frolicsome kids + remote location with a dark secret = high jinks, blood & gore!!! However, this is the case with so many horror films (Cabin Fever, Blair Witch, Jeepers Creepers, Wax Museum to name a few) that there's almost a tacit acceptance of this type of set-up. So let's let go of that for a moment.

In Harvest Moon the "kids"(mid to late twentysomethings) are comprised of three couples: Mel and Courtney, Javy and Sam, Alicia and Adam. The five former, friends for some time, cruise through the country to visit Adam who's inherited the Baldini apple orchard after his father's unfortunate passing (in the prologue the senior Baldini shoots himself after hearing voices in the orchard). The kids, who of course are oblivious to the sinister history of the orchard (Adam's mother and sister were themselves mauled by wolves), agree to help out for a period of time harvesting the apples. Little do they know it won't be for long… Speaking of length, the film clocks in right around 70 minutes, which is great from a movie watcher's endurance standpoint (I just saw Into the Wild and although I loved it, 2:30 + trailers is grueling). But, in this case I think the movie would have benefited from a little lengthening. The characters and their relationships are a bit under-developed. I would've liked to know more about the romance between Alicia (Karen Corona) and Adam (Brad Ashten).

A little extra running time might have allowed for the tying of some loose ends as well. For Example- Spoiler Alert: There are ghosts at work here, whirling around the orchard. Some apparently warn folks, and others coerce folks to do terrible things. Now, I realize there can be good and bad ghosts in a story, but why is that the situation here? There's no explanation. Also, the question arises: Who exactly is in power? That wasn't clear to me.

Despite my story concerns, I still found myself affected physiologically by the movie: you know- increased heart rate, stomach clenching, etc. And after all, isn't a horror film successful if it does indeed scare you? All in all, Harvest Moon is a positive effort which could find an audience. It looks good (scenery, easy on the eyes actors, blood) and makes one think twice about visiting remote apple orchards.
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Harvest Moan
tmccull5228 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what the Hell movie that all of the 7 star and up reviews were watching, but it couldn't have been the same one that I just watched. The human killer, Leonard, gags people by stuffing an apple in their mouth. Now, wouldn't you think that one might be able to bite the apple through, or spit it out? Only one of Leonard's victims thinks of this brilliant stratagem, albeit he is killed by Leonard about five seconds later.

The basic premise is that the Baldini apple orchards produce exceptionally sweet and juicy apples via human sacrifice and exsanguination. Victims are killed, bled dry, and their blood is applied to the bases and roots of the apple trees. The ghosts of these victims haunt the orchard, sometimes trying to warn off other potential victims, sometimes not.

The main character, Adam, inherits the orchards after his father kills himself. Adam's father kills himself after being tormented by the ghostly voices of his victims. Adam's father was assisted in this nefarious pursuit by the hulking simpleton, Leonard.

Adam invites a group of his friends to come to the orchards, as he needs help with the harvest. Of course, his friends begin to go missing, one by one. When one of the other members of the group suggests going to the police, Adam pooh-poohs the idea, stating that the police wouldn't be any help because they don't know the orchards very well... because, yanno, police only investigate areas that they have firsthand knowledge of. The idiots of this group agree with Adam, which means that they were too stupid to live anyway.

One by one, members of the group disappear, abducted for ritual sacrifice by Leonard. Now, at one point, one member of the group, Javy, finds another member of the group, Courtney, tied up with her lower legs having been cut off. Javy tries to untie and free Courtney so that she can flee... missing her legs below the knees.

The huge reveal is that Adam is picking up where his father left off, and he invited his friends up there to kill them. People going into the orchards have disappeared for years, but the police just never got around to investigate all of these disappearances, because, Yann, they don't know the orchards very well.

The movie's final scene depicts Adam having "fed" the orchards by slowly draining his girlfriend's blood, and then a brand new group of friends shows up to help Adam harvest the next crop of apples. The end. Now, this isn't the worst horror movie that I've ever seen. It's a horror masterpiece compared to movies like "White Fangs", "Midnight Macabre", and "Devil's Night: Dawn of the Nain Rouge", but there is no way in Hell.that "Harvest Moon" rates anywhere near a 7 to 10 star rating.
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A group of friends go to a countryside Apple orchard to help a mutual friend run his business..
filminfo618 September 2008

"Harvest Moon" is a great film for anyone who loves horror films. This movie kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. (Which I always enjoy). The scenery was beautiful The trees, the valley, the bears you see in the very beginning. At night every thing seems to be pitch black and the house is very quite even with people in it. All this adds to the fear of the unknown which scares everyone. I think that's what this film does the best it makes things that are ordinary Such as photos, dolls. and nature itself look frightening. Anyone who wants twists and turns in their mystery movies will be excited. I think the acting was very good I cared about this group of innocent people all through the story. They are not tough guys ready for action you see honest reactions and fear in their performances. The villains are people that would fool anyone they do not stand out as larger than life characters.They're people you could meet any where in life.You 'll also hear some passing mention to other great classics. Give this DVD a chance.

Parents should know there are some violent scenes.
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You're not going to want to go apple picking after this...
c-leesturos19 October 2010
While I am no horror movie aficionado, I think I know a good flick from a bad one; and I have seen some miserable horror movies. This, however, was not one of them. The beginning of the movie, like most quality horror films grabs you with suspense as to what exactly is going to happen in this orchard and leaves you wondering how the story is going to unfold. It was enough of a mystery to me that I really didn't connect the dots of all the twists in the film until the very end, which is always appreciated in horror movies. Some of the smaller details in filming such as the surrounding orchard at dusk, the newspaper clippings in the beginning of the film and creepy dolls in a couple of scenes... were very well done and really added to the film. The acting, along with the chemistry between the cast was very believable, especially when showing fear, desperation, anger... There were also moments of unexpected humor, which I appreciated. I personally did not adore the few nudey shots, but that is just me and I understand a lot to ask with horror movies. Other than than that, an enjoyable film that definitely scared me enough to require sleeping with the lights on. And apparently an apple a day may keep the doctor away... but not murderers... eek!
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Our Teeth Hurt from The Apple-Inflicted Violence !
guestar5721 September 2009
A Brent Nowak film This is actually a very visual film,Great location that is billed as Springville,Ca. Who could have imagined APPLES as a weapon of mass destruction ? The cast is believable in acting and couldn't take our eyes off Sierra Edwards. The lead heavy(inside joke) is very 'Tor Johnson' and that works so well in scenes that will surprise. So,Great cover art for DVD/Real suspense in chase scenes/Pretty women to hack up/Bad guys are very,Very scary !/pacing is only outdown by the scenery of orchard and surroundings. The special effects were truly special and especially apples out of season( Check out the Extras). Kept hoping that good would triumph,Umm No "spoilers" here..
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