One Foot in the Grave (TV Series)
Descent Into the Maelstrom (1993)
Richard Wilson: Victor Meldrew
[Mrs Warboys was meant to get Victor's dry-cleaning. But instead brought back a gorilla costume]
Victor Meldrew : What's this!
Mrs Warboys : Oh, yes. She said they got almost all the beetroot out if you didn't look too closely. Myself, I can hardly see a thing.
Victor Meldrew : No! This! I mean... It... It isn't my suit!
Mrs Warboys : Isn't it?
Victor Meldrew : Of course it... Where in the name of sanity did it come from?
Mrs Warboys : Oh, don't tell me they mixed up the tickets again.
Victor Meldrew : Mixed up the... You must have seen it as a mistake when you brought it out!
Mrs Warboys : Well, I don't know what your suit looks like, do I?
Victor Meldrew : Well, it doesn't bloody well look like this! I mean where do you think I shop? King Kong at C&A's!
[first lines]
Margaret Meldrew : Will you just leave that for tonight!
Victor Meldrew : Here we go; look. Three... two... one... Look at that. Look! At! That! All the models on the market, we have to end up with a waste disposal unit that can't keep its food down.
Victor Meldrew : [about Margaret] Doctor says it's nervous exhaustion mainly. Been building up over the last thirty-five years. I don't know what he meant by that.