Marvin Miller: Michael Anthony


  • Michael Anthony : [Michael Anthony enters the study of John Beresford Tipton, where he observes Tipton seated in a high backed chair at his desk, pouring a glass of milk from the milk bottle. Only Tipton's left arm is visible to viewers]  You sent for me, sir?

    John Beresford Tipton : Mike, when is it always the darkest?

    Michael Anthony : Always the darkest, sir? Well, just before the dawn, I've heard.

    John Beresford Tipton : Yes, I've heard that, too. Do you remember who said it?

    [Tipton takes a sip of milk] 

    Michael Anthony : Shakespeare said so many things so well, that's always a safe guess.

    John Beresford Tipton : [Chuckles]  Probably a good many people have commented on the darkness before the dawn. But I think the best modern authority of the subject would be a milkman.

    [Anthony smiles while Tipton hands him an envelope] 

    John Beresford Tipton : Our next millionaire, Mike.

    [Anthony bows and prepares to depart] 

  • Michael Anthony : [to the viewers]  My name is Michael Anthony and until his death, I was Executive Secretary to John Beresford Tipton, a multibillionaire, who had the strange hobby of giving away $1,000,000. One million dollars, tax-free, to an individual who had never met him, who indeed had never heard of him. This is Silverstone, John Beresford Tipton's 60,000-acre estate. Mr. Tipton was a man of amazingly wide interests - so wide that one never knew what to expect when called into his presence.

  • Michael Anthony : [to the viewers]  Dixon Cooper had other ideas about how to live and what to do. But at the moment, he was, well, one step ahead of most people. He was up and around long before most people were even thinking about being awake. This route was a new one for Dixon Cooper.

  • Michael Anthony : [Anthony knocks on the door of Dixon Cooper. It is the middle of the night. Cooper, who has been sleeping, stumbles out of bed, and opens the door]  Mr. Dixon Cooper?

    Dixon Cooper : [Tiredly]  Who? Oh, me.


    Michael Anthony : I'm terribly sorry for waking you, but I think you will forgive me. My name is Michael Anthony, and I have something for you. May I come in?

    Dixon Cooper : [Cooper allows Anthony to enter. He puts on a robe]  Sorry, I didn't get to sleep till 2 and my route started at 4. What do you want?

    Michael Anthony : [Opening up his briefcase]  I have a gift for you from a benefactor who must remain anonymous.

    [Removing check] 

    Michael Anthony : It's a cashier's check for $1,000,000. The taxes on it have already been paid.

    [Concerned as Cooper is yawning and barely staying awake] 

    Michael Anthony : Did you hear what I said, Mr. Cooper?

    Dixon Cooper : Taxes have been paid.

    Michael Anthony : The money is yours to do with as you wish

    [Producing document] 

    Michael Anthony : If you will just sign this paper. In it, you promise not to tell anyone, except your wife if you should marry, the exact amount or the circumstances under which you received it.

    [Cooper continues to yawn and barely keep his eyes open] 

    Michael Anthony : Did you understand what I have told you? What did I just say?

    Dixon Cooper : Don't tell anybody.

    Michael Anthony : Don't tell anybody. I guess that will have to do. Now if you will sign right here.

    Dixon Cooper : I'm sorry. I haven't slept much in two weeks.

    [Cooper signs the pledge] 

    Michael Anthony : If you do tell, the gift will be reclaimed.

    [Cooper nods] 

    Michael Anthony : Mr. Cooper, you really shouldn't sign something without reading it first. In this case, you won't regret it.

    [Anthony returns the agreement to his briefcase] 

    Dixon Cooper : Excuse me.

    [Cooper climbs back into bed and pulls up the covers. Anthony places the check in one of Cooper's hands] 

    Michael Anthony : Maybe I'd better phone you later to remind you what you signed.

    Dixon Cooper : [Mumbling]  Drop in anytime.

    Michael Anthony : Well, good bye

    [Anthony yawns] 

    Michael Anthony : and good luck.

See also

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