"The Andy Griffith Show" Andy's Rich Girlfriend (TV Episode 1962) Poster

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Quite Real
Hitchcoc3 December 2019
Andy, who is never intimidated, suddenly finds himself feeling inferior to a beautiful young woman who comes from a rich family and who has travelled the world. She seems to care about him, but he feels like there is no future. He is ashamed of his own roots. And, of course, Barney is no help at all, insisting that Andy sever ties with this beautiful girl. Many of us have been in that corner so this becomes quite real.
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Oh well the Sheriff is a snob
mloessel4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sheriff Taylor (aka Andy Griffith) has had a number of lovely ladies grace his 8 season show. This episode aired in Oct '62. IN this episode we have Sheriff Taylor meeting Nurse Peggy McMillan (aka Joanna Moore) and he learns she has a rich father and as a result has lived a life well beyond the city limits of Mayberry. Andy makes a mistake of taking her to a fancy French restaurant in Raleigh. The restaurant features food items that Taylor has never eaten such as escargot (snails). He feels uncomfortable out of place and wonders whether getting to know her is a good thing because their lives are so different. Deputy Fife steps in to offer his thoughts on why he and Miss Pegg are not meant for each other. His reasoning? Andy is just an ordinary kind of guy and she's rich. The two don't mix well. Taylor allows good ole Deputy Fife to give lame excuses to Peggy for him not being available to see her again. She finally shows up at the Sheriff's office and realizes he's going out of his way to not see her with no explanation. This does not set well with her.

Living in Mayberry has given the Sheriff a very narrow view of the world. All he knows is Mayberry and the nearby towns that he and Deputy Fife visit. The furthest he goes is to Raleigh. Miss Peggy's worldview is well passed the country view of rural Mayberry. Peg has visited New Orleans and Paris and can appreciate the finer things beyond Mayberry.

In the final scene the two meet at a nearby lake (they were there a few nights earlier with Deputy Fife and his gal Thelma Lou). She accuses him of being a snob because she's wealthy and he's having a difficult time dealing with that. The Sheriff realizes his short comings as Ms Pegg demonstrates her skill in skipping stones. The Sheriff likes what he sees and the two walk off arm in arm.
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Charming couple, a few inconcgruencies
scottschada@yahoo.com8 April 2020
I like any episode with Joanna Moore, and this one is the second best. She and Andy work great together, perhaps too well. (or is that my hopeful imagination).

However, I'm still confused why the waiter would turn up his nose at Andy's request for draft beer, when the restaurant's bar carries it.

Another question from me is why Barney is so knowlegable regarding the way the "upper class" kids who go to expensive colleges travel all over Europe after graduation.

As All in all this is a favorite of mine, in the romantic genre.
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Break up with a girl cuz she likes snails?
vitoscotti4 April 2022
Peggy showed zero signs of being uppity. That's a big script problem how Andy acted out of character. She bent over backwards for him not to feel out of place. Funniest parts were Peggy finally tracking down Andy and him tugging at Barney to stay, getting rid of him to get coffee, then telling him to shut up. Also another exceptional epilogue. This one a prank on playboy Barney.
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