A Duel Under Richelieu ()

Un duel sous Richelieu (original title)
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This beautiful and historic picture depicts an incident which took place in Paris when Cardinal Richelieu was in power, and when dueling was considered a capital offense. In the opening scene we see a notice which has just been posted up... See more »


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Directed by

André Calmettes

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Plot Summary

This beautiful and historic picture depicts an incident which took place in Paris when Cardinal Richelieu was in power, and when dueling was considered a capital offense. In the opening scene we see a notice which has just been posted up in the public square stating that one Bouteville and his accomplices are guilty of treason in violating the law, and condemning them to death in expiation of their offense. The latter reads the notice and treats it as a huge joke; so tears it down, putting in its place another poster challenging the Baron Bevron and his friends to a duel with sword and dagger at noon on the following day in the Place Royal. The Baron and his friends read the challenge, and the former, adding underneath the words, "We will be there," signs his name and goes off in high glee. At the appointed time the enemies meet, and in the presence of their friends and admirers fight an interesting duel. Both sides show great skill in the use of the foils, but gradually they drop out, mortally wounded, one by one, until Baron Bevron and one companion stand alone the victors of the hour, having killed Bouteville and his comrades. Realizing that they have broken the law and must pay the penalty, they make a hasty departure from the scene of the duel, and we next see them surrounded by their friends, drinking and making merry in honor of their victory. All at once, however, a messenger comes to warn them that the police are on their track; so quickly mounting their horses, they flee to the woods. But their hiding place is soon discovered, and the officers swoop down on them, making all hands prisoners. The two brave fellows face their doom, and when they are condemned to die they walk to the gallows to pay the penalty. As they are about to mount the platform, the cardinal is borne on the scene in a sedan chair, and when the friends of the condemned men plead for their release he brushes them aside and orders the execution to take place. He coolly passes on while in the presence of the multitude on the square, the two brave fellows place their heads on the block and pay the price of their folly. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis

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Also Known As
  • A Duel Under Richelieu (United States)
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Did You Know?

Trivia Released in the US as a split reel along with Spanish Blood (1908). See more »

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