Replaced Xuxa's previous show Xou da Xuxa (1988) and was canceled in 2001 after the set caught fire, seriously injuring some of the children present. The fire started on her famous "starship" when filming was about to finish, while she was performing her signature song "Ilariê".
Diane Dantas dropped out of the "Paquitas" ensemble abruptly while Xuxa was on maternity leave, without the usual "farewell" a cast member was given before leaving the show. Her exiting is still subject of speculation among fans.
Andrezza Cruz reportedly cried when she first saw her redesigned "New Generation" of Paquita uniforms. She looked forward to wearing costumes more similar to Xou da Xuxa (1988), but Marlene Mattos wanted to distinguish their new image. Xuxa also dropped the "X"-themed nicknames given to her previous Paquitas on Xou da Xuxa (1988), giving the new girls more individual, distinct stage names.
Some of the Paquitas became professional actresses such as Lana Rhodes, Monique Alfradique, Grazie Schmitt, and Bárbara Borges. Alfradique had actually appeared as an extra in Vira Lata (1996) before joining the cast. Andrezza Cruz became a prominent Globo TV director.
Roberto Bettini - who appeared as the stilt Dengue in Xou da Xuxa (1988) - was called back for this show, this time to appear as Txutxucão the Dog. He felt the costume was too hot and dropped out, and the character was not used.