Great Bear Rainforest (2019) Poster

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Environmental versus Big Business
RobinCook7016 February 2006
This movie is a good one for young family members and brings about more awareness for our youth of their future unless they act upon doing something to make a difference. There are not many movies of this type for young people to get back to nature. Unfortunately, many of our youth (and their parents) tend to leave issues like the Spirit Bear to someone else ... if there is someone else.

This young 15 year old strove forth to protect the habitat of the spirit bear from a big business logging company. Enlisting Graham Green to act in the supporting and guiding role gave this movie the boost and credibility it needed. Ed Begley Jr.'s portrayal of the logging "man" was a good choice since he does play a despicable character rather well. Hence, the casting was done well and appropriately.

One thing that I would like to have seen more in this movie was the bear, but I can understand why there was little photography done of the bear due to the nature of protecting it from invading cameras and tromping masses. Would I buy this movie? Not for myself. It is a good one for renting, and would recommend it to families with youngsters (and the parents point out the website shown at the end of the movie and participate with their kids with a looksee at the site
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Very cute and very detailed
briancham19942 August 2021
This film fully justifies the use of the IMAX format. Throughout the entire film, I was entranced by the highly detailed cinematography that made me feel like I was in the depths of the rainforest itself, especially in the 360 degree dome. All the details of the water and leaves add to the immersion. The tracking of the bears and the cubs was very clear throughout. The narration added some interesting commentary on the bears and the habitat. The relationship with the humans also added some novelty beyond a standard nature documentary.
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Close to great
TheLittleSongbird10 June 2023
2019's 'Great Bear Rainforest' immediately appealed to me prior to watching. Absolutely love nature documentaries (have done ever since seeing 'Planet Earth' and 'The Blue Planet' for the first time when they first aired). Have always loved learning about bears of all kinds and there are a lot of fine documentaries on them, old and new. They are popular animals to explore and for good reason. Have also been seeing a lot of really good IMAX short film documentaries.

'Great Bear Rainforest' is one of those and does them justice. It is not one of my favourite IMAX documentary short films, with others being more complex tonally and better at showing how unforgiving life as an animal can be. 'Great Bear Rainforest' is still cute, entertaining and educational while not sugar coating, and it does much better than most IMAX documentary short films at including human scenes and balancing them with footage of the animals (which has been a failing with some).

Like pretty much all the IMAX documentary short films seen in the past couple of years, 'Great Bear Rainforest' is too short and would have benefitted from 15 minutes or so more. Wouldn't have said no to more bear footage and perhaps a little more detail on some of what is covered in the human scenes.

Also thought that the music didn't always fit, a softer and less jaunty, modern style would have worked better, and could have been used more subtly

So much is good in 'Great Bear Rainforest' however. It looks absolutely beautiful for one thing, with beautiful yet unforgiving scenery and especially the photography that leaves one in awe at its best. There is though more to 'Great Bear Rainforest' than cute animals and plants in beautiful environments, one is reminded without being preached at that there are daily challenges. The IMAX looks professional and is not overused or gimmicky.

Expectedly there is some messaging, but it is as relevant today as it was back then so it is hardly outdated. It also makes its point quite powerfully and thoughtfully, was very worried about it being preachy but there are documentaries that are a million times worse at that. The human scenes are illuminating and sincere and did find myself really inspired by what they were doing.

The bears however are even better and their material is very varied and never less than compelling. The behaviours are inspiring, surprising and relatable. When it comes to the information, it is very educational and the narration entertains and informs without preachiness, childishness, sugar-coating or disturbing. It may not be as uncompromising as other IMAX documentary short films, but it at least does show that pandas do face adversity and in a not too dramatised way. It is delivered well and sympathetically, while also with some playfulness.

Very well done and highly recommended. 8/10.
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Absolutely Fantastic!
hleidl5 February 2020
Watched this on an IMAX theatre. Absolutely beautifully crafted piece of filming. Highly recommend watching this.
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