Halloween II (1981) Poster


Leo Rossi: Budd



  • Janet : Julie saw him, you know.

    Bud : Who?

    Janet : Michael Myers.

    Bud : Come on...!

    Janet : I swear, yesterday when she was coming to work.

    Bud : Where'd she see him?

    Janet : You know the Shop And Bag out by the mall? She stopped at the light and saw him walking in that field behind the Lost River Drive In. Julie said he was so creepy.

    Bud : Julie's full of shit. He didn't escape until last night.

    Janet : You don't have to swear about it.

    Bud : She's a goddamn moron anyway.

    Janet : Every other word you say is either hell or shit or damn.

    Bud : Sorry. I guess I just fuck up all the time.

  • Bud : Look, Jimmy, rule number one, never get involved with a patient. Nurses, that's another story. But patient is no good, it never works out.

  • Jimmy : Jill, where's Dr. Mixter?

    Jill : Ah, he's been at the country club. I think he's drunk.

    Budd : Oh, great!

  • Budd : [singing]  Amazing Grace, come sit on my face / Don't make cry / I need your pie...

    Jimmy : Look why don't you just shut up, all right?

  • Budd : Happy Halloween.

    Karen : Budd, you are the biggest jerk I have ever met.

    Budd : But you love me...

    Karen : Yeah, and I'm an idiot.

See also

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