according to the norwegian broadcasting corporation...
17 March 2023
Critical reviewer , this was a flat and superficial told story...well , then this reviewer have had a blind eye towards when these true happenings evolved, and to avoid such an extremely large crimecase story into a flick that doesnt drag with an extremely long playlength, deepdives have been dropped correctly... the way the cutters and directors have decided to make this pre-womanliberation, historical journalismic sensation from back then is just brilliant for the silverscreen theater.

Because this is a dramatized biopic of 2 female journalists working in and against ultraheavily male professions reporting crime in the ultracatholitic boston area in the late 50's and 60's america,it should be granted for what it is, miss kiera does along with carrie coon and chris cooper some of their best performances for ages.

So thanks to the metoo revelation for making films like these see the light of day, even though its a sad testament of an era when most crimes went towards the cold, only to be solved 40-50 years later using crucial new techniques as dna etc, also made possible by a big wave of intelligent female researchers and detectives on the crime beat arena.

Its a dark, cold and inconsolable story of bestiallic murder way back then, amazingly well set, using gadgets and props correct from the era of time, well cut and ensambled, and made even more viewable due to using less musical score than they usually do in crimedramas. Some may find films of same story origins,but this is no less worthy

The major impression for the grumpy old man was the thrill, a 9 star outta 10 , a recommend.
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