Jaws (1975)
The definitive of a thriller, a film to remember.
7 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Over the course of many years and decades, Steveb Spielberg is one of the best film directors to date. With films such as: E.T, Jurassic Park, Schinder's List, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, The Gonnies, Saving Private Ryan, The Last Crusade, and Lincoln (Hell, I even have my respects for Ready Player One and The Adventures Of TinTin) you would expect it to be quiet a challenge for a film to surpass these ones. Jaws however is a different story, considered the best thriller ever made this film is a legendary moment in cinema history and why I watch films today. From the eerie beginning to the satisfying end, this movie will have you on your toes and make you scared to even go back in the water. Experiences like these should let you know that Steven Spielberg has succeeded in his goal.


Jaws however for some reason did get sequels (We really did not need a sequel, it ruins the satisfaction of the shark being killed in the first one!) so in case ur wondering, here's my ranking of the Jaws films:

4: Jaws 3-D 3: Jaws 2 2: Jaws The Revenge 1: Jaws
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