Review of Redcon-1

Redcon-1 (2018)
Highly anticipated and delivers
30 September 2018
I have to say that when we were initially involved in the filming of Redcon-1, I was unsure what to expect. Having been a fan and funder towards independent horror for many years, I've seen what a struggle it can be and seen many fail or not even get released. The cast and crew worked tirelessly to get this film completed and released. Yes, it took time but independent films do. Having now watched the film on release day, I was so impressed with the cinematography, the effects, the story. Pretty much everything. The zombie theme has been hammered especially over the last few years but to me this had a different feel to it and whilst it was fairly long it did keep me gripped. Plenty of head shots, bullets flying, martial arts and gore and some very good performances from the actors. It was great to be part of this film. Tickets are still available for this limited cinema release around the country so get on it while you can and support British Independant Horror.
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