You've all been conned. This film is rubbish
14 October 2008
Who could possibly find anything worthwhile to say about this film? Obviously the 159000 plus members who collectively rated it 8.8! It's hard to imagine how the Academy could have given Awards ( the big five no less ) to this over-long piece of pretentious nonsense. Giving the Oscar to Louise Fletcher for her performance has to be the all-time joke of the movie business. That much more able actresses had turned the role down speaks for itself. With the current lack of financial wisdom in the US in 2008, however, the film obviously had some serious irony up its sleeve to be kept for 33 years down the track. Fortunately since 1975, most Award seasons have seen logic and reason return to The Academy. One can only conclude that most of the Academy members who voted this Lulu Best Picture must have been smoking the butts that Ken Kesey couldn't finish.
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