Review of RV

RV (2006)
Wouldn't of been anything if it wasn't for Robin Williams amazing talents.
31 August 2006
This movie would have been terrible if it hadn't of been for Robin Williams. This movie is filled with terrible jokes and terrible plot holes. Yet, when Robin Williams says it or does it it makes you laugh. The direction is okay, but definitely not the best. The script writing isn't too good. Poorly written. The acting is OK. A lot of the jokes are toilet humor. It doesn't try too hard to be funny, it just wasn't my kind of humor. The pacing is pretty good.

I couldn't really relate to the family at all. Not one of them could make me laugh. Where as Robin Williams can make me laugh just with a movement of his face/voice. The script puts the family into some pretty funny situations, but hadn't it been for Robin Williams this movie would've been on the IMDb down bottom 100. I recommend this to any fans of Robin Williams. If not, I urge you to stay away. 7/10
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