Review of Cars

Cars (2006)
22 July 2006

Pixar tend to set the standards for the animation films. Every film is exceeding your expectations and show you what can be gained with what can be described as perfectionism. The Incerdibles was a mile stone in animation. I was asking myself where and how further they can go. As usual, with Pixar, they show that they can go further with technology. The sets look as real as possible. You get the feel you are on Route 66 and its unique landscape. I had a problem getting use to the talking cars. This subject is a deviation from a traditional Pixar movie. While other Pixar movies have been focused on a world which run in parallel to our world, a world we don't even know it exist, this movie create a world which is an allegory to our world. Pixar wanted to say something about our society and invent a world which doesn't exist for that reason(pay attentions: there are no humans in this world. Each car represent a type of person that exist in reality). When you get used to this idea, you can fairly enjoy the film. Which is funny, moving, say something about us and make it no secret that he prefer the way we lived in the past than the way we live now.

The end of the film, when the credit run, is a pleasure. It shows that Pixar can laugh on itself and its success. And wait till all the credits end, than there is another surprise.

In one word: recommended.
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