My Fave Lines from the show...
20 December 2004
MOVING LIPS: "you can't jingle half the've got to jingle ALL the way!" (Making fun of Arnold)

"Of course I threw him off the else is he gonna be gravity savvy?" (Steve Irwin's baby stunt)

"Ooh Conan, you're making bubbles devilish" (Michael Jackson)

FINISH THIS SENTENCE: "My first pet was...delicious" (Star Jones)

THE PROTECTORS SKIT: "The legal age to pose in this magazine is 18 years old. How old were you when you started?" "I was...21" "21? That's not exactly 18, is it? How dare you!'(Barely Legal)

I also LOVE the Walker Texas Ranger lever...Conan's a classic. 10/10
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