
Credits (text only)

Hide Hide Show Show Writer (2 credits)
 2023 Lotería (writer)
 2009 Born Into the Border (Short) (writer)
Hide Hide Show Show Director (1 credit)
 2009 Born Into the Border (Short)
Hide Hide Show Show Actor (1 credit)
 2019 In the Fish
Jamal's friend
Hide Hide Show Show Cinematographer (1 credit)
 2009 Born Into the Border (Short)
Hide Hide Show Show Art director (1 credit)
 2009 Born Into the Border (Short)
Hide Hide Show Show Costume designer (1 credit)
 2009 Born Into the Border (Short)
Hide Hide Show Show Editor (1 credit)
 2009 Born Into the Border (Short)
Hide Hide Show Show Producer (1 credit)
 2009 Born Into the Border (Short) (producer)
Hide Hide Show Show Script and Continuity Department (1 credit)
Hide Hide Show Show Set decorator (1 credit)
 2009 Born Into the Border (Short)

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