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Terminator reboot not sequel.....
13 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This one is not as bad as the last 2 or 3 i get confused on the name and order of this franchises movies now.

It's basically what Disney did to Star Wars only at least they didn't give a bait and switch with bringing back the old characters to try to tie in a new set of movies...............o wait yeah they did do just that...............

A lot of people of an issue with females playing the roles normally that would be for a man but i can get past that part of it. At the same time Arn-OLD is just that , to old to be playing this part and same with bringing back Sarah Conner(linda Hamilton). I will say she still can somewhat play the role but her real life age shows and makes it hard to really believe she would be able to do the things she does at her age.

This was suppose to be a true sequel to T2 but i call BS on that since basically everything from T! and T2 plot was stopped and just replaced by a different company. That part of the storyline is just sad and makes it like the first 2 movies didn't matter and in to many ways kinda makes this movies plot not matter since it's clear they are just going to use the troupe "where there is a will there is way" and even if this movie spawned sequels it's clear how it would turn out without having to sit through the movies and then have another reboot making this storyline not matter. It's crazy that either they didn't think people wouldn't figure this out or just don't care.

Again forgive me because it's hard to remember the titles of of all these movies but for me T1 and T2 and the one where Arnold comes back to save a young man John Conner are the only ones that should be watched. I know the 3rd one i'm talking about didn't go over great for fans but for me that one at least followed the original storyline and i basically look at it as a bonus flim if your a really big fan of the first 2.

Overall with all said i do also want to point out the "bad terminator in this one just looks and feels off , he looks and acts like a model and less menacing then any other. I mean he looks more like a boyband member then a terminator.

There is enough action and since it does basically just kinda redo the first 2 movies it's not unwatchable but not something you pay to see and watch when it's on TV and your bored. It doesn't help also that T2 was so well done that it holds up to this day very very well. If younger viewers had not seen T2 and watched this first if you went back and watched again basically the same plot i think you would still like T2 better even tho it's an old movie by now.
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This is the only movie ever made that really should be rated a 0-10
5 December 2020
People bashed the prequels but when you look back on them they actually do a lot right for Star War fans and there only downfall was poor acting by main roles and pacing issues.

Disney's take was just a bait and switch and gave Star Wars fans nothing but let downs along with lead role acting problems and pacing issues along with major storyline issues.

When i go to binge watch Star Wars over a weekend i watch The Prequals then Rouge One and end with the original first set ending with return of the Jedi and that's it. That's my Star Wars , i know others have different feeling but i do think that again the prequels do enough right and Rouge One was solid considering how great of of a job it leads into the timeline and acts as the prefect Buffer and lead in to New Hope.
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4 December 2020
This is the type of movie where you know the people making just had a great time and you can feel it as you watch.

I mean when a movie gets turned into a tv show you know it's good. Weirdly it reminds me a bit of Trailer Park Boys , it seems off to compare but i do think they share common ground.
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Deadwood: The Movie (2019 TV Movie)
I don't understand the point of making this movie.
27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love the Deadwood series and when i heard that they were making a movie to give the show a proper send off that we really didn't get from the series finale i was so happy.

I guess in a lot of ways they did do just that and wrapped up the show but it felt way to much like a long episode rather then a movie.

My biggest complaint and why i questioned making The movie this way was the ending. It ended in the same boring way The show did where all they really did was give us a look 10 years into the future that i think any fan could have guessed would have looked like.

Again when i heard this movie stayed true to the show and gave it a proper send off i was thinking "ok so there going to finally have this epic western gun battle" that for me and i think most fans wanted.

All we were given was to watch one of the best Characters ever die and have a lesser role in the storyline (Swearengen) and once again a let down show down of The Villain and the hero. I understand that this was all based off real events and people but they strayed away enough already from that aspect that they could have gotten away with The Gun battle that was needed.

I know i kind of just repeated myself makinf the same point but when the credits rolled all i felt was " no non no not again NO!!!!".

Overall as movie it was just bad in the sense that , again it was just 2 episodes worth of run time of The Show and not a true movie and The storyline was exactly the same as the last half of season 3 of The show only The villain is trying to get telephone lines added to the town by buying up land and killing great characters that stand in his path instead in the show where the villain was buying up land for the gold and killing off loved characters that got in the way , with both cases all that really happens is he just gets a slap on the wrist for it.

I get it they wanted to stay true to the story but i will keep repeating it in different ways at the cost of not giving us The gun battle the show/movie needed to end with. I only give it 6 out of 10 and not a 2 because they did a great job with set design and the acting was almost on par with The show and props for all the actors coming back to play there roles.
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
One of those shows everyone should try to watch at some point.
26 November 2020
Overall it starts out a bit odd and you don't fully understand what type of show it's going to be. For me what makes or breaks a show or movie from any genre is when a scene is meant to be funny or put a smile on your face , overall this show does a good job with that.

The storyline itself is really just about life and death and in the end nobody lives forever. Normally i would give this show a 7 out of 10 because i have seen better shows centered around a family that runs a business together and has better characters.

This show gets 2 bonus stars for one , the type of business the family runs should be a subject matter that would be hard to watch but is done in way that feels like it could be any kind a family business.

The second bonus star is for being the best show I've ever seen to handle what the main storyline is about , life and death. You will not be able to watch it from start to finish without feeling something that i have never gotten from any other kind of TV show or movie and chances are by the end you will feel different about you own personal life for a long time and the only reason i don't say forever is that you just forget about things you have seen after a period of time.

With that said you will not ever forget the ending of the show and for me it is the best ending of any kind of TV show or movie ever. It's not the most entertaining , gradifing or shocking ending but the most realistic protay of the meaning of life and death.

I know i repeat "life and death" a lot in this review and i tried very hard not to give away any spoilers besides my opinion on the ending and a vague idea of the storyline only because i really feel like the show is at it's best when going into it knowing the least amount you can about the show. Also i will say it is a drama and the setting may be off putting when you first start out but if you stick with it you realize the setting is not really what the show is about and it is funny when it needs to be. I had no problem with wanting to watch more after the first episode so i don't want to to seem like it drags on or a slow burn.

I only explained it the way i did because if you just skip to the end you will only cheat yourself out of the full experience of it without at the very least understanding who the characters are and in a way what they represent.
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Solid movie with some solid acting.
14 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I knew nothing about Skateboarding and heard it was based off true events and looked at the cast and i was in.

Overall i liked it but i think more because i was learning about the evolution of state boarding and some early brands. I thought the acting was good but at times it felt like the setting was more of the main character which isn't the worst thing but just bad it feel slow at times.

As far as staying true to the real people , Some of Them felt different and to there point i understand why but it was a movie and again it was close enough that afterwards while doing fact checking it did get most of the important kind of bullet points right.
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Littlekenny (2019)
Not needed but just nice little thing for the fans.
9 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The reason i give it a 8 out of 10 is if your a fan of Letterkenny it's little things like this mini short that make the show so great. I feel like Letterkenny gives you enough to get the back story of how they ended up being friends and such but it was still just nice , short and sweet in a letterkenny kind of way.

There is just enough in this that some day they could make a fully fleshed pre-quel cartoon series but as is it's just i think in total like 15 minutes of just telling fans how they became friends on the real show and i love that they did the "cold open" that they do even if it wasn't as funny as the show it was , well cute.
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Silicon Valley (2014–2019)
Overall good
30 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's a good show i wont go into the details why and more why i only give it a 7 out of 10 when i think it could have been a higher rated show for me.

The storyline has issues for me because you get invested and then by the end of each season most of what happen doesn't matter. I know you could say that a lot about most shows but in this case it sticks out to me since the seasons are short.

In season 2 a character that i think was going to play a big role in the storyline dies on the show and sadly in real life the actor died so it was a forced move that makes me wonder how much better the show would have been if this did not happen.

Then the last 2 seasons a character is written off the show that was a huge blow since the characters need to interact with each other a lot since it's mostly a show with 5 characters in a room. Overall it seemed to ruin the flow of the show to much.

Again i do like the show overall but for me if the things i didn't liked were changed just a bit this could have been a 8,9 out of 10 rating for me.
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Open Water (2003)
My biggest fear!
27 October 2020
Overall the movie is boring but for someone who is afraid of swimming in the ocean , this is one of the scariest movies i've seen because it's shot in a way that feels very real.

I have a hard time rating this movie since it does what it set out to do so well but at the end of the day it's a movie about 2 people floating in open water for about 2 days.
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GLOW (2017–2019)
Not as good as i hoped.
27 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the first season was a 8.5 out of 10 with Alison Brie and Marc Maron making up most of the best parts of the show.

In The second season you could watch the first and last episode only and fully understand what happened mostly based off the story line played out in the first season. Even in the Last episode The story line randomly gets bailed out in the last 5 minutes that allows for a 3rd season almost like they had 2 endings in case it didn't get picked up for another season.

Then in season 3 a lot of show moves past most of the Second seasons downfalls only to be replaced by a "will they wont they" story line that has been done on i don't know how many shows and things like long distance relationship's.

As a male i felt like the show after season 1 got more and more into a show that mostly women would enjoy with a lot of things that felt like they were suppose to me something different really being the same thing you would find in a lot of other modern non big network TV.

I think if i had not seen Orange is the new Black i would have like the 2nd and 3rd season better and even tho the setting's of the shows are fully different they deal with a lot of the same subject matter only but not nearly as good.
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Letterkenny (2016–2023)
It's very good but it is hard to understand every word.
17 September 2020
I only seen the first episode and can tell it's binge worthy and kinda guessing it will land in the 8 out 10 range for me simply for it being hard to catch ever word of what there saying. if you re-watched the series i think you would catch everything said and only miss like 5% the first go through.

it's the only hing i have to complain about other then it starts off a bit weird but also starts off very funny only reason i didn't go past the first epoisde because it was already very late and i know i would have been up all night. I'm writing this review so i quickly did something else not to keep watching,
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More fun hearing this movie was being made then watching it.....
11 September 2020
First off it's a bit harder to see Keanu Reeves playing this type of role after all the movies he's done. Also i think the first movies made enough money not to be considered "cult classics" but i watched the first 2 movies before this one and they just didn't hold very well so there may be fatigue factor by the time i watch the new one.

Overall i think they did an ok job with the new one but i hate when i'm watching a movie and wondering are these women roles in here just because of equal rights etc.

I think they were going for more "hear felt" moment but i just didn't feel that and more the ladder of what i said. (trying not to spoil)

I don't know i guess i was hoping for to much out of this movie because again while the first 2 are better , not by that much. In a weird way it just made me sad how much older i am rather then making me feel good. Also at times it felt like a SNL Parody bit.
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Dexter (2006–2013)
First season alone is a must watch.
2 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a show with some great , good and bad seasons with one of the worst endings ever.

I think if anyone is on the fence about the show you should just watch the first season. The first season is based off a book so it plays out almost like a mini series with no real cliff hangers. Then if you like it keep going.
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Baby Driver (2017)
A movie worth buying and that is saying a lot these days.
24 June 2020
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This is an action crime heist film with a twist of a musical element to it , by that the soundtrack really plays a huge role in the plot and feel to the movie. The acting and actors are very good. To many movies waste to much time trying to make you care for the love interest the way the the main character does when really it's an obvious movie troupe , it's one of the big reasons i like this movie. That being said the movie still has heart

The last 3rd of the movie does take you out of a joy ride of a movie this is but not enough to dislike it. Also i'm pretty sure every heist movie either ends with everyone getting away or ending where most (including) the main character dies. This movie gives you both and is the reason the last 3rd is a bit messy but keeps the action going at a fast pace that it doesn't really give you time till after the movie to think about the short falls of the movie.

Overall it's just a fun movie.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Good show to binge watch
7 May 2020
Overall the show does one thing different then other shows like this , they actually kill. Also i'm not sure i've ever watched a show that was able to get so many seasoned well known actors who sometimes only appear in one or 2 episodes. It really helps with keeping the viewer on there toes on how important a character is since most of the time when they bring in well-known actors you know just based off who they are in real life they will have a bigger part on the show then there characters would have you believe with the bonus of having lesser roles being well acted.

James Spader really carries the show , there is a short list of actors that could have played his role as well as he does.

There are only 2 things i dislike about the show and that's the Liz Keen character and actress playing here. The character makes no sense , she is a brand new field agent with training more on the side of intel gathering (FBI pro filler) but is way to bad ass when it comes to fighting and such. As for Megan Boone the actress playing the character she does an ok job but the way the show written the character they needed someone better for the viewer to care about her more (if you watch the show you will see why) . Honestly she seems to just blends into the back ground until the shows plot forces her to stick out.
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Runaways (2017– )
A movie worth of story line , dragged out over seasons of a T.V. show....
20 January 2020
I don't want to sit here a just bash this show because it there a several problems i had with it but overall the teen drama and wooden characters (i don't blame the actors).

The Comic book angle of the show is only there because it's whats popular and i don't care if it is or isn't like the original source material. It's just a show thats been made over and over for 12-16 year old range of fans to be it's main demo target audience.

I don't like to score T.V. shows and movies so low because i get sometimes it's just not a show that is made for me to like but i really feel like for the people it was made for it is low quality entertainment because i'm saying the show set and such look bad. I gave i one star because of what i just said about the set design and such being solid and the other star is for somehow getting me to watch the first season and 1 or 2 episodes in season 2 thinking maybe i was missing something.
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True Grit (2010)
The main character/actress that plays her save this movie from being forgettable.
2 January 2020
Hailee Steinfeld played her role prefect and is the only thing that makes it worth a watch. Overall it's well acted but because of the way it ends you feel like your missing a lot of pages from a book, You know what happens and can easily figure out the missing pages but it makes the pacing alittle less enjoyable.

I haven't seen the original but i have seen John Wayne movies and once you have seen one you have kind of seen then all , so i would guess this is the better version of the movie and say it's worth a watch and i think all ages would like it it.
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The Lion King (2019)
Really bad with realistic looking CGI.
19 July 2019
The C.G.I really is top notch but so much so that it takes away from the story and characters.

Toy Story C.G.I is the kind that you need to make a movie like this work , the C.G.I they used is what you want for movies that have things like dinosaurs and not dinosaurs that talk.

It'd weird to because i liked the recent Jungle Book movie a lot better yet they made the animals real looking too , i just think because the are no Human Characters there are parts of Lion King that just can't be re-done in this way.

I dont know all i can say is the original Lion King is so much better mostly for reasons of how they choose to make the characters look visually
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The Orville (2017–2022)
I do not like one character.
7 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The problem i have is i don't know what this show is trying to be. It seems to be very closely related to Star Trek to the point where all the characters are just copy and paste from almost any Star Trek series.

Also i have an issue with Seth playing the lead , i think he is very talented but the show doesn't allow him to showcase the things that make him talented.

And the jokes.............. they are so not funny it's painful , i have no problem with crude humor but the jokes feel like a 12 year old is writing them. Also they feel like there are written backwards where they know the punch line and ruin the joke. I can't explain it.

:Example , trying to get out of a locked to the Captain asks the Strong character to "open this pickle jar" followed be the strong character blasting through the door and then some just so the captain can say the punch line "i loosened it".

But the only good thing about the show is it does such a good job of spoofing Star Trek in a lot of ways it just feels like Star trek. That is not enough for me to watch since i was never a big fan of any of the series but that's just me
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Dexter (2006–2013)
The first season alone is a must watch.
23 June 2019
I gave it 7 out of 10 because the show does have 3 major flaws.

1. The first season is the show at it's best and could have just ended there and been a mini series. the main character is very well done a interesting enough to watch all the seasons For me each season got worse has it went on but not bad enough for me not to finish all the seasons.

2. The ending..... if you plan on watching this show DO NOT look up the ending on the show , i wouldn't to go as far as it being pointless to watch if you find out the end but it would take away from one of the shows reasons to watch throughout the series.

3. Anything non-main character ( filler storyline and other characters ) are just not great. They are just there because they have to be to make the show work and to fill time. I'm not saying all the supporting roles are just unwatchable either because of have or what they had to work with but overall it feel like the main character is a 10 out of 10 and supporting cast and later storylines are 5 out of 10.

I have watched the series twice and while knowing the ending does make less enjoyable anyone that likes to binge watch a variety of different genres it is a "must watch" for the first season alone. Each season has a main story that wraps up within it's season so watch the first season and you like it then keep going even if you know how it ends and just do what i do and skip the last season and make up my own.
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
No Humans please!!!!!!!!!!!!
19 June 2019
The Plot is the same every time and even worse they have done this exact same story-line 3 times now. The first Michael movie (still the only solid movie) the Marky Mark one and now this. I could understand if these 3 movies were maybe 20 years apart with no other transformer movies inbetween but they are just beating a dead horse to death putting into the grave then digging the horse up only to beat it again and get away with it because these movies always make money in the Chinese market.

Please just give us the movie i have been waiting for since i was a child showing how there planet was killed. I know enough about that there is more then enough lore to make a great movie.
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Love X-MEN but they lost there way after future past.
8 June 2019
For me the biggest problem with this franchise with the last 2 movies is casting, there is the whole problem with Jennifer Lawrence actress being bigger deal then the character she plays so then they have to keep working her into the storyline and now Sophie Turner. I get it Game of Thrones is whats been huge for awhile but that doesn't mean every actor from the show is the next big star. Sophie Turner cannot not act even watching GoT i didn't think she was great but it was so obv in age of Apocalypse when she played the role has Jean grey that they made huge mistake.

It just sucks because unless they do some re-casting not even a good storyline will save these movies. I mean they are already using up the X-Men comics "greatest hits" but again i think are failing because they don't know how to cast the younger characters and overuse the only ones they got right. O well at least they got Deadool right and are making at least 2 more movies with him as the lead character.

O yea sorry i know that was more of a rant about casting but about the movie it wasn't good and if you need your X-MEN fix just watch the 90's cartoon series , they did a way better job with Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix , hell even X-MEN last stand touched on the Dark Phoenix character and did a better job.
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9 March 2019
I will never understand why you cast Brie Larson in such a large roll like this. I liked her in other movies but such a miscast to play a superhero.

As for the movie :

The plot is your avg MCU movie so nothing to really speak on that. But the writing and pace are put this near the bottom of the MCU.

The character: I know Captain Marvel is a straight rip -off of Superman making her power level just way to high. Normally i wouldn't care and just forget about this movie but Cap Marvel has like 8 movies where she is in and basically a middle finger to all the character development that we have gotten from all the past MCU movies since basically all the characters combine to not equal her.

Again this isn't a man or women thing it's just a bad casting mixed with a Superhero NO ONE asked for or needed there is a comic book ver of what happens in the up coming movies without the character. It's sad that all logic tells us it's not about making a good movie(s) and more about Women are equal bla bla bla.
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True Blood (2008–2014)
Great show till the last season.
5 February 2019
I am not a teen girl and still really liked the show. It does use romance genre to get the plot going and to hold it together but for me the real main plot is "what if the supernatural was real" and came out of hiding in a real life setting.

The writing and character development are as good as it gets and the plot is well handled till Allen Ball the (shows Creator) left after the fifth season. There are still some good moments in the last 2 seasons and if you like the first 5 seasons i think there worth a watch but i will say most of season 7 just feels like they didn't know how to end the show.
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Black Lightning (2018– )
no matter the colur of your sking it's just bad
20 January 2019
If you are here you will see a lot of 1's and 2's ratings and those are real and the 7-10 ratings are bots.

i watched 5 eps. and i have nothing good to say about the show so i won't just list everything wrong with it.

The only reason i am writing a review is due to the "message" the show is trying to be. This could have been a good show but i really feel like the people that make the show were to focused on the "message" then making at the very least an ok show. I know CW isn't HBO but how did they let this air? Don't get me wrong there are plenty a cheezy shows that i like but this was just so bad.
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