
15 Reviews
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Yea this wasn't good....
19 June 2022
Started out with a decent amount of promise. Silly idea and some funny people but the writing was abysmal. The scenes went on for way too long and accomplished almost nothing. Can anyone in this show have a spine and not be a fumbling mumbling moron? Nah that's asking too much. What's funny is doing the same thing over and over and over again. Specifically, saying something embarrassing and then continue talking making it worse and worse until someone else tells you to shut up. Boy oh boy, that is real comedy. I mean...look how many times they did it. If it wasn't funny, why would they do it repeatedly. Oh right...writers absolutely suck these days. Got it. At least it's not a woke nightmare. Just bad writing. For example...the scene with the puffed up new hair style went on far too long and in like three separate parts...again, all of which did nothing at all. Completely and totally pointless and basically a net negative in funny. As in, if a joke was told that rated as an 8, it is now a 6 because the other terrible jokes actually took away from the funny parts. That's hard to do. To actually remove funny from one thing because another is so unfunny. It's almost impressive actually. Alas, this show stunk and something tells me the next season will be far worse. Blah blah blah yada yada yada. Donesville.
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Jeeeeeeez....where do I even start to comment on this absolute mess....
18 June 2022
This was an utter disappointment. From start to finish honestly. Very high hopes going in obviously as we all know the first one was pretty great. This was a disaster. I do like that the writers injected a bunch of woke progressive garbage into it though because that's what makes movies better. What a despicable disgrace the left is. Sickening.
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Top Chef (2006– )
I like the show with one glaring exception...cultural bias.
6 May 2022
So here's the formula....if you're Italian or French or from any predominantly historically white country, you have to change your style of cooking for every challenge. You may even get knocked if you do the same kind of technique (ie pasta) more than once in the entirety of the season no matter how long through the completion you make it. If you're a person of color, you can and are encouraged to make the same style of food every challenge on repeat and you're applauded for it. This goes double for South American chefs...even if they're born and raised in America, since they're of Latin decent, they're encouraged to make latin food from start to finish. But god forbid a white chef goes Italian, French, Greek, west African, Indian, Asian, Italian.....this second Italian dish will get them knocked by the judges for repeating a style. But the Latina can go 15 for 15 Mexican food and she'll be lauded. The double standard is so painstakingly obvious and the good news is, these shows are all run by liberal progressives and if they didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all so we can look forward to this kind of added racial bias on white contestants from here on out. Equality y'all! Ain't it grand?!?!? Sad broken leftists....
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Veep (2012–2019)
What a colossal let down in the end...
16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Yea...I'm new to the show. Just finished up and I have to say this is some of the best writing in a show I've seen in a very long time. The constant jokes about each other and the general lack of empathy for anyone or giving a damn about being PC was remarkably refreshing and very funny BUT.... I've never seen such a fall from grace of any main character of a show. She turned into a despicable monster basically. Yea yea yea all politicians are awful blah blah blah but for gods sake. They turned her into the worst of the worst. Just an odd let down I did not see coming at all. Throwing Gary under the bus and not visiting him the entirety of his sentence?!? It was just such a hard left turn at the end it seemed unnecessary and rushed or something. Either way....really good show right up until the last few episodes....which really soured it in my eyes.
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This was not a good movie. At all.
12 November 2021
Well....the ever present problem with sequels to popular action movies. So sad. Besides being almost unwatchable, it was also inaudible. rape is probably a more accurate way to say it. The interaction between Eddie and Venom was abysmal to say the least. Terrible in every way. I could go on and on but I'll leave it at stunk on ice. Period.

PS...Woody Harleson? Really? He's the big bad guy? A dumb southern hick psychopath with anger issues???? Sadly pathetic. Could not have been less compelling if they tried.

PPS. The more I think about this movie as I'm writing the review, the more I realize how astonishingly bad it really was. I won't say it's as bad as Black Panther but jeeeeeeesuuuuuuuuus chriiiiiiiiiist it's really close.
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People with X chromosomes, this show isn't misogynistic....and here's why....
29 September 2021
Okay, listen up. Here's why this isn't actually misogynistic. Just bare with me. The wokest of the woke progressive lunatics truly believe to their core that there are no differences between men and women. They are equal on every front no matter what. Women and men can do anything and everything the other does. That's why, when "people with Y chromosomes" died, there were still plenty of brilliant men still alive. Also, oddly enough, many women who just so happened to have an X chromosome died also that day. See, these groups used to just be simply called men and women. Male and female. But, since the wokest of the woke are somehow pulling the strings in this show, there's no difference between men and women. So, when half the population dies, it's just the other half of human kind doing what humans do. That's all. Can't get mad at someone for hating on women, when they firmly and assuredly believe there's no such thing as they even said verbatim in the damn show. So, to all you "cisgender birthing people" out there, if you want to get mad at someone, get mad at the despicable woke extremists who don't even believe you exist. 🤷‍♂️
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This literally defeats the entire purpose of what Captain America stands for
20 August 2021
The whole purpose for a Captain America in the time period it was in was that America itself was a force for good. An unstoppable moral good that saves the day wherever it's needed because the rest of the world was seemingly unable to handle the evil sweeping across Europe. So by making a "General Britain" or whatever the hell she was, they're completely and totally removing the reason for Captain America in the first place. Also...duh...everyone hates forced gender swaps just for the sake of "wouldn't it be like totes amaze balls if liiiiiiiike Captain America was a girrrrrrrl?!?" Grow up. My 11 year old daughter even hated this. We stopped watching half way through what felt like a 3 hour long pointless show.
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30 Rock: Live Show (2010)
Season 5, Episode 4
One star per laugh
19 June 2021
This episode, unlike any other episode felt like it was written by an entirely different staff. The singular reason I watched was just in case there was any further plot development. So needless to say it was a terrible waste of time. Shame, because this is a fantastic show usually.
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Struggling for the right words.....
9 May 2021
This is a spectacular display of garbage. The original is top three comedies easily. This was...utter dreck. I read lots and lots of reviews and felt that I just had to watch to see how bad it could be. I was not disappointed. This was in fact one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It may actually be the worst movie of all time. It's possible. It's literally that bad. I could type a novel about everything that's wrong with this movie. I could probably even publish a medical paper on the absolute mental disorders that got this movie to production. From start to finish....even the very last end credits scene which was a terrible attempt at the nostalgic "what is that, velvet?"....this movie was....ya know what...I don't even have the words to describe just how bad this movie was. I can tell you that I feel mad, sad, discouraged, betrayed, utterly disappointed, confused and generally fearful for the future. That's how bad this movie was. I've literally lost's that bad.

Watch at your own risk. Jesus.... I'm thinking about some of the scenes and I'm getting mad all over again. God damn what an astonishing mess. If everyone related to this movie in any way never works again, it would be a start to the justice required for their awful crime against humanity.

And no.... I'm not exaggerating or being hyperbolic or dramatic. If anything I'm being very very very nice and even sensitive in my review. This movie was that bad.
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Chad: Ikrimah Breakup (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Tried giving this a decent shot. No mas
9 May 2021
The 3rd episode was abysmal. Truly cringe inducing in all the worst ways. There was nothing at all redeeming about this show. I honestly thought the first two episodes had a few laughs but wow wow wow this episode was just flat out bad. Like really really bad.
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The Office (2005–2013)
Tied for most overrated show of all time.
9 May 2021
At least this show can hold its head high in not being THEE most overrated show of all time. Just tied with Big Bang Theory as the most overrated show of all time. It just fails on so many points. It's not even close to the funniest mockumentary style show as it can't hold a candle to Parks and Rec. That's not even debatable. At all. So why the high ratings? How on earth could Big Bang Theory also get so big? can tell a lot about a country by the entertainment they hold on high. These two shows are an indicator that this country is slipping further and further into the depths of dumb. Period. This just isn't a funny show....even after the dozen or so episodes I've watched.
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Chad (2021–2024)
I struggled with this one......oddly....
8 May 2021
It's confusing. I mean yea I guess there's a backstory or something from SNL? I dunno. But anyway.... Chad is instantly unlikable but in a teenage dork kind of way. He lies all the time basically and is just mean to everyone. Not the best way to intro a character we're supposed to connect with. Plus, it's odd how much he hates Muslims...but ok. He's oddly likably hate worthy. There's moments of well written laughs but they're short and not really related to the show. Just kinda funny lines written here and there.

Plus now that I think about it, the destructive, anti-progress, harmful, hateful leftists who say that only actors who exactly portray the characters they're playing are allowed to do so, I'm inclined to not care about Chad being played by a girl. She can kinda pull off the age thing sort of. The voice is wayyy off because duh, she sounds like a girl because ya know...she is.

The forced uncomfortable scenes are exactly that though...very forced and very uncomfortable but not in the funny way we've grown to love. They're just sadly uncomfortable...which isn't funny.

Someone said it well earlier....not sure if they failed at being a comedy or if they failed at being a drama of sorts but either's just confusing more than anything.

On episode 2 now....the sword scenes....why? I dunno...I've never been this confused about a show.

TBD......but all in all blehhhhhh.
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WandaVision: Now in Color (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
My favorite thing about the show is.....
27 January 2021
My favorite thing about the show is that they force us to watch 22 minutes of the worst kind of writing, acting and directing imaginable until they get to the part we all know is coming but are now furious to have to sit through! This. Is. Bad. Period.
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WandaVision (2021)
Not the worst show but it's certainly in the running...
22 January 2021
I'm really at a loss these days. What's considered amazing cinematic excellence is escaping me. I get it I get what a craaaaaazy idea to do a 50s style sitcom thing that in ABSOLUTELY NO WAY WHATSOEVER adds to the story or even insinuates why on earth they'd allow these pretty damn good actors to act in a way that takes away from their actual abilities. Aaaaaaamazing 🙄 Remind you of anything? Where something good was seemingly purposely and utterly decimated by smashing it into a decade it should never have been in....? Wonder Woman 1984 for the win? Anyone..........anyone.....? Again.....I'll give it time and maybe another episode or two, but so far this is unwatchable. Period. It's hack. It's not interesting. Couldn't be less compelling if it tried. The writing, the acting, the directing, even the casting is abysmal. This show is the epitome of nowadays. Pointless, going nowhere, poorly thought out, terribly executed and god awfully boring. If you're on the fence on this one....stay on your property. Ugh this is bad.
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American Horror Story: Forbidden Fruit (2018)
Season 8, Episode 3
Thank god Jessica Lange is no longer on the show....
27 September 2018
I am shocked beyond words at how unbelievably bad this show has become. The one and only silver lining is that the great Jessica Lange is no longer part of the cast because even she couldn't pull this appalling travesty out of its undeniable tailspin. There is so much wrong with this show I don't even know where to begin. From the characters to the writing to the acting to the premise to the wardrobe to everything else, it is all terrible! I sit and watch only to see just how bad this show can get. I thought they couldn't come close to topping last season but wowy kazowy was I dead wrong. I'm just waiting for Trump to rise from a hole in the ground with devil horns in true leftist cry baby fashion. Wow. I mean wow wow wow. As said before about god awful drivel, I wish I could've given it zero stars because anything more than zero is the biggest exaggeration of all time. In fact I wish I could give it negative stars because that's what it deserves. It is literally the definition of a show becoming too into itself. God awful nonsense in every sense of the phrase. I hope more than anything that it gets cancelled after this abortion of a season so I no longer have to witness the tragic downfall of a once very good show.
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