
13 Reviews
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Fun for the Whole Family
12 November 2023
It's a musical, so I had to coerce hubby to go with me to see it. Not twenty minutes into the film and I knew that I wanted the soundtrack.

The music leans Disney, almost like the scores were compiled by a team of individuals from early 2000s Disney payroll.

Expect theatrics, dances, choreography...everything. It's done quite well. Very entertaining. The sets fall someplace between a small-stage theater and a big screen production. Simple script, but good. Well acted. Beautiful cast members, costumes, and settings.

Hubby confessed how much he enjoyed the film, especially the end. And of course, it's clean family fun.
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Too Much Profanity and Childishness
30 September 2023
I walked by as this movie was playing in my household. It was awful. Martin Lawrence, Danny Glover, and other greats should consider their legacies.

The film's cast features some of the most excellent actors in the entertainment industry. But it seemed they were trying too hard to draw laughter, stooping to pervasive measures of foul language and taking the Lord's name in vain.

The parts I saw were cringeworthy, with grownups rolling around on the floor, holding one another in chokeholds, and exhibiting childlike behavior. It was strange. Avoid if you can. The cast members have put out much better work.

Death and funerals aren't really anything I'd spend much time laughing about if not necessary.
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Pride & Prejudice: Atlanta (2019 TV Movie)
At Least It's Clean and the Characters are Attractive
3 September 2023
This is a difficult watch for a deeply-rooted Pride and Prejudice 1995 fan, who also happens to be a black woman.

In 1.5 hours, it may be nearly impossible to manage subtle character development from pride to humility, prejudice to justice. Even after getting that done, the writers must still allow for the preservation of appropriate pride. That's a difficult balance to strike. It was missed here.

Many nuanced story elements were also lost. For example, costumes are an important part of filmmaking, while these characters seemed to wear whatever they personally liked. There was no identifiable cultural standard being clearly displayed through costuming.

There were also misrepresentations of Austen's work that don't qualify as simple adjustments for uniqueness, such as with social class. The Bennet family was represented as lower middle class, if not outright poor. Austen's work suggests that the Bennets were upper middle class, while Bingley would have been top 5% and Darcy top 1%. It may be necessary to preserve original social class to prevent the Bennet girls from being detrimentally pitied.

Also, step parenting and pregnancy themes are probably to be avoided when remaking Austen. Such elements go beyond preference for choosing mates and introduce nearly insurmountable dealbreakers. It risks momentarily jolting the audience out of the story.

Worst of all, I perceived zero chemistry anywhere. Romantic and other declarations can be made without words, communicated through body language, facial expressions, and brilliant directing. Not here.

Pride and Prejudice Atlanta was untrue to the original intent of characters, extremely rushed, and...just rushed. It didn't work for me, but I'm thankful that is was clean!!! I'm also thankful that this filmmaker tried something very difficult. You're appreciated.
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The Tailor (2023)
Riveting Cliffhangers and Mostly Wholesome
28 July 2023
Great show! Built on drama and plot. Clean (except 1 brief encounter). A bit of bad language that is appropriate for the villain. Otherwise a wholesome show, and each episode ends with an interesting cliffhanger!

Episode 1 had me scratching my head in the first half. There was a 5-second racy clip that came out of nowhere and could have been omitted. Then, the story started coming together and was easy to follow. The rest of season 1 was woven together quite well.

The actors remain true to their characters throughout. This is one of those shows where you, at times, even like the villain. I loved and abhorred nearly every character at some point.

Beautiful sets, scenery, music, cinematography, costumes, etc.

I'd planned to watch one episode, and ended up binging the 1st season in one night.
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Women at War (2022)
A Super Whatcha-call-it?
28 January 2023
There are many brothel worker characters in the show who serve a fundamental element of the plot. However, the only Black female in the entire film is portrayed as a Super whatcha-call-it.

It is so apparent that in every scene and every line that the Black female is given, her only purpose is to be portrayed as extra sleazy...portrayed as more sleazy and pathetic than the other whatcha-call-its.

This stereotype is overplayed in my experience, while it appears to communicate a blatantly disgraceful and disturbing message...or is the message subliminal? I would prefer and an all-white cast.

I am concerned that most audience members will not notice this. But as a Black woman, I noticed.

The story is interesting with many twists and turns, while the ending gets weak, maybe rushed. Otherwise, I was compelled to speak out about how the producers, director, and even the actor...all parties involved...seem out of line for perpetuating this tired stereotype of Black women being super whatcha-call-its.

1 star, solely for that offense.
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Hang in there at least Halfway...the Hero is Worth it!
4 January 2023
Soooo cheesy at the beginning that it's upsetting, but try to wait it out.

This is a hardcore romantic film, when there heroine takes quite a long time before she notices Mr. Right. The the subtle and unexpected things that he does cause her to fall for him, things that most women would love for a man to do/say.

Great movie for a girls night because it can lead to some interesting discussions.

No sex scenes (everything left to the imagination). No foul language (some innuendo).

There was some bad cinematography, at times (one star lost).

The way the Asian lady was portrayed frustrated me. She was funny and cute, but her character is a simpleton and I didn't like that. We barely have Asian women in American films as it is, so it's premature to cast them this way (another star lost).

One of the characters says slutty things (another star lost).

The hero is so dreamy, all other flaws excused and stars returned!
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Heartfelt - Satisfying
28 November 2022
Not cheesy like so many Christmas movies these days.

This is a sweet movie free of foul language and clean. There is one bedroom scene that is quite brief and mild. Just a bit of kissing.

Other reviews complained about the ending, although I was pleased with how it ended. There was a bit of contrivance with some turn of events, but totally satisfying for hopeless romantics.

Scenery was a joy to watch. There were some weird camera motions at times.

I'm a fan of Justin Hartley. He's easy on the eyes. Not familiar with the female lead, although she's beautiful and I enjoyed her performance.

Sweet film.

Great casting.

Cute dog.

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Emotional Manipulation to a Shameless Degree
28 November 2022
Women (and men) recounted stories of being propositioned for sexual favors. Minors were mentioned, although evidence of crimes against those minors was scarce.

This films presents as a team of prosecutors and others who seem to use emotional tactics to convict in a court of public opinion.

I believe that Ghislaine Maxwell is guilty of crimes against minors, but if I were on a jury and this content was the extent of the prosecution's evidence, not guilty would be my verdict...and I'd stand on that decision, saddened by the potential miscarriage of justice, shaking my head.

Maybe the prosecution delivers compelling evidence in the courtroom.

As for this film, even a man was complaining that G. Maxwell had made sexual advances towards him. Is this supposed to be evidence of criminal behavior? See the Cole Hons interview around minute 106.

In another instance of lacking evidence, one of the prosecuting attorneys spoke of a victim by saying, "...she was extraordinarily young when she was recruited by GM..."

What does it mean to be extraordinarily young? Is the person two years old? Is she negative age? I concluded that his claim was more emotional manipulation.

Later, we find that the victim was 14 at the time of the alleged crimes. Then, we have no further information. How was the girl recruited? Where were her parents? What were the circumstances?

I found the whole film to be a pursuit of emotional manipulation rather than a delivery of facts that speak for themselves.


Can we go this hard against the celebrities and the world leaders who used Epstein's and Maxwell's services to exploit minors and to traffic sex workers? Where's the documentary that calls them out?
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Likeable Enough Heroine...but...
16 October 2022
Scene one was fantastic and I found the lead female to be adorable, until her first conversation with the boyfriend, then the conversation from bed...the character went from cutesy to borderline sleazy...then there were the obnoxious f-bombs in the next scene.

I quit after the fourth or so scene.

Also, something about the posture of the heroine didn't work for me. There can be a fine line between confidence and arrogance, between certainty and silly.

Otherwise, the scenery and cinematography were handled quite well, especially since the audience is treated to an opera house setting, a boardroom, and outdoor Europe all within the first 15 minutes.
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Moonfall (2022)
Halle Berry Teaches Astrophysics while Trying to Delete God
7 February 2022
Imagine you take an astrophysics class and Halley Berry is the professor, present state of knowledge. Also, she and her boyfriend run NASA in their spare time.

Hollywood, please stop trying to delete God from creation.

Too many subplots. Celebration of civil disorder. Too many impossibilities.

Negative ten stars.
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The Grand (1997–1998)
Season 1 Great. Season 2, Not so Much
5 January 2022
Season 1 was hot like fire. Drama, suspense, intrigue, lots of chemistry...just great. I bit my nails, laughed, and nearly cried at one point. Exciting! But I'm a hopeless romantic, a period drama, pride and prejudice type girl.

Season 2 is another story. Two characters from Season 1 are replaced in season 2: Stephen and Ruth. The chemistry never quite existed after that, the acting not quite as good, and the icky story lines crashed/burned by episode 6.

10/10 on season 1.

3/10 on season 2.
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The Hot Zone (2019–2021)
Zero for me, it's trite. Ten for Hubby, it's intriguing.
3 January 2022
Based on true events? Fine, but the monkeys came from the Philippines in true events, all while the plot of this show hinges on poor Africans in need of a white savior? Ugh!

Extraordinary white woman. Weak black man. A dumb blond. I'm so tired of these trite tropes.

The science depicted is anything but scientific. Virus-exposed individuals carrying on normal daily routines and pathologists doing the work of virologists, for examples.

Writing this review amid Season 1 Episode 5.

My husband and I watched together. He isn't bothered by the above-mentioned and gives it a 10 for the intrigue, suspense, and drama.

We split the difference. 5/10.
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A Christmas Blessing (2013 TV Movie)
Sweet on a Real Level
26 December 2021
Family-friendly movie with positive messages for kids and adults. Fell in love with all of the main characters, as they were very realistic to me, experiencing wins and losses, displaying strengths and weaknesses. I ran the spectrum of emotions, feeling hopeful, hopeless, excited, anxious, angry, relieved, happy...just emotional. Wish the movie had been longer. I was totally invested when the end credits started rolling.
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