
9 Reviews
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How We Roll (2022)
Give it a Chance!
1 April 2022
I get sick of all the trolls savaging a new program. I remember watching the first half dozen episodes of Cheers, Modern Family and the Middle. The jokes weren't that funny and the actors timing was off, but l thought, give it a chance.

All the shows and others went on to have. Vreat run. The writing improved and the actors found their timing and places.

Some of us are too quick to judge a show, a throw away.

Hey, give them a chance to prove you wrong!
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The Woman in the House: Episode 8 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Was that Cruella?
11 February 2022
We really enjoyed the series. Thought we knew where it was headed a few times, but the writers fooled us each time.

Don't believe the trolls bashing it! Their mothers need to take their computers away from them!

It gets moving after a few episodes and is worth the watch.

The last seen on the air liners was a hoot!

We really hope they do a Season2!
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Ghosts (2021– )
This show gets better each week!
11 December 2021
I swear some of these reviewers should become ghosts and fly away.

The actors were a little off the first few episodes but now they are doing great.

The writing is getting better each week and my wife and l really look forward to it.

The recent episode where the husband had one of the ghosts stuck inside of him was great!
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Chicago P.D.: Fractures (2021)
Season 9, Episode 8
Great episode! Did not see the ending coming!
11 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Had me going to the last few minutes. Thought both daughters did the murder because the Dad was a pedofile. Caught the younger daughters little smile, when the Det. Asked her if she did it to see what it feels like to kill someone. As a retired, 41 year Police Officer, l dealt with a few psychopathic teenagers. They are truly scary!

As a side note, Chicago PD is on reruns for 4 weeks, then a NEW episode, then a Winter break until after New Years????
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Chicago P.D.: Trouble Dolls (2021)
Season 8, Episode 13
A great episode dealing with the facts about Police Work..
7 May 2021
Got a question about this episode. Near the end, the team is looking for the head of a baby selling group. They search an old abandoned movie theatre.

As a former Chicagoan, can anyone tell me the name of that movie theatre??
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some of the reviewers should be launched!
18 November 2020
The reviewers who rated this movie low were obviously expecting a Star Wars or Sci-Fi type of movie, and not a family movie. This movie has heart and l thoroughly enjoyed the "ride!"
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Westworld: Crisis Theory (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
Like a car on empty!
4 May 2020
Well, there's almost an hour and a half of my life I'll never get back. The rest of the season was good, but when it comes to setting it up for Season 4, l guess they ran out of ideas. I've noticed over years of movie watching, that in their rush to make a continuing buck off a movie idea, that some movies are meant for only "one-off" and a series should not be attempted. Anybody remember the Planet of the Apes TV series? I rest my case!
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The Unicorn (2019–2021)
8 out of 10
18 March 2020
The show started out weak, but like with any new sitcom, the cast has to get comfortable with each other and get their lines and delivery times down pat. The Middle comes to mind. This show gets better with each episode! Give it a chance! It's turning out to be well worth it. I'm hoping for Season 2. Some of his friends are annoying, but all in all it's an enjoyable show! Hey! You mean-spirited trolls living in your mother's basement. Back off!!
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Murdoch Mysteries: Sir. Sir? Sir!!! (2018)
Season 12, Episode 6
All you trolls-get a life!
15 October 2019
Although this episode was not a typical Murdoch episode, it was a fun outing. Since we get our Murdoch episodes later than the Canadian viewers do, ours was not broadcast around Halloween. If it had, some of the brain dead reviewers might have realized it was a "holiday episode" and not been vicious! But then again, Anonymity sometimes breeds stupidity! Can't wait for next Halloween.
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