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An average 90's family, action movie...
28 June 2023
This is going to be THE quickest, no-frills movie review I've ever done... This movie is average in every sense of the word; high school kid being bullied by bigger kid, whom he'd later be expected to get revenge upon, kid acting like an absolute tool, while at the same time constantly getting in trouble at school, because he's dealing with "something"... mum trying to reach said kid but can't get through to him, the kid MEGA IRRITATING with a gigantic mouth - that makes it impossible to feel an ounce of sympathy for him after the first knee-jerk, shock reaction, protective instinct to him being bullied - at which point you just wish that that little annoying thing will stop squealing back with some irritating smart-mouthed retort.

He comes across as an obnoxious, stereotypically American show-off with a huge mouth!

Basic 90's-esque action movie, from an era that we all love. One that is infinitely better than the decade that succeeded it; social-media made everything much worse.


This film evokes feelings of the 90's, particularly rich in love, family and simplification, which is only a good thing.

Average movie, highly irritating protagonist, bad special effects, great feelings of the 90's, Jennifer Garner... GORGEOUS Jennifer Garner... gorgeous in every way.

If she were mine, I'd NEVER let go.

Affleck screwed up, and ended up with one the worst Jennifer's that there is, as punishment for his crimes... and now, all that's left for him is eternal punishment (with a high-maintenance headache of an arrogant, egotistical woman who refuses to age gracefully) Poor Ben, that'll teach you!!


Oh, and... we love Ryan Reynolds. He's such a nice, wholesome guy. One whom we'd ALL love to be friends with, because you know that he's such a good guy. The same feeling you get from Michael B. Jordan.

An average movie, that captures feelings of a bygone era - a time that was so simple and rich with love.
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Come Home (2018)
Simple done right...
23 June 2023
This, right here is how you know that you have great actors in front of you; I've been taken on a rollercoaster of emotions... many of which I've felt frequently. Some I've only felt a couple of times.

The pain of wanting something to work with an unwilling participant.

What happened here is a sign of the times: women miss their freedom and will make hasty, wreckless decisions to taste that freedom, even if it means regretting that decision later on.

Goddamn, this is sad!

You're placed right there with them as they deal with the ramifications of an incredibly self-absorbed relatives shortsighted, self-gratifying, impulsive decision, that causes so much hurt and pain.

You feel every ounce of that weight.

Then you observe what happens when sadness, need and desperation enable a wolf to be let into a civilised, albeit broken family unit.

Desperation doesn't yield anything worthwhile, ever!

Marie is a colossal mess. Greg is a spineless weakling. Sickening!!

I absolutely LOVE Paula Malcomson. I find her so sexy and pleasant. She's a very consistent actress.

Such a small, low-budget endeavour took a couple of masters of their craft to sell it cohesively. They did just that.

A tip of the hat to all involved in this powerful, low-budget family drama done to perfection.

Outstanding! 9-stars!
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Deadline (2022– )
Damn! I should've read the reviews before beginning this.
21 June 2023
As soon as I began this, I realised that it was for me; it was slow, flimsy, simple and pretty pointless.

Charlie Murphy (not Eddie's brother) is a very good actress, but even she cannot save this sunken wreckage.

Whyyyyyy???... why create something so pointless???

I've already seen this story a hundred times already and it's irritatingly pointless every time.

So why recreate this!?

It stinks of a low-budget Poirot; this is incredibly corny, stupid,predictable and extremely frustrating.

The protagonist is an inept weakling.

And the butch, black lesbian detective in the last episode... DETESTABLE!

"Believe all women..."!!??

This, right here, is the result of that kind of bias... And women go for it every time!! It's EXTREMELY INFURIATING!!

Female psychopathic, sociopaths move freely, invisibly... able to get away with anything that they desire, ruining the lives of innocent people, and they're believed automatically, because they'd 'NEVER' commit heinous crimes!...

It's pretty rubbish.

Netflix keep on managing to snag me with something from their rubbish catalogue, because they're hurting for material and I'm incredibly bored.

I might just cancel my subscription, because this has happened too often for something that I pay premium rate for.

And, I pay for the highest subscription of crappy Netflix.

Netflix, get better content, commission better writers, stop mixing in and forcing the Alphabet Cult agenda, or I'm OFF!

I don't pay a premium only to be frequently handed steaming garbage.

This is all you seem to do, and you rarely have good content.

I may as well flush notes!

***CANCELLED my Netflix account.

I'm done playing games with them; I do not pay the top-tier of their subscription for low-tier product. Yet, that's what they've been giving me.

And, the enforcement action against password-sharing was the nail in their years old coffin.

I've had their coffin ready since 2018; I've given them 5 years to clean up their act, to no avail.
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The Mother (2023)
17 June 2023
Sooooooooo... with Netflix severely lacking in content, I had searched for hours and come up with NOTHING even remotely eye-catching or even intriguing.

I would say that I settled on this, but that isn't exactly true; there was nothing else.

In Netflix' giant catalogue there was NOTHING, AT ALL!

With this having a decent cast (apart from J Blow) it pained me to put it on, but as I've said hundreds of times already, there was nothing... With great regret, I pressed enter. Then the disappointment began; I was reminded why I'd come to the conclusion that J. Lo sucks.

I hadn't thought about her in at least two decades, but here we are.

This movie is just, "I'm so awesome!" "I'm a pouty, 2D badass b!@# with one facial expression, while John Wickin' it, exacting vengeance, with no acting range." Also, how in the hell does she live in the woods for 13 years whilst always looking like she had a permanent, live-in makeup team at the ready for touch-ups!?...

Predictable female Rambo, who weighs nothing but disarms and dispatches multiple men double her size, with ease.

Also, how in the hell does she live in the woods for 13 years whilst always looking like she had a permanent, live-in makeup team at the ready for touch-ups!?...

See, I could tolerate this if JLo didn't cause dermatitis level irritation... but she does.

She's PURE wood, and I REALLY dislike her.

I normally immediately bypass anything with her in it, because I dislike how arrogant she is, when, the ONLY thing she has going for her are her looks, and I never, EVER found her sexually attractive, or even tolerable.

Jennifer Garner (whom I ADORE. I absolutely love this woman), Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson or any other female, for that matter, would have actually sold this, but not the detestable, zero range J. Lo.

Damn you boredom, I'll never rely on you to make worthwhile decisions for me ever again.

I'm old enough to know better; I should have learned my lesson years ago... apparently not.

I took a huge "L" here. Please don't judge me.

CANCELLED my Netflix account.

I've had enough of their lacklustre content, agenda-forcing, AND their enforcement action against password-sharing was the nail in their ready-made, 6-year prepared coffin.

Now they can get in and rest comfortably.

Adios, Netflix!
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Creed III (2023)
10 June 2023
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE Michael B... but this movie was lacking.

It's by no means a bad movie, it's just a bit empty.

I definitely enjoyed the movie but, by the end, I thought to myself, "is that it???" Just as was my sentiment after Avatar: The Way of Water. Which was a stunningly beautiful film, but was also lacking a full, substantial, viable story.

This is probably the case because it was created during the coronavirus pandemic, while we were all extremely busy trying to survive.

Amara (Mila Kent-Davis) was exceptional.

This girl is such a sweetheart, plus she can act... AND she throws a MEAN right!!

I was blown away by how she threw that punch - putting her weight behind it. Wow!!

Jonathan Majors... love the guy. Exceptional actor.

I admire his work ethic and his meteoric, much-deserved blast to prominence.

His character- Dame, looked AWFUL in this - he looked like an inflatable toy; he was far too artificially big and, to those in the know, it's very easy to spot a cherry "juicer". Yuck!

Apparently, he was training four times per day for this movie. Which is NOT possible.

I sometimes do two(AM and PM), but never more.

This is my career; in order to train that much, one would need 'assistance'.

Still, LOVE everyone in this movie. Love the aesthetic of this movie, as well as the feel.

Ultimately, I just like this movie.
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Stunning computer game cut scenes.
8 June 2023
A continuation of the first movie, in EVERY WAY... but that's about it.

Now, don't get me wrong, as a casual gamer, I LOVE this franchise. I really do!

This is just a CGI movie about the colonisation of the African continent.

The only thing outstanding about this movie were the visuals; nothing extra was provided or improved upon from the first movie, which I did love, also.

What was the point of this movie??? Absolutely nothing. Nothing extra was provided.

This movie could have easily been skipped, until the writers could come up with a worthwhile story.

Still, entertaining enough, and I did like all of the protagonists.

I'm glad that they didn't force the Alphabet Cult agenda in this, also.

It's good, but not great.

The visuals are great. The movie is just extended cut scenes from a computer game.
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The Chi (2018– )
From season one until season three I LOVED this...
4 June 2023
From season one until season three I LOVED this...

Brandon (Jason Mitchell) was THE life's blood of this show. He gave this show a loving community feel.

I watched it for him, as I quickly grew to love him.

He has so much heart and love for everyone around him which, in this present day, is sorely lacking; because capitalism is in overdrive, most people only care about money.

Reg (Barton Fitzpatrick) is another favourite, along with Emmett.

I see myself in all three of these characters.

Jason Mitchell has departed the series after being low-balled and refused an adequate payment contract.

I, for one, don't see why it's so hard to pay good, black actors what they deserve.

Barton Fitzpatrick departed the series after they attempted to Alphabetise his character, to which he disagreed. Apparently something people are not allowed to disagree with.

I refuse to proceed any further with this series, and have stopped watching at the end of season two.

I don't see why Alphabet soup has to be force-fed to my community. I find it deeply offensive and, quite frankly, I'm sick of it.

It's OK to have a difference of view, but that's apparently NOT the case when "living while black".
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Obsession (2023)
1 June 2023
First things first, Rish Shah is the wrong choice for this.

I also don't think he's good-looking enough to play the son of two great-looking parents.

He's also wooden as oak.

Now, this mini series was fantastic; it was written well, acted extremely well and was portrayed so very precisely. The premise is very accurate; damaged people seek these impulsive, quick-reward, high-risk sexual relationships. I would know; I did exactly that!... I did it because I was psychologically damaged. Now don't get me wrong, I've got some outstanding memories, but I'm willing to admit that they were borne of pain and mental anguish.

I never did anything like this, but I've been in a relationship with a girl like this, and I was stuck on her and would have done ANYTHING she asked me to... (yuck!!) So I know how realistic this is; all of the men review-bombing this are doing so because they likely don't understand women, have never experienced this type of dangerous relationship dynamic or they simply don't understand that damaged people damage people; my first girlfriend annihilated my mental health because she was a mental wreck.

The funny thing was, that she aggressively pursued me, and I wasn't interested, because my instincts told me that she wasn't good enough... I gave her a chance because I needed love, and it was the worst mistake of my life.

Over and over again, I tolerated her, and kept on justifying her nonsense as "not a big deal..." because I needed her... but she kept on pushing my limits because she knew that I'd never leave. The longer I stayed, the deeper the hole I was in. Just like William (Richard Armitage).

Even after all of that I still needed her, so that the pain (which she'd caused) would stop.

That was in 2005.

I'd spend the next 10 years recovering from it.

She broke me, eroding me away to nothing, then walked away like nothing happened... but then I rebuilt myself better than ever, stronger, more attractive and with DRASTIC intolerance to disrespectful, dysfunctional behaviour; first sign of disrespect I leave.

Women's entitlement gotten worse due to men tolerating and excusing them, out of desperation.

If men were intolerant to this type of behavior, it wouldn't show itself.

History just repeats itself; there's nothing new under the sun; in 2019, a fairly attractive girl (neighbour) was pursuing me... she was sexually attractive, so I hung about with her, just to get to know her a bit.

After she grew more comfortable with me and recognised me to be kind, passive and easygoing, she began showing her true self; she would constantly attempt to disrespect me - using me as a punching bag to exercise out her bad moods. She just let it ALL hang out.

I recognised that she was psychologically and mentally IDENTICAL to my first girlfriend. So, one day, when she'd been disrespecting me all afternoon, without saying anything, I walked out of her apartment and distanced myself from her, as though I'd never met her.

She then began harassing me, purely because I declined her sexual advances and DARED to hold her accountable (which is what's lacking today and the #1 reason why blokes get no respect today).

I refused to tolerate her dysfunction and instead let her dwell in it alone.

From there, I've seen at least 15 men come and go as failed love interests of hers, because she's psychologically damaged.

I met her mum one day, who is a GORGEOUS, sexy lady, and she'd propositioned me but was psychologically IDENTICAL to her daughter, which to me, says that it either started with the mum or she carried it on. Either way, I wasn't going to, because I've already been a vehicle for that particular mental damage, and I'd rather die than go through even a small piece of that again.

Regarding the neighbour, or her mother, for that matter... I knew that, from past experience, the risk DEFINITELY was NOT worth the "reward".

I must preface all of this by stating that; I'm a black 6ft 6, athlete, model type, so I attract quite easily; I'm skilled at selling my best self to attract (women) people.

That's something I've always been great at.

A few years back, I was dating a STUNNING 9/10 polish model who attempted to move in to my apartment after a couple of dates, by casually leaving toothbrush, items of clothing scattered around, hung up in my wardrobe.

When I returned them to her she was FURIOUS.

Women want what they want, and they're rarely considering what men want. This is responsible for the disconnect.

This series really speaks to me.

I knew that the main girl was dealing with some mental trauma, just based on her wreckless, impulsive, dangerous behaviour.

She pursued William for the challenge, accomplishment, empowerment and because she could.

Being in control of an older successful, accomplished man was massively empowering for her, because she was broken and impulsive due to being sexually abused and constantly taken advantage of by her older brother.

I suspect William represented the protective father type who wasn't there to protect her. I mean, women are massively attracted to that type of man - the successful, protective, provider type, who's regarded highly by society.

Anna unintentionally ruins men because she's trying to solve her mental trauma by seeking sexual control over men, only to completely break them, just like she was broken.

William accepted her advances because it made him feel young and attractive as an older married man; it made him feel young again, as though he never lost anything.

It was like he went through the typical midlife crisis.

He couldn't walk away because he'd already tolerated and allowed her dysfunction to become his normal by constantly excusing it.

William is not living in reality and will likely crash (HARD) when reality forces itself upon him, when he's forced to reckon with being directly responsible for losing his son, as well as his family, because he'd chosen wrong.

That's going to absolutely obliterate him.

You can't hide from the truth forever.

Anna didn't do what she did out of malice, nor intentionally; Anna did what she did because she's out of control; she did what she did because she's broken and in need of serious mental help, which is GLARINGLY obvious.

Also, Anna is very attractive; dainty, petite sexy figure, feminine, highly sexual, dark hair, long dark eyelashes and big brown eyes; she's attractive without trying to be.

Anna is the type of girl who'd absolutely RUIN a man, and he wouldn't see it coming, not because she wants to, rather because she's an attractive, broken mess of a woman, due to her mother's failures.

No man could predict how badly Anna would mess them up, because she doesn't look anything remotely like what she actually is.

I'm stunned by how many men show exactly where they're going wrong with women by responding to this "art" with hate, purely because their feelings are hurt by a series that's blatantly about a seriously damaged young woman, who then goes on to cause serious damage to more people.

I mean, it's right there in your face.

See... I understand women very well because I care to. I wanted to avoid making the same mistakes I'd previously made, wasting far too much time and not getting the results I wanted.

I do well with women because I understand them.
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Power Book II: Ghost (2020–2024)
POWER, this is NOT. This is the opposite!
25 May 2023
Power Bussy 2: Ghost doesn't work. It's an insult to adult intelligence. Power had tons of holes, but they were easy to excuse because there were so many diamond worthy moments in that show.

With this show, it's like nobody does their job or perhaps they're all asleep... that's the only way that nobody notices the nonsense that Tariq is embroiled in, allowing him to continue, extending the absurdly far-fetched plot.

Tariq is DETESTABLE; he's due a colossal beating.

This show reveals a lot about my community, because it depends heavily on superficiality, through branding and gaudy, obnoxiously loud flashy, disgusting-looking gear, due to it being void of a sensical and believable plotline; in the black community, we're suckers for branding, and it's so detrimental because it corrupts so many of us.

Shows like this are so damaging to the black community because they're nonsensical and promote more of that nonsense in real time because of it's target demographic: teens.

Also, what's with the heavy-handed forced-feeding of Alphabet soup in this show!? It's like that's the only way that this series was greenlit, and OF COURSE 50 Cent would go for it; 50 has NO SOUL, whatsoever!

He looks exactly like that which he is: a soulless ghoul, holding a sign stating, "will do anything for money/tapdance for money".

My community stays DOWN because of drains like him, who'll sell their momma for a cheque.

This show is bad enough as it is; it's incredibly superficial, flimsy plotlines, irritating characters, terrible wardrobe department, ridiculously-convenient flimsy plot vehicles, and to top it off, absurdly heavy-handed Alphabet Cult agenda insertion (pardon the pun).

I do wish that Mary J Blige was fashioned and in better shape for this role, because she looks HORRENDOUSLY bad. She looks like a drag queen, ghetto-rat thug Mrs.

It's a damned shame, cos I love Mary J Blige as a musician... buuuuuut this is damaging to her image. I don't like it.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
23 May 2023
Holy smokes, THIS is disgusting!... THIS is brother to Training Day (Antoine Fuqua, who also Executive Produced this) and The Shield.

This is also shot a lot like Training Day and Brooklyn's Finest.

What a disgustingly, realistically gritty series.

I'm stunned by how corrupt everyone is... Jesus Christ!!!... Everyone has their price!... this unfortunately is America: capitalism rules. Yuck!

This series has a True Detective feel to it; it's sick, but very accurate.

Poor Iris. I was very satisfied when retribution was given for what was done to her. That poor damaged kid! She's such a bloody mess, and because of that she's dangerous to anyone who tries to help her.


Jeremy Renner has really stepped his game up.

Hawkeye beats up everyone in this series; that little guy is "the man" apparently. Hahaha!

Mariam McLusky (Diane Wiest) is a total sweetheart. Love her and how warm she is.

Mum's are supposed to be just like that.

What a sweet angel.

She reminds me of my mum's best-friend's mum. We dubbed her "white-grandma". She was world's apart from the women of today; what an OUTSTANDING lady!

We lost her a few weeks ago.

I felt an immediate emptiness.

Amazon Prime hit another home run. Brilliant!

Netflix need to take notes and stop failing.
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Muted (2023)
So I waited, and waited, and waited...
22 May 2023
So I waited, and waited, and waited and waited and waited... and nothing even happened.

Not a single thing.

How empty series like this are greenlit is beyond me.

I really don't get it.

I was watching waiting for something to happen.

I got as far as the end of episode three and decided not to waste any more of my precious, nonrefundable time.

A reviewer above described this as "death by a thousand turtles" which was hilariously accurate! Hahahahahahaha! Extremely accurate.

Netflix, please stop commissioning duds like this.

All you seem to do nowadays is plug the Alphabet Cult agenda over again, make empty series, with bad writing or cancel brilliant series' that were rated highly. It's really irritating. Especially at a time where one could put the cost of subscription to better use.

Then, on top of all this, you now want to bill people (half a subscription cost for) extra for password-sharing, while you continue to throw out duds on top of duds!!... I used to LOVE your platform, but a while ago, I realised that I only use it occasionally; I spend damned-near all of my time on Amazon Prime or Now TV.


I'm so close to binning my Netflix account.

Amazon Prime have you beat. Their output is pretty much consistent and not rife with agenda-forcing.

Clean up your act.

***CANCELLED my Netflix account.

They didn't have enough to keep me, and the enforcement action against password-sharing was THE last straw.

Bye bye, Netflix. You will not be missed; you're now Alphabetflix: an Alphabet streaming service for Alphabet Cult members.
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The Power (2023)
I'm a bloke, and I love this!
18 May 2023
Admittedly I hated this when I initially started watching and realised that it wasn't just a superhero show, but rather a superwomen show. Not only that, there are constant digs at men... It's so heavy-handed, but it also exposes a great deal of hypocrisy within female psychology: women become superpowered and behave how they believe men behave, while believing that they're benevolent, righteous and doing "the right thing", while becoming megalomaniacal hypocrites.

I'm a bloke and I love this!

Can't stand Allie, nor Roxy, and Jos is irritating as hell.

I understand Tatiana's motivations, 100 percent.

Margot is nuts!!

Toni Collette is an extremely consistent and reliable actress. She's very good at enabling viewers to feel the range of emotions she's channelling through her art, and my god is she artistic!

A phenomenal actress, with great legs.

Anything she's in, I'll watch.

Looking forward to season two.
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Harlem (2021– )
Black sex in the city, but with obnoxious, masculine black women...
10 May 2023
I got a couple episodes in and was COMPLETELY turned off by this portrayal of black men by black women; black women believe that they're COMPLETELY free, whilst at the same time believing that they own black men.

It's EXHAUSTING! To be this lacking in self-awareness is WILD!

I really need shame to make a comeback because, black women aren't keeping each other like they used to; (anti)social media has absolutely RUINED black women collectively.

More often than not, I see black women denigrating black men, whilst at the same time acting EXACTLY like the men they want and treating the men of their community as though they belong to them.

It's irritating. Stop "sonning" grown men. You don't own them. They've countless times, let you know that your obnoxiousness, know-it-all attitude and inability to be quiet is undesirable and frankly UNBEARABLE.

Day in, day out, I see far too many black women using (anti)social media like it's their own reality TV show - playing up for attention and validation, and it makes me REALLY sad because they've really lost their way, whilst being completely unaware that they're blindly going along with a strategy created to destroy us.

The men have been begging you to stop with all that foolishness, but it's always, "they're jealous... they're intimidated... they want to control us..." NO!! They're trying to stop you making fools of yourselves, while trashing the community because supremacy made y'all the defacto leaders of said community, in order for you to sink it with collective bad decisions.

Y'all need to be saved from y'all egos sooner rather than later.

The Alphabet Cult awaits y'all chicks', unless y'all do a drastic shift.

Rivah TV, and Chez Charde youtube channels have fantastic conversations that would be useful conversations for our community to have, and they're also very mature and much-needed.

I highly recommend both.

This show is so bad and so incredibly cliché that I'm disappointed that the algorithm recommended it to me.

Black women, I'm exceptional height, build, looks (athlete/model) etc... THIS is NOT attractive!

You can be as "free" as you like, you can feel as "boss b!@#%" as you like, but NONE of that mess is attractive to us exceptional men of our community.

Y'all are really going to have to recognise that you're being led astray, to your own destruction, on purpose. The results of which are bearing out right in front of your very eyes: our community is wrecked because y'all have been encouraged to do whatever you want, consequences-be-damned - to sink the community, and you went for it because it makes you feel important and seen.

Oprah literally got rich doing this to y'all, and she's BLATANTLY a double agent.

Steve Harvey - a bloody comedian, is cashing in on pandering to y'all dysfunction as a sound get rich quick scheme.

You can be anything you want to be, but don't be surprised when the men you want reject you, which we are doing.

We're repulsed by women like this; we WANT you like you used to be... like a minority of you still are, but NEVER like this.

One thing I'd strongly advise black women on collectively, don't be so hard, stubborn and prideful that it gets in the way of logic.

Learn how to read the room: when something's not working, don't pridefully, egotistically and stubbornly dig your heels in.

My grandma, mum and sister all do it, and it's something that I've seen far too often with women of our community.

Girls, that's something that's DEFINITELY NOT working for you.

Take these words seriously because public image means everything, and the American black woman's public image is down BAD, because of chicks' like Gabrielle Union, Jada Stinkitt, (attention-seeking "mash potato") Lizzo, Loni Love and a large percentage who behave badly in public or on (anti)social media.

We do however, LOVE the BEAUTIFUL Simone Biles. We regard her as royalty, and we'd wife her in an instant.

Also Savannah James... ROYALTY - Ultra desirable.

Eboni K and all like her will be left on the shelf to rot, then they'll blame all black men for their own arrogance and stupidity, betting so heavily on themselves when they don't have looks, youth, personality, their own hair, or even TIME on their side.

Nobody told you to turn into men, other than the teenage mutant ninja turtle in an expensive wig - Oprah.

Play your position, or don't. Either way, we'll move forward with or without you.

Talking 'bout, "I'll never settle," at 50, 60+ years old!... it's wild, and extremely embarrassing!!

Nobody wants chicks' like these; no man ever says, "God, I want me an aggressive, masculine, stubborn, egotistical, materialistic headache of a woman." Black women, you lose in dating because you REFUSE to concede when you're losing, and are so extra that you've made everyone aware of your bad character traits, and STILL refuse to concede and rectify.

Men don't want that!... and Passport Bros has shown y'all just how much black men are loved, WORLDWIDE, while y'all keep on relentlessly killing your once outstanding image, with foolishness and attention-seeking on (anti)social media.

Simone Biles and Savannah James are the standard of black love we're searching for; we regard Cardi B, Rihanna etc as undesirables.

And yes, I speak for the majority of brothas'; the exception to the rule does not apply, because the numbers do not lie.

This show is beyond worthless.
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Six... because the titular character looks 30+
8 May 2023
Brilliant idea, IF it had been made about 10+ years ago, while Isabelle was around 15 OR a few years earlier, but NEVER past that point... there's absolutely no bloody way of passing off a 26 year old woman as an 8, 9 or 10 year old girl, without, of course, de-aging software (like a young Tony Stark in Captain America: Civil War).

This film was a great idea and played very well, but the titular character looked, at MINIMUM, 26.

She DEFINITELY didn't look like a child, no matter what angles or child body-doubles used.

The method used to attempt to pass Isabelle off as an 8-9 year old was an insult to even a dummies intelligence.

I've had to suspend disbelief and just pretend that I'm not a savvy movie watcher; it's so difficult not to pick holes in this; I almost turned it off when I saw a 30+ looking woman portraying a child... ALMOST!!

It was good but so unbelievable because Isabelle Fuhrman looks approximately 3x the age of the character being portrayed, and no amount of makeup or angles can change that: her head is adult sized, as is her frame. Also, her face is too hard; kids have small heads, frames, and their faces are really soft. ALSO, regarding the child body-double... kids movements are much more fluid and free because they don't have the stabilising muscles that adults have.

You'll notice it when "Esther" is walking; from behind, you can tell that it's the child body-double, just on the movement ALONE. Then you factor in the smaller head and body.

**(I'm an image professional and coach, so I'm a geek for all of this)

Anyone doubtful of what I'm stating, pull up The Orphan (2009) movie trailer on YouTube... What made that movie so great, was because she was REALLY a cute little girl.

It was something reminiscent of The Omen films. Only here, she happened to be a bloody 30+ year old DWARF! A dwarf with super-strength, no less!!... Watch the trailer for the first film - actually is/looks that age; in this film, I REALLY don't know what they were thinking, trying to pass "Esther", 16 years later, off as a child; at BEST she looks like a SHRUNKEN adult... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I can't believe they tried this!!

On a different note, Isabelle Fuhrman looks like she should have been in Game of Thrones.

Julia Styles is outstanding in this. What a twist. What a performance!

Slow, steady round of applause (for Julia, and) for the audacious film makers, who thought with the use of angles and a small child stunt double that they could make "Esther" look younger, which they definitely didn't.

It just made us laugh.

It was like those Child's Play films of the 80s where the stunt double was BLATANTLY a tiny grown-ass man, with a big head and everything hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!...
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Sweet Tooth (2021–2024)
Downgraded because of season 2...
4 May 2023
What in tarnations happened to season 2!?... season 2 was BLOODY AWFUL!!

Season 1 was fantastic; It was cute, loving, caring, concerning, protective, convincing and urgent.

Season 2 was Sesame Street 2.0; Sesame Street written with an action 'plot', and bad acting; the acting was flat. Especially by The General.

I can forgive the kids because they're likely new to acting, but The General was a garbage character.

Season two SUCKED!

Netflix RARELY have good followup seasons after a good first.

How do they completely ignore ALL that made the first season great, only to write a wreck and see it through, with disregard to whether it's convincingly sellable or not!?

Too much time was wasted on those annoying kids when they were in the jail.

It would have been a great deal better without all of that Sesame Street nonsense; it got better in the last 2 episodes, but that was FAR too late.

Season one was great. Season 2 was beyond bad.

Either cancel this or commission better writers.

Don't make this mistake again!

Netflix BEEN taking losses; they've been churning out low-grade garbage for at least 8 years.

Netflix, clean your house! Improve your writers!

You cancelled Colony AND The OA, which were your greatest series! You suck!!

***CANCELLED my Netflix subscription because of enforcement action against password-sharing, constant agenda-forcing, as well as bad-written, irritatingly bad, empty content.

I'm not paying for shoddy treatment. NO WAY!!

I have Disney plus, Amazon Prime and NOW; I will not miss Alphabetflix.
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Noughts + Crosses (2020– )
1 May 2023
This series is fantastic.

What a crash course on (REAL) racism. Not the 'racism' (discrimination) that the West would have you believe to be it's namesake.

Of course Western, favoured people would call this "divisive"!... Also funny that the same favoured people who've ALWAYS been represented in media are claiming that "in the 80's and 90's there was none of this, and everything was fine..." NO, everything was NOT fine; absolute liberties were being taken; Coronation Street got its first black family in 2019, and all superheroes looked exactly the same. It was like Adolph's wet dream; it was hell, for us (black people) - ZERO representation, as though we didn't and don't exist. Which is the way it'd always been, until it was recognised that we spend BIG when catered to.

I was a child in the 90's, and the western, one-way media was psychologically damaging to me.

Of course, Western, favoured people would proclaim that "everything was fine..." in the 80's and 90's when, to be treated as non-existent and less than, is unconscionable.

Totally unreasonable, speaking VOLUMES.

Great, intellectually challenging tv series, and an excellent showcase of the Animal Farm type of political environment that we've been made to endure.

Malorie Blackman, fantastic work!!
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Loving Adults (2022)
Pretty rubbish.
22 April 2023
Who wrote this rubbish!... It's been a while since I watched a totally pointless movie. I feel pretty bad for the time I'd wasted on this, it was literally pointless. Unless there's some moral lesson in there, along the lines of, "the sum of your actions will get you what you deserve..." I dunno... I'm lost for words.

Why would Dar Salim sign up for this, he's an esteemed actor!?

The cops were pretty useless; how did they have at least one suspect "bang to rights", only to ditch logic and get back on course of this flimsy, pointless, nonsensical script... yikes!

This is so bad, that it's laughable that it was even made.

Netflix, you sure are creating a lot of duds these days.
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Alpha Males (2022– )
Brilliant series, buuuuuut...
13 April 2023
Brilliant series, buuuuuut... What's the deal with damned-near EVERY series pushing the spineless, weak man narrative!? Why is this even a thing!? Women, even when they do BLATANT wrong, it's just, "oh, it's empowering women..." blah blah blah... No, it's straight-up hypocrisy, is what it is.

Women want all the power and freedom of men, plus more, but with none of the responsibility.

What man, in his right mind (besides Will Smith) allows his wife to have an open relationship because he's terrified of losing her!? Weak modern men, is who. At least, that's absolutely the case, if you allow modern (gynocratic) media to tell it.

There's absolutely no freaking way that I'm in a relationship with a chick and giving her free reign without borders, because Will Smith is the result of that... and I'm gonna throw this out there, it's absolutely fine to be a straight, masculine man who is a no-nonsense commonsense pragmatist, consistent to a fault. Absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever.

You want tips on how to consistently be handed the kitten, deal with women in a manner that's contrary to what's being shown in this series: do NOT be a walkover and allow them to violate you without consequences; a man has to be willing to leave a woman who Will Smith's (emasculates) him. Otherwise it'll only be a matter of time before she'll leave you; once a woman loses respect and attraction for a man, it's a WRAP.

Good series with great actors.
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Freeridge (2023)
Because I loved On My Block...
12 April 2023
Because I loved On My Block, I thought that this'd be more of the same... how WRONG I was.

Firstly, this is far too Alphabetised; LGHDTV all over the place, and as always, ever since 2017, they're heavy-handed with it.

Now, I'm 100% straight, like 12:30. Overkill is overkill; I do NOT want to be force-fed Alphabet soup every goddamned day.

Even my love for the prequel couldn't convince me to endure another episode of this blatant agenda push.

Not happening. Which is a goddamned shame.

They did the exact same thing with BP2: Wakanda Forever, and it ended up being banned in China and the Middle East. Well done Hollyweird, we see you... Heavy-handed agenda-forcing means NO-WAY, in my book!
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Outer Banks (2020– )
These "kids" are INCREDIBLY stupid!!
12 April 2023
I'm enjoying this extremely simplistic, dumb treasure hunt story, BUT... the writers are taking LIBERTIES!!!... The protagonists are so bloody stupid and reckless. It's like they all just wait around for danger to find them.

I know they're all supposed to be kids, but they're all SOOOOOOOOO stupid, acting against their best interests constantly. It's EXTREMELY irritating!!

Why is it every time an extremely dangerous antagonist is apprehended the protagonists all make the same critical error of turning their backs on an immediate threat! They always make this error in films and shows like this, all to keep the flimsy plot functioning? It's REALLY irritating! At least write the stories better, without making the protagonists stupid and self-sabotaging😑 The actors are very good, but the stupidity of the characters is bloody irritating.

Also, the convenient misfortune that befalls these incredibly stupid people, and they NEVER learn their lesson, EVER.

I don't know why I keep on expecting them to wisen up, when their leader is a dumb (grown-ass) man... I mean "kid" called "John-B". How could I ever forget!!... they keep on saying his name, just in case we'd forgotten... which we never would, because he's the weakest, most inept, inconsequential, dish-rag of a character that I've seen in a long, long time. IRRITATING!
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23 March 2023
This show is pretty bad.

José Coronado and Luis Zahera are it's only saving grace.

After watching season one, I decided that I was going to leave this alone, but it shown up in my "continue watching" section, and I'd completely forgotten how bad it was; I literally couldn't remember anything about, so I continued watching... The 'gangsters' are laughable. Their whole act wreaks of high-school drama class; it's so contrived and SO cheap and unrealistic hahahahaha WOW!!

Luckily, Luis Zahera is VERY entertaining as the crooked cop, fixer type of character.

I'd watch this series just for him, because he's so entertaining, and he's a great actor.

Old man José Coronado is wasted on this; this show is too low-rent, for such top tier actors as these two. Everyone else needs to be given time to evolve.

Below average... and that's being generous.
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Sex/Life (2021–2023)
Season two is far better than season one
13 March 2023
Season two was FAR better than season one.

Season two actually saw the lead character deal with the ramifications of her actions, to some degree. Somehow, still managing to blame her soon-to-be ex-husband for her breaking the family, thus breaking him so very completely.

I despised season one because it was irresponsible with the 'female empowerment', which was actually male shrinkage, male denigration and male disrespect.

Wanna know why men, by and large, have checked out of dating and marriage in the west... THIS, right here!... females believe that they can do absolutely ANYTHING, consequences be damned and face zero consequences.

Females expect to be as powerful as men, whilst enjoying the treatment of ladies, at the same time being exempt from accountability - like children... and when they don't get their way, or a man disagrees with them, they blame "the patriarchy" - their boogeyman get out of jail free card/ace of spades.

Yuck!! This series fully explains the landscape of dating and marriage currently -- women expect to have all of the freedom that they desire, because they've been lied to by irresponsible excrement like this. Poor Cooper.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
9 March 2023
I was pleasantly surprised by this; I was stunned that John Krasinski could drive this show in the right direction.

This is actually better than the Chris Pine led film, which is no easy feat.

Really wasn't expecting to be gripped by this; I put it on expecting it to be a bit of background noise whilst I did whatever else... but anytime I put it on, I actually have to stop what I'm doing and pay close attention; it's THAT good!

I never expected John to be this convincing as a spy, neither.

I like John A LOT; He's so charismatic and personable: a real nice guy.

Anything that I see him in, I watch immediately; I'm sold.

Amazon Prime seem to be consistent in their output.
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I love Jon, but he's the wrong guy for this...
11 February 2023
In my eyes, Jon Bernthal can do NO wrong, but this is pretty bad.

AND, what's with his hair!!?? He has Count Dracula hair!!

They've attempted to fashion and style him like Richard Gere, from the 80's original!!... Also, why is the fashion SO BAD!? It's almost like the writers couldn't decide whether they'd set it in the 1980's or 2022. Horrible!

The obvious indecision on what decade to set it in, is ridiculous, to say the least!

This is the wrong style of production for Jon; Jon is more fighter than heartthrob.

This is more suited to guys like Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, Josh Hartnett, Ashton Kutcher... hell, even Michael B. Jordan. But Jon Bernthal? No way!!... Jon can't channel the range of emotions necessary for this role, and he's not good-looking enough; he looked like a "down on his luck", coke addicted "wise guy", who'd decided to turn his life around, after being released from prison.

I wasn't at all convinced that he was sellable as a "gigolo".

The writing was as flat as a table-top but still conveniently ridiculous.

This is a remake of the 80's Richard Gere movie of the same name, which I'm now VERY curious about.

Normally I'm very bothered by cancellations; I won't lose any sleep about this being cut short.
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Viking Wolf (2022)
Why does this have a low score!!!?
5 February 2023
I swear a lot of people have poor taste or have been COMPLETELY programmed by regular, subpar, run-of-the-mill mainstream nonsense, that their minds have melted or they're in a perpetual state of discombobulation.

Put simply; this film is brilliant!! It's simple, well acted, and is not ruined by the insertion of the most-prevalent western Alphabet agenda.

This is brilliant! I don't get the hate!... simple is better, in most cases.

Nowadays we're fed big-budget nonsense, that forces an agenda or two but is unbearable, at which point it becomes a pointless watch.

This film snuck up on me; I found myself feeling so sad for the girl.

When her little sister recognised her while she was in werewolf form and said, "I can help you..." I cried uncontrollably.

Don't listen to the other reviews; listen to me; watch this: you will not be disappointed. This film is decent! Simple, but decent.
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