
24 Reviews
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Fallout (2024– )
They done did good with Fallout
12 April 2024
I was leery about how this would go.. but after watching it I have to say.. they nailed it on literally every front. It's amazing and must see for fallout fans and even those who have never followed the games just they might miss some of the eastereggs and references. I love the casting choices as well.. again was a little skeptical going in but it worked incredibly well.

Getting to see the vault and the environment around the fallout world in live action.. geez.. I don't think I could ask for more. Big thumbs up to Amazon Prime for doing justice to this series and not letting the themes of our day pollute it to much to get messaging across that none of us really want to see. We want to be entertained, and this is entertaining!
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Lady Ballers (2023)
Entertaining in it's own way
8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am reminded of comedies that used to go to unsafe and non politically correct places just to get you to smile and for the most part this delivers on that... granted in a tongue and cheek lower budget sort of way but even so.

It was certainly pushed as a bit of a political statement and to poke fun at media, the entertainment industry, and it's multitude of sponsors but i came away from it smiling as it has a nice ending that they put some thought into. The cameo's by dailywire personalities made me chuckle as well.

Definitely worth the overall watch and a good effort that pokes fun at our culture and direction in ways that average everyday people will be able to identify with.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
It builds over time
29 September 2023
I wasn't very hopeful watching season one, and didn't care to much for how they cast everyone.. but I have to say Season 2 is looking more and more and more like the series I loved so much and it pretty much started with episode one of season two.. the cast is doing a excellent job bringing these characters to life. Well done (finally!)

it's difficult to pack so much into so little time, I get that but what we watched during season one seemed like a very poor imitation and the characters didn't seem at all like what you'd have envisioned them to be in the books. But with season two you see them peaking thru and beginning to shine.. I am not sure if this is totally intentional or not but you'd think it was probably by mistake initially and perhaps they addressed the shortcomings in first season and listened a little to fans. That's my guess anyway. Still some loose threads to tie into it but I am invested now and will watch it thru future seasons. Such a great story.
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The Recruit (2022– )
In two words? REALLY GOOD!
18 December 2022
It's a little odd because it comes off as extremely fast paced but has time to fully develop the characters involved in a slow moving way. Does that make sense? Hmm.. All the key players get developed in their own quirky ways.. Exceptional acting, great cast, and interesting story.

I am not really into these spy/espionage type shows but I was bored the other night and it had come up so I thought yeah ok... lets see what this is about. I made it thru the first 6 eps staying up way to long.. and caught the last two today.

I especially like the quirky comedy bits that are a one off from a otherwise very serious show. Love the cast. Nice to see some of them again in a brand new good show.

I don't normally give a 10.. I did for this because it surprised me how much I enjoyed it. Well done!
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Wednesday (2022– )
Wednesday gives me hope for Netflix
25 November 2022
Once in a while a show comes along on there that I go wow... yes, this is what I am paying for. Now give me more. The season is contained but short. Ortega's Wednesday is exceptional, you will grow to love her and her supporting cast. The music and scenes set a great tone... (yes, I am listening to APOCALYPTICA: Nothing Else Matters as I write this)

It's dark, with some clever word play to give it a lighter tone at times as a nod to the older shows's not a comedy. Regardless, It kept me engaged right to the end and I look forward to more. I'd love to see a bit longer seasons...

A binge worthy endeavor on the part of Burton and crew. They have done a masterful job with this series.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Yep, the show has Game..
17 September 2022
Pun intended. Like others I wanted to dislike this but just can't. It's wonderfully acted, and has that vibe of the original that draws you in. A new story and new characters to love and hate while giving you a sense of familiarity like you've been there before.

I don't really have any complaints that I can think of. It's slow moving for the most part and that appears intentional.. as the twists and turns keep you from getting bored and keep you intrigued because you wonder where they are going with all this. The writing isn't sloppy it's quite well done from what I've seen thru to episode 4. All I can say is I am in for the ride and already invested into several characters.
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A fun show
28 August 2022
Two episodes in I enjoyed it so far. It's kept me interested and while the show doesn't appear to take itself as seriously as others it certainly has potential to grow especially with a lead like Tatiana who is (in my opinion) one of the best character actors out there. It will be interesting to see where they go with this..

I don't have any real complaints. CGI modeling of She Hulk needs some perfecting and they seem to be rushing the origin aspects a little but my hope is it's because they want to get into the main plot of the season quickly. Other than that? Nothing of note. Not sure what the bad reviews are all about.. this was pretty much what I expected from a She-Hulk show.. Disney isn't trying to re-invent the wheel with this one.
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Ms. Marvel (2022– )
It's a Disney series..
9 June 2022
It's a Disney series that borrows from the Marvel license to create something more in line with what company traditionally does.. and to be fair it does it well. It's likely to Marvel fans will cut it some slack because of that as the show (so far..) is rather clever in it's execution.
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Potential? Maybe...
11 May 2022
I get that they want to visit the story of Captain Pike.. That's fine.. the first episode was ok...cast appears decent enough.. drawbacks?

We haven't reached a point where you can have a diverse cast that doesn't come across as pandering for the sake of optics. It's annoying because it's obvious rather than subtle, so I get what many are saying about the woke (ism) of it all. We don't need this stuff thrust on us in the way that it is as.

Aside from that we are once again going where we have gone before with Star Trek rehashing the past rather then boldly looking towards the future, which is a shame as that's one of the reasons why DS9 SNG and such were so well received.

Still, I'll watch this for a bit and see where it goes... but I won't get my hopes up.
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Was ok, worth the watch
13 February 2022
The pacing is a little on the slow side and it took them awhile to get where they were going but overall I enjoyed it as it has a interesting story with good acting by the two playing the sisters. The series builds to a climatic moment and then ends... so hopefully there is a season two.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
A star wars space western that leaves you wanting more!
12 February 2022
I have to hand it to the creative team. Doesn't matter if you ware new to this universe or a old fan, it's well done, extremely entertaining and gives you a sense that there is far more just lying under the surface which they've only scratched.

Love the acting, the cast, the story. I was never a fan of Fett but I am now. Excellent job guys.. so well done. Can't wait for season 2.
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I had very low expectations.
19 December 2020
Being as this isn't really my type of show I had low expectations going in and actually was surprised as it's a good diversion for the most part. The acting is fine (not sure why other's slammed it..) and the plot is ok. I like how it let most of the cast shine. Never truly picking a favorite as it developed their storylines. The series isn't going to be for everyone is all.
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Cursed (2020)
Give it a chance, has potential
21 July 2020
I was intrigued by this series since it follows the Arthurian legend in a similar way that Mists of Avalon had presenting the story from the women's perspective. I thought at first that it was reminiscent of the Merlin series in it's overall tone but my opinion on that has changed a great deal by the end of the season. I was "iffy" on casting choices and not really all that fond of many of them early on but wow.. this series really builds. My advice is watch all of season one and hold your opinions until you've seen it because it's going to surprise you and leave you wanting more at the end.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
A surprisingly good show.
30 May 2020
I really enjoyed this. John and Steve play beautifully off of each other, and they have integrated some very "light" political comedy into it all based around what goes on today without being in the least bit offensive. A saying comes to mind. It's not comedy if half the people in the room are not laughing and they appear to be very mindful of that with this show. Well done Netflix, and big applause to the cast. Great new series! Love it.
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The Passage (2019)
Solid and worthy of it's rating
12 February 2019
I stumbled upon this series by accident and am not familiar with the books. I wasn't quite sure what to expect but 5 episodes in I can safely say I want to see more. A good new series I plan to follow!
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
I was not going to follow this one..
5 November 2018
Teen Titans were never my favorite growing up but I did like some of the heroes on the team.. Still wasn't much into the comic book. When I heard there would be a TV series about it I was .... "Meh.." ok, likely not for me.

I watched the first episode, then the next 3. Sadly, I am hooked. Damn you Berlanti!!! It's darker then I thought it would be, quite mature and does not play at the common social themes many of us are growing weary of on TV. The acting is fantastic and the story line has me hooked. I think this might be what the team would do given the opportunity away from the big networks as their able to get away with things they never could there... Love it so far. Well done!
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A Addicting winner for Netflix with a minor issue you can get passed
28 October 2018
After seeing the final episode in season one I have to say it left me wanting more.. I wish it was longer. Netflix has done a excellent job in creating a series that appeals to a wide variety of people and you can tell that it's going to be a hit. Their casting of Kiernan Shipka was spot on.

From the very first episode she embodies a Sabrina that is reminiscent of the teen comedy from years ago, the comic, and a darker more mature reimaging. You know her, instantly, and she plays the part to perfection... I'd even go so far as suggesting she was born for the role as she's a natural fit. However, this is not a comedy, it's not lighthearted, and to be fair.. it's not a reboot. So be warned going in. The acting is excellent and it makes you wonder how the established networks can keep missing the mark on so many fronts when Netflix and HBO just keep nailing it all down in intelligent ways.

The other characters take more time to develop but they are likeable and you do find yourself caring about them more by the end of the season rather than early on as their own storylines evolve. The chemistry is there, and I think it will help drive this show into becoming a cult classic.

The minor issue I have with this show (like others) is the progressive propaganda peppering the show early on. It's a little irritating.. but not like the CW's redo of say.. charmed where they went 100% in that direction. This is more of a mixed message that rips it all apart while building it up in a setting that is constantly at war with itself. It's hard to nail down but it's there and in your face early on. So, again be warned.

In the end? It's a series that is hard not to like. Can't wait for season 2.
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
Looking forward to this each week
6 July 2018
6 episodes in now and I am impressed. The two leads have some great chemistry and they fit the characters their supposed to portray.. It's a modern retelling of the origin story that's rather slow paced but .. you know.. so was the comic.. but like the comic.. it builds. For me that didn't in the comics but does here and it's done in a age where it fits.

I like the way they skirt around the edges of progressivism. it's subtle and their not preaching hoping to pick up the choir.. which is something I feared they would do when I heard this was coming out. Hope it's popular enough to get renewed as they have done a good job here so far.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
So many interpretations.
17 February 2018
I suppose you either think it's great or..

It's the "or" I am interested in. After reading the "1" reviews I thought I'd give this series a go. Overall? It's a little slow paced at times (the reason for a 9) but incredibly well acted, and a interesting piece of speculative fiction.

Some see it as a SJW or progressive's dire warnings/triggers and others look at it as a stab at Christianity. Maybe it's their worst nightmare? Who knows... and really? who actually cares? After all it is a work of fiction plain and simple.. Interesting because you could see our world going that route in a "what if" crazy sort of way or as something similar to what may have happened in past times/cultures..

Either way, it's a great story so far. I recommend putting it on your list, Looking forward to season 2.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
I have some theories.. but overall very good.
12 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First lets get these bad reviews out of the way. I get it. Everyone wants a Star Trek Based after TNG.. not another prequel. Add to that CBS Access. Pay?? Ugh. So lets slam it! I didn't think I was going to like this.. but it is surprisingly well done and the acting/effects are top notch. The story is actually pretty good to.

I'm guessing here but I think this is going to revolve around a black ops type group (section 31 anybody??!!) so they can have a broad spectrum to draw from and mine for potential stories. The reason I suggest that is .. it's rather dark but set in the main universes continuity.. so for them to do that their going to have to think outside the box and it would explain some of the characterizations we've seen to date.. AND..some of the characters we've never heard of before, yet should have.

While I dislike the changes to the Klingons, (and now) I dislike them in general.. I think your supposed to, they are at war after all. It's about the only thing I'm a little iffy on. Everything else? LOVE IT.. and especially like the lead actress. I wasn't sure what to expect with the series lead not being the captain but.. you know.. got to hand it to them. She's perfect. and really pulls you in to wanting to see what's going to happen next.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
As a conservative I continue to love this show
17 December 2015
The thing I really like about the show? They are going with a version of Supergirl that isn't perfect. She carries scars due to her planets destruction (which she remembers) and can be emotional, volatile & complicated. Yet she still manages to retain the fun/light and very strong aspects of her character which shine thru. Melissa is doing a awesome job on the Kara front and settling in to the role of Supergirl even better than I anticipated and I had high expectations from the get go.

At this point I have edited my review to reflect the shows direction 4 years on. Some reviews are unfair because all they focus in on is the feminist message. I do think the show writers take a wrong approach there as it isn't necessary with Supergirl. Does not need to be overstated as it speaks for itself. Aside from that though the series continues to show a great deal of promise with a exceptional cast dragged kicking and screaming on the back of it's charismatic lead. Benoist is this show. She plays Kara to perfection and continues to accurately portray the many different sides of Super Girl. Glad to hear there will be a season 5!!!
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Glee: The Quarterback (2013)
Season 5, Episode 3
An excellent episode
11 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This entire episode was/is Glee at it's finest. You still have the little bits and pieces that many of us have come to expect and others have grown to dislike but at it's core it was touching, tasteful, and done with a respect that's not always seen in some of their more controversial episodes.

Having new cast members make up the backbone as the chorus (visible but not front and centre)and having Kurt as the comforting supportive observer was a smart move that feels right and should play well with most fans. Rachel's entrance near the end helps to underscore that this episode is not about her but all of them and their connection to the one they have lost. My only criticism is the absence of Quinn, although they did try to smooth that over somewhat with references to her.

Many of us have been to events that pay tribute to loved ones lost thru performances that touch the soul. The quality transcends what we see/listen to on a day to day basis and lives on in memory. There were moments during "The Quarterback" where we were watching the tribute play out in that special way. A rare thing to capture so precisely on film.
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Star Trek (2009)
30 May 2009
OK, Im not going to bother going into any of the details here.. Just what a fantastic movie. The cast really has a lot of chemistry going for it which I didn't expect and they tied it all up into a nice neat little bow. I've read solid reviews of it and it prompted my girlfriend and I to check it out .. It did not disappoint.

Best movie I've seen in the last year! If your a sci-fi fan, love to watch great movies, or just into the whole trek stuff then I think your going to like this. Well worth the money spent.

The Creator of the series would be proud of this new rendition. I look forward to many more movies to come.
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Oh so good!
4 February 2009
I found this movie to be incredibly good overall. It's just unfortunate because it left you craving for more ... SO SO much more "Dead Like Me" I don't know how it will hold up to those who never saw the series. It tried to fill the gaps and introduce the premise (to a degree) for new viewers so that might have helped. As for the fans out there ..... it delivers.

Don't let the straight to DVD production fool you. This movie doesn't have a low budget feel to it. It's production values were a cut above the series and I must say it delivers in all areas.

Well done MGM and everyone surrounding it.. NOW CHOP! CHOP! Turn it back into a series or bring out more movies.
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