
36 Reviews
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Interesting - but biased with notorious 'christian' YouTuber couple PR
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The storytelling of the unfolding of events was pretty good, in line with Netflix documentaries. The narrative and message at the ending along with a few of the subjects were highly questionable, it was very obvious the 'christian' YouTuber couple were painting a less accurate portrayal of themselves and it almost felt like a PR exercise - given how notorious they already are on YouTube for shenanigans, it somewhat brings the documentary down.

I was surprised the documentary showed the clips they made viral (the husband apparently finding out the pregnancy) that were previously criticised as fake, it was also obvious it was not really about the wife forgiving the husband who's redeemed himself, it's clear she is the kind of person who will hold onto the ideology of marriage, love and their public image so desperately that she would never leave her husband, no matter how much he cheated or treated her badly, which is sad.
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Drifters (2013–2016)
These messy characters and moments exist for sitcom!
22 March 2024
This is a refreshing sitcom that centres around the shenanigans of twentysomething immature characters between the stages of uni needing to enter into adult life.

These characters get themselves into some embarrassing situations that are relatable, others completely unrelatable and beyond belief - it's these situations do end up being awkwardly funny - and that's the type comedy this series brings.

I like the way the sitcom has done this in the perspective of three female friends, which are usually shown the other way round, and it certainly doesn't mean their actions show them in a flattering light. If anything, they usually have some portrayal to make them a little loveable, I think this series actually might connect to their story but not necessarily sympathise!

I thought the actors playing the characters were perfect. This series delivered a good awkward comedy with a little something refreshing.
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Overall really good film if you think about it
12 February 2024
I did come across other reviews when I came to review it, this is my take of the film and why I think it is good and does have an ending, without spoilers.

The film and story is about revealing what the events unfolding are actually about and what is driving them, the viewer would already know by that stage what will happen so the film doesn't need to show it, unless they want to extend the project with a sequel.

Once the viewer realises what is happening, it's an interesting view of maybe how vulnerable we might be as a society and with the technology we rely on, we are not as stable as we think and that it won't need much to cause chaos. It draws the parallel that we are often the ones most likely to cause our own demise.

I think the plot and story was pretty good, and the cast did an adequate job. I think there were a few good camera shots but I think there was a bit too much camera effects going on throughout the film with the zooming, rotating shifting vertical/horizontal shots, it became cliche and obvious - I think the jarring feeling could still have been achieved with much less of those shots and a few more stable conventional shots for the scenes.

Overall, I thought the story was good.
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Some good material, let down by weak script and characters
6 February 2024
I feel mixed about this series so far with 3 episodes in.

I like the premise, and there are some good scenes, particularly action scenes that seemed to portray those extreme situations really well, and the difficult decisions and scenarios they faced.

But I feel like the script and portrayal of characters let it down at the moment. Most of the characters and the dialogue so far comes across as very old-school hollywood cliche. The Americans vs. 'posh' RAF was a really obvious example, a very odd portrayal to choose in this day and age, it would have made more sense to portray the average British members, I always got the sense from documentaries they generally developed a good relationship.

The main characters are also difficult to feel for, which is important if we're going to follow their stories. I'm not sure how to describe the main character, but again I think he could have been portrayed with more depth with a a bit of normal vulnerability typical outside the action scenes to make him seem more of a real human. I think a few supporting/side characters seem to have been written a little be more with this sentiment, who ironically I find more interesting.

I hope it gets better.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Another one to add in a great generation of series
5 October 2023
This doesn't disappoint me as a Star Wars fan, and think it's great to see how Ahsoka develops and matured in the later age with this new series.

Rosario Dawson fits the feel of Ahsoka in the series really well and I think the casting overall is so well fitted to the characters and well acted (Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Ray Stevenson, Ivana Sakhno, Eman Esfandi, Diana Lee Inosanto), the design and look of them are so spot on for a more futuristic yet signature feel of Star Wars.

The storyline is pretty good as well in theme, and like the little features like the treasure map.

I think these types of series are so much better as a format for more Star Wars than trying to revive the last three film trilogy which has run its course, look forward to seeing more.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Overall great film
4 October 2023
This is a really well-done film with some great acting - Cillian Murphy was outstanding, and thought Emily Blunt and Josh Hartnett did well in their characters too.

It's an interesting way the story is told and unfolds, there were flashback/flash forward scenes that got a little confusing in a few points but it does all meld together.

The way the unanticipated outcomes of it unraveled and the burden eventually in Oppenheimer and his team were well-portrayed.

It was quite a long film, but despite that, the fact that I stayed awake through it all says something, as I often feel like I drift after 2 and a bit hours!
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Top Boy (2011–2023)
Good series overall
4 October 2023
I do not relate to or sympathise much for most of the main characters, I've encountered similar ones having grown up in East London, but I thought the series was really good in portraying them and telling stories from their perspective either way and show their demise from such bad decisions and actions.

I also loved how they did show the impact these gangs had on loved ones, friends or even association. The show also showed their double-standards and extreme stress, their human side when it's something they cared about, their desperation in life and death situations, and the cold monstrous side of their attitude when enraged and selfish. I thought the actors were great and their delivery of the dialogue was so realistic in flow like real life how people talk and make expression and pauses. You don't see that realistic timing of interactions in many other films and series.

I think there were a bit too many political leaning cliche narratives grouped into the series that were not so realistic altogether, for example, in reality there are as many community voices complaining to the police to stamp out gangs than to those living alongside to go against the police - gang members not trusting the police is more realistic (which they did portray).

I also thought the portrayal of an immigrant stealing being innocent perpetuates the wrong stereotypes, I know innocent immigrants being discriminated/stereotyped with those who in reality do steal unjustifiably.

All in all though, it's refreshing and think we should see more stories like these on our screens.
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Beckham (2023)
Well-produced for PR purposes
4 October 2023
Production value is very good to portray 'intimate' 'authenticity' of the subject, but this is more a PR autobiographical feature than a documentary and there should be sub-genre for these e.g. Autobiographical documentary to make it clear this isn't an independent documentary on the subject, but someone producing a documentary for themselves the way they want to be portrayed.

This does what it intends to do, present a self-portrait that also gets the audience to warm up to them, using particular relatable story-telling such as sharing struggles and personal moments. It obviously leaves out more independent narratives.

It is well-produced series you'd expect under Netflix.
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Not sure there's enough for a show
2 July 2023
I struggled to seem much substance to make up this series - this show is essentially excitable assistants with a team of people talking about tidying celebrity spaces, mostly with boxes, maybe with a bit of reorganising, but not with much impact.

May they could have showed more how they came up the approach to how they were deciding to tidy? Maybe they did but it didn't seem like anything more than talking about tidying a room with someone at home, it just wasn't enough for me.

I would recommend watching Marie Kondo's series instead where there's really more impactful way of organising spaces.
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Star Trek: Prodigy (2021–2024)
Hidden Gem
2 July 2023
It took me so long to watch this, but when I finally did, I absolutely loved it. Given it's animated you may think it wouldn't have as much to the storyline for a family series, but the quality of the story really is for everyone and brings out the ST universe and values.

The episodes are quite short, but I imagine they cost a lot, the quality is amazing, I looked forward to every episode.

I was very disappointed to hear Paramount+ is cancelling this just as I was very much invested in this and looking forward to the next season, this is such a top quality series I would love to continue watching.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
Generally good
2 July 2023
The Big Bang Theory took a while for me to get into and invest in the characters, but once I did, the lines and characters were great, the 'geek' references were so spot on and hilarious.

I liked the introduction of Bernadette, and Aimee became one of my favourite characters as a totally geeky girl.

I do think towards later in overall series, some characters seemed to have drifted from their very nature, which is what made some of the stories and relationship development less convincing. Some of those situations near the ending made it turn into a generic tv show that you would never see those characters go to.
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The IT Crowd (2006–2013)
One of the best British comedies
2 July 2023
This is the favourite British comedy in our household and is on reruns.

The writers must be well tuned to 'nerd' culture, as the references throughout were just spot-on hilarious.

It's a gem in the way the whole plot of the series is tied together with the witty lines, some of the lines and story plots are ridiculous but they are deliberately called out and well-connected throughout the series, that's what makes this top quality.

The characters go so well together and are perfectly casted with the best actors. Even the transition between Denholm and Douglas was perfectly executed.

A lot of the episodes such as the ones on Friendface (i.e. Facebook at the time) and Space Star Ordering (i.e. Scientology) were just so spot on.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
Refreshing - great leads and supporting cast
2 July 2023
This is such a refreshing show, with dark comedy, action and some great drama scenes too. The lead characters Eve and Villanelle were just so well-written, frankly I'm really happy to see more diverse female characters and personas, and both Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer portrayed them fantastically. Even the supporting actors like Owen McDonnell, Kim Bodnia and Fiona Shaw were brilliant in portraying their characters across the scenes. The scenes showing Eve and her husband's relationship development were portrayed so well, from watching these I felt the chemistry of the ups and downs both characters were feeling.

The visuals, titles and soundtrack were really well put together. This was a top quality show for me.
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Cunk on Earth (2022)
Good concept, works sometimes, others could be better
2 July 2023
The format of the questions with experts reminds me of Ali G, I like the concept of a history documentary and often the ironic commentary worked well and was funny.

The questions and commentary with expert were sometimes funny, but I also found times they were maybe a bit too obviously silly and pointless not in a funny way. I think maybe some of the questions were sillier or ignorant of the previous conversations, so it didn't flow or make sense.

The experts handled it quite well in that they respected her despite the questions, as I imagine an important principle in the field of expertise and learning is to not judge or treat anyone judgementally even if they don't know anything, or appear ignorant.

If the comedic scripting and timing could be better, this would be really promising.
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Convincing story with misleading version of events and evidence
20 November 2022
The first episode referring to 'mainstream archaelogy' (they're not an entertainment industry) seeing him as an enemy of truth is the first text book conspiracy theorist spiel. I'm not surprised they didn't take him seriously, he has not uncovered anything profound but his own ideas, when there's no evidence for it, and often more evidence it is not the case, but of course, this is not the narrative he's going for, so of course he omits some of the real facts behind these topics.

Don't be fooled people - he's left out that some of these things are not new, very select information for his narrative, and evidence of why his theories may not stack up of course.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Just as ridiculous as GoT
19 October 2022
I gave House of Dragon a go. I did not like the first episode as it was full of the GOT format I didn't care for. I thought it was getting better a few more episodes, particularly with the character and story development in the beginning, which seemed a little more consistent and you can actually care a bit more about a few of the characters.

But that was shortly lived, it started to be as ridiculous as GoT, characters change and behave randomly despite their past experience and perceived well/worse for whatever suited the narrative for the episode. The alliances between factions make no sense given what some characters did to members of their families and people that they cared for a minute ago.

Same soap opera crap, weak story and characters, full of sensationalist tactics with dragons and medieval aesthetics thrown in to make you think it's a fantasy.

There's only one character left I could maybe get, the rest of them are I really don't care for watching.
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Pretty good considering
19 October 2022
I do like LOTR having read the books and also the original films, but I'm not a buff. It's not perfect, some of the plots/developments were a bit ridiculous, but I would say overall the story development was not bad at all from an audience like myself, and the cinematics were beautiful and faithful.

My favourite character development is the relationship between Elrond and Durin, I think there was some very good acting among the cast, and I think the casting was pretty good for the characters.

I have heard of reviews on this and House of Dragon in comparison - I personally didn't like GOT, I think so far House of Dragon is a bit better but I wouldn't say necessarily better than the Rings of Power, but then again I prefer LOTR anyway. If you're a GOT fan, you'll probably disagree, so it's really a matter of taste. From my perspective, I like more fantasy and sci-fi, I'm not necessarily a buff so for me, this was pretty good.

Hope it helps you work out whether it's your cup of tea or not!
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Prey (I) (2022)
Great cinematography - plot could be better
16 August 2022
There were some good premises for the film, like the timeline and setting, few nuggets in the script. Even the American dialogue for that was a bit meh. There was a lot of unnecessary scenes and the first half was dragged out with inconsistent traits of the predator. I'm guessing the budget wasn't big given the quality of the CGI in the first half, I don't think they even needed it and could have utilised different more effective scenes for the plot. I'm not sure if this film makes me feel like The Predator franchise has been milked, the premises makes me believe there is still space to make the Predator franchise better. Cinematography was great though!
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Refreshing and entertaining
14 August 2022
Really enjoyed the characters and stories told in a location we don't see much of onscreen in this format. It is also beautifully shot and produced with the whale theme threaded into it. Autism can be different and complex so really appreciated the way they treated it and with a balance of comedy in all situations.

Many situations and character looks (kpop look) are obviously not so realistic but given the format of this series I don't mind given the level of entertainment. I don't mind the subtitles but it would better to also have audio for those who struggle to read.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Overrated - it was never ruined - it was always like that
5 November 2021
I didn't find enough substance in this show, I feel the same way about it as the books that I equally found difficult to find any story or entertainment in it.

The main formulae for this show is just disturbing, sadistic and often pointless sensationalism, using fantasy and medieval visual cues from Lord of the Rings and others, coupled with the soap opera format that keeps viewers hooked. I like fantasy but this was just using fantasy visuals superficially without the good elements.

The fake wigs are obvious, there's some decent acting where the script allows occasionally.

The story/plots created are sort of pointless to me. I didn't even find it entertaining. I got up to Season 4 I think, most of it was not memorable.

I'm surprised fans were disappointed with the finale, I felt the whole series played the same way, I didn't think the finale would be any different.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Disturbing - formula well done and great production
5 November 2021
What's great about this series is that it doesn't just rely on the sensationalist disturbing factors alone, there's a decent plot with well arranged elements in the unravelling the story. The theme of playing for your life isn't necessarily unique but the formula is incredibly well done adapting the story in South Korea based on childhood games while telling a fable of social and economic struggles and what life is worth living for. I thought the main actors were great and we don't get to see enough of these characters but I hope this opens up exposure to more international productions.

The production settings were also really impressive, and made the scenes all the more fascinating.

I hope Netflix pays the creator the bonus he deserves given its success.
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Maid (2021)
The flawed characters are what makes it interesting
5 November 2021
I've not read the book so reviewing purely the series alone.

Like many of the critics, I wouldn't necessarily relate to or agree with the main character Alex's behaviour a lot of the time and can see how her behaviour affects the other characters. I could see why the ex and the other love interest werer the way they were. I see the impossible situation of the Alex's mother who doesn't learn her own lesson being taken advantage of because of her vulnerabilities and flaws, and Alex can't control her. Others may disagree with a different take on the characters.

Is this what manipulation and abuse looks like (most may say yes, but it's also told in a way that it can also be perceived as more toxic relationships between various individuals).

I think it's exactly this that makes this story, the characters, the subtle and toxic dynamics of relationships and degrees of treatment/abuse incredibly well done. They don't fit the obvious or more commonly seen characters, situation or case, they represent characters who can be irrational and can be good, they have many facets based on their situation, which is more akin to the complexities of these situations in real life. And that's why viewers can have very different takes on these characters.

There are a few storylines that do seem to get pulled out to create a situation or resolve that probably wouldn't happen in real life, but overall I think the story-telling was really well done.
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Timeless (2016–2018)
Light entertainment, bad sci-fi and cheesy
10 November 2019
The show can be entertaining if you don't take it too seriously, it is pretty poor though when it comes to continuity, paradoxes and formulaic storylines and characters, the script is something you'd expect 10+ years ago except a few social aspects that are actually relatable for today.

The storylines have way too many flaws with continuity to make any decent quality time travel sci-fi, the German Netflix time-travel series Dark does this 100 times better than Timeless.

A lot of the time travelling encounters in this show were pointless and only in the name of creating something to happen each episode, the paradoxes and continuity of time travel was inconsistent when you see how everything pans out, the characters could have solved a lot of stuff within a few episodes, and doesn't make sense in the developments after as the realities don't follow the same logical rules set out originally by the show's premise.

Main characters were so cliche and kinda selfish, if you met Wyatt in real life you'd think he'. Their behaviour were so predictable it was cheesy. The other characters are ok, Flynn was entertaining and well played but on script quite weak and unbelievable in terms of how he behaved given what happened to him and his original character.

If you switch your brains off and just take it as a light amusing entertainment, it serves best this way as a bit of fun only!
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Awesome Trek series for fans and everyone
25 October 2019
I do like all the ST series and films, so I was blown away and impressed by the new series take vamped up for 21st century Trek fan generation - fantastic characters, developments and design that definitely doesn't stray from the concept and storylines for the future. While the diversity of characters is great (which many seem fixated on as the premise of the revamp), the series offers so much more than just that: the plot development in its own right, the themes developing staying true to the concept, innovative development of story bites we've got in previous Star Trek series in the future, bearing in mind this is an earlier history on the timeline (Enterprise is the exception). The writers certainly honoured much of it with continuity considerations while adding some new elements. I love that it's modernised in line with latest entertainment, and I think this modernisation unfortunately is rejected by some Trek fans who hold onto the sentiment of nostalgia of previous times despite it being well designed within ST themes fused with an awesome revamp for today's generation.

Every week I looked forward to the next episode to date, some of the twists in the end I couldn't wait for the next episode!

It's produced a number of awesome captain (and potentially future captain) characters that are in my top list now.

Looking forward to seeing what else is revealed in the next seasons!
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Film was good except the annoying music/soundtrack
4 May 2019
I like Luhrmann's take on films and soundtracks usually - but this film's strange annoying choice of music style was really off-putting. It was so mismatched like they were trying to MTV it with advertising Coke or something mainstream. Shame, would be great to see this with a soundtrack that suits the style of the storytelling/theme.
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