
31 Reviews
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Children and industrial machines. What could go wrong?
10 May 2024
Seeing Father Flanagan for real was interesting, as was seeing actual Boys Town.

My 2024 sensibilities were disturbed, however, by seeing these boys working at machines that could seriously injure, maim, or even kill them.

The labor, sports, and belief in a supreme being got plenty of depiction, but what shocked me was that the notion of education was given about two seconds of screen time, and only by inference.

I couldn't see how the boys could have time for academic education when work as carpenters, field workers, laundrymen, etc. Would seem to consume all their time.

I must guess that in 1938, having learned a vocation or trade was considered most valuable at a time when graduating high school then was almost like finishing college now.

This is the great thing about old movies. They're almost like visiting a place you can never go.
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The Virginian: The Best Man (1970)
Season 9, Episode 2
Desi was entertaining as El Jefe
1 February 2024
This was a surprisingly decent episode, even if it did play like a sitcom. I had to force myself to ignore the "spaghetti Western-esque" music score by David Shire. I'm sure he was only doing as he was told.

I thought Desi Arnaz was remarkably good as El Jefe, although I wasn't sure if he was acting as if he was always a little drunk or actually was. Maybe that's a compliment. It's too bad he didn't do more Westerns or try other dramatic roles.

Susana Miranda plays a lovely young Teresa. Sadly, she only has 5 credits on IMDb.

The remaining supporting players all do decent jobs in their roles, doing the best they can with what they're given.
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Maybe it takes a cynic to be amused ...
19 November 2023
... by such over-the top-cynicism.

I could understand how some people might be put off by two such outwardly depressed and depressing people.

But it ends up a bit like you're laughing at the equivalent of people getting faces full of custard in a pie fight, but the pies are all metaphorical and most of the targets don't even know they've been hit!

And yet their two "glass practically empty" personalities create a remarkable flow of comically depressing banter. And so much of it is highly quotable. Its actually very smartly written cynical banter. (Credit where it's due.)

One could argue that the moral here is that you sometimes find love in the last place you look because it's the last place you expect if you can open your mind to opening your mind.

Maybe there's always hope.
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Surprisingly Affecting
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode goes in surprising directions, from the titular "How to Watch Sports" to why do so many people enjoy watching sports, to what pivotal childhood experience shapes an interest in watching sports, to what childhood experience shapes an interest in anything?

The focus ends up on vacuum cleaners, and maybe begins with just a touch of snark. But this ends up being a surprisingly emotional part of the story. The connections are intimate and affectionate, and even loving.

This episode really isn't about how to watch sports. It's about how people create connections with other people, and the unusual ways connections might begin.
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I had no expectations and was pleasantly surprised
16 July 2023
I was channel surfing and came across this from the beginning. Hung a few minutes and got hooked.

I had no idea that this was the third movie in a franchise. Maybe that's why I could enjoy more than most; I had no expectations going in.

FYI: I don't typically like rap or hip hop or musicals or dance movies. But there are I handful I've enjoyed over the decades, and no one is more surprised than me that this is one of them.

It's not a deep movie, though it occasionally has pretensions. What it is, is a fun bit of fluff with heart. The characters are fun. The actors are engaging. The dancers are stunningly good, though I'm not a dance maven.

I'm not sure how the building preservation folks in the film will feel about the final number, but it beautiful and amazingly sexy.

I recommend it.
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Here's how this movie could have been a decent 5.
11 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The spoiler is at the end of this review and you'll be warned. I suggest you read the rest.

There was a movie here that could have been rated a 5, but it would have been a 50 minute short film.

Here's what you do.

Anytime you see William Baldwin, fast forward. This will leave you with a few detached story threads, but nothing vital. William Baldwin's story arc is a complete waste of time and should have been written out.

What you're left with is a modest but very nicely filmed adventure story. It just needed some tweaks.

That short film would have gotten a five from me except for the major dangling thread at the end.

IMHO, the last line of the film should have been, and here's the spoiler:

"Great! Now who's gonna rescue US?!"
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Immanence (2022)
Good musical score
8 October 2022
I agree with those who say that the movie starts with promise, probably about the first 25 minutes. It becomes a Religion vs Science story after that, and not in a good way.

Up to a point, that's not awful, but the story degenerates into a lot of "whys". The biggest "why" being, why are these people making the choices they're making?

But if there is one thing that keeps you unwittingly engaged in the film, I think it's the musical scoring. It keeps you involved after the characters no longer do.

The composers for this film may have a bright future if their work here is anything to judge by.
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The Humans (2021)
Waiting for something to happen ...
5 December 2021
This is a "slice of life" movie about a family Thanksgiving in a slummy apartment with bad lighting and worse light bulbs. The characters are annoying and unlikable. It's not spoiling anything to say that if you expect something interesting or suspenseful or even just curious to happen, you will be sorely disappointed.

I NEVER give a score of 1 to a movie. Most films are at least a 5, the equivalent of "A for effort".

This waste of 2 valuable hours of my life waiting for something interesting to happen isn't worth that generosity.
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Arctic (2018)
A Heroic Film!!!
20 November 2021
Mads Mikkelson as Overgard is a heroic figure as the longtime survivor of an earlier plane crash. Beyond that, anything else I share would be a spoiler.

But everyone connected with this film must be considered heroic. Filmed in Iceland, there's no fake snow and no fake freezing temperatures.

The film has almost no dialog. The environment is the costar and "speaks" more than any actor.

I was surprised that the ending moved me almost to tears; it's not what you might expect.

Watch it.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
15 June 2021
This a very complicated movie that's holds your attention mainly because there's so much going on, but finally the characters and story lines start getting whittled gown, and clarity begins to come.

This is a tough movie to categorize: Horror? Dark comedy? Action/adventure? Social commentary? Satire? Rich against poor? Right against left? Psychos against crazies?

That makes for a tough review.

I will say that if you can get through the periodic blood and gore (some will hate it, some will laugh at it, which is a perfect audience mix for this film), there plenty of food for thought (or maybe do not think about food during this movie), but you know what I mean.

In some ways, for the right couples (fright couples?), this is a perfect date movie because there will be so much to talk about afterward!

Who were the good guys/bad guys? Who did/didn't deserve to die? What message, if any was the movie trying to convey, or was the goal simply over-the-top satire where everyone is bad; or worse, a mixture of good and bad. A Fifty Shades of Gray of character gradation.

Or is most everyone good, but misunderstood? Maybe only a few people were bad and others were confused innocents swept up in a net?

So my suggestion: it's worth a watch. Maybe 😉
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Don Jon (2013)
An 8 for daring and originality
14 June 2021
I've become a Joseph Gordon-Levitt fan, and that's what attracted me to watch this movie in spite of its odd title and unusual plot line.

It's creative, funny, sad, honest, and ultimately surprisingly insightful; even in the way that the sister seems like a throwaway joke/character until almost the very end.

This movie is absolutely not for everyone. It's visually, verbally and intellectually graphic. Some may even consider it occasionally religiously profane.

But it's also worthy of serious consideration if you're open-minded, patient, and willing to be philosophically provoked.
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Cake (I) (2005)
Silly, bubbly fun
7 June 2021
The characters are what you might expect for this type of film, but nonetheless are well-cast and played in good fun.

Things work out mostly like you'd expect, but that doesn't stop it from being a pleasant way to pass the time with a few smiles.

I gave it a 7 because It was a lighthearted way to end my evening and made me feel good.

When you watch a movie, what more do you really need?
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Countdown (III) (2019)
Fun horror, No Gore
19 May 2021
I'm not a horror fan. But I enjoyed this film.

It's fairly gore-free, but still spooky, creepy fun.

The end leaves space for a sequel, but it wraps in a reasonably satisfying fashion.

The sexual harassment subplot doesn't work well (though I have no doubt it happens), but I forgive it.
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Enemy (2013)
I'm not a metaphor guy
6 March 2021
No spoilers here.

If you like a movie that gives you some sort of closure, this is not the film for you.

If figuring out what the director meant as the credits roll, this may be your cup of tea.

It wasn't mine.

I gave it 5 as an "A for effort" kind of grade.
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Better than I expected.
22 January 2021
I assumed that his would be a silly time-killer of a movie, but it's better than that. There are some good moments, some witty banter, and some nice performances.

As a fan of movie scores, I wish there was more original music; the film leans really heavily on pop tunes. Too heavily, in my opinion.

Other than that, and without going into the plot so as to avoid spoilers, I recommend spending your time with this movie. It's fun and sensitive and somewhat thought-provoking about business and loyalty and life.
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Scoop (2006)
Better Without Woody
20 August 2020
"Scoop" is a cute, supernatural whodunit. Among the leads, Scarlet Johanssen is probably the best cast. Hugh Jackman is probably a bit too 'on the nose' physically as the scion of an aristocratic family, but he does a decent job here.

Unquestionably, the worst casting decision Woody Allen made was to cast Woody Allen in a key role.

His sputtering, stuttering, free-associating, super-neurotic persona is supremely annoying here. If I could fast forward thrust his cringe-inducing parts, I would. Sadly, he appears in most of the movie, so he is key to the story whether you like it or not.

This film is light fun and not a bad way to kill about 90 minutes. Just try not to let Woody Allen's onscreen persona ruin it for you.
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Time Freak (2018)
Skyler Gisondo!
17 April 2020
I'm a sucker for time travel movies and trying to fix what went wrong. Add a romance to that and I'm often a bigger sucker.

This movie is okay. It's sweet and silly and sometimes a bit ludicrous, but above-average fun.

I think that the biggest surprise and the movie's saving grace is Skyler Gisondo as Evan. I've never seen him before, but his work here is remarkable. He takes what could have been a thankless, ridiculous second banana role and arguably makes the whole film so much more than it would be without him.

If you watch this movie just to see what Skyler does with his part, and think about - and this is apropos for a time travel movie - the acting choices he could have made, or what another lesser actor might have done with the role, you won't be sorry.
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In Harm's Way (2017)
Not a Remake of the 1965 John Wayne Film
21 March 2020
This had the same title as a 1965 John Wayne movie, so I suppose I was expecting something of a remake. This was not.

The film is a Chinese production.

It's nominally the story of an American pilot stranded in Japanese-occupied China. At the beginning, the story is set up as the pilot being debriefed; his story becomes the narrative.

Actually, though, it's a Chinese story of Chinese heroism overcoming their fear of the Japanese.

While there is very little "action", the story is a gripping human one.

The movie is made as a tribute to Chinese heroism and sacrifice against the brutal Japanese occupation, but I think the underlying question, as always in a story of this sort, is, what would you have done if confronted with this situation?
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Doctor Who: Fugitive of the Judoon (2020)
Season 12, Episode 5
When your expectations have gotten so low ....
27 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
.... that reviewers are giving this episode a 9 and 10.

I have to insert a minor spoiler in this review, so be prepared. I'll warn you.

This episode was puttering along at about a 5 for about the first half. (Typical of a Chibnall/Whittaker series.) Then - and here comes the small spoiler -

Captain Jack Harkness pops up in the story. He only appears for a couple of minutes and doesn't do much of anything, but I think his appearance alone elevates this episode to a 7. That's because his couple of minutes reminds us how Doctor Who has felt since it was brought back with Christopher Eccleston.

Sure the last half of the episode was interesting, as was the reveal near the end. But the enthusiasm brought by John Barrowman's appearance just shows by comparison how pale this incarnation of the Doctor has been.

I have nothing against Whittaker as an actor. I just feel that the Chibnall/Whittaker Doctor has been an overall disappointment.
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Manifest: False Horizon (2020)
Season 2, Episode 3
The last 15 minutes ...
21 January 2020
... are worth the last 3 hours.

I admit that some episodes of this series feel like endurance tests, but this episode pays off nicely.

Some great drama, great lines, great disclosures, and great moments.

It's worth the wait.
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The Cavern (1964)
Better than it looks. Worth a watch.
17 January 2020
I was going to give this movie a 5 and say, "This is a solid 5!" Then I decided that if it's such a solid 5, why don't I give it a 6?

Why?, you may ask.

I watched it on FX cable last night, having missed the first 10 minutes or so. They were already trapped in the cavern. In a few minutes I was hooked. I happened across it again a few hours later just after the credits and caught the first few minutes until I was up with where I came in. Then I almost sat to watch it again. That alone says something.

Let's get some things out of the way about this film. This is in the public domain. It was shot in 1.85:1, but was broadcast in 4:3. It was broadcast on an HD channel, but still looked as if I was watching it through a silk screen. It may have been a 16mm transfer or a multigenerational copy.

Do not judge a book by its cover.

Many of the comments here about weakness in the script, character motivations and low budget production values are reasonable, but with a caveat. Many of those bad character decisions or odd motivations take place after being trapped in the cavern for weeks and months. When that is taken into account, some of the irrationality might be excused, or at least rationalized.

The cast is actually quite good, though half are likely unknown to most viewers.

The early exterior shots are not encouraging. The opening few minutes which set up the story look low budget. One German soldier stopped his motorcycle to give a report to an officer. After the report, he couldn't restart it, but they kept the "take".

Once the main characters are trapped in the cavern, however, the low budget matters less than the story.

Not everyone survives, and heroes and not-so-much heroes may not be who you expect. But that's a large part of what makes the film engaging.

It won't be the best ~80 minutes of your life, but it won't be a waste.

PS: One of these actors went on to a long-term gig as host of "Hollywood Squares". See if you can spot him. Another went on to be an iconic character on the TV series "Dallas". And this will be one of Brian Aherne's last roles, and not bad though certainly not his best.
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Snow Angels (I) (2007)
Not just a family drama. A full-on tragedy.
30 December 2019
For my short review, I'll start by saying that the movie is extremely well done by folks behind and in front of camera, but is not for the faint of heart.

But if you're easily depressed, this is not the film for you.

If you are okay with a very well done slice-of-life tragedy, you may appreciate this story.

For me, it was more than I bargained for, and is unfortunately sticking in my head.
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An incomparable version of a classic story, but in a good way
28 December 2019
I have always been an "Alastair Sim Christmas Carol" guy and I always will be. I don't think any traditional adaption of the story will ever surpass the 1951 version or Sim's performance in it.

I also thought that the FX version was a remarkable adaptation, and worthy of being its own classic.

I find these two versions of Dickens' tales incomparable. That is to say that you literally cannot compare them because they are two entirely different movies built only on the same skeletal story outline.

I would normally consider this a huge negative in almost any movie adaptation of a great and beloved story, but not in this case.

"A Christmas Carol" has been done and done and re-done. The FX version added grit and honesty and, in entirely its own way, heart. Much of the story specifics were new and entirely unexpected, and there's something to be said for finding a new way to tell an old story in a manner that still does honor to the original concept without aping it.

I gave the movie an 8 out of 10 mainly because the roughly 190 minute version (it ran on FX at 3 hours 20 minutes including maybe a dozen short commercial breaks), whether as a movie or a miniseries, was just way too long for the story being told. This was not, after all, D-day with more stories than time.

I say this as more than just an idle observation. After the first half hour and knowing how much time lay ahead of me before the final denouement, I began to look at scenes thinking, "this could've been edited tighter," or "some of this dialog or scene chewing or this dramatic pause could have been done away with without harming the story in the slightest." I found myself checking the time counter with ever more frequency to see how close to the end we were getting; this is never a good sign, and was in spite of the storytelling and performances, not because of them.

I strongly recommend watching this version of "A Christmas Carol" and doing so without a Sim-centric bias or the cheat of a "fastforward" here or a "fastforward" there.

I would also recommend a director's cut with a sharper knife.

This film has the potential to be a Christmas classic in its own right.
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Before there was "Crazy Rich Asians" ...
22 September 2019
There isn't much here that's unpredictable, but that doesn't make it less fun.

It doesn't spoil anything to tell you that Grace Tang, a young and successful Chinese-American woman is soon misidentified, leading to deeper and deeper complications in her life.

This movie isn't a 10 and it isn't a 3. Unlike Grace, it neither more nor less than it pretends to be, but like Grace it is good at what it is.

Just watch and enjoy this little uplifting film for its feel-good romance. .
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Robin Hood (2010)
This Is Not The Myth You're Looking For
15 September 2019
If this is the first thing you read, take my advice: until you have watched the movie, don't read the reviews (except maybe this one) and don't read the trivia. That will only spoil the movie for you.

And there is a teeny tiny maybe-spoiler in the last sentence. I'll warn you.

I rarely give less than a 5 (Meh. They tried and it could've been worse) or more than a 9 (Nothing is perfect), but I'm giving this film a 10.


Viewing time is precious, and I'm always in a state of triage on my DVR. After putting off this film for literally weeks, being attracted only by bits I'd glimpsed while scanning movie channels, I found it to be surprisingly gripping and a surprisingly speedy 140 minutes.

It is a total re-imagining of the legend in which only characters may be familiar. I think this is the source of the most negative reviews. So, if you're looking for a traditional telling, gird your loins for something completely different.

For me this was not a bad thing. It meant that every predictable turn of the tale was actually not. I found myself enjoying that frequent surprise.

Many reviews talk about this actor's range being limited or that actor being under-utilized. I would ignore that.

I'm my opinion, this movie does what a movie should do. It engages the viewer from the start, because it starts in unexpected ways. It tells a familiar myth in ways that are unexpected but not off-putting. It ends in a small surprise. (This is why many reviewers ravage the last 20-30 minutes).

Is the movie flawed? Certainly. Some historical liberties taken? Sure.

Is it fun in startling ways and an overall i regretted way to spend that140 Minutes? Absolutely. And that's why I'm giving it a 10.

Suspend your disbelief and have a good time.

The spoiler? Next line.

It sets itself up for a potential sequel.
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