
7 Reviews
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Saw (2004)
Don't confuse this movie for its sequels- this one's actually good
27 March 2020
The Saw movies tend to get a pretty bad rap. Most people think of them as senselessly violent and overly gory torture fests with no actual interesting plots or characters. Granted, some of the movies are like that. But, when you watch this 2004 original, leave those expectations at the door, because this movie is just a genuinely good thriller and mystery.

This movie has an intriguing premise of two strangers waking up in a room, handcuffed to pipes. As the move progresses, this mystery unfolds as we learn more and more about these two characters and about the situation that they are in. There are many twists and turns as the movie unfolds, but they never feel forced. These twists feel organic and are truly shocking. Because of this, I don't think of this movie really as a horror movie. It feels more like a mystery thriller, and it draws you into its premise. However, it is a very tense movie and there are some frightening scenes, so it does succeed as a horror movie as well.

If gore is the main thing keeping you from watching this movie, I would give it a try. Granted, there is gore in this movie, but it's not nearly as much as you would expect from a movie these days with Saw in the name. The gore is never intrusive or over-the-top, and it certainly is never meant to be the point of the movie. If you cannot watch gore at all, there may be a couple of scenes where you'll want to close your eyes, but there is still so much to enjoy from this movie outside of those moments.
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It (I) (2017)
A horror movie that doesn't forget about the story or characters
27 March 2020
There are a lot of problems with modern horror movies today. Unfortunately, this movie does fall into a couple of common tropes with these kinds of movies, but it also does so much more.

Unfortunately, like many modern horror movies, this movie does rely on jumpscares for its scary scenes, for the most part. And, like many other movies, those jumpscares frequently are not very frightening. The scares in this movie are pretty predictable, and outside of one scene, I never found myself too scared or tense. But generally, these problems didn't bother me, because this movie is meant to be more than just scary.

This is not a movie about some evil monster that kills kids. This is a movie about a group of adolescents who are forced to grow up quickly one summer. The kids make this movie. Every child actor in this movie is phenomenal, with Finn Wolfhard as the standout in my opinion. This movie succeeds because the audience really feels for the kids. No doubt, there is at least one member of the Loser's club that you probably relate to from your own childhood, and that's what makes this movie so enjoyable. So many other horror movies forget to make the characters actually relatable and likeable, but this movie puts the focus on these characters and their own struggles and problems, and how those relate to the overall problem facing their town of Derry. As a result, there are many scenes of this movie that involve no horror whatsoever, and I think that turns some people off who were expecting a non-stop horrifying experience. This movie has scary moments, but I would say this is a coming-of-age story disguised as a horror movie. And I loved it.
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Split (IX) (2016)
Thrilling, tense, brilliantly acted and directed
24 March 2020
When people hear the name M. Night Shyamalan, many will cringe and recall The Last Airbender or The Happening. I make no claims that those movies aren't terrible, but many people judge the director based solely on those films rather than the Sixth Sense or Unbreakable, his two best movies in my opinion. But if someone still needed convincing that Shyamalan is a director worth respecting and following after those movies, I would show them Split next.

Many people call this movie Shyamalan's return to form (I liked The Visit more than most, but this movie is definitely better). After big budget, high CGI blockbusters like After Earth, it's so refreshing to see Shyamalan returning to what he does best: low-budget thrillers. This movie is excellently directed, with the incredible cinematography I've come to expect from Shyamalan. This movie feels very claustrophobic, and it pulls you into the movie and won't let go. I couldn't be happier to see Shyamalan in full control of this movie, and its all the better for it.

Of course, the star of this movie is James McAvoy. He gives himself fully to this role and doesn't hold back, and I would seriously call this his best performance ever. The way he can switch from one personality to another so quickly is astonishing. Anya Taylor-Joy is also very good in this movie, but unfortunately, aside from those two leads, most of the other characters feel one-dimensional and uninteresting.

Overall, this movie is incredible. I would say that James McAvoy carries this film, but there is still a lot to love outside of his performance. Although there are minor problems with pacing and the exposition sometimes feels forced, this movie is thrilling and deserves to be right up there with the Sixth Sense and Unbreakable as Shyamalan's best.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
I don't use this word lightly- this is a masterpiece
24 March 2020
Hot Fuzz is directed by Edgar Wright, who also directed Shaun of the Dead, Scott Pilgrim, Baby Driver, and others. Like all of his movies, Hot Fuzz is fast-paced, quick-witted, and excellently edited. The cinematography and editing are fantastic, pulling you into the movie and making you want to watch more and more.

This is the best cop movie I have ever seen. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost kill it as the two leads, but all of the actors are fantastic. You can tell how much thought went into the casting, as there are even easter eggs throughout the movie relating to why certain people were cast. These subtle details are a perfect example of why this movie is so great. Everything was planned perfectly, down to the most minute detail.

The best part about this movie is the writing. Unlike many movies, there is not a single line of dialogue in this movie that goes to waste. Every single line in this movie from every character either foreshadows something in the future or calls back to something previous in the movie. It's pure genius, and it makes this movie infinitely re-watchable. There are so many details, secrets, and easter eggs to keep an eye out for that you will pick up something new every time you watch the movie.

This movie is not just a hilarious buddy cop movie. Every detail of this movie was intricately planned for maximum effect, so even if you took out all the comedy from this movie, it would still be fantastic. The comedy just adds to the enjoyment even more, and the movie is all the better for it. Without a doubt, this movie is a masterpiece.
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Easily the worst one in the series
18 December 2017
I LOVE Jurassic Park. I love dinosaurs. I loved the cast of these movies. The first movie is my favorite movie of all time. The second one had its good moments, but it was generally below average. The reboot, Jurassic World, was a good time, but didn't stick with you. However, this one is just plain AWFUL.

Sam Neill reprises his role as Alan Grant, but without any of the fun or character of Alan Grant. He has no personality in this movie, and makes stupid decisions frequently that Alan Grant should not be making. I don't even remember the names of the starring couple because they were so forgettable. They bickered constantly. but in a development everyone expected, they end up getting back together at the end after their divorce. However, they were so annoying towards each other, and made the dumbest decisions that no one would ever make, such as shouting through a megaphone in a forest of dinosaurs, that I was actively rooting for them to get eaten by a pack of Raptors. And I'm sure that there were others in the group with those three, but again, I don't remember their names or appearances due to their sheer lack of character and interest. If horrible characters weren't enough to drag down this mess of a movie, the plot makes no sense, and is filled with countless holes. Overall, there is absolutely no reason to watch this movie, no matter how much you love the series or dinosaurs, like me.
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Way better than it has any right to be
18 December 2017
A movie based on a television show is not usually good. Generally they are vastly inferior to the show. And while this movie is most likely not BETTER than the greatest early episodes, it may be the best television movie ever.

This movie is just as funny as the majority of the episodes of the show. The original plan was to end the series with this movie, as that was when Stephen Hillenburg left the show. However, after the success of the movie, they decided to continue the series, and it was really never the same. The show was much worse after this movie. If they had ended with this, it would have been perfect.

Overall, this is just a hilarious and well-made movie. When it first came out, I was a huge fan of the show, and the movie certainly did not disappoint me as a small child. I still, years later, love the show, and I still love this movie. It has jokes to delight younger audiences as well as older viewers. There are jokes I didn't understand as a kid that I now find hilarious. If you are a fan of the show, you will love this movie, but if you don't like the show, you're probably not going to like it. It's basically an hour and a half episode, with no new tricks or anything to make it stand out. And that's what makes it awesome.
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No longer so-bad-it's-good, now just so-bad-it's-bad
14 November 2017
The Sharknado movies are famous for being so bad that they're actually good. This is no longer the case in the fourth one. While I enjoyed the first three, this one is simply so-bad-it's-just... bad.

After I watched this movie, I thought it was alright. A few days later, I was invited to watch it again with someone else. As I thought back, I realized that there was no reason for me to want to watch it again.

I assume that if you are going to watch this movie, you have seen the first three. Therefore, you may know what to expect in a movie of this franchise. The other three are poorly acted and cgi'd, but are very over the top and still fun. However, this was not fun or action-packed like the first three. The deaths were either bland or too over the top to be fun anymore. And this is from a franchise that makes its living off of being over the top. This movie also doesn't seem to have the guts that the other movies have, but I can't get too much into that without spoiling.

Overall, this is not a fun or pleasantly-ridiculous bad movie. It's just a bad movie.
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