
8 Reviews
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Us (II) (2019)
A Dark, Intelligent Thriller
1 April 2019
I understand why some people gave this movie a low score, but I personally loved it. It's not a straightforward movie, and some parts are ambiguous-which was certainly done on purpose-so if you don't want to watch a movie where you really have to think about, this isn't for you. This movie is chock full of symbolism, mostly subtle, about marganilization and the people who are more or less forgotten or treated differently by society. This movie has gotten a lot of flack on here for having plot holes and a somewhat confusing ending, but if you read up on some of the symbolism Jordan Peele used, a lot of that starts to make more sense. Personally, the ending made sense to me though I didn't see it coming. I thought the gory scenes were well-done and not over the top like so many horror movies before it. Also, I know there was an outcry over how one of the characters speaks, but if you actually watch the movie it makes sense. Overall, I thorougly enjoyed this movie and it was kind of fun to discuss theories afterwards.
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The Crow (1994)
A Haunting, Iconic Movie
16 February 2019
This movie is visually stunning, almost like something out of a dream. Brandon Lee's performance was incredible, I thought he did a fantastic job of bringing Eric Draven to life. Sarah and Albrecht's performances were also really well done and added to how beautifully emotional the story is. The only place this movie kind of falls down for me is all the villians' performances. They're campy and outrageous, especially Top Dollar who reminded me of the stereotypical villain from old movies who would twirl their mustache and always had a cat in their lap for some reason. It feels hard to believe that people who are that ridiculous can actually manage to run a criminal enterprise. Overall though, this is beautiful movie and the score perfectly sets the scenes. Brandon Lee's performance was particularly beautiful and I think if he were still alive he would be one of the best actors of his generation.
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Was There Even A Plot??
26 November 2018
I'll be the first to say I LOVED the first movie and was super excited to see this movie. I never expected to not like this but was a literal filler movie. The only way I can think to describe this movie is if you've ever watched a long-running series that has 'filler episodes' where nothing really happens but it's setting up for something big-that's what this movie is. I don't know how anyone could spoil this movie because literally nothing happened that isn't shown in the previews or in a tagline! This movie dragged and the second I started to perk up in my seat because it was starting to get exciting, the credits rolled. Also, this movie is called "The Crimes of Grindelwald" and he's in there for maybe 5 minutes total. A fantastic cast and fantastic special effects all wasted on a non-plot.
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Hereditary (2018)
Boring and Ridiculous
10 November 2018
I'll be the first to say I expected to love this movie but I absolutely hated it. I'm a huge horror movie fan and watched it with other horror fans and everyone agreed that this movie was BAD. First off, this movie is a little over two hours-which I normally wouldn't mind, but I felt every single minute of that two hours. This movie felt like it dragged on for 5 hours. One thing I will say, I thought Toni Collette played her role very well but even she couldn't carry this. The storyline is absurd and confusing, even for a horror movie. I've never been one to really be confused when a movie ends but me and my friends all were tryng to figure out what was going on after the credits rolled. I'll try to keep this as spoiler free as possible, but the ending where they were kneeling was so stupid I couldn't believe they actually had that in the movie. If you're going to do gore, do it right. It just looked ridiculously fake. Lastly, this movie is boring. Now I'm not opposed to slow horror movies-they're some of the best in my opinion but the build up has to be worth it. As I mentioned, the ending is ridiculous to the point of almost being funny so it definitely wasn't worth any of the boring parts. Overall, this had great potential but failed to deliver.
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Ibiza (2018)
Better Than Expected
4 June 2018
Is it the best move I've ever seen? No, but I actually enjoyed it. The actual plot is kind of cliche and silly but the awkwardness of the characters made me laugh. The actual story of them getting to Ibiza is a little overdone and feels like it would never happen, like what happens when they get in the cab. However, the love story between the main character and the DJ was actually surprisingly endearing. I feel like a lot of movies have one character that's suave and charming and it was nice to see that both of them were incredibly awkward. It seemed more like real life, at least from my experiences.
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Absolutely Ridiculous
1 June 2018
Okay, so the movie is cheesy, the dialogue is cheesy, the entire plot is incredibly cliche. The entire football team going "OOH" when she sassed Noah, I mean really?? I could get past all that if the relationship between the two main characters was believable. I know that they're dating in real life and it really shocks me because me and my friends that watched this all thought there was barely any chemistry. I feel like they should've actually developed the relationship more instead of showing cheesy montages. It felt like they dated for five seconds before they were in love. Also, I'd just like to say that the notion that Noah could get into Harvard is downwright absured and just plain laughable. Harvard is extremely selective and don't just look at your grades, they look at everything. In the movie he is constantly getting into fights and he skips school. There is no freaking way he could have ever gotten into Harvard. I just couldn't get past how ridiculous that was, I know it was in the book, but it's just plain stupid. This movie could've been cute but the acting was ridiculous and the plot was entirely unbelievable.
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The Choice (I) (2016)
Boring, Zero Chemistry
27 February 2018
Honestly I had high hopes for this since I enjoyed the book but I hated this movie. I feel like the main characters had no chemistry whatsoever and it felt like they had known each other for a nanosecond before Travis was adamant that he loved Gabby. At least in the book their relationship was developed more so you actually could believe they were in love. I found it hard to get past Travis' ridiculously overdone southern accent, everyone else in the movie has a relatively normal sounding accent that is believable. It sounds like a stereotypical hillbilly accent and was just so off putting. Also, when Gabby's dog has puppies, the newborn 'puppies' were clearly at least a few weeks old. Anyone who has actually seen newborn puppies know that those dogs looked nothing like they should have. With a budget of millions it's ridiculous that they couldn't find some actual newborn puppies to put in the movie. Ridiculous error aside, I thought this movie was boring and completely unbelievable. They could have spent more time on actually developing the characters and made the movie a little longer. Even my Mom who is a sucker for sappy romances and all things Nicholas Sparks thought this movie was awful. This is definiteley one of the worst renditions of a Nicholas Sparks book I've ever seen.
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It (I) (2017)
One of the Best Stephen King Adaptations
9 September 2017
I thought the movie was amazing.

Bill Skarsgard did an amazing job of playing Pennywise in my opinion. I remember watching the 90's miniseries and wondering how kids got lured by Pennywise because he seemed sinister right off the bat. However, in this movie although Pennywise was undoubtedly creepy, in his scene with Georgie I thought he did a great job of seeming more friendly for a short time. Bill's version was sinister and felt really deranged. He didn't get as many lines in the movie as I would have hope for, but the scenes where he was taunting/fighting them I thought were really well done and pretty scary. Although, that being said, one thing I didn't care for about Pennywise was when he attacks them he does this bizarre shaking thing which can be seen in the previews. Maybe because he's the dancing clown? I'm not sure but it made me laugh in the theater. My friend was terrified though so maybe I'm just weird.

This movie doesn't follow the book exactly, but I think in terms of film adaptations, it stays pretty close. The one thing about the movie that bothered me was the nearly complete lack of stories that Ben, Mike and Stan got. The book has tons of backstory on each of the losers so I thought it was strange that they're kind of just background characters. Ben is on screen more than the other two, but really has no backstory other than being the new kid and having a crush on Beverly.

Those three aside, I thought the kids who had the most screen time did an amazing job. Richie was absolutely hilarious and pretty much what I had pictured when I was reading the book. I think Eddie, Bill and Beverly were also pretty much spot on.

Overall, I think this movie is worth the watch. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hardly noticed that it was over 2 hours because the cast did such a great job. I'm really excited to see what they do with the next movie.
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