
45 Reviews
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Sonic Prime (2022–2024)
Rough Start to Overall Pretty Good
5 June 2024
I though the first season of Sonic Prime took way too much time setting up its world and characters, and that's really all it does. Luckily season 2 picks it up and really starts moving, both with the story and the characters. Although season 1's long setup was kind of necessary to have season 2 move how it did, I still think it hurts season 1 overall. Season 3 was interesting, but at times really felt like they were stretching the final battle to fill all 7 episodes. So I would describe watching Sonic Prime as a little tedious but overall enjoyable.

These versions of the classic characters were fun to watch, although at first I wasn't really on board with them. By far the most interesting was Nine. Tails is my favorite Sonic character, so I was bummed at first that he was replaced with this more serious version. But after learning about Nine and why he was the way that he was I found myself fully invested anytime he was on screen. The rest of the characters are alright, but more definitely could have been done to make them as interesting as Nine. The Chaos Council for example is more or less just five tropes/stereotypes and not five unique characters with individual goals and ambitions.

I think your enjoyment of Sonic Prime will rely heavily on whether or not you are a Sonic fan, and if you have a lot of patience. The biggest issues for me were the slow start in season 1, the drawn out repetitive battles, and a lot of the characters not being that interesting. The biggest strengths for me were the art style and facial expressions, Nine, the diversity of locations, and the creativity with the Sonic cast and lore. If you are a Sonic fan, I would recommend giving Sonic Prime a try.
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Smallville (2001–2017)
I have come to appreciate what Smallville has to offer.
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I originally watched this show in its entirety back in 2020 on Hulu, and by the time I was done I wanted nothing to do with it. My biggest issues with it were that I thought it went on for way too long, and the romance between Lana and Clark eventually got in the way of the characters or show growing. After sitting on it for a few years and listening to Michael Rosenbaum's podcasts talking about the show, I got interested in giving it another try, so I got the complete series on Blu-ray and watched it again from beginning to end in about 5 months. I definitely liked it more the second time, but I think that has a lot to do with what I learned watching it the first time.

There are some things I would highly recommend for people considering watching Smallville: 1) Take your time going through it. Don't look at it as a 10 season show, just start at season 1 and go on from there. 2) Unless you are paying for no ads, don't watch this on Hulu. The ad time will add another couple months to the total runtime. 3) If you are like me and have seen other superhero shows before watching this, remember that no show like Smallville had been done before, and it is technically not a superhero show. 4) It's also not a Superman show, it's a Clark Kent show. You know what that means if you've seen it, but basically don't expect this show to make perfect sense for Superman, because it doesn't.

Back to my original complaints, after watching it again I have to agree with both still, but only partially. When it comes to Clark and Lana's relationship, it is 7 and a half seasons of on and off over and over. By season 7 I was over it and ready for him to move on to Lois, who at that point had been there for 2 seasons already. The biggest offense was in season 8 when Clark and Lois are finally ready to be together, then Lana literally walks in between them and Clark reverts back to her. Sure she's gone for good 2 episodes later. But it's still annoying that the writers couldn't help themselves do it one more time. 6 seasons of Lana and Clark is the absolute most that should've been here, and I stand by that.

I still do think this season ran a few too many seasons long as well, 3 seasons to be exact. Season 7 should've revolved around a different main plot and been the final season. There were still good episodes and things that I liked in seasons 8-10, but overall they just didn't do all that much with the exception of expanding on Clark and Lois. Tess was added in season 8 of the show, and although she wasn't a bad character, she doesn't add anything that Lex didn't already do. In the end that's all she is, a replacement for Lex and Chloe. Smallville does an excellent job for the most part utilizing its cast in interesting ways, and that's not something a lot of shows can say. For this being an early 2000s TV show, the effects really hold up today and even impressed me multiple times.

Seasons 1-5 are where Smallville really is special, as that's where I think the original vision and ideas for this show were. Clark's time in high school, maturing under the guidance of his parents, slowly learning about his Kryptonian origins, and his friendship with Lex are the plotlines I really got invested in the most with this show and missed when they were gone. The last three seasons in particular mainly just focus on Clarks slow evolution into Superman and his relationship with Lois, which aren't boring, they're just not as interesting as those others. The cast is the heart of Smallville, because even though the writing was solid for the most part, it's the actors and their performances which elevated so many episodes and scenes. Once John Schneider left the show, that was the real turning point for me. He had such a presence and influence on Clarks character, that it was just never the same without him, and the same can be said after John Glover and Michael Rosenbaum left after season 7. Justin Hartley was good and Cassidy Freeman wasn't bad, but their roles just couldn't compare to what was there previously.

Smallville is one of the better DC shows, and is at least worth giving a try. You can easily start it, and decide to stop watching after any season you want. I personally rated each season as follows: Season 1: 7/10, Season 2: 8/10, Season 3: 7/10, Season 4: 7/10, Season 5: 7/10, Season 6: 6.5/10, Season 7: 6/10, Season 8: 6/10, Season 9: 6.5/10, Season 10: 6.5/10. I would recommend watching seasons 1-5, and continuing on if you're really enjoying the show at that point. I don't think any season is particularly bad, but the second half is noticeably not as interesting if you ask me. I do also highly recommend listening to the Talkville podcast with Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum, as they go in depth with behind the scenes trivia on every episode which just made the show better for me.
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An average anime with interesting characters.
20 May 2024
The Sacred Blacksmith doesn't do anything too special, but there were a few times I found myself fairly interested in certain characters. I thought that by the end Luke and Lisa were interesting, and would've liked to see more of them in a season 2. The arc with the princess and her three companions was done especially well and was the highlight of the show for me. The biggest cons for me were Cecily and the main plot. I did not find Cecily to be a very interesting or relatable protagonist, and sometimes could be a bit annoying. She lacked any sense of individuality or ambition, so she ultimately came off as just a generic anime lead. The main plot revolving around these "demon swords" is interesting as a premise, but unfortunately is not explored to a satisfactory degree. The villain is very underdeveloped and their motivations are vague as well as their capabilities. Overall I wouldn't really recommend this show, there are much better alternatives in the fantasy subgenre like Snow White with the Red Hair.
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On par with Band of Brothers in my opinion.
20 May 2024
Band of Brothers biggest strengths for me was telling an authentic story with likeable and believable characters, engaging the viewer in as realistic of a WWII setting and narrative as possible, and staying accurate and respectful to the real events that took place. To me this describes Masters of the Air as well. Sure Band of Brothers is probably still better, but I have to admit I was completely invested in the story and characters from beginning to end in Masters of the Air. I was impressed just how many scenes there were in the planes and how many battles they did, because these days I expect these studios to limit their inclusion because of how expensive they can be. I also really appreciated the POW angle the second half of the series explored, as I feel that is an underrepresented area of WWII that I was glad to learn about here. Sure there were some slow segments here and there, but even those served to build on the characters and explore the non combative elements of the war, and Band of Brothers did the same thing. I really enjoyed Masters of the Air and would highly recommend it, especially if you liked Band of Brothers or just like WWII content.
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Toradora! (2008–2009)
I immediately want to watch it again.
17 May 2024
About 10 years ago I binge watched Power Rangers: Samurai on Prime Video and was really depressed when I finished it. At the time I thought it was just because the show was over and I wanted more, but since then I have come to realize why. Commonly referred to as "Post Anime Depression", its what happens when you enjoy the characters in a show so much you want to see what they do next, but the option isn't there. This is a sign of really good writing and it asks the viewer to trust that the story is complete, and that everything worked out from that point on. Otherwise, the story wouldn't be complete and a follow up would exist.

This is the exact feeling I had when I finished watching Toradora!, only on a level that I had never experienced before. There is so much going on throughout the show with the characters, that the final two episodes hit you like a train when everything culminates into an explosion of realization. Then it just ends, both satisfyingly and unsatisfyingly at the same time for the reasons I stated previously. Part of me feels like most of the focus of the story was wasted in the wrong direction, but then you have to acknowledge that direction was needed to get to the result ultimately desired. And in my opinion it was the right ending. Without spoiling anything, it was exactly what was being set up throughout the show, which is why I recommend seeing it twice cause its difficult to pick up on all the little details the first time through, and its the little details which make the story and characters so beautiful, mature, and believable. If I had any complaints, I do think a little too much focus is on the side characters, and in the end a couple of them weren't all that compelling for me. But as I stated before its kind of needed as everything builds up in the end; I still wish they were given a little more.

Ultimately I loved Toradora!, and consider it a masterpiece when it comes to romance storytelling and character development. It had me thinking about it for days after I finished it, and it definitely warrants a rewatch to fully appreciate everything it has to offer.
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Sonic Boom (2014–2017)
This show had no business being this good.
22 April 2024
Sonic Boom surprised me in all the right ways, from hilarious jokes in every episodes to intelligent writing most adult shows don't even have. Here it is all about the characters, which are masterfully voice acted and insanely entertaining to watch. At first I didn't like that Eggman was in every episode, but he got a lot better over time and became a character I enjoyed just as much as all the others. That is one of the strengths of this show, is that it only improved as it went along, nailing down its humor and each character's place. I never found an episode to be stale or boring, and a lot of that had to do with the 11 minute runtime. As a newer Sonic fan that doesn't know many of the characters or lore, I didn't find myself lost at all and would describe this show as very beginner friendly. I cannot recommend this show enough; don't let the fact that its a "kid show" fool you. Most of the jokes you can tell were made for adults. I can't wait to watch it again!
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Teen Titans (2003–2006)
A Classic for DC Animation
17 April 2024
The original Teen Titans show is well regarded as being one of the best DC animated shows ever, and I can certainly see why. I've seen this show a few times, and after my most recent rewatch I'm glad to see that it is still as enjoyable as it has always been. Robin is one of my favorite characters in DC, so seeing him go on unique adventures with a diverse team is a welcome change to what he normally does. This show is all about the characters, and thankfully they are done very well, although not perfect. It would've been nice if Robin and Beast Boy had more to bond over, but I don't think I've seen an incarnation of those characters together who have. The villains are also written very well, hitting majority of the time. Each season offered a compelling storyline that focused on a specific character, sometimes 2, with the exception of season 3 which I though to be the weakest. As a DC fan I also appreciated the additions of many well known sidekicks as well as adding some more obscure ones. The tone also impressed me throughout the show, as majority of the time it is a lighthearted comedy, but can quickly shift into a serious tension filled narrative. I always like it when animated shows "made for kids" act smart enough so adults don't feel out of place watching.

I thought the movie was alright, but serves as an extra long episode more than anything else. This show is miles better than the live action adaptation from 2018, but just slightly behind the first season of Young Justice in my opinion. I also wanted to mention that on the Blu-ray complete series of this show, I encountered many small animation and visual errors that didn't make it unwatchable, but can be distracting. Overall Teen Titans is a highly rewatchable show with well written storylines and characters that prove that an animated show about kids made for kids can be extremely compelling, mature, and entertaining for all ages.
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ThunderCats (2011–2012)
One of the saddest cancelations ever.
1 April 2024
I wouldn't call myself a fan of Thundercats, but I've always liked this show. I've always felt sad that it never got a season 2, and after just rewatching it I still feel that way. This show had a shocking amount of potential, from the characters and their dynamics with one another to the overall storyline they had going. I was surprised with the amount of mature themes this show has in it, which may have played into the show ultimately getting cancelled. I enjoyed most of the episodes out of this show, but I do think there is a bit too much filler here, and the second half is much stronger than the first. I can't help but think that this show was about a decade too early, and would've thrived in the modern era of streaming. There is always hope however; shows like Young Justice sometimes get a second chance.
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The Flash (2014–2023)
The Flash: A Good 5 Season Show
27 March 2024
I have been a fan of this show since its first season, and have rewatched it many times since I first saw it. I remember when season 2 came out on Netflix it was a huge deal for me and I probably watched the whole thing in a couple of days. Season 3 was the first one I watched live week to week and would continue to do so through season 6 which I didn't like as much. I decided to give the first episode of season 7 the chance to convince me to continue watching, and it did not. After hearing the show had finally ended after 9 seasons, I decided to watch the whole show in its entirety starting from the beginning.

Right away I would like to clarify that after watching all 9 seasons, I view The Flash as 2 different shows. The first is "The Flash" which is seasons 1-5, and the other is "Bartholomew and Friends" which is seasons 6-9. I would highly recommend watching The Flash through season 5, but then strongly caution against continuing from there. "Bartholomew and Friends" has nothing to do with the superhero "Flash" and in fact succeeds in performing character assassinations on nearly everyone you care about. Not to mention the writing takes a nosedive and acts as if all their viewers are morons, proceeding to dumb down and spell out their barebone plots that even kids would've rolled their eyes at.

The Flash to me is a 6/10 overall. I would recommend you give this show a try, and luckily you can just stop at any season you want. The way this show turned out makes me grateful Arrow ended when it did.

This is what I thought of each season and rated them. There will be some spoilers.

Season 1 - 8/10 The cast is stronger this season than any other time in the whole show in my opinion. It doesn't get better than Dr. Wells, Caitlin, and Cisco all at STAR Labs helping Barry learn his powers. Barry is extremely fun to watch in this season, as he is still young, doesn't try to boss everyone around, and you can tell that Grant Gustin brought a certain energy to his performance here that you rarely get to see going forward. Iris isn't bad here either, and works well with Eddie. It definitely helps that this is the only season that she doesn't know Barry is The Flash, which means she has to be interesting on her own. The best part is Dr. Wells, aka The Reverse Flash. He's an extremely compelling villain, his performance is perfect and very memorable, and the writers were able to tie the villain, the heroes, and the plot together by the end in a highly satisfying way. My only real complaints are that some tropes are a bit forced and can become distracting, and that the villains of the week were sometimes kind of lame and not very interesting.

Season 2 - 9/10 Although I think Reverse Flash in season 1 is the better villain, the plot around Zoom was a lot tighter and took up more of the season. This made for season 2 to be my personal favorite in the end, as I think it was just a step up from season 1 in almost every way. All the characters have something going on at all times that you actually care about, plus all the new characters added I found to be intriguing. I think overall this is also the most rewatchable season, as so many things happen throughout that you tend to forget by the end all the specifics, which I like. Shockingly I thought Iris was even a good character this season, as she had Wally to work with and it all just worked for me.

Season 3 - 7/10 Some people say this is where The Flash turned into a bad show, but I disagree. Although not at the levels of the first 2 seasons for many different reasons, I always thought season 3 offered a unique tone and plot that made it stand out. I thought that knowing how the story for the season is supposed to play out early on made for a different but fun watch. Barry is a bit too serious for me here, but at least that was for a reason. Savitar was a good villain, but all the threat of him came from his looming actions, not exactly him. H. R. Is an interesting next Wells, and I like what they did with him. This season does just enough right for me to recommend it.

Season 4 - 7/10 Season 4 is when the tone of this show changes for the worse, but luckily it's not in your face right away. You can just tell how it's shot, how it looks, and how the characters go about their episode plotlines that it's a lot more formulaic than it used to be. Devoe is a nice break from the last 3 speedster villains and it was fun to watch Barry face a different kind of challenge. Ralph is a good addition to the cast, but is by no means an S tier character. I guess overall I would describe season 4 as a good season, but with a different feel almost everywhere.

Season 5 - 7/10 The final season that I think is worth watching is season 5. Nora works in this season only because of how they USE her character, not BECAUSE of her character. For some reason she acts like a whiny teenager the whole time even though she's supposed to be in her mid to late 20s, which can be very annoying at times. This is also the last season that actually gives its characters things to do, like Cisco and Caitlin working on the metahuman cure. Joe didn't have much to do this season so he wasn't in it as much, which I appreciate especially in hindsight after seeing the next 4 seasons. Cicada wasn't all that great of a villain, but wasn't terrible either. I just think something better could have easily been come up with. Reverse Flash works in the end and is a nice surprise, although I've always wished that they set him up a bit better.

Season 6 - 4/10 I would like to start with a quick rant on Crisis on Infinite Earths. This is the Endgame equivalent for the Arrowverse, but actually managed to do more harm here than what was done to the MCU. Oliver dying in the first episode was dumb, and was only done because the writers wanted Barry to be reflecting on his death, but that doesn't matter because Barry will be reflecting on Oliver's death until the end of the show - no joke. Iris and Lois are not superheroes, they need to be left out of the main plotlines in big crossovers like this. Supergirl and Batwoman getting a whole episode dedicated to their friendship was a complete waste of time, especially considering Ruby Rose quit her show not long after and Supergirl only got one more season. Lex got too much, Smallville was cool, Kevin Conroy was wasted, Brandon Routh Superman was ok. This season narrowly manages to avoid performing any character assassination, but comes dangerously close with moments like Iris demanding respect from Barry because she has her "Team Citizen" now (yes they actually want you to believe that her dumb newspaper is just as important as a team of superheroes protecting the city), or Wally throwing a fit at Barry after being MIA for like 2 years. The villains, Bloodwork and Mirror Girl, or whatever her name is, suck and make for pathetic storylines that I did not care about in the slightest. This season is when "the formula" becomes standard practice, but gets even more offensive going forward.

Season 7 - 3/10 I consider this season to be the worst season. I know a lot of people may point out right away that the characters at this point in the show suck and that's why the show sucks, and they're not wrong, but it's much more than that. The Flash as a show is 100% writing; writing good characters, good character interactions, good episode stories, and good season long stories. All of these were present, I would argue, in seasons 1-5 and are completely absent in seasons 7-9, 6 being the exception because the characters individually were barely passable. Season 7's characters have zero chemistry with one another, they never do anything compelling, and the stories being told each episode are filled with generic obvious plots and forced conflict. Barry is constantly acting like a jerk to people from here on out just because the writers wanted a little drama, with no regard for how out of character this is for him. Barry sucks to watch in seasons 7-9, and any and all character growth he had in the first 5 seasons has been completely thrown out; he is now a prop for the writers to use whenever they need. The same can be said for every cast member at this point, and it is infuriating as much as it is insulting to me not only as a previous fan of this show, but as a human being with intelligence. Bart sucks too, his whole plot with Godspeed is comically lame, and they even go so far as to claim Godspeed is Bart's Reverse Flash, which is as dumb as it sounds. I hate this season, Gotham Knights was better.

Season 8 - 4/10 It is at this point I stopped caring at all so season 8 didn't upset me as much as 7 did. I left a lot of dumb stuff out of season 7, but I don't want this review to go on forever. Reverse Flash manages to get his character assassinated here; the writers apparently ran out of ideas and just threw him in all over this season. It's all just as dumb as you would expect.

Season 9 - 4/10 Again, I didn't care anymore at this point, but there are some horrible things I wanted to address. Caitlin hasn't been a good character for a while now, but she actually dies in the first couple episodes somewhere, and nobody cares. Literally none of the characters show a hint of sadness toward the death of their friend that some of them have known for almost a decade at this point, but I shouldn't have expected anything more from this show at this point. They try to drag Oliver back and ruin his character too. This is only the millionth time Oliver has had to spell out to Barry that he's being an idiot and slap some sense into him, so that was a nice bit of character regression. Regardless of what that episode is rated and what people say, it is not good. It is only good in comparison to the 50 that came before it. The finale is forgettable and was everything it shouldn't have been. Every single speedster villain is brought back only to get killed by Allegra and flying Cecile. Great. I'm done now.
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Swamp Thing (2019)
This could've actually worked!
28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I never really understood the appeal of Swamp Thing as a DC character. How could some random swamp creature possibly be that interesting? Well after watching this show, I can see this character working in a very well made movie, but not quite in a series like this. From what I saw, there just isn't enough in the character cast, lore, and setting to pull off a TV show; they barely had enough for the 10 episodes here. I know James Gunn was planning to do a Swamp Thing movie, and I hope that turn out good.

As for this show, I am happy to admit it wasn't quite as boring as a thought it would be, but at the same time it just wasn't that interesting. As I mentioned before, the main plot here is stretched SUPER thin across all 10 episodes, and you could definitely tell where time was being wasted. By the end I didn't feel like my time was well spent, hence the 5/10.

The characters were my favorite part here, but really hurt the show as well. The pilot started very strong, and I was actually very excited to continue with episode 2. The chemistry between Abby and Alec was done very well and if they were in the whole show, I would've liked it a lot more. Unfortunately Alec had to become Swamp Thing, so we lose out on that chemistry almost immediately. At parts I could tell they knew what they had with those characters, because at a certain point in the show they make excuses to bring Alec back for seemingly no reason. But by the time they do that its too late. Swamp Thing himself was ok, but I never found myself rooting for him nor was I all that interested in what he was doing.

Another bright spot for me was Will Patton's character Avery. Not because he had an interesting story, but because he was comically inept throughout the entire season. He would constantly get caught and his plans would fail, or he would ask for someone to do something and they would turn him down because no one had any respect for him. It looked like he had no clue and thought everyone loved him because when others would disobeyed him he would say "after all I've done for this town, this is how you repay me?" and I would just laugh. The plots in this show are all over the place, and at best I found them tolerable. The Blue Devil is in this show, kind of, which was a neat inclusion but ultimately pointless.

Swamp Thing as a show I can't really see working, at least with what they had here. I certainly can't see a season 2 if that ever happened. I'm not quite sure what place Swamp Thing has in DC, but I will say I think he could have one. In the end I think Swamp Thing is an average at best show, and a below average DC show.
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Aquaman (1967–1969)
Has not aged well.
27 February 2024
Compared to just about every DC animated show that has come since, Aquaman (1967) falls short in just about every regard. This show was from the classic era of saturday morning cartoons where you would just enjoy your time with your favorite characters. I think this format still has a place in the modern age of cartoons, but the writing needs to be there. What they had here was as barebones as you could get, with no depth, no characterization, and no plot. Unfortunately this show has just been outclassed by the nearly 60 years of DC animation that has come after it, and that means there isn't really a place for Aquaman (1967) anymore. I will say it was cool seeing classic versions of the "Super Friends" as a DC fan, and sometimes the show was so bad it was funny. Pass on Aquaman (1967).
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Legion of Super Heroes (2006–2008)
A Good Obscure DC Animated Show
27 February 2024
Legion of Super Heroes has never been all that interesting of a concept to me, and this is coming from a long time hard core DC fan. It always seemed like a bunch of random superheroes that didn't have any character behind them so I was never begging to see a show about them. But in my quest to watch everything DC has made, this show was on my list, and I'm glad to say that after I watched it, I like the Legion of Super Heroes now.

I want to start by saying that adding Superman to the cast here was a genius move, both for this show and the lore of the Legion. The Legion cast here are all teenagers, and the Legion historically looks to the memory of Superman to guide their morals and beliefs as heroes. It makes all the sense to add Superman to the main cast with the Legion before he even becomes Superman, because now they can each learn from each other and that makes for a compelling watch. For the viewers, adding Superman to a cast of nobodies immediately grants a foothold into this show and allows casual DC fans a place to get started.

The tone of this show is very similar to Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. This show feels more aimed towards kids, but it isn't written in a dumbed down way. As an adult I had no issues with the tone, and was even surprised by some more mature things that take place, especially with some characters. The characters are a mixed bag, mostly due to a handful getting more time and characterization than others. Overall I was satisfied with the ones I really cared about, but characters like Cosmic Boy end up disappointing. My favorite by far was Brainiac 5, as I could tell there was a lot to that character and it was all fascinating to me.

Something that was strange to me was the pacing of the 2 seasons as they relate to one another. Without spoiling specifics, season 1 has all the characters as teenagers. Season 2 has a slight time jump a few years and now everyone looks like they're a young adult. I thought this was a fine change, as I thought they really had a good story to tell with these characters and wanted to get to that before they got cancelled. But then season 2 ends with a sort of cliffhanger, teasing what is coming next. I thought that was a very odd choice, as there was no way they assumed they were getting a season 3. This reminded me a lot of Young Justice, as they would constantly do the same thing. I wish shows would stop doing this, and just treat each season as if it were their last.

Overall Legion of Super Heroes was a pleasant surprise and I ultimately enjoyed it. I would recommend it to DC fans to check out, but it isn't the easiest thing to find at the moment. Even still it is a welcome addition to the roster of DC animated shows.
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Really funny, just wish there was a little more going on.
27 February 2024
Of all the rom com animes I've watched so far, this is one of the funnier ones. I appreciated how there is more of a carefree tone here and it serves as a nice relaxing experience all the way through. Of course this is all due to the characters, not only how they were written but also how they were voice acted. Both were done extremely well, and I though a majority of the characters were fun, memorable, and even relatable at times. If this ever gets a season 2 or movie, I really hope they take a little more time writing the story. The story in this season was very basic and although I liked it, it wasn't enough to fill all 12 episodes. Something else was needed, and I hope they get the chance to fix that eventually. Check this show out when you get the chance, definitely worth a watch!
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Trinity Seven (2014–2015)
Not bad but not for everyone.
27 February 2024
I thought Trinity Seven definitely had it's moments, and was certainly an entertaining watch. The characters here are very memorable and all stand out from one another, which is this show's biggest strength. But I would also say that's its biggest weakness, as the story took a back seat to the characters. Like I said I like the characters, but they took far too much time exploring certain ones that it took away from the overall plot and ultimately felt like an underdeveloped show. I gave this show a 7/10 initially, but after thinking back on it, it is definitely more of a 6/10. I don't recommend this show to casual anime fans as it definitely has it's niche of an audience.
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A solid rom com anime.
27 February 2024
My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 was a fun and short watch that is definitely a pleasing show. My biggest criticism is that this show show doesn't exactly do anything unique, and if you've seen a handful of romance animes already, you may feel the same. I think that's why I landed at a 7/10, but I still think its worth a watch. The characters are fun enough and you really care for what's going on, which cannot be said for other similar shows I've seen. I will say this show shares a shockingly close premise to Recovery of an MMO Junkie, which I like a little bit more than this. But regardless, I did have a good time watching this.
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Absolute Duo (2015)
Never quite reaches it's potential.
20 February 2024
Absolute Duo has it's moments, but falls short when compared to similar shows like Chivalry of a Failed Knight or even Asterisk War. It not having a season 2 didn't help it much, but still it lacked depth. Everything about it felt surface level, and I wish they didn't play it so safe. The characters all are missing real motivations and end up being rather forgettable. The abilities the characters have and the lore suffer from the same problems and I just didn't find it all that interesting. This show is decent enough, and if you really like the other 2 shows I mentioned you may end up liking these 12 episodes more than I did. Otherwise, I can't recommend Absolute Duo.
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A fun short prequel for Konosuba.
20 February 2024
Only Konosuba could've done a prequel series like this and had it work, but even then it BARELY works. If not for the strong, fun, and interesting characters this show focuses on, it would've felt like a bloated drag. The story here feels like it was supposed to be a movie, but parts were stretched to fill out 12 episodes. All that said, I really like Megumin and a show exploring her origin worked for me. The supporting cast was also mostly good, but the first half cast was stronger than the second half in my opinion. The classic Konosuba humor is still present here, but in an understandably lesser degree due to the absence of the whole main cast. I would recommend you watch this show first before Konosuba, as I think its fits well there and I feel that's what they intended for it. But if you have already seen the original show, watching this after will most likely only add to your love for the world.
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Masamune-kun's Revenge (2017–2023)
A rollercoaster but worth the ride.
20 February 2024
I feel like animes that I watch need to be different and offer something unique for me to really like them, and I think Masamune-kun's Revenge does that. The premise that this guy would be scarred as a kid after being rejected, and then return in high school to get his revenge is very interesting to me, but how this show builds off of that and expands on its characters is what makes it great to me. Without spoiling anything, this show needs to be watched in its entirety before you judge it. In the second season especially, almost every episode changes the dynamic drastically for its characters. This worked for me, but I can understand if some viewers find it annoying or they didn't like the outcome; it's completely subjective. I highly recommend this show and although it feels complete as it is, I would be open to seeing more!
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Couldn't help but feel ripped off.
14 February 2024
I'll admit I was on board with this show up till the end, although I think it definitely asks for quite a bit of patience from it's audience. I gave it the benefit of the doubt when characters I liked would come and go, and I assumed they would all return later, because after all a show only really works with a strong persistent main cast of characters. Unfortunately though, this show only has 1 season, and that season ends on a cliffhanger with no season 2 in sight. Shows get cancelled all the time with after just 1 season, especially anime, so the creators should've planned for this and had a complete story to tell in just 12 episodes. You can still hint at things to come and you don't have to wrap up every loose end, but counting on a season 2 to give your audience a complete story when its not guaranteed is not a good idea, and I think it shows here. Overall its not bad, but just know if you decide to check it out, as it stands right now it is not complete and doesn't have and ending. I cannot recommend this one. If you're interested in magic type anime, try Charlotte if you're looking for something serious, or Konosuba for a comedy.
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I highly recommend this one.
14 February 2024
As a short 13 episode show, Recovery of an MMO Junkie actually makes me want to see more. This anime could be seen as a standard romance, but in my opinion its the little things and the characters in particular that make this one stand out. The main character is very interesting to me as on the surface she can seem a bit depressed but in actuality she just has her preferences for what she enjoys, which I think most viewers can connect to. The rest of the cast serves their purpose, but outside the main guy and his best friend the rest are a bit forgettable. I also really like the opening and ending songs, and they work well setting the tone for what your watching. Out of all the anime I've seen so far, this one lands in the top half and I would recommend you give it a try.
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"Only make it if you have a good idea."
12 February 2024
I wish other studios like Disney would follow Edgar Wright's example and not just force out sequels or spinoffs just because the original was successful. Scott Pilgrim Takes Off does just about everything right, from existing and being animated over live action to knowing which characters to focus on and when. I thought it was great when I heard how the whole cast stayed in contact after making Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and how they all jumped at the opportunity to be a part of this project. Choosing to do an animated series makes all the difference with the tone here and it wouldn't have been the same otherwise. It was genius how the show follows the film almost exactly, but then plays off a sort of "what if" scenario in order to give the evil exes the spotlight this time around. Although I thought the supporting cast in the movie was good, this show proves exactly how good and how you might have even been robbed slightly in the movie. Overall I had a great time watching this and would recommend everyone check it out, especially if you liked the movie.
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Ultimately a little disappointing, but still enjoyable.
12 February 2024
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom asks for a lot of patience from its viewers, and I have to warm you it doesn't exactly pay off. Your enjoyment of this anime will entirely depend on if you find they journey to get to nowhere an entertaining one, and I kind of did. This show follows a guy who is reincarnated into a medieval world with warring countries, and uses his knowledge from his past life to lead the county he's helping. I thought this idea, although executed slowly, was well done and I found it entertaining to watch. This show is labeled as a romance; it is not and don't expect one or you'll be disappointed. A season 3 or a movie to wrap up the story would've helped this show a lot, but as it stands its ending is very rushed and rather unsatisfying. Overall I cannot recommend this show to a casual anime fans, not even for a one time watch. Only if you meet the criteria I described and the issues I pointed out don't bother you, then give it a watch.
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Gamers! (2017)
Strong first half, disappointing second half.
12 February 2024
The first half of Gamers! Is a highly intriguing and fun to watch romance anime that does interesting things with it's characters. As a gamer myself I thought it was a great angle to have each character have different reasons for enjoying playing games, but still bond over a love for gaming as a whole. I also appreciated how the romance developed about halfway through rather than being dragged out till the end like most of these shows do. Unfortunately the second half opts to annoy you by having the most egregious example of "miscommunication leads to drama" that I have ever seen. The degree that it is done here leads me to believe that they were going for a comedic effect, but if that the case they grossly overestimated the patience that viewers like myself have for that sort of thing. All that being said I thought it ended well, and I enjoyed the majority of it. Since it is only 12 episodes, I would still recommend it for at least a one time watch, with a warning for the second half.
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At the top of its genre.
12 February 2024
I would describe Snow White with the Red Hair as a down to Earth romance anime that is satisfying to watch. The characters are the highlight here with them all being believable, relatable, and just a joy to watch. I think the tone that they went for with this show is perfect and most of that has to do with the music and lighting. The "medieval type" setting was definitely the right choice and I don't think the story or characters would've been as good any other way. I can see this being a 10/10 eventually, but after just my initial viewing I did think that the story dragged in a couple of places. That has more to do with personal preference than anything else, and regardless I liked the show enough to buy it on Blu-ray. Also with it being only 24 episodes, it makes the show highly rewatchable.
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Almost exactly what it should be.
22 December 2023
I thought this anime was very fun, and it being very lowkey makes it stand out in my opinion. It does deal with some rather deep character conflicts, but nothing too intense. I really appreciate the individual characters, and how each of their motivations, goals, and desires are made clear and believable, and I'd even go so far to call them inspiring. My biggest complaint would be that I wish there was a little more time spent with the characters playing board games, because after a certain point they don't as much, and those were honestly my favorite parts of the show. I'd recommend this show to any fans of anime, and would describe it a a nice breath of fresh air.
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