
19 Reviews
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The Suspect (2022)
8 November 2022
I find this sort of programme very frustrating, it totally depends on the main character doing unfathomably stupid and irrational things, acting as suspicious as possible while trying to prove his innocence, this should be a handbook for how not to act when being a suspect, especially someone as intelligent as a psychologist.

The premise of the story is good, but the execution and script let down the potential of the story, the actions of the main character distract because of their utter stupidity it becomes a huge annoyance. Now I'm just being frustrated by having to find the words to make up the 600.
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Shetland: Episode #7.6 (2022)
Season 7, Episode 6
Just sad
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was areal mystery to solve, the mystery being how this script was allowed to go ahead, it was truly awful, I can just about put up with Alison O'Donnell's acting being just a series of facial expressions, but what has been a good engrossing police drama set in stunning scenery, ends up in this drivel, to expect fans of the drama to accept this storyline after all these years in itself should be subject to a criminal investigation, I'm sorry if you want to say farewell to Jimmy Perez as a hardened police investigator, give us something believable. Anyone who has bought into this drama over the years deserves better.
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DI Ray (2022– )
Could have been good
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A missed opportunity, we could've had an interesting police drama highlighting racism within the police and an intriguing case, but unfortunately neither really materialise, the racism is superficial and the case predictable, the script is poorly written and at times embarrassing, if a police officer witnesses a colleague murdered on their doorstep, she wouldn't be expecting to turn up for work the next day, and as the 'hit' is suspected to be on the surviving office, she wouldn't be walking the streets alone, it beggars belief that we are supposed accept this as realistic.
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Killing Eve: Hello, Losers (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
What did you expect!
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the final episode, did you think someone who has killed multiple times would just ride off into the sunset? Especially as Carolyn ordered the hit, she had used people for her own ends throughout, not getting the ending you wanted doesn't make it bad.
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Magpie Murders (2022– )
24 March 2022
This is a very different quite quirky whodunnit, the way the modern day story mirrors the story in the murdered authors book is exceptional, this isn't a gritty in your face murder mystery, it's clever, well written and well acted, thoroughly enjoyable and a great addition to the excellent tradition of whodunnit dramas.
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Temple: Episode #2.4 (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
5 January 2022
I've really enjoyed this drama, despite the ridiculously unbelievable medical procedures, the twists and turns of the plot are good and entertaining, but this episode is an insult to the intelligence, the characters decisions and actions are totally unbelievable and beyond reason, if I hadn't invested a season and a half already I'd have switched off. A sad demise of an otherwise entertaining series.
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The Sinner: Part VIII (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
15 September 2021
First of all, the people who gave this 1/10 have just as much right to their opinion as those giving 10/10, please stop putting people down because you have a different opinion.

I've really enjoyed seasons 1and 2 and I think the frustration for many, me included is the unbelievable reactions and decisions made by many of the characters, especially Harry, he is a very experienced detective but his choices and actions are at times ridiculous and frankly annoying, the impression of the writing is that they started with the conclusion and everything the characters did was to lead to that regardless of how believable it was, so many detectives would love to have the lack of oversight and workload that Harry has, and surely in the real world he wouldn't last long.
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Tin Star: Commitment (2020)
Season 3, Episode 2
On a downward spiral
19 January 2021
Seasons 1&2 were entertaining but a bit far fetched, season 3 has become a bit ridiculous, coming home to Liverpool with a score to settle, it's become a series trying desperately to be off beat, witty and constantly wrong footing you, but with that it's also become silly, killing people but being outrageously visible and indiscreet, making the actions and the characters unbelievable, it's not confusing plot wise, it's just such a disconnect from reality that it gets lost in a series of crazy events.
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Ozark: BFF (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
Great but.....
15 January 2021
Seeing a more vulnerable side to Ruth is excellent, I honestly thought there may be an abuse back story but I was obviously wrong, the cross stories between the characters is excellent, everyone has an agenda and a different way to achieve it, the unbelievable aspect to this episode is Ruth who has broken ribs and had surgery for internal bleeding, lying under her boyfriend and having sex, totally ridiculous!
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Game of Thrones: The Winds of Winter (2016)
Season 6, Episode 10
28 December 2020
A review of this episode is incomplete without mentioning the musical score, it is perfect as it builds to a crescendo with the waiting, the fear, the arrogance, the anxiety and final realisation, it is the perfect match of audio visuals.
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One huge error
20 August 2020
There is one huge error with this series, using the name Penny Dreadful in the title drags in fans of the original show, this is nothing like, or has no relevance to the original, there is a supernatural aspect to what is otherwise a cop show set in 1930's LA, with a background of racism Nazi influence and social unrest, the story itself is decent but feels like a vehicle for Natalie Dormer's talent, but using a title from a much loved UK series, sets itself up for disappointment, and if you loved the original this will feel like a betrayal and a cashing in on a title.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
What could've been
5 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to keep this brief, an epic TV program, possibly the best ever, wrapped up too hastily, the fight against the Night King should've taken a season in itself, I have no problem with the eventual killing, the build up deserved more time to let it play out, another series should've been dedicated to the taking of Westeros and the defeat of Cersei, she deserved to witness her imminent destruction, so we could enjoy her pain. Varis deserved to be given more time to develop his distrust of the Queen, a magnificent character dispensed with too quickly, for me, the whole final season felt rushed and disrespected the incredible writing and acting of the earlier seasons, so close, but Pink Floyd can keep hold of the cigars.
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Midway (2019)
4 March 2020
This was potentially a good war movie, but spoiled by poor character portrayal and stereotypes, the main American characters were so predictable their interactions and attitude has been seen in so many movies before, great CGI, the action scenes are excellent but sick of seeing the maverick hero who is disliked by his superior officer coming through to save the day, it's lazy, it's cliched and just been done to death.
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24 December 2019
The last thing the 21st century needs is another version of A Christmas Carol, another rehash of Alistair Sim or George C Scott being visited by ghosts no one would be afraid of, this is a completely different take on the classic, not the same story in HD or 4K, but as if it had been written today, and set in the 19th century, themes and aspects that couldn't be explored previously, this is a ghost story as Dickens would have written it if he were a contemporary author, the characters are superb and well acted, sometimes the dialogue could be clearer, but the atmosphere is dark and eerie, maybe too dark at times, I say crawl out of your literary hole, stop crying over the fact that the world has changed and moved on in 175 years, and look at how the world actually is, not how you want it to be, this new adaptation hit the mark.
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Law & Order: UK (2009–2014)
Love it, but.....
13 December 2019
This is a superb programme, a crime show shown from the perspective of the police and the Crown Prosecution Service, usually working in tandem, and sometimes there is conflict, the best aspect is the storylines, very thought provoking and at times there are twists or the preferred outcome isn't the end result, it addresses a great range of cases and social issues, quality acting and scripts, the only negative is the appalling music and title sequence, I can't help thing of Rambo First Blood every time I hear it, distracts from an otherwise top program.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
More enjoyable that the conspiracy theorist hate it
15 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've thoroughly enjoyed season 8, more so because some have spent 2 years dreaming up their own version of events, and are complaining because it hasn't played out, yes it's been rushed to a conclusion, but the obvious has come to pass, Varys understood the Targaryen mentality and suffered because of his honesty, Dany became who she truly is, a carrier of her bloodline, but the greatest part of series 8 is that it hasn't become predictable, the twists and turns, the theories in the heads of the fans haven't come to pass, and that's great.
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Critical (2015)
29 April 2019
Very interesting how some have seen this as unrealistic, after 38 years of working in this environment, I can say it's very realistic, some of the cases are exaggerated and the timelines compressed for entertainment purposes, but the scenes are extremely realistic, and it's easy to recognise personalities in the characters, but it's understandable that it could be seen as OTT and too gory for many viewers.
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Bodies (2004–2006)
20 April 2019
I'm writing this review from the perspective of someone who has worked in the medical profession for 38 years, the medical procedures, characters, medical, managerial and nursing are incredibly accurate, anyone who has spent a reasonable length of time in a comparable situation will recognise the characters portrayed, a superb insight into the workings and machinations of the NHS, the storylines and situations are totally reflective of how management, medical and nursing staff interact, an exceptional piece of television, Jed Mecurio is a genius.
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Six: Critical (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
22 January 2019
I really enjoyed series 1 the action scenes are very well done, unfortunately to fill out the characters they've given several of them mental health issues, or injuries they irresponsibly choose to ignore, these guys represent the best of the best, but are portrayed as out of control thugs, choosing retribution and self driven agendas, putting their families and colleagues at risk, as much as this adds to the excitement of the plots, it's a bit disrespectful to the men they portray.
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