
31 Reviews
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Don't believe the fake ratings
7 January 2020
The ratings must be from police or correctional officers in Missouri with fake accounts. Great story, they robbed that man of 17 years of his life. After watching over a 100 documentaries on wrongful convictions. Missouri, Mississippi, Texas , and California for someone odd reason seem to be the hotspots for this police corruption. Police paying off informants and witnesses to lie. Paperwork and evidence magically disappearing, etc etc. Imagine how many don't get caught and these men or women die in prison with there family and the public thinking there guilty.
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The Bear Whisperer (2011– )
Good show
30 December 2019
Great show, Steve seems like a really good guy. And he definitely takes his job seriously. I'm sure he could make more money being a consultant for towns around the US. But in episode 4 the lady cop who shot the bear. Does Mammoth lake civil servants not a have a good dental plan, because her teeth were absolutely disgusting, ew.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Franchise it
24 December 2019
Best series of 2019, it was just as good as the first 4 seasons of GOT. They should definitely franchise it, make a movie and sign it to a few more seasons. I guess the only con is the 2 year wait I'm seeing between seasons. That exactly how GOT did it and Westworld also, certainly not a fan of that 6-8 years just to get 3-4 seasons.
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What happened
3 December 2019
There was zero chemistry I mean absolutely zero. The only good part of the movie was Aubrey Plaza she kept me giggling. I was waiting for the hulk or Tony Stark to burst through a wall the whole time. I think Evans screwed himself partially as an actor I believe he played Cap 7 or 8 times in the Marvel movies and that's all I see now. I know he made a boatload or money of them but now he's typecast.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
I like it
10 November 2019
I didn't want to like it but I do. It's still not better than Newsweek with Jeff Daniels though. I love Reese for some reason, the screaming of honesty is a nice touch. To bad it doesn't s happen in RL. The metoo thing scares the crap out of me though as a young single business owner , who also owns multiple properties. I have literally videotaped consent with everyone I've dated in the last 2 years for fear of making someone angry over a breakup or rejection and being sued or criminally charged.It's a scary time for both males and females in this world.
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Enjoyed it
10 November 2019
It was a very interesting and enjoyable documentary. I did my own research like I do with every documentary I watch. And I do very much believe she was abused which is awful and very messed up.At the same time though, I read plenty about the people she hung out with and aquatinted herself with. And it wasn't just her, her mother as well. They would spend there time, with very dangerous criminals, drug dealers, and gang members.If you choose to hang out with and put yourself around people like that, you can't later on complain about the consequences of the events that occur. I grew up in a poor area, I've been in the same neighborhood as large groups of criminals and like any normal individual chose to not associate myself with them. They would ask me to hang out or try to strike up conversation. I always politely declined or on occasion just completely ignored them. They eventually got the hint. And I reaped the benefits of doing that later in life.
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See: Fresh Blood (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
10 November 2019
How does someone who can see get captured by blind men. Climb a tree , throw a rock, run. You should be able to see them coming from miles away. Unless there blind ninjas I guess that can maneuver around holes,rocks,sticks,leaves without making a single sound. I can see 20/20 and I still make noise in the forest.
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See (2019–2022)
Million flaws
10 November 2019
How do they make clothes? where do they get thread?how do hey kill animals? How do they plant vegetables? How do they do surgery? How does an army navigate the terrain? How do they capture and ride wild horses?how do they make weapons? How do they build a fire? How do they do choreographed battle dances? How do they feed and water there dogs? How do they use ladders and know where to put them. Or even what the concept of a ladder is or building 1? How would you build a house without knowing structuring? Bears, mountain lions, tigers, wolves, coyotes, alligators and many other animals would easily pick off blind people. Neanderthals lived by running and hiding from predators, how does a blind person hide?Etc etc etc etc. Perform a hypothetical test, put 1000 blind people in a settlement near the Grand Canyon. Let's see how many accidentally fall in. There's to much dangerous terrain throughout our world for the blind to survive. Blind people can do amazing things in life, but there also taught these things by people who have sight and can see. It's not the blind leading the blind.
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Stevie (2002)
10 November 2019
I believe this a movie exploiting the mentally handicap. I think everyone in that family and all of there friends suffered from learning disabilities. It's a perfect example of white trash and possibly some incest along the way. He's a sexual predator, the mothers a textbook abuser, the girlfriend has the mentality of a kindergartener. I'm not to sure why they made this documentary, what were they trying to show? That town is like it's own separate country of misfits. This reminds me of the movie Wrong Turn.
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One sided
9 November 2019
It's clear Josh and his father were involved. It's also clear there both creepy AF. Even the way they talk, they would creep out a blind person. So what does that say about Susan, she dated, married, and had 2 children with him. So there had to be another side to her they made sure not to show or comment on. Also the detectives with the talking about and quick accusations about him talking about his hands means he strangled her. If he farted in that interview, I guarantee the detective would say. "He farted to throw me off the scent". Everyone who watches Dateline or 60 minutes knows the spouse is the 1st suspect. And they will try there best to maneuver and twist your story to make it fit their theory. And you will be prosecuted and found guilty on circumstantial evidence only. It's unfortunate if my spouse went missing I would be apprehensive to speak to police worried about spending life in prison even if innocent and at the same time worried about doing everything I can to find my wife. Your caught between a rock and a hard place. The new thinking in cases like this would be to immediately get an attorney before even doing the initial interview, to protect yourself and your family, and force police to look at other suspects and get the real story. The wort part was the sister Jessica Graves lol. She was like the obese and fugly version of Veronica Mars. Iam all for justice, even if my family were the culprits but I would never go as far as totally betraying and trying to put my family away for life myself. That is a beyond hateful act, that takes a certain twisted mentality to attempt something like that. She has some deep seeded issues when it comes to her Dad and siblings. Possibly warranted to a degree, but I just smh when I saw that. My theory which is as good as anyone else's. Is that Alina did it in a fit of rage and the family covered it up for her. I noticed how angry she got talking about the attention the father gave Susan. She blamed Susan for her dads sexual predatory deviance. She blamed everything on others to protect her father. There was an opedus type relationship, like she was in love with her father in a intimate way.
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Trap queen
9 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Disgusting definition of white trash; this girl was trying to be a trap queen, then once she got in trouble she hoped her white privilege and rich parents would bail her out. Imo she should still be in jail. I wonder how much money they put in that guys canteen for him to say she was innocent and he was totally to blame? In my pool bet I say $425. If anyone actually believes her side of the story, I have a bridge for sale, really cheap, I'll give you a great deal.
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8 November 2019
He's trying to emulate the homeless. But the fact is if he gets into trouble his parents are paying for his lawyers and bail, he has health insurance and money for medication. He has a fat inheritance awaiting him in the future. And I guarantee he has an emergency Platinum Amex card in his back pocket at all times. And if anyone believes different , I have a bridge I'll sell you.
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Terrible Mother
7 November 2019
Great story, but please do further research like I did. Charity relapsed a lot more than she states in the documentary. On top of that she blames all these guys and her mother for her issues, but she goes out an looks for men like that. She minimizes everything, and sets up foundations and plays a role like an actress , so as to hide who she really is. Hopefully I never meet anyone like her in my life, because she's the definition of toxic. Feel bad for the children they never had a chance at a good life.
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Very odd people
5 November 2019
I thought they were all actors at first. The 1 mom of the dead child was laughing and giggling on camera. Then the stepdad Byers he reminded me of the bushwhackers from WWF. And they stated the 1 suspect had a mental handicap, but he read that card without an issue and talked about banging girlfriend constantly. Idk I don't get it, is Arkansas really like the wrong turn movies? Or was this just 1 of those towns that give people that hillbilly stereotype?
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The Witness (I) (2015)
Loved it
5 November 2019
Great story, but I can guarantee if you gave those few witnesses he interviewed lie detector tests . It would come back as them being deceitful. They know they didn't call the police or help Kitty, they made up a story in there head to help them not feel like the scumbags they are.
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Skin (V) (2018)
Over exaggerated
5 November 2019
Decent movie but some things were over exaggerated. Like the tattoo removal scenes. I had 2 very large tattoos removed from my neck and throat in 2010 and it wasn't painful, felt like a bunch of snapping rubber bands. The equipment was very different also, I had it done at a local shop for $500 for 6 sessions. It still took another year for my body to break the rest down. The movie itself, there were no ma and pa in real life. And also Julie wasn't overweight, questionable casting on that 1. Loved Luke Cages character though, good actor, hopefully he starts doing more in Hollywood. The story itself was kinda fast, even though the movie was 2 hours long, think they could of spread it out and edited it better. Next I'll check out the documentary erasing hate that this is based on.
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Wayne (2019)
Good show , bad accents
1 November 2019
I lived in Brockton for 37 years, now live 20 minutes away in Fall River. I've never in my life met anyone with accents like that lol. The same goes for the terrible Ben Affleck and Matt Damon Boston accents. The show itself, loved the storyline, really disappointed it got canceled. Very much hoping another network picks it up and it doesn't disappear forever like Firefly and a few other great shows.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Great series with a few small flaws
12 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I loved all the seasons. I know a lot of people weren't happy with season 3 and the peyote scenes, I'm with them on that. But overall it was still enjoyable. My 1 gripe was at the end when Diane crashes her car and dies, the air bags didn't go off. You would think a wealthy person driving a 40 or 50 thousand dollar vehicle would have air bags, according to Amazon it didn't lol.
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12 October 2019
I believe a rating of 6 is fair, the storyline wasn't exciting at all. Both Jesse and Todd were like 20lbs over the weight they were when the show ended in 2013 and it was very noticeable in their faces. I know it's only minor but little stuff like that matters to me. They should of left everything how it was, no need for this movie. Unfortunately I fell for the hype and was disappointed. It's a good flick for a rainy day but nothing more.
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Prodigal Son: Pilot (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Had potential
2 October 2019
A son in his late 30's and a mom in her late 40's, math doesn't add up. A lot of flaws in this show. Payne was good in TWD but he doesn't fit the bill. There such a thing as bad casting and it's happened here. The plot and storyline would probably work well, with some editing and the right cast and right network. ABC,NBC,CBS, FOX ruin a lot of shows that would of went on to a lot of success on a better network. FX,USA, HBO, etc etc have better writers and execs that don't stick with the same old stuff for 30 years. Like the good guy always wins, the bad guy captures the good guy doesn't kill him and then explains his plan in detail. Does that happen in real life lol I doubt it. I have it a shot with all the advertising they did, but it'll probably be canceled after 1 season unless mindless drones fall into watching the same show like Elementary or The Mentalist. Hannibal or Dexter it's not.
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Better Call Saul: Sabrosito (2017)
Season 3, Episode 4
Not believable
27 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In real life as soon as Hector lit up the cigar and walked behind the counter in the restaurant. Half the customers would have been recording on their phone and posting to Twitter and Facebook. The other half would of been dialing 911. I enjoy the show at times but there has to be some sort of believability.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Great show great characters
24 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Love this show, But the worst character had to be Skyler. Talk about mental illness, leaves Walt when she finds out he's cooking, then sleeps with another man. Then gets a taste of the money and loves it, then finds out Walt killed people to protect the family and plays the battered woman all scared. Ups and downs highs and lows. In real life he would of left her back in season 1 and figured out a way to give her the money as a fake life insurance policy or whatever else for the kids.
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Wentworth (2013–2021)
Seasons 1+2 extremely good then becomes fantasy
19 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Like I said the first 2 seasons were fantastic, then it became fantasy. Furgeson is like Jason or Michael Myers. Tortures and kills people around the prison without inmates, guards or cameras seeing her. She comes back from the dead multiple times. They have underground fight clubs without getting caught. They have a Rocky themed boxer. 90k gets transferred to take out a witness getting brought to court, and police can't find a paper trail for the money. Lol. They should of ended it when Bae died and left it at that.
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Good in 1990 29 years later in 2019 not so much
11 August 2019
I watched the first 3 episodes of season 1 after finishing Carnavale. Reviews said the shows were similar with the supernatural/mystery vibe, genre. The acting was horrendous, it's something you would see in a B movie nowadays. Good News though Shelly Briggs is still hot, she's currently on the show Riverdale. That's the only highlight of this show. Unfortunately some shows don't live up to the times. And some do, me and the wife recently watched Teen Wolf and it was still funny and something people would enjoy nowadays. I'm going to read the summary of seasons 1+2 and then try the 2017 version and then I'll update the review.
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
Based on season 7 and the over abundance of political agendas
27 July 2019
It was a good show, but they probably should of ended it after the riot concluded. This season (7) is all about Trump and immigration reform. I see enough of that on the news and social media daily. I'd prefer not to see it in a tv show, because basically they can spin it or use suggestive writing to push people towards there opinions. I just wanna enjoy a show and the storyline without the politics.
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