
24 Reviews
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Alice in Borderland (2020– )
Some reviews are to harsh on it
18 August 2021
Let me start off by saying that the story indeed does have some plot holes, and there are definitely parts where you need to let some poorly worked out details slide to keep yourself hooked, but other than that I found it quite enjoyable.

Sure, its a pity that such a good premise wasn't worked out to the fullest since the premise had so much potential in itself, but I do feel people are being to harsh on it. If you take the story for what it is (fantasy) than anything is possible, including the more unbelievable decisions made in the plot.
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Midsommar (2019)
Something different
22 March 2020
Midsommar is Ari Asters second movie, one for which the stakes were set pretty high after his debut movie Hereditary, which seemed to be a beloved horror gem for film critics around the world. With Midsommar he proves his succes was not a one time coincidence, showing the world a fresh and unique way of making slow-burn horror.

Where hereditary was, in it's essence, a family drama turned outright horror, Midsommar does something similar with a relationship drama. We straight away get to dive into the relationship of Dani and Christian, which seems to have slowly bled to death, leaving Dani worried and a bit desperate for their future and Christian not caring anymore. After Dani suffers a horrible tragedy however, Christian stays with her out of pity and some very awkward scenes later she gets invited to come with him and his friends to the Midsommar festival in Sweden.

Just the fact that at this time of year it is almost always day in Sweden, makes you eerie and disoriented, the movie slowly drops hints, backed up by beautiful visuals , of the horror that will ensue, always with the relationship drama serving as its backbone, even in the final scenes where you might get distracted by the chaos. It not once has to rely on jump-scares to make things dreadful, which in my opinion is what good quality horror is about.

This movie just waits for you to dig deeper and pay close attention to the details, which is not for everyone, but if you are open to that kind of thing you will most certainly love it.
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The Platform (2019)
Simple storyline, yet interesting
21 March 2020
Somehow the writers make the simple storyline of this movie work. The protagonist enters a vertical prison which consist of a many two-person cels or 'levels'. With a giant square hole piercing through all of them, made only for a same-sized 'platform' with food to fit through. Each day the prisoners have 2 minutes to take as much food as they like of off the platform, with the top levels eating well and hardly anything being left for the bottom levels. Each month the prisoners get resigned to a different, random level. This prompts the ones on top to greedily eat all the food they can because they fear the level they might be on next month.

The fairly simple, quite obvious metaphor is of course that this prison model resembles our society, in which we will only think about ourselves when we have it good, and, if stripped of laws, will still think only about ourselves when we have it bad. Just in an endlessly more gory and barbaric way of course. It shows how people are willing to go to desperate measures for survival, and still after suffering will not share with others when they have it good again.

Would have liked to see a little more character development since you don't really get to know much about the people the protagonist encounters. But overall I can't complain, a solid dystopian horror that's entertaining and tense to watch!
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Very entertaining
21 June 2018
I don't know if they've got all the facts right, but then again they never claim to do so. At the beginning of each episode they state some things might be dramatized for the shows sake and I must say I haven't once felt like this caused any problems for the story.

Overall the series is compelling and entertaining, if you are interested in the murders of Biggie and Tupac but don't know much about the topic this would be a good place to start researching and learning, although it does get a bit confusing at times, so be sure to pay attention all the way. It's not one of those scrolling-through-your-timeline-while-watching-netflix kind of thing, which by itself makes it a pretty good series.
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24 May 2018
Okay, the first thing I have to address here is that I have noticed Molly Ringwald has starred in some of the cringiest teen movies and shows of the last year or so and I can't help but wonder what the hell happened to her career that was SO bad that she has to stoop to this level. Had to get that out.

How The Kissing Booth got a 6.5 rating is beyond me. I admit I stopped watching half way through because I just couldn't take the cringy dialogue anymore. I felt shame for the characters where they should have felt it, maybe then the plot would have looked like something kind off worth watching instead of crap. It's not absolutely horrendous, like, you could finish watching it if you are cringe-immune, but it's still pretty bad if you are into quality. The teenagers have no depth and superficial things keep happening that glorify clichés and stereotypical behavior which should not be acceptable for young girls in 2018 anymore.

This being said I don't want to be one of those people who gets annoyed at everything. The Kissing Booth is watchable as what I like to call an on-the-side movie. Something you turn on while you're doing your nails or scrolling through your Instagram feed. Just don't make the mistake of taking it seriously, you will just be left disappointed.
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The Titan (2018)
Not I-will-regret-these-90minutes-forever-bad but still pretty bad.
4 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
For anyone who has the slightest ability to picture the situation shown in Titan many questions will arise. The premise, although not very original, is quite interesting: humanity has used up all of earth's recourses and now faces extinction forcing scientists into desperate and risky solutions. One of which is effing (excuse my french) with evolution to make super humans that can survive the uninhabitable environment of saturn's largest moon Titan.

So the movie starts of pretty solid, the situation on earth and the experiment are explained, which should give the viewer a good foundation to start of with, but then, slowly, and I mean like VERY slowly, it gets worse and worse. The balance between build up and action is so out of proportion that even someone who has literally never seen a movie in their life could point it out. We get 89 minutes of watching the main character transform into this super human and then 3 minutes of stuff actually happening.

But this isn't even the most annoying part. Probably the worst thing about Titan is the uncountable plot holes. The movie starts of by insinuating that the main character and his wife are willing to do anything for their kid, yet when another test subject goes crazy and kills his wife in front of this woman she still lets her own mutated husband sleep in their home? And how is it possible that one test subject can try to off his entire family yet another loves his so much he can not bare to leave them? And how can you continue an experiment in which everyone has such extremely different reactions? And what's the point of putting one super human on this moon? And what the hell is he going to eat?

Watching Titan will probably leave you with more questions than answers, some of the other reviews suggest it's so bad you will want to scratch your eyes out which is a little over the top but this does not take away from the fact that yeah, it's still pretty bad.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Very mediocre
15 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Annihilation starts off at a very slow pace, something I don't mind when it comes to movies that seem to have a complex and profound plot, except in this movie it never speeds up. I have had to skip seconds, even minutes at a time while watching it because A. as the story progressed I started getting extremely inpatient and B. I already knew or didn't care what was going to happen in most parts.

You get smart sounding, complicated words and theories thrown at you without any further explanation as if to say you are dumb if you can't keep up by yourself. The characters are uninteresting and one-dimensional and the movie is filled with unnecessary flashbacks that add no value. So you go through all of this only for it to end in an extremely unsatisfying manner.

Somehow it feels like Annihilation spends more time on trying to look profound, instead of actually putting some work in to BE profound. I hate to say this because it's probably the worst insult a wannabe-complex movie could get, but if you have seen the trailer, you have seen 90% of the movie as well.

I gave it 5 because despite of all this it does manage to be somewhat entertaining at times, and the idea of the plot is kind of interesting. So since I don't like reviews that are all negative and people who exaggerate saying they would give it a 0 if they could; the movie is far from horrible, it's just very average.
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Bull Durham (1988)
Very charming movie
21 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love how this movie could have gone down the wrong path on so many occasions, yet somehow still managed to pleasantly surprise its viewers by its overwhelming charm and whit. Susan Sarandon wonderfully portrays Annie, a baseball fan who picks a minor league player to sleep with every season, something that sounds, and should be considered trashy and inappropriate. But somehow Susan turns her into this exotic, free-spirited, classy woman who just wants to help the players grow and mold them into big league material because she. Just. Loves. Baseball.

Which brings us to the love triangle. It is common knowledge that in every love triangle someone ends up getting hurt, the woman chooses the man we were all rooting for and the other candidate falls out of the race without anyone batting an eyelid, if not even cheering for his loss. Yet in Bull Durham we see that both Annie and (the man we root for) Crash actually educate the boy who is willing to compete with Crash for Annie's heart. How wonderful is the idea that the person who loses in the race picks up some wisdom from the other two? If all heartbreaks were that productive no one would even mind getting one. And when the boy is not an option anymore we have this rational, disciplined, morally strong man who falls for a woman almost completely opposite to him, but somehow we still see how they fit, and somehow we know he was her first choice, and somehow we feel their chemistry.

I will not comment on the baseball side of the movie because I, admittedly, would have no idea what I'm talking about. I have however read some reviews myself before writing this one, and most of them say the accuracy is impressive.
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Mean Girls (2004)
girl world is peaceful at last
16 November 2017
God I love this movie. I have never ever watched a movie twice (not even a really good one) except for Mean Girls. Am I trying to say it's a cinematic masterpiece? No. But in the chick-flick genre it absolutely takes the crown. A funny, clever, seemingly shallow yet surprisingly wise guilty pleasure is how I like to describe it.

Mean Girls subtly compares high school and the cruel "girl world" that exists within to the Jungle. The only thing that makes the two any different is the scheming, backstabbing, trash talking, manipulative ways in which these girls operate, causing an invisible wall of lies to be the only thing separating them from beasts, and let me give you a hint; the wall came down. We see how our protagonist (Cady) gets pulled into the hierarchy led by dictatorial ruler Regina and her clique of "Plastics." The thing that's so charming about the movie is that no matter how evil Regina gets, no matter how horrible she acts you just can't hate her (and yes I admit I am a little biased because Rachel McAdams is like my biggest girl crush ever). She is not portrayed as incredibly dumb (something other teen movies can't survive without) which when you think about it makes total sense: no dumb person could manipulate and intimidate their way trough high school so well.

Of course the Plastics are shallow and the man crush is a popular hottie and the girl Cady first befriends happens to hate Regina more than anyone BECAUSE IT'S Still A HIGH SCHOOL MOVIE. You can't make a classic without throwing some of the stereotypes in there. Yet on the other hand the uniqueness of it is how it's the first of its kind to show how power and popularity can make you blind to other peoples feelings, and how bringing others down will not make your own insecurities vanish. Popularity should not be gained through intimidation, it should be earned by being NICE (a word that makes eyes roll and goosebumps appear in girl world). And if the horde can just realize the queen holds no actual power over them unless they give it to her she will need no taking down, she will fall herself.

The best of its kind, a true classic that will never go out of fashion (even though we're talking about 2004 fashion), I would absolutely advice anyone who likes these kinds of movies to watch it right away, but then again, who hasn't already?
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Just OK, nothing special
16 November 2017
Ingrid Goes West is a drama that focuses on a young woman who has recently lost her mother and becomes obsessed with filling the void she has left behind by finding a best friend trough stalking trendy bloggers on Instagram. This is the way she discovers Taylor, one of these trendy bloggers, who is situated in LA. In pursuit of what she believes will make her happy, Ingrid goes to California to find Taylor and befriend her, only to find out that this Instagram celebrity's life is basically one big lie.

Even though the message of the movie is a powerful and important one, highlighting that the age of being who ever you want to be is literally here because an impressive Instagram feed can fool everyone into thinking you live the perfect life, it still feels like it has been said so many times before. I couldn't help but be bored at certain points, because by the time Ingrid has befriended Taylor you basically know what will happen, it was just too predictable for my taste.

I want to point out that something being incorporated in films many times before is absolutely not a bad thing, and the philosophy behind the dark side of social media craze is a very interesting topic, but if it's done it needs to be done right and bring a fresh perspective, something I feel this movie just could not deliver on.

I will give it points for good acting and a good script, but other than that there is not much more worth giving credits for.
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Started of great, ended very weak
8 November 2017
The first four seasons as well as season six of AHS were in my opinion the best (of course every season still better or worse compared to each other). They were able to capture the essence of the show through their story. The atmosphere was never so much scary as it was depraved, something that felt even more horrific than the occasional jump-scare. The dynamic of every season was pretty much the same, the episodes start off by giving you a handful of clues at a time so that when we shift into the second part of the season everything somehow comes together to create one huge disturbing mess that leaves you at the edge of your seat.

Yet season 5 seemed to fail at this dynamic, starting off with hints and drawing the bigger picture only to make the big reveal confusing and leaving the viewer with more questions than answers.

But the biggest disappointment I have seen so far is season 7, which also brings me to the reason why I am writing this review in the first place, since you can't review a season separately (only episodes) I have decided I will just do it like this. In AHS Cult all familiar

structure that has been used previously on the show goes straight out the window. There is absolutely no built up to anything, if there was maybe it was just not interesting enough for me to notice, and the big reveal is, well, non-existent. To make matters worse the theme is just idiotic, a failed attempt to show us we need no angry vampires and vicious witches to feel afraid, all we need is politics. I mean really? How cliché can you get. Every episode exists of someone from the cult being tied up to a chair and beaten up or stabbed to death in the least interesting or scary way possible. You feel absolutely no sympathy for any of the characters and don't care if they die at all. And all of this seems to have no purpose. When I think of people following a cult leader who is mentally unstable and homicidal I don't feel creeped out, I feel irritated that there are actually morons that stupid out there, and that's basically how season 7 makes you feel. I would advice you if there is any part of the series you want to skip to make it this one because it is pretty much a waste of time.

Hopefully season 8 will make up for the mess!
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Blade Runner (1982)
The future is here
6 November 2017
Not necessarily being a sci-fi geek yet not necessarily disliking the genre sometimes has its advantages. To be quite honest I am still not able to determine what makes me like one science- fiction movie and hate the other but with Blade Runner I can finally put into words why I was very impressed.

It's amazing to watch a movie from the 80s and be so pleasantly surprised by the quality of the decor and special effects, it looks better than some movies from the 2000s! So Blade Runner takes place in 2020 which is now just 3 years away, but I can imagine at that time it must have felt like the very distant, scary future that was yet to come. We see a very cold looking and industrialized Los Angeles where it always seems to be misty and dark. What's left of the towns population has moved into huge skyscrapers. We get introduced to the "replicants" which are just basically extremely real looking, perfect versions of humans who are able to develop both feelings and a consciousness which is ironically the reason they are doomed to only have a 4-year lifespan.

It's so interesting and frightening at the same time to imagine that we could make artificial life, only for it to develop into something stronger and more capable than ourselves and ending up with catastrophic consequences. Also the idea that these replicants value life much more than actual humans holds a very important message. Would we, if ever confronted with the problem of robots taking over, even deserve to outlive them? The philosophy behind the movie is something that especially in this day in age is a frequently discussed topic. Where on the one hand we feel excited that technology is making spectacular progress in increasingly shorter periods of time we on the other hand feel very frightened we may not be able to keep up with our creations. I love how to writers leave this topic abstract to a certain degree, which allows the viewer to interpret it in its own way without undermining the quality of the story.

It's very interesting how Blade Runner presented the future in a way that now turns out to be both way off and realistic at the same time, before watching the new installment I would highly recommend checking this classic out first and forming your own opinion on it.
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SPF-18 (2017)
My eyes are bleeding
2 November 2017
This must have been one of the worst... "things" I have seen in a long time. Calling it a movie would even be offensive to a really bad movie.

First of all the weird voice over sounds like someone forced their mom to read lines they had come with 2 minutes earlier, which would actually in a way be a good thing because it would be the ONLY logical explanation to why she makes everything sound so painfully awkward. And I just cannot NOT address the fact that Molly Ringwald plays the mom, I mean I have seen desperation amongst once famous actors but she has just taken the crown. Not to mention that the script is so bad it makes you wanna rip your hair out. Overall SPF-18 looks like it could have easily been made by middle schoolers and the fact that anyone would call this piece of crap an actual movie hurts my intelligence.

Since this catastrophic piece of "film making" was Alex Israel's directorial debut I'm guessing we wont be seeing cinematic masterpieces from him any time soon. Goes to show that getting a bunch of fairly good looking yet extremely mediocre actors and placing them in a luxurious environment does not necessarily make a good movie, or you know, in this case a movie at all.
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Dynasty (2017–2022)
If family drama is what you are looking for, look no further.
31 October 2017
I can fully understand that the political correctness of this Netflix remake and a focus on the younger generation is something that would bother the die hard Dynasty fans, but that's the thing, it will mainly bother them. I for one wasn't even born at the time of the original Dynasty craze and maybe the fact that I have nothing to compare it to is the reason why I actually quite like this version, but I think it's charming.

Of course some of the dialogue and acting promotes political correctness in a painfully transparent way, but it saddens me to say that that's the case with almost every Netflix show nowadays. The drama is shocking and keeps you hooked, the characters have sharp, sassy personalities and the overall story contains a healthy dosage of love triangles and unlikable stepmothers.

What more can you wish for in a soap opera remake?
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Being a brat will get you killed.. multiple times.
31 October 2017
The trailer for "Happy Death Day" doesn't do the actual movie justice, something we see the other way around more often. I have to admit that partially because of this I was skeptical about it, only to be pleasantly surprised by the time the credits rolled. Don't get me wrong, in no way is this film supposed to be taken too seriously, yet I am glad that one is not forced to completely lower their standards to enjoy it.

Jessica Rothe's performance is great, even in the beginning of the movie where she is pretty much a total douche bag to everyone she somehow manages to come of quite charming and charismatic. And that's the thing about Happy Death Day; it's not necessarily a cinematic masterpiece, yet it has some kind of easy breezy charm to it which makes you curious.

The writers make the audience play a guessing game, more specifically "who killed me?" by (quite cleverly) introducing all suspects on the first day. Then it's up to the audience to decide who is most likely, or better yet unlikely the killer. The answer was neither shocking nor predictable, that's the only thing that left me unimpressed. Instead of having that "omg no way" moment you will probably be more like "huh? wait? it was them?". The reveal of the killer to be confusing is a flaw that cannot be overlooked, because it is what the entire movie has led up to.

But other than that Happy Death Day was an entertaining watch, I would especially love to see more from Jessica Rothe. In a way the story line feels like a homage to the oh-so lovable classics it has drawn inspiration from. I guess that's reason enough to go and check it out. Be sure not to go into it too critically tough, it's hard to take a movie serious when the ones poking most fun at it (in an innocent way) are the creators themselves.
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
So boring it hurts
31 October 2017
There are many things wrong with this show and since I have never read the Archie comics myself I can assure you not one is related to comparing the series with the comics.

Basically it starts out pretty good, a murder has taken place in a small town with a retro atmosphere, the complicated structure of relationships is revealed and clues are being discovered here and there. But from there it all goes downhill. After the first three episodes the murder of Jason Blossom becomes a side story, you almost forget that that is what the show is about. In teen shows this is not a problem as long as you put strain on the relationships of the characters, build chemistry and tension between lovers etc etc. That's what teenage girls want to see; dramatic love-triangles. Yet this is something the writers neglected to do as well (or maybe tried and failed miserably).

Archie, Betty and Veronica are all such morally perfect characters that it becomes painfully boring to watch them do the right thing over and over again. And Jughead, well, Jughead who is supposed to be the cool outsider with the dark background is just a creep, nothing attractive about him.

When season 2 started I wanted to give it another chance, maybe they would turn it around. I was wrong, it's so boring that I honestly have no clue what it's about now, because I didn't even watch half when I put it on.
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Gossip Girl: New York, I Love You XOXO (2012)
Season 6, Episode 10
25 October 2017
This episode did not only make no sense whatsoever, it has also managed to ruin any fun in watching gossip girls previous seasons again.

By now it's known that the writers of the show hadn't planned to make Dan gossip girl from the beginning, something that is painfully clear to anyone with the least amount of common sense. They made the mistake of not thinking their storytelling trough and ran into a huge obstacle: how do they reveal Dan as GG and NOT have the finale end in tears and rage? To do so they had to make an annoyingly dumb decision, they had to let all the other characters forgive Dan. So him being gossip girl and ruining pretty much everyone's lives about a million times was justified with some vague excuse that wasn't logical or believable in any way.

So what have we learned from this last episode? Absolutely nothing. I know gossip girl has never been the show to watch if what you are looking for are deep, poetic life lessons, but the thought that none of the characters have grown in any kind of way over a six year period, and that it was absolutely fine that Dan had created a spy-on-your-friends-and-stab-them-in-the-back-to-climb- the-social-ladder atmosphere for generations to come leaves me very disappointed.

It might have worked if it had been planned from the beginning. Yet what bothers me most is that the last episode does not only ruin the finale, but all the previous episodes as well. I will never be able to watch the show again and not look for plot flaws. Not to mention that sweet old lonely boy will now forever be this creepy stalker sociopath in my eyes, instead of simple, cute Dan Humphrey. Who knew all it took for him to finally be part of the elite was to screw them over and over again for six years and reveal he was the evil puppet master all that time?
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The Babysitter (I) (2017)
Loved it!
19 October 2017
After watching this I am surprised to say I'm actually impressed. The storyline is pretty basic so the fact they still managed to keep me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire thing is something that left me baffled. The trick with this movie is to recognize what it's out to accomplish and not expect any more of it. Its funny, gory and overall bad ass atmosphere is what keeps you hooked throughout the running time, not to mention the great performances by the main characters.

What I loved most about this film is that it took old-school horror movie clichés and made it into something refreshing and fun! I say this because people are complaining about how cliché it was not noticing that the cheesiness was the beauty of the entire thing. I think they did a great job and hope to see more of these kinds of (good) movies out there.
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Gossip Girl (2007–2012)
Love to hate it
10 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Blake Lively I love. Serena not so much.

I mean the character is just completely unrealistic to the point where it gets annoying after three seasons. Her love life is a complete mess, and not in a cute kind of way where you feel sorry for her. I get that she is a beautiful, rich, kind girl and that men would probably fall for that type of woman all the time in real life but is it seriously possible that she NEVER gets rejected? Even the men she hurts and toys around with in pretty tasteless and disrespectful ways always seem to come back to her and I just find it hard to believe that an actual person like that could exist.

Not to mention that she sleeps around like a class A slut but because it's Serena it gets so glorified that you would almost think there is nothing wrong with jumping into bed with every single guy who you like, or is your teacher, or a congressman, or your stepbrother....

The thing that probably annoys me most is the fact that she can get away with everything, she never has to face the consequences of her actions. This all being said, I love to hate her, and the show is one of the best in the high school/teenager genre.
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Teen Wolf (2011–2017)
Was a 7 dropped to a 4
4 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show reminds me a lot of the Vampire Diaries with the way it developed trough seasons. Just like VD it starts of very strong, had interesting characters and romances that keep you curious. But by the time you get to season 4 it feels like the creators are just coming up with ridicules plot twists to keep it compelling to watch, not realizing that those desperate attempts actually cause it to get vague and annoying.

That being said, it is a teen show. I understand I can not expect of it to kill off main characters like GoT or make them all cheat on each other and fight all the time to keep it interesting. But it's just so cliché how prefect all of them are. There is such a clear line between who is good and who is bad that the rest of the plot becomes predictable just because of it.

And the best part, BY FAR the best part is that they have to go out every night to fight evil because dead bodies are turning up everywhere (something that's really easy to cover up in Beacon Hills apparently) and then they catch the bad guy and don't kill him because they are better than that and then they go back to school and chill in advanced biology without failing.

I mean I get it has to be heavily sugar-coated for 15 yr old's to drool over it but there are still clever ways to get some good story developments in there without teens even noticing what's going on!
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Degrassi: Next Class (2016–2017)
29 July 2017
This has to be one of the most annoying things I have ever watched. The shows intentions were good, trying to teach young people about different social issues (which is the only reason I gave it two stars instead of one) but I mean COME ON THIS IS JUST CRINGEWORTHY.

I just finished high school two years ago so I know what it looks like this day in age and I have never met a person there that comes even close to one of the characters in Degrassi Next Class. I mean they are so easily offended by basically everything and the way the creators try to teach you about social issues is just so in your face and obvious you only get annoyed. Try to be a little more subtle about it, you want someone to watch an episode and really think about it afterwards but in this show you can almost finish the characters sentences. That's how predictable it is!

Also if you happen not to agree with the point of view of gays, Muslims, feminists or any other group of people you are immediately a horrible excuse for a human being. This is so wrong because teens should be able to develop their own perspective on such things without someone shoving political correctness down their throats like that.

The show had a good idea and turned it into a complete mess which is a shame because Degrassi Next Generation was a cult classic and a lot of people (including me) grew up watching it. You won't find any trace of that good old Degrassi in this show.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
Not that good
16 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This turned out to be quite disappointing. I will admit I don't know the full extent of the actual comics about Iron Fist, so I will not address that since I feel my knowledge on the topic is not that good. But watching this as an independent production and focusing on just the story line of the show without comparing it to the comic books I feel it was pretty weak. I can't say it was awful as some others here do because it is definitely watchable, but personally I got bored very quickly.

Danny Rand returns to New York after being assumed dead for 15 years because of a plain crash in which his parents got killed. We find out he has been trained by warrior monks to become a human weapon that guards the passage to a secret heaven like city, and also destroy an evil "cult" called The Hand.

A lot of the story line just doesn't make sense, after he returns to New York everyone he knows treats him in a very hostile matter because they don't believe he is the real Danny Rand. Even though an alleged dead person claims to still be alive after 15 years is quite unbelievable finding out if it's him or not could have been done in 10 minutes just by asking certain questions only the real Danny Rand would know. Yet it still takes them like five episodes to figure out its him.

Then comes the part in which you just don't know who the bad guy is, because there is like 6 of them. Everyone turns out to be bad, then some turn out to be good, then they turn bad again. They also have to many meaningless encounters because of which you don't find the villains exiting anymore.

Danny aka Iron Fist also becomes more of a pain in the ass as the story line developed. Even though he spent more than half his life learning how to control his emotions and be balanced and clear minded he is more winy than a girl on her period. Insecure, irresponsible and indecisive he goes on to completely make a mess out of literally every single thing he is supposed to save.

The show is fun to watch if you are doing something on the side like folding the laundry or texting but don't take it to seriously, you'll just end up disappointed.
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Allegiant (2016)
Wauw that was bad
4 March 2017
After seeing the first two movies of the franchise I had pretty low expectations for this last one. The only surprising aspect about it was that even with these extreme low expectations it managed to disappoint me.

If you don't turn it off half way trough it will probably bore you to death. The underlying story in the movie has been chewed up and spit out so many times that you can guess what will happen next ten minutes in advance and the final 'revelation' of what's behind the wall and what happened to put it there in the first place in neither exiting nor interesting. It's actually pretty stupid.

The lead is extremely annoying and cliché, her boyfriend is a little less annoying but just the fact that he willingly likes to be called four (yes like the number) makes me want to kick him in the face. There is no tension between them, I don't feel for them, if they were to break up or die or disappear i could literally not care less.

Don't waste time on watching it, the movie will robe you of two precious hours of your life that you can never get back.
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Sex and the City (1998–2004)
Not impressed
26 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As I ran out of shows to watch while folding the laundry or doing school work I decided to give Sex and the City (a supposed classic) a shot. And I have to admit, for shallow entertainment it kept me hooked for quite a while, but my mistake was trying to take the show seriously. Only at this point do you see how it is actually wrong on so many levels.

The characters are extremely unrealistic and shallow. It baffles me how four women with such successful and well paying jobs have time to hang out every single day and talk about sex. They also do not develop at all throughout the show, they keep showing the same stereotypical behavior which creates the drama they can bitch about in the first place over and over again, without learning from their mistakes. Now, I have never been to New York but to me it seems highly unlikely that every single man there is a sex hungry antichrist. One night stands are considered as normal as breakfast and there is no shame in being a woman in your mid thirties yet behaving like a 17 year old.

These women are also experts at sweeping men of their feet yet in real life their behavior would be considered extremely unattractive. Whiny, bitter, spoiled and foulmouthed they don't even portray the C in Class. We should be seeing them as empowering but yet they do things that only someone with extremely low self respect would do to themselves. Since when has it become empowering for women to behave so cheap? Why do we have to behave like (some) men to show we are strong and independent? No intelligent girl or woman would approve of the message this show is trying to bring to us.

Having said all this I want to remind you once again that you will only notice these things if you choose to take the show seriously, if however you just need some no-brain entertainment to fill your time, it's actually pretty okay!
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