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21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, it's incredible this movie isn't talked about more! This is an extremely thought-provoking film. It draws on an all too common reality in our society; Messed up parents make broken people. It feels like a fully believable story in this way

Jamie (the main character) embodies what happens to us when we have parents that you can never be good enough for. With two parents, and other caring individuals around her constantly wanting more, expecting her to be someone, she gets lost in the noise and simply walks down the path that seems the simplest. Doing so is aligning herself towards the one person that seemed to care about her; Her father. Jamie ignores all other "noise" created by these authoritative individuals, as one would do if they had awful parents.

Really well-thought-out writing by late Macs McAree and late Stanley H. Brassloff. What a shame they never made other stories. Just goes to show, no matter how hard you try, people may just never see your vision. I'll try my part of keeping this story alive in the cult following world. As I strongly believe that this film is a unsung masterclass on dramatic storytelling.

I guess ya just got to have a open mind to things.
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What a Great Conversation Starter!
4 May 2023
This film needs to be shown in schools across the country to get children talking about what it means to be mixed race!

I grew up in a small town that is predominately white. I myself am half Chinese and half Swedish. To this day, I still cannot discuss being mixed with anyone in my home town, including my parents. It is a heavily discriminated group of people here, to the point that more people will discuss black power than Asian-American and ESPECIALLY MIXED people of color in our community. Nobody is accepting of me, on either side. I'm not chinese enough, not white enough. I don't get to be a part of either culture, which is a topic not fully discussed in this film.

This film doesn't tell the whole story for all of us, but it does point a spot light in an area that deserves some growth. I will do my best to share this film with people to get some sort of understanding from those around me, and I wish anyone reading this will do the same. We are all people, our stories matter.
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Was amazing as a Kid, missing depth as an Adult
22 April 2023
I want to start by saying; be cautious with the things you loved as a child, because your life is different now and your taste may develop or change. So if you loved this movie as a kid, probably best to leave this as a memory.

This movie was great in my memory! I remember having this one on the clam-shell VHS Tape and I would constantly ask my mom to play it over and over! Even prior to watching it, I was expecting some of that wow and magic I remembered from my childhood, but it was missing.

I still loved some of the set pieces they designed, but ultimately for my current pallet this movie was lacking a true story or meaning. It does carry some nice visuals and the music is very reminiscent of the classic Tom & Jerry Show.

My review is primarily for parents; great fun for your kids to watch, but not a great one to watch with them. They also won't get any lesson or moral take away from this. It's just a good old fashion slapstick, that drives on for 60 minutes.
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She's funny even if you're not a Grandma!
14 April 2023
I really enjoyed this stand up special, for Leanne's ability to be honest, self-deprocating, and fun while keeping it modest enough that you don't have to cringe at it!

I reccognize I am definitley not the demographic for this comedy special seen as though I'm 22 and male. But that doesn't detract from the jokes being funny! It reminds me of the older folks in my life, and while I can't relate to anything that was talked about, It's really nice to hear someone else being able to laugh at themselves.

This stand up is a great reminder that we are all human. We collectively are more alike then different and even people from wildly different walks of life to you, still have their own challenges and struggles to work through. Great job seeing the positives in things!
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Sex Ed (2014)
The Marketing was off, cuz this film had potential
7 April 2023
This film did a great job detailing and explaining what a healthy sex life is in what I feel would've been an appropriate, yet fun package. If I was shown this film in middle school, then my teenage years would've let me live in a much healthier life style. I'll be dead honest. I'm 22 and a virgin so this film hits home. I think this film strikes a cord with me immediately due to a corrilation in age, life position, and given gender. But what I feel this film does well is show how choosing a life that you want and are inspired to do, is more important than one night stands. It also encourages curious questions instead of living in denial of your curiosity, or even in dangerous situations.

TLDR: This should be remade, with relevant actors, and shown to middle-schoolers nationwide. (also without the horrible transgender representation. -1 star for that alone)
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I tried really hard to like this :(
6 April 2023
I want to start by saying how much I love Mike Myers and I always have. I don't knock this series for it's comedic flavor or any prudeness, I enjoy those qualities from Mike Myers. The 2 major issues I have with this series are it's seemingly randomized plot, that feels more like it is a list of events happening. This causes the series to feel disjointed to me, and it in turn caused me to struggle to remember who's doing what and who's side each of the Mike Myers characters are on. The second issue I had, was the over-use of self-awareness jokes and 4th wall jokes. I get it's a parody of secret societies, but it leads the series into feeling like a parody of a parody to me.

Overall, It's funny and has some creative jokes throughout, but really not the show for people who pay attention. Maybe would've worked better as a movie but that's just my opinion. 47/100.
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What more could you want from a Teen-Comedy?!
3 April 2023
For anyone who want's to write off comedies like this as being "immature, fantasy, unrealistic, out-dated, etc." ask yourself this first: who is the intended audience of this movie? Secondly, ask yourself: am I the intended audience? Maybe if you are an old-head, or old-soul, or just genuinely old, you could take yourself back to a time when you would've been the intended audience. Now, as someone adjacent to the intended audience (i'm 22) I still can allow myself to transport my mind back a couple years and appreciate this movie. It's all fun, of course it's fantasy! That's the whole point of entertainment, to be entertained! Right? So let go of the whole "oh if it's not realistic then I can't possibly allow myself to enjoy this entertainment" schtick and live a little!

This movie was fun, cute, silly, warm, joyful, emotional, a little risque for a 13yo (which is exactly what 13yo me wanted), and actually telling a positive story! That's a W in my book playboy.
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This feels like the Adam Sandler I grew up with!
1 April 2023
Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed most of Adam Sandlers movies, but some of his more recent movies have been experimenting with genres, and very different tones. But this really feels like a genuine Adam Sandler film.

This films full of cute, cheesy one liners, Lovely visuals, lovely set design, fun music, grumpy but warm-hearted character, loads of cliches, it's like a parody of Murder Mystery while also being a part of the genre.

I know Adam Sandler can be polarizing to some, but honestly this film kept me entertained, provided some laughs, as well as some excitement with some visual stunts. I am satisfied and for that reason, it's giving 10/10.
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Why aren't there movies like this Now?
29 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Obviously, this review isn't going to be seen by many but I'm just going to manifest...


I've been working on revitalizing the Grindhouse/Exploitation corner of the cinema. The modern era is losing this art form, which seems backward when you consider how many stoners there are these days! Cheech and Chong didn't allow anything to limit their ideas, and this film is a wonderful display of that. The raw plane landing footage, playing the protagonists and the villains, unique camera angles and framing, the washing machine scene!!! They really used some guerilla filmmaking techniques to make whatever they wanted!

I know the MPAA and common safety standards limit the ways HOLLYWOOD makes movies, but what's stopping average people from getting out there and making whatever they want? We just need crowdfunding and people signing waivers and we'll be able to make beauty like this stuff again.
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Comedy isn't Dead!
29 March 2023
A lot of comedies in the past 5-10 years have been underwhelming, often missing the mark (in my opinion obviously). This movie I feel captures a bit of that energy that's present in many of my favorites from the 90s & 00s.

The Wrong Missy strikes a balance between silly and dramatic, that makes me feel for David Spade's character Tim. Tim is what seems like a character that wants to be a caring, positive person but struggles with confidence and living in the moment. These are two traits that I feel build up a convincing character, albeit a little wacky.

Those who can't find enjoyment in over-the-top characters and "unrealistic" behavours probably won't enjoy the Missy character, but again for me, Lauren Lapkus has a lot of the energy I loved so much from comedians like Adam Sandler, Jim Carry, and Mike Myers from the 00s.

This movie gets a 10/10 from me, not for any innovation or anything like that, its simple. This movie is what I like throwing on and smoking a bowl to, having a great laugh and getting a motivating message out of. Keep em coming Happy Maddison!
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Fire of Love (2022)
4:3 Should make a comeback
11 March 2023
I am absolutely astonished by the visuals documented and captured by Maurice "not a filmmaker" Krafft. Overwhelming visual storytelling, capturing the magnitude of these eruptions, with a logical sense of scale and crisp attention to detail. Beautiful balance of color, exposure, and framing, that kept me focused the whole way through. I was so engaged, my phone dropped out of my pocket around 20 minutes in and I didn't even bend over to get it until the end.

I must also use this review to shout out how wonderful 4:3 aspect ratio is! I know it's archive footage and the production crew and editors didn't have much of a choice, but an absolute beauty of a choice it was to keep it organic.

Wonderful score, Wes Anderson-esque Vibes, Educational, Beautiful, heartwarming, inspiring, and all around lovely film.

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Tár (2022)
As a musician: Loved it, As a filmmaker: Huh?
11 March 2023
I wanted to love this movie, I was hoping this would be my pick for best picture but instead I'm left puzzled. I respect the art of this film, it's broad strokes leaving individual interpretation on the table, It's lovely score, and the wonderful performance of Cate Blanchett.

I believe my opinion is abstract and there is plenty of room for people who enjoy this film, but it just isn't meant for me. This film feels like a commentary on the power struggle of an artist who is starved for attention. This simply isn't a mindset I can understand or relate to, so right off the bat I feel seperated from the main character. Other than a undying passion for art, expression, and women, I struggle to relate to Tar. For me this trickled into a stream of being put off and suprised by the character's actions, and the ambiguity left me to figure it out, fair enough.

It's one I may need to watch another few times to grasp, but I feel it might always be one story that I just am too diffrent in mindset to relate to.
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