
32 Reviews
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The Fall Guy (2024)
A fun, enjoyable movie that didn't take itself too seriously
27 May 2024
Growing up on the REAL Fall guy, I was skeptical about this movie. I liked that it didn't try to remake the show. Outside of the names, it was completely different.

I was thoroughly entertained. Had a great mix of action, humor, and effects. It didn't make the mistake of tryibg to be too serious. Gosling and Blount had a great chemistry and did an outstanding job.

A real look behind the scenes at the thankless life of stuntmen, and a very pointed message to the Academy. Why aren't stunt performers given a category for awards? Without them, action movies would be unwatchable.

I hope that message gets through. They deserve recognition.
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Madame Web (2024)
Just lazy, awful movie
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler: This movie is just bad.

First, can we stop pretending that Dakota Johnson has ANY acting skills. She must have made some kind of deal for starring in the fifty shades of awful movies.

Her emotionless, wooden performance is only one problem with this mess of a movie. The countless plot holes, awful dubbing, and just ridiculous premise far overshadow Johnson's incompetence.

How did a woman driving around in a stolen taxi for weeks on end (they have trackers), wanted for abducting three teen girls and assaulting several cops just catch a quick flight to and from Peru? And then when she gets back a week later, still have the same stolen taxi?

When in Peru, she just wanders into the woods with a drawing and finds the lost tribe without even breaking a sweat.

The villian looked like he wasn't even moving his lips when he talked, and the cost was just laughable.

If you're looking for a completely ridiculous movie to laugh at, this one will fit the bill.
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Part 1 was bad, this was an epic train wreck.
21 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this, I really did. But Snyder made that impossible. It was a disaster.

The story was shallow and poorly told. The entire concept was just laughably dumb (why does this powerful, highly advanced govt need 200 bags of flour so bad? And how are they still farming like its 1850?), the "special effects" were anything BUT special, and the acting was just bad.

The worst thing, however, was the inexcusable overuse of slow motion. I fell like this movie would've been 45 minutes without it (and even that would've been too long).

The good. Some of the costumes were great. Really about it.
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Wildly Overrated
3 April 2024
Half hearted adaptation of a great book. DeNiro just needs to retire. It seems like he's not even trying anymore. He's the exact same character in his last ten movies.

I'm a fan of Leo, but he also fell flat. His fake underbite scowl was just annoying. In fact 90% of the characters were completely unlikable.

Jesse Plemons was the real star of this movie, and he was only in half of it. He stole every scene he was in.

By the 2.5 hour mark, I just wanted it to end. Even those who didn't read the book knew exactly where it was going, yet it just kept dragging along at a painful pace.

Had high hopes, and was completely let down.
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Doesn't hold up
31 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this when it came out and enjoyed it. I recently read the book and wanted to rewatch it since it's been so long. Wow, was I disappointed. The story is so far off from the book it seems a shame to even put Bram's name on it.

Where to start? The reincarnated wife bit was completely unnecessary and unconvincing. Dracula wasn't a werewolf. Renfield wasn't a lawyer. The acting and accents were awful.

Big fan of Oldman, and he was better as the older Dracula. The younger version with the bad wig was just hard to watch.

Not sure why they had to change the story so much, it's a book that has held up for over 100 years.

Huge disappointment.
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I mean....c'mon.
27 May 2023
I thought JW 1 and 3 were great. 2 was just OK. It seemed like it tried WAY too hard with some of the fight scenes. Same with 4. It just went on and on and on and on and on.

This movie could've, and should've, been an hour shorter. The villains make Stormtroopers look like Olympic marksmen. JW had thousands and thousands of bullets shot at him and not one found his head, yet he shot hundreds of people at long range with a silencer equipped hand gun.

The fight scenes were overly choreographed, slow and labored. And don't get me started on the Blind super assassin.

On the bright side Ian McShane and Skarsgard were great.
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White Noise (I) (2022)
Wasted potential
1 January 2023
It started out great and had a ton of potential. Unique dialogue, interesting premise and solid performances. The more it got going, the worse it got. Dialogue became tiresome and even annoying.

Movie seemed to be three distinct acts. The first was solid. Building the premise andboulingb the unique realtionships. The second interjected some tension and action and the third just stunk. Disjointed, tedious and forced.

The main event of act two just fizzled out and was never really mentioned again (except for the possible effect on the Father). Seemed liked they spent a lot of time and money making the "plume" > "toxic airborne event" them just gave up on it.

Really disappointed.
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Black Adam (2022)
Disjointed CGI mess
4 December 2022
Wow. The fact that someone read this script and approved it is astounding. Even worse, is that they saw the final product and said, "Yeah, this is OK. Let's go with this". This makes your average CGI suckfest look like Citizen Kane.

The writing was horrible, the acting was atrocious (Pierce Bronson, please fire your agent), the costumes were laughable (Rock's outfit desrves a Razzie by itself), and the plot was just......bad.

The only characters that weren't wooden and unlikable were the Uncle and Atom Smasher. Growing up, I loved Hawkman. His portrayal here was just embarrassing. He made Bruce Wayne look poor and Tony Stark look humble.

Everyone associated with this trainwreck should be ashamed. Well, except for the Uncle and Atom Smasher.
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Started off strong... Turned into a snooze fest.
24 March 2022
First "story" was good, but the longer the movie went on, the more I wanted it to end. By the time the end finally came (we all saw it coming) I'd lost all interest.
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Just OK.
22 December 2021
Wes Anderson movies are hit or miss. You either love them or they bore you to death. This movie wrapped both of those feelings up in one film. I really enjoyed the Moses and Simone story, but after that was over, I eventually lost interest in the final acts. By the time it was over, I had stopped caring about any of the characters.
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Infinite (2021)
Had a ton of potential.
14 June 2021
Was pretty excited about the premise after seeing the trailer. Started off OK, but just plummeted into a CGI suckfest. No real back story on the characters, or why, even though reincarnated at different times, they all seem to be the exact same age. Don't waste your time, you'll be dumber after watching this.
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The Unholy (2021)
Predictable jump scares and awful writing
1 June 2021
Preview was way better than the actual. Movie. Weak story, laughable effects and telegraphed jump scares.
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Young Rock (2021–2023)
Name drop after name drop.
28 April 2021
Decent show. Mildly entertaining, but does so much name dropping, it gets annoying. Yeah, Rock knows EVERYBODY, we get it already.
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Just...... No.
22 April 2021
The Gremlin was the most believable part of this movie.
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Them (2021– )
Sometimes less is more.
15 April 2021
This series had the potential to be GREAT, but fell flat. I'm a horror fan, and the issue that I have with most recent horror movies is that they try to hard. They pack as many "jump scares" as possible, overload it with eerie images, accompany every scene with overbearing music or sound effects, etc. The best horror stories know how to utilize suspense and subtlety to put viewers at ease before the big scare. When every scene is supposed to be scary, things get old quick.

"Them" tried to do too much, for too long. This may have worked in a 2hr film format, but from episode 6 on, things got boring. It was overloaded with drawn out scenes that bored instead of scared. If this was 6-7 episodes, it would be great; but as it stands, it was just OK.
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Started great, ended up being a ghost Soap Opera.
17 January 2021
Started strong, but fell of the tracks about episode 5. Flaming heap of boring, convuluted Day time soap opera nonsense. Sooooooo drawn out and predictable. Awful.
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Embarrassingly bad
27 December 2020
Anyone who is involved in the movie should be embarrassed. The first 20 minutes was an absolute joke. CGI was so bad it was laughable and the acting was horrific.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Started slow...... Got slower......
21 March 2020
Had high hopes for this one. Seriously dissapointed. Took forever to get going then, when it did, it was just ridiculous.
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Deputy (2020)
Overflowing with political agendas, tired cliches, bad acting and lazy storytelling.
3 January 2020
From the very first scene, you know what you're getting yourself into. Political rhetoric is glaring, the acting is stiff and uninspired and the writing is just lazy and overflowing with clichés. Really wanted to like this show, but episode one made it nearly impossible.
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The Irishman (2019)
Slow, long and Overrated.
29 November 2019
I know, I know, it's a Scorsese, Pacino, DeNiro, Pesci movie. We're supposed to love it. In actuality, it was slow moving and way too long. This movie would've been better if it was made 15 years ago. The tech they used to try and make the actors seem younger for the first two hours was awful and unrealistic.

Don't get me wrong, there were some outstanding moments, but they were lost in the 3.5 hour time frame. This movie would be an 8-9 if they chopped a good 60 minutes out of it. It wouldn't be hard to do at all. Work all the unnecessary fluf, 6 at best
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Way better than expected.
25 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watch most of Tarantino's movies, but only enjoy a few. I find them quite pretentious and filled with inane dialouge and campy effects that turns a decent movie into a bloated snooze fest.

I started this movie not really knowing what it was about, and I'm glad I did. I feel like if I'd read all of the articles and reviews, it would've taken the element of surprise out of it.

I really enjoyed how this film intertwined real characters/events with the fictional characters. I loved seeing the portrayals of Tate, McQueen, Phillips, Lee and others. There was a sense of dread knowing what happened to Sharon, so the twist at the end was great. I do think this movie would be better with about 30 minutes shaved off, would be easy to do. But still enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
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Just bad....
22 October 2019
This movie was bad from the jump. Stiff acting, convoluted story and just an overall boring movie. There were some nice visuals of the grass, but that is the ONLY thing worth watching
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Narcissistic garbage
24 August 2019
Went into this with an open mind, but couldn't believe the level of self importance displayed. If she were half as important as she thought she was, she'd rule the galaxy. Just laughable.
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The Beach Bum (2019)
Great cast, horrendous movie
13 June 2019
Had pretty low expectations going into this movie, and was still incredibly disappointed. Story was clumsy, unbelievable and forced. Isla Fischer was the ONLY reason to keep watching.
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Seriously? 7.1?
7 June 2019
I get the Avengers hype, and trying to strike while the iron is hot, but this? Sloppy, uninspired, and just an overall mess. Green Lantern called and thanked Captain Marvel for taking over the crown as "worst super hero movie ever, not called Batman and Robin".
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