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Better Call Saul: Fun and Games (2022)
Season 6, Episode 9
19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of this episode is simply just exposition. The scenes are entertaining but nothing really moves the story forward until towards the end where we finally find out what happens to Kim. Honestly 6 seasons of fans wondering what happens to Kim and all that happens is she divorces Jimmy? Is that it? Then they skip forward a few years to Jimmy being Saul. You can't just skip forward a few years like that. That is lazy writing. Could not think what to put in those next few years so just skip forward a few years. Surely we will see Kim again. That can't be all that happens.
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Detroit: Become Human (2018 Video Game)
The 4th Industrial Revolution
23 February 2021
This is a brilliantly written story but there's one big issue. This is predictive programming. It's what the global elites have in store for us with something called the 4th Industrial Revolution and taking away our jobs and replacing us with AI. That's what the COVID lockdown was for. preparing us for the 4th Industrial Revolution and bringing in the New World Order.
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The film that truly woke me up
8 February 2021
I'm loving in the COVID-19 plandemic in 2021 right now. Watched this in 2020 being highly skeptical of the lockdown and could see it was for control purposes but I hadn't looked into any conspiracy theories yet. I then watched this so much I saw in this film was happening right now. The border patrol. The surveillance. The police brutality towards protests. We are truly in what Dave Rockefeller called the correct crisis.
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Black Mirror: Fifteen Million Merits (2011)
Season 1, Episode 2
2020 without the virus
17 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is basically an overly exaggerated way we live in the midst of the COVID scamdemic. Stuck inside online. Watching a talent show from home and then using fan cams as the audience (BGT 2020). A compulsory drink to prevent stage fright. Reminiscent of the compulsory vaccine. Brilliant writing and so relevant 9 years on as we are almost living in the midst of what is shown in this episode.
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The Office: Dunder Mifflin Infinity (2007)
Season 4, Episode 2
16 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far the funniest episode of the show. It has easily my favourite scene. Ryan is the new head of corporate and he is making changes. These put Michael's job at risk. This causes a conflict between Michael and Ryan that is so damn good! Ryan is also activating a new website which Michael then decides to prove that old ways are better by offering bags of goodies. This then leads to one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my entire life.
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The Office: Pilot (2005)
Season 1, Episode 1
Better version of the British office's pilot
9 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a total rip off of The original Office. The plot is the same. Some of the scenes are the same. This is not a bad episode though. I actually found his funnier than the office UK pilot. I don't rate the Office UK's pilot episode.
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Logan (2017)
One of my favourite films ever!!!!!
6 March 2020
Right from the get we see what Logan has become. His struggle and pain to get his claws out is just gut wrenching. Patrick Stewart is incredible as expected. That scene where Xavier is having a stroke or seizure (I can't remember if it was a stroke or a seizure) is some of the most intense scenes from anything I've ever scene. Very emotional ending too.
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Doctor Who: The Timeless Children (2020)
Season 12, Episode 10
Falling Asleep
3 March 2020
I'm not angry at this episode. I actually like the way they explained who that previous doctor was and I don't think it disrupts the Doctor Who continuity as much as people say it does; the reveal of who the Timeless Child was so anti-climactic! Those time lord Cybermen were just laughable and how tf did the Doctor break out the matrix so easily? What was the actual point of the Cybermen in this whole story? Overall, I just didn't care about anything going on. How could they make such a large scale episode so boring? At least in Hell Bent you were invested to see how Moffat could make the episode worse.
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The worst casting ever
31 January 2020
Khan is an genetically engineered Asian war hero yet they cast an ash white English actor for it. Did the writers even know who Khan was? I think not. I think they were just like, "oh he's popular let's cast a popular actor to play him. There we go. People will definitely like it".
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The Walking Dead: Not Tomorrow Yet (2016)
Season 6, Episode 12
That was not the Walking Dead!!!
31 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode we had Rick and the crew hatching a plan to take some satellite building but there it was not at all to do with trying to survive in a doomed world. This was just some cheap way to captivate people who don't h derby and any sort of film or TV show that doesn't have guns, blood and fighting. There was no trademark Walking Dead character deaths which the show are oh so very good at.

It started out with just a bunch of very bland scenes. Scenes absolutely no substance to them. I felt nothing at all for any of the characters in this episode.

Just a very difficult watch. Is this the beginning of the end of a once great show. I truly hope not.
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The worst film ever made
21 January 2019
I think this may well be the worst film I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Brother (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Plot hole after plot hole after plot hole!
18 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Within half an hour there's 2 plot holes. Apparently Michael Burnham was brought up by Spock's parents and was foster cared by them. Spock was with her as well. Spock never mentioned her ever in anything. The creators of the show don't seem to realise that there were Star Trek shows made before this where the technology is way less advanced but set after the events of this show.
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Doctor Who: The Witchfinders (2018)
Season 11, Episode 8
I give up with doctor Who
2 December 2018
For the 3rd week in a row I've forgotten that Doctor Who is on. Doctor Who is my favourite show ever. If it's got to the point that I've forgotten it's on then there's a major problem. This episode was so boring I couldn't be arsed to finish it. That's never happened before. Again, Jodie Whittaker is overacting and doesn't feel comfortable. She's the only actor/actress to play the role badly! Chibnall can't write sci-fi or appoint people who can. All they care about is how the show looks. I never thought I'd ever say this but I give up. I'll still watch classic who and the Russel and Moffat era but until both Chibnall and Whittaker leave I'm not watching.
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Doctor Who: Earthshock: Part Four (1982)
Season 19, Episode 22
Very very good
22 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's really good but the cybermen are way too emotional.
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How THE HELL IS THIS ONLY 6.6!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
18 October 2018
How THE HELL IS THIS ONLY 6.6!!?!?!?!?!?!?! It's bloody hilarious. Best Johnny English film IMO.
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Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth (2018)
Season 11, Episode 1
Good start to the new Doctor
7 October 2018
This was a really enjoyable and good fun episode and quite dark too.
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Doctor Who: The End of Time: Part One (2009)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
TBH not sure what to think.
17 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Part 1 of End of Time is average at best. It has lots of problems like the Master having super powers and can eat people and jump 1000 ft in the air somehow and he can turn into a weird skeleton The Master is literally brought back by magic. A bunch women circle round a him pouring poshens in a boul. Then they say bring back the master or something along those lines and he comes back to life. Those women literally cast a spell and then took Lucy Saxson's lipstick off like a bloody witch making an enchantment. This is Doctor Who, not Merlin! Then Lucy throws some sort of liquid over the Master and the prison Lucy is locked in blows up somehow but the Master somehow survives it and then the Master starts going on about all the food he wants. And it's so annoying! Even before the Master is resurrected, he's able to get into people's dreams somehow which doesn't make any sense. The Doctor is also a problem. He also starts going on about how changing feels like dying and how it's a new man replacing him which doesn't make any sense because he's still the same person.

The upsides are that the Christmassy things and Wilfred, Donna and Sylvia are brilliant as usual and very funny. The funniest but is when Wilfred mocks the TARDIS saying that he thought it would be cleaner. That was so funny. And the woman, who spoke to Wilfred through the television, I thought her addition was quite intruiging because I really wanted to find out who she was.

Part 1 isn't very good. It makes no sense and the Doctor and Master are so out of character. The upsides are the Nobles. They were brilliant as usual and that's why I'd give it a 4/10.
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It's enjoyable
13 April 2018
This episode is about Peri and the Doctor landing on a planet that looks like Earth and the Doctor is determined to find out what the planet. It has a good element of mystery which made me want to find out what the planet was.

The reason it's called A Trial of a Time Lord is because the Doctor is put on Trial for breaking the first Gallifreyan law.

The shot of the model of the court is brilliant so I'd recommend you watching it.
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Logan (2017)
26 March 2018
Without question the greatest superhero movie of all time. All the cast is brilliant and the story is incredible. The way Hugh Jackman portrays the aging Wolverine is amazing he deserved to win an Oscar. Patrick Stewart is also incredible and he should've won the Oscar award for best back up actor or whatever it's called.
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