
13 Reviews
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Completes Every Spider-Man Film and Captures the True Essence of Spider-Man
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are two points of Spider-Man that every single film focuses on in some way shape or form, and those two points are part of what makes Spider-Man, well, Spider-Man.

1. When I was a kid and watching all the Tobey Maguire films, I always noticed one thing: Spider-Man didn't kill and always tried to save the villain. He had a personal tie to each one of the villains, and it was a personal quest to try to convince the villain of their evil ways. Granted, the main antagonist in every film did die, but none by Spider-Man's doing. This was, for the most part, continued in every Spider-Man film that followed the Tobey Maguire trilogy: Spider-Man doesn't kill, and always tries to redeem the villain.

2. While it was sometimes handled in an uncomfortable and overdramatic way, every Spider-Man had to try to balance the social life of a teenager/young adult while being Spider-Man. And, with this, there was always the inevitability of those personal Spider-Man villains hurting those close to Peter Parker, particularly the girlfriend character. This led to tough relationships, breakups, and even in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the death of Gwen Stacy. Every Spider-Man has the duty to protect the one he loves, and to make sure they don't get hurt.

While there are other points of Spider-Man that make a good movie, like character growth, cool action sequences, and nostalgia plays (Which, oh boy, does this movie have all of those. More of that in a minute), If these two points are stressed and well done, then the movie will be good. This movie knocks both of them out of the park. Throughout the movie Peter Parker (Tom Holland) gains a personal connection with each of the villains, especially Green Goblin. After Goblin kills Aunt May, Spider-Man has a strong desire to seek revenge on Goblin. However, throughout the film, he is adamant to send home the villains with a second chance. At the end he does, curing the villains of their calamity that helped form the villain in them. He even cures Goblin, with the help of a pep-talk from Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man.

On the second point, at the end of the movie it is revealed that in order to reverse the spell that is breaking the universe, Spider-Man must have Doctor Strange cast the spell that has everyone forget Peter Parker is Spider-Man. They also forget that Peter Parker even exists. When this happens, Ned and MJ, Peter's best friend and girlfriend, forget he is Spider-Man. He goes to re-meet them and tell them about everything they have been through together, but when he sees MJ's scar on her head from a previous battle, he chooses not to tell her to protect her from getting hurt, therefore giving up a normal life with her in order to protect her.

On top of mastering both of these points, the movie also builds upon predefined characters and adds depth and connection to them without rewriting the characters completely. The most noticeable and best performed one, in my opinion, was Green Goblin. His dual personality and internal struggle is more defined in this than in the original, and the "Goblin personality" is truly scary at times. The other two Spider-Men and their interaction is also incredible, and seeing all the familiar faces does wonders for Spider-Man fans. The plot of the film is great, to the point, and without unnecessary agendas and political messages. It finally gives us a finale to both the Maguire and Andrew storylines, while wrapping up Peter's storyline. The story is truly about free will and second chances and takes the cake as the best Spider-Man movie, and perhaps the best Marvel Movie.

Also, Matt Murdock was an interesting and unexpected cameo.
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Invincible (2021– )
Great Plot, A Few Complaints
13 December 2021
The show centers on the adventures of an up-and-coming superhero, Mark Grayson. His dad is Omni-Man, the most powerful superhero there is. He's basically overpowered Superman. The show also follows the tales of other superheroes, such as Atom Eve, Rex Splode, Monster Girl, and Robot. The plot is quite decent in the show. It's an interesting twist on the basic superhero genre. It clearly makes fun of DC comics, but does not copy it. The build is great, the characters are fresh, and the mystery and suspense is probably the best part. However, I do have a few complaints.

One, the violence doesn't fit at times. I get the show is supposed to show the more brutal side of superheroes, but the balance of lighthearted humor and a somewhat theatrical feel like that of The Avengers or Spider-Man and the dark gritty brutal stuff like that of Joker and The Suicide Squad is sometimes a bit off. The humor or the violence is also misplaced. Also, I wish the "do you need to talk" bit wasn't in there so much. It made the show feel CW at times. The acting was a little stale at times but then I realized it's very similar to an actual comic book, so I moved past that. The comic book feel and look did improve the show in my opinion. The overlapping character arch's were very well intertwined as well. All in all, 8/10.
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WandaVision (2021)
So far, it's incredible.
18 January 2021
Im getting Truman show + MCU + sitcom vibes. I think it's gonna be good. And the show made me like vision.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
It's a typically good show.
1 January 2021
It shouldn't be as good as it is. The characters are all either stubborn, stupid, or flat out annoying, except for Amanda LaRusso and Kreese, who stand firm. I only really care about the adults personally, and so I'm not much interested in the kids. But it's good. S3 was a little cliche, and weird, but it's overall pretty good.
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Doctor Who (2005–2022)
This was my favorite show...
15 October 2020
I used to love this show. I would spend hours binging it and consuming more of the massive universe of doctor who, the places he'd discover, the times he'd see, the people he would meet, the ever-changing personality he has, the adventures and almost Sherlock Holmes logic he applies to his mysteries. I loved it. It was Star Trek meets Sherlock Holmes with some fun twists. And the first seven seasons were amazing. There weren't that many agendas, they had true humor, we expanded, nearly every episode added something new, and all in all it was very fun to watch. Then something happened. Peter Capaldi introduced a massive gay underplot, they stayed in the same three places, and eventually he became a FEMALE. wtf? I was disappointed and stopped watching. Get us back a man in the manly role that it's been for 60 years and fix your mistake, BBC.
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Up (2009)
This is the Best Pixar Movie
23 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so good. There's so much about this movie that's incredible, it's hard to name it all. The movie starts out with Carl, a young boy who meets a girl with a sense for adventure like him. It then follows with the best and least cliche love story ever. The movie continues with Carl finding a way to finish what he and his wife started, but in the process finds a kid that wants to help him. The movie has a similar feel to that of Its A Wonderful Life, there's a man that's hit rock bottom and a random innocent person wants to help him. However, this takes a different turn where he goes on an adventure and Carl realizes that his memories are where Ellie (his dead wife) is stored, not in the stuff. The movie has everything. Lovely humor, emotional scenes, great animation, voice acting, no agendas. It's amazing all the way through. Great movie, very very good and really just whole hearted experience.
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Memento (2000)
I guessed and guessed... I never got close.
13 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I know that it's a little late by now for this review considering this movie is twenty years old by now. However, it's still amazing. The way that Christopher Nolan puts this movie in a jumbled order that you don't quite realize until halfway through is genius. What's very interesting is how you have to think for a while then you get it. Spoilers ahead stop reading if you haven't seen it yet! You have the movie starting with him shooting Teddy, and then how he got there in the next scene, but what's funny is you think it's leading up to (or I guess leading down to) how he's going to reveal that Teddy is the bad guy. He is not! He's a cop, a not crooked one but a cop all the same, that's using a guy with no short-term memory to kill off drug dealers. Then you have Natalie, who seems nice but is ripping him off just the same and is using him to kill drug dealers that are competition and to get the cop off of the streets. You have him being used by everyone around to fit their purpose, turning him from a man on a revenged quest to basically a serial killer. They make him kill who they want as long as they justify it will help him. It's very well told and really makes you mad that the guy you're rotting for is a killer that's been duped. Nobody is a good guy. There is no hero. And why is it good then? It plays with your mind so well, you walk away and contemplate on it forever. Great movie, one of Nolan's best ever.
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The Stunt Double (2020 Video)
This is an interesting theory....
7 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The story in and of itself is cliche in its aspects, about a person that has to do all the hard work but never gets to live and then ends up getting the girl he wants blah blah blah... however, it is shot beautifully and while it's basically Apple showing off, it has potential to help future videos and vertical cinema. The editing is great, the transitions are nice and the way it doesn't try to be horizontal is nice as well. The way that they put the film in a "how did we get to this point" is nice and interesting, and all together proves something. Nicely done, I suggest another one that has a specific drama.
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24 February 2019
A good movie about hope that shows the persistence of a falsely accused man. Tim Robbins does a good job at Andy Dufresne, but I think that without Morgan Freeman as Red (Ellis Boyd Redding), this movie would not be the same. I read the book, novella, whatever you want to call it, and it was different for the better, and there are multiple inside jokes/references to the book. The imagination of Stephen King formed into a movie that is hard to find something as good. A great movie about Hope.
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Creed II (2018)
If you are a Rocky fan, you will be amazed.
23 February 2019
I have seen every single Rocky/Creed movie there is. Rocky II was great. It showed a true underdog story. This is more than that, though. This is an origin story. This is about writing Adonis Creed's story. It's amazing to see how he recovered from his injury, the humanity of Ivan Drago, the passion and leadership of Rocky, and the parenthood of both Mrs. Creed and Bianca. An amazing story that brought heart and spirit and greatness to the Rocky franchise. I can not believe that this film is not in the top two hundred. Superb acting once more from Michael B. Jordan, Tessa Thompson, Sylvester Stallone, and Dolph Lundgren.
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Superbly imagined
14 January 2019
A great movie to watch with the family. Feels like watching a good 60s movie. The acting was superb and delightful. Highly recommend.
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Aquaman (2018)
Good story, Well executed
26 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I had read the reviews on this movie. I had seen the good and the bad. Let me say that I was entertained and intrigued. The intense battle scenes made the movie entertaining and has AMAZING special effects. I could tell that the director had thought a lot about this movie and how it would fit together. The storyline, acting, effects, all of it, great. Jason Mamoa did a great job at playing the aquatic, funny hero. Other acting was great, especially Willem Defoe and Dolph Lundgren. Part of the amazing pieces of this film was how you saw what every party, or group, was fighting for. You saw Orin forming the seven kingdoms together to cause war among the land. You saw Black Mantis seeking revenge for his father. And of course, there was Arthur seeking the Trident. And I'll say this once more, the visual effects made it all the more stunning. I feel like a good behind plot that was concluded at the end of the film was that they were not separate, and that led to the Atlanteans discovering that the land and sea were indeed not separate, and Atlantis was one. Good movie, I recommend seeing it.
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Arrow (2012–2020)
Don't Listen to the Reviews!
28 September 2018
I think Arrow is a great show. Let's put it at that. The fact that everybody expects it only to be fighting and defeating enemies so easily is a childish approach. Arrow is a man, like you. Men have weaknesses. The story is fantastic. The acting is good. Weaknesses are good. If you think that Oliver (Arrow) should have no weaknesses and kill every villain that crosses his path with an arrow, then that is stupid. Plain stupid. The fact that he begins to get a bit more moral and stops being a man with no rules is a GOOD THING!! I right now am half way through Season Six, and although his actions when he was younger was not the best, good things came from it. Oliver is a father! Is that not good to you guys?! How many superhero stories have a good father figure? Exactly. Not many. Arrow is a good show. If you disagree, don't watch it.
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