
13 Reviews
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Only for a rainy afternoon ...
12 April 2011
This below par comedy rarely surfaces above average.

Poor casting of the lead players along with diffident direction produces a movie that is best described as a letdown.

Without the talents of the irrepressible James Robertson Justice propping up the whole shebang it would be something to miss - however his presence does stand out and makes it worthwhile to have a look on a rainy afternoon.

Most of the support cast, notably Joan Sims, manage well enough with the tripe being fed to them. Personally, I expect more from an English comedy than has been presented here.
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Dark Mirror (2007)
Unbelievably dreadful ...
9 January 2011
This disaster of a movie has nothing to recommend. While the actors try hard enough there is little they can do with such a nonsensical script. The plot – what plot? After looking at 14 other houses the female lead is attracted to this one which seems to give her an orgasm just looking around it. From there it's all downhill. For anyone with an IQ of seven or less this will probably be an attractive thing to watch, else wise it is a turkey.

The direction is poor, the photography is appalling and thumps and gurgles that are substituted for 'music' really turn this shocker into an ordeal to sit through, torture at the top end of the scale. Miss this if you can ...
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Pretty darn good ...
21 March 2010
This is a TV remake of the 1951 movie bearing the same name. It's hard not to make comparisons between the two versions. Both story lines are faithfully identical but this version is an hour longer than the original so things dawdle along in some places, but never long enough to lose interest in the goings on.

The story revolves around a school girl claiming to have been kidnapped, beaten and forced to be a servant to two women in an old mansion 'The Franchise'. She is able to escape their clutches and her family reports the events to the authorities, resulting in a criminal trial of these women, mother and daughter.

While the movie is absorbing, the two and a half hours pass by well enough, it suffers from being a made for TV item. The direction meanders and some of the photography looks as though it was done by an apprentice. The acting is quite good but not all the characters are fleshed out, the background sounds and music is very poor. One of the best parts of the viewing was (for me) the wonderful old British motor vehicles of the period which were there in abundance. It often appeared that it was a stage play that was being seen.

All in all, well worth the viewing. While not as intriguing as the 1951 version it does stand on its own merits, one of the very few re-makes that has been successfully done. One can't help thinking of the absolute travesty of 'The Ladykillers' when regarding re-makes.

If you can find one, or both these versions, do so - you'll not be disappointed with either.
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Celia (1949)
A great little thriller.
6 September 2009
Celia, played by the delicious Hy Hazell, is co-opted by her private eye boyfriend to pose as a servant girl to infiltrate a household where he suspects there is a murder being planned. The reason for this intended crime is never made clear but certainly appears to be well advanced.

The intended victim's husband is in league with another person who is posing as a doctor to keep the woman, Aunt Nora, in a sedated state.

Another typical British B offering that was churned out in great numbers in the period.

A well paced thriller that will hold your interest throughout.

8/ 10.
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Lisbon (1956)
Oh dear, whatever were they thinking ?
5 September 2009
Great actors, great scenery, great filming - but oh, so dreary - this is one for the insomniacs amongst us. I never did get to see the end of the movie, about half way had me in the land of nod without any desire to find out what happened, that is if indeed, anything at all happened.

Claude Rains looked glassy eyed and appeared that he was wishing he was elsewhere. The whole thing would have been better off as a travelogue with the actors posing for the different scenes.

This movie is slow ........ Torturously slow! Those having a yen to watch paint dry will find that this fits well with their desire.

1/10 - and that's for the scenery.
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Nicely made and won't disappoint.
16 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is another surprise packet dragged from the obscurity barrel. The mainly unknown actors are excellent, the camera work is exceptionally good and the direction is tight and effective.

It's a real pity that there is not more substance to the plot, which has a convict escape prison to be by the side of his wife when she gives birth to their first child. There are complications with the birth from which the wife dies just as the husband manages to get to her.

While this could be turned into a melodramatic tear jerker, that doesn't happen here due to the fast pace of the movie and the inevitable recapture of the husband after the mandatory chase through the hospital.

Certainly this will not make any 'Top 10' list but is well worth watching for the bit under an hour run time. 3.5 / 5
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The Six Men (1951)
Low budget, but well worth a look ...
6 October 2008
The movie title refers to a gang of six criminals that Scotland Yard is unable to pin a charge against even though they are positive of the identities.

Throughout the film the gang members are, one by one, set up and framed with a charge that ensures a decent jail term – who is pulling the strings for this to occur? It seems the only link is the 'femme' Christina, but how and why this would be an answer is not clear until the final few minutes when the whole mystery is unraveled.

This is a 'B' movie time waster and will not appear in any desirable list. The actors try hard and for the most part do very well with the available material. It is certainly worth an hour of your time, particularly if you enjoy the British B movie Crime / Drama genre.

7 /10 from me
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Recoil (1953)
Great movie in the style they don't make any longer - regrettably ...
29 August 2008
The gorgeous Elizabeth Sellars stars in this gripping drama, though IMO wrongly cast she plays the part well in her usual faultless style.

Her father is killed in a heist gone wrong and the criminal is seen by Jean (Elizabeth) but cleverly sets up an alibi which is unable to be faulted by the police. Jean then sets about trying to trap the killer (Edward Underdown) by whoring herself to him, much to the chagrin of Underdown's brother who has innocently supplied the alibi and thinks that Jean is the cat's pajamas.

Cleverly working her way into the confidence of the killer and his cohorts, Jean keeps the police updated on the coming plans of the gang while the brother starts to realise he's been dudded into giving false information.

A wonderful 'B' movie that moves along at a great pace with good acting and direction. The only downside seems to be the casting of some of the players - Edward Underdown and Keiron Moore as brothers? - tends to make one think of 'Twins' with Danny de Vito.

Don't miss it if you get the opportunity. --- 8/ 10.
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Typical mystery for the period.......
1 December 2007
This is standard fare for the 1950's British crime/ drama/ mystery B movies that were endlessly churned out in that period. An American newspaper reporter (Jeff Morrow), now domiciled in England is married to the delicious Hazel Court.

Our Hazel has something in her past, and a blackmailing cad has letters she has written that she would rather the husband not be aware of. Things become quite messy when the blackmailer is murdered not long after being seen with a mystery woman (Hazel). Hazel tells all to her husband, the detective investigating the murder enlists the help of the husband who attempts to shield Hazel from being identified, as the detective is convinced the mystery woman is responsible for the death of the blackmailer.

The movie climaxes with an Agatha Christie style of assembling everyone involved in the drama while the detective and husband Jeff play out a charade which reveals the true murderer. This then leaves Jeff and Hazel to live happily ever after, and Scotland Yard to be eternally grateful for newspaper reporters who solve crimes for them.

The movie shifts along at a great pace and the acting is very good. Watch for a couple of wonderful character actors of the period, Lionel Jeffries and a cameo appearance by Arthur Lowe (Dad's Army). Four stars from five.
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A Gem...
18 September 2007
Stolen assignment is yet another light-hearted crime/ thriller in which a couple of newspaper reporters compete with each other to expose a murderer, and the police seem unable to do without their 'help'. A time honored theme that holds up extremely well in this ~hour long romp.

The best laid plans of our villain are dismembered one by one by our intrepid pair in a movie that is genuinely absorbing. The comedic aspects never seem to interfere with the unfolding drama and when the climax is reached the pair realize, unsurprisingly, that it must be love - for a happy ending.

The acting is top notch and the characters are well fleshed out.

For anyone with a modicum of interest in movies of a bygone era, this is essential viewing. Four and a half, from five stars is my assessment. A Gem.
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Well worth an hour or so of your time...
14 September 2007
This relatively unknown drama is typical fare for its time.

The leading man of the story is wrongly thought to be a murderer and flees his homeland when his fiancé also suspects him of the murder. Some years later he is facially disfigured while rescuing fellow workers from a chemical fire in his adopted country.

After recuperation from this heroic deed he is transferred back to England with a job promotion, unrecognizable as the person who left in disgrace. Naturally, the new appointment is with the same people who he was involved with before leaving, his ex. fiancé and all. It's not too long before several people start to realize just who he is, including the police.

Of course the true murderer is finally trapped by some deft police deduction. The ex. fiancé who had married an uncaring person in a cold relationship is divorced by the husband and is immediately swept up by our hero, presumably to live happily ever after.

The acting is quite good, the storyline plausible, and well worth a look. Four out of five stars from me.
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A good film of its type.....
23 May 2007
A typical 'Cops and Robbers' of the era in true British style. A third rate con man lands himself the job of a get-away driver for a bank heist that has complications. He is seen by a bank employee who is able to identify him, though refuses to do so as the gang has kidnapped the employee's girl and threatens revenge should he reveal the criminal's identity.

Things start to unravel as the criminal splashes his share of the robbery on booze and his off-handed lover. The police are soon on the trail but are thwarted by lack of evidence and the refusal of the bank employee to assist them. As in any decent movie of the genre, the thieves fall out and the whole robbery falls apart.

The movie, though short, moves at a good pace and holds the viewer's attention at all times. The acting ranges from good to mediocre, but that doesn't detract from the story in any way. Overall it is well worth catching and won't leave you disappointed with the hour spent watching it.
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Not such a bad thing...
21 December 2006
The Gold Express is another 'Orient Express' style movie where the action takes place in the claustrophobic confines of moving railway carriages.

A newspaper reporter (Vernon Gray) is sent to cover the movement of gold bullion on board an express train – on his wedding night! Of course his new bride (Ann Walford) accompanies him to make the female interest of the film.

There are the usual numerous sub-plots within the story, comedic and otherwise. The acting is quite good for non-mainstream actors in this short (~ 1 hour) romp.

Overall; only the British film industry could produce such a pleasant way to spend an hour of your life without having to think. --- 3.5/ 5
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