
16 Reviews
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The Ark (2023– )
Really starts taking shape around episode 5
25 March 2023
I watched the first three episodes a month ago and figured I was done. The tropes and repetitive storylines were too "been there, done that" for me. Popped up in my feed yesterday and figured I had time to kill so why not.

After the 5th episode, I knew I was going to be binge watching the rest (8 episodes). And I'm glad I did. Even though I can see where it's heading, they have tweeked the storyline and added enough new elements to draw me in.

This being the Sci-fi network, you know they won't kill production on it until the writing is stellar, the cast works like a well-oiled machine, and it gets a following... sooooo this has a ways to go, but it's I think it's heading in the right direction.
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One of my fav SciFi guilty pleasures
14 June 2021
As I stated, this movie is a guilty pleasure of mine. While not the BEST scifi out there, it is one of the more original ones and I tend to watch it at least 2 times a year (along with a few other B movies that don't make the grade in most people's books). Obviously I'm not looking for greatness when I watch something. Nor am I looking to tear something apart for its plausibility or technicality. I just look for something that rings a bell in my head, is unique, and is, overall, enjoyable to watch. I would suggest you suspend any preconceived notions you might have for these such things and just enjoy it for what it is... a fun romp through make-believe.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Thoroughly Enjoyed it!!
28 December 2020
Knowing nothing about the books or what to expect from the show, I gotta admit that the diversity threw me in the beginning. By the second episode, I became colorblind and grew completely enchanted by it all that I didn't want it to end. Although I loved it, to be quite frank, in a way it made me sad. All the diversity.. well, it made me see how the world COULD have been and needs to be. I eagerly await the second season!
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Motherland: Fort Salem (2020–2022)
Wasn't sure I was going to like this after the first 3 episodes...
12 September 2020
But got invested pretty quick by the 4th. It's definitely a known trio of over-achiever, goody-goody, and bad ass (the main reason for a score of 8). As the show continued, they added more depth to the characters and plot. I just couldn't stop watching as the plot began to really unfold. The finale was excellent and the final scene made perfect sense!! So many loose ends in the finale, they HAVE to have a second season. Don't leave us hanging....
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Disappointing in the first 30 minutes
29 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let me see if I have this right.. a woman escapes from an abusive boyfriend, hides out for 2 weeks literally terrified he might find her, gets pissed when her sister comes to the house she's hiding at for fear her ex might have followed her (who, btw, just shows up to inform her that the ex is dead according to one obscure post on the internet), only to immediately go to see said ex's brother for an inheritance she was getting according to a letter she found in the mailbox at the house NO ONE was suppose to know she was at, address in HER NAME and she didn't fine THAT suspicious??? So women are terrified for their lives up until MONEY is involved... hahahahaha.. whatever...
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Can you say MASSIVE teenage Christ complex??
30 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm rating it a 6 instead of a 4 only because the first 2 seasons were somewhat decent, albeit the scene of the almost teenage lynching of the mean, bully, yet innocent kid (Murphy) was poorly written, really should have been a warning of the kind of trite I was in for. It begins to decay by the 3rd season and I stopped watching midway through season 4... just gave up, kinda like the writers did (although I got the impression their hearts really weren't in it from the get go)... Most overused expressions in practically every other episode: "I just want to take care of my people" "I'm trying to do whats best for my people" "They are lying" "I know I can do this" "Trust me" "We're going to war" "You're going to get yourself killed" just to name a few (my personal favorite being "I had no choice" sometimes used several times in ONE episode). As the two main characters, Clarke and Bellamy both suffer from Christ complex to the point of being insufferable. The female lead, Clarke, who runs head first into EVERY situation and we get to suffer through her angst about how to fix things when she misreads the situation, blowing it way out of proportion, until she hits on several solutions that don't work before her epiphany, which only works for a little while until she again misreads the situation, blowing it out of proportion (you get the meaning.. wash, rinse, repeat)... Then we have the male lead, Bellamy, who's emotional state only has 2 modes, overly aggressive then doing a hard 180 into overly contrite. There is NO middle ground. Over the 4 1/2 season's I watched, there was NO character growth with these two, I'm talking no learning from their mistakes, just keep repeating them over and over like a broken record with the beloved line "I had no choice". Then there's the bit players: 1) Bellamy's sister Octavia, a bad-ass wanna-be who stayed hidden most of her life and runs wild once on Earth (nice character growth development on her in the beginning but then the writers didn't really know what to do with her and she became a generic bad-ass), 2) Raven, the stereotypical female bad-ass who's also a conceited mechanic that, by mid 2nd season, I regularly 10-seconded through until her scene's were over, 3) John Murphy as the brooding, ostracized bully whom I felt was one of the better played characters, 4) Jasper the shy, geeky male bad-ass wanna-be who also got regularly 10-seconded because he got on my last nerve by the end of the second season, and 5) Monty, Jasper's supportive and understanding, forgiving punching bag of a bbf ( I began to enjoy him once he stopped being Jasper's door mat) Yep, the young en's run the show which wouldn't be so bad if there were NO adults around (that would explain the continuity of continued stupidity and vapidness) instead of the 3 major adults characters they have, who come off as not only incompetent but also self-centered clueless buffoons. They like to hold Clarke and Bellamy somewhat on a pedestal reminding us what REAL leaders they are, so brave and resourceful... I thought about reading the books but after watching this, decided to pass...
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SOOOO much better then Pokemon Detective Pikachu.
23 March 2020
I really enjoyed this movie. I thought Carrey was perfect. I kinda figured he would be over-the-top like in The Mask and ACE, Pet Detective but, for me, that wasn't the case. Marsden played the kind of character he usually plays. He was solid. He and Sumpter (dear god she is gorgeous) had great chemistry. Schwartz was a good fit for the voice of Sonic. Plenty of LOL moments and it didn't get bogged down too much. The scene in front of the elevator had me rolling!!
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Eternal Code (2019)
LOL... 6.7 stars???
15 October 2019
Obviously there are trolls in the rating section. This is horrible. The acting is better in others, the cinematography is bland, and the dialog could have been written better by an 8 year old. I thought the plot might be interesting enough to make it watchable but after dozing off not once but twice, I finally gave up. If you want to watch this be my guest but brushing your dog/cat might hold more enjoyment.
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Totally unrecognizable .... LOL
17 October 2018
Literally, the only thing it had in common with the book is the title, the names of the characters and the basic plot idea. That's it!!! That being said, I totally enjoyed this movie to the point of watching it several times. Its very rare for me to find a book adaptation that trashes the book so thoroughly yet produces a pretty decent flick. I literally stopped comparing it to the book within the first 15 minutes (it was that obvious) and just sat back and enjoyed it for the concept it ended up being.
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Barry (2018–2023)
If you enjoy Bill Hader, then this should be right up your alley.
30 May 2018
I haven't had a TV in years. So every so often I head to youtube to watch old episodes of stuff then come to this website to catch up on what's new out there. If I find something that catches my interest, I hunt it down till I find it on the net. For the 6 months, when I'm burned out by gaming, I have been watching old clips from the last few years of SNL (among other things). And I really enjoy the versatility and range of Bill Hader. But I had no idea of how truly broad his range was. Someone mentioned this show in the comment section so I came here to look it up then decided to hunt it down to watch. My first thought was, damn, he's pretty good in this. By the end of the second episode, I was hooked. The finale, well, when I finished I immediately went to find if it got renewed for season 2. If this man and this show don't win an Emmy, I'd be highly surprised. Now, keep in mind I have been in a TV drought for the last 10 years (I'm one of the working poor and had to choose between TV or internet cause I can't afford both). Therefore, I have never seen Dexter (though when I talk to my son on the phone, he keeps telling me I need to find it and watch it sometime), nor a lot of these other shows people seem to want to keep comparing it to. So the premise is fresh and new to me. Some of the dark humor might have been a shred over the top but not overtly done. The darkness is what really shines, those holy s*** moments. It took a couple of episodes to really flesh out the characters and for the cast to hit their stride with one another. Hader's (Barry) performance is magic for me along with Anthony Carrigan (NoHo Hank) and Stephen Root (Monroe Funches). Cudo's and well done!! Can't wait for the next season (darker and grittier according to Hader)!!
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Hard Sun (2018)
Can Someone Wake Me up When its Over...
3 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yep, I nodded off during SEVERAL of the episodes. And that's hard for me to do. Just kept watching from where I woke up and it didn't seem to make a bit o' difference as to where it was in the plot or what episode I was on because it's just the same thing episode after episode. M15 trying to turn the male lead against the female lead, the "police commissioner" trying to bury the male lead and the female lead trying to keep her son from harm... throw in some random fights and violence, a few nonsensical subplots, rinse, repeat.... Not really sure what all the brew ha ha is about with the M15 going to such lengths trying to get the hard drive and keeping the world coming to an end a secret since they discredited it in the beginning when part of it was leaked. AND, why in the world is the UK the only ones to know this??? I mean if such a catastrophe was going to happen, it would be all over the world. With amateur astronomers finding comets and such and with the internet, there is NO WAY to keep this kind of a thing secret. For me that's a huge plot hole.

I tried really hard to like the 2 main characters but I just found them sad and depraved in their own way and began to care less and less about them. Both the female lead and the M15 characters are almost hard to tell apart because they are both acted in the same, bland, stoic way. The female lead's son tries to kill her in the beginning and ends up in a mental facility because she's trying to protect him?? The male lead keeps whiny about how he wants to keep his family from harm and loves them, all the while having an affair with his dead (whom he murdered) partner's wife?? M15 has the secret about the end of the world on a hackable computer??? It might work for you but for me... ah... no. The music... I couldn't stand the music. The allegros and crescendos all seem to be in the wrong places. Not sure why this is considered a Scifi because that element just wasn't there. Its a badly written, poorly acted cop show that WANTS to be hard and edgy. Seriously, watch the first episode and the last 6 minutes of the last episode for the Scifi. I gave it 4 stars for those parts alone. They were the best parts.
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Future Man (2017–2020)
"You mean rathole to rathole?" LOL
12 March 2018
I honestly haven't laughed this hard and this often in a LONG time. I have binge watch this show to the 8th episode and am loving it!! The silliness and slapstick is written in a style that is right up my alley while blatantly poking fun at other movies and TV show. The 3 main cast members are excellent and play off each other with ease. I was really turned off by the comedy of The Orville to where I finally stopped watching it. I'm VERY glad to have found an excellent sci-fi comedy to take its place!!
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Low budget horror flick and it shows.
9 October 2017
That being said, I did not find it entirely unlikable.

The premise was interesting at first but once some things were revealed, it didn't really go anywhere with the info or finish the story along those lines. I wanted them to go more in-depth with the reveal. Instead, it just became a silly try-to-scare-ya movie, which fell flat.

While Michael Koltes performance as Jack the paranormal investigator was lackluster and stoic, Paul Flannery as Jonathan the psychic steals every scene he's in with his Cumberbatch acting (reminiscent of Dr. Strange)/Sirius Black look. I finished watching it just for his performance alone, wanting to see what he would do next. It definitely kept me from falling asleep. If your a Cumberbitch, you'll enjoy his performance because his delivery is VERY similar. Its the main reason I rated it as high as I did.
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We Go On (2016)
Just when you think you know what's going to happen, it twists a little...
19 June 2017
Which was precisely what I enjoyed about this film. And the fact that it was a very original story which really resonated with me, having been a paranormal investigator for years and having my own personal experiences. Its not the in-your-face, jump-at-every-turn kind of movie so if that's what your looking for, keep moving. This is a well thought out movie that doesn't need to rely on that kind of stuff.

Afraid of death?? I believe most people are, hence life saving drugs, cures for diseases, search for the paranormal and life after death experiences, etc, etc. The protagonist, Miles Grissom, played brilliantly by Clark Freeman, has many fears but death is the main one. So he offers a reward to anyone who can prove we go on after death. And the fun begins. Annette O'Toole was good as the over-protective mom, who, as we find out, has her own bombshell that drops later in the film. And I enjoyed Jay Dunn as his "side-kick". I frigging LOVED the end!

As I stated, I worked as a paranormal investigator until about 5 years ago because I, too, was seeking answers. I have never been afraid of death, I mean, we ALL will die. Its inevitable (can you tell I'm a realist?). I just was honestly curious about life after death and I had a friend in the business. I felt I had to experience it for myself and joined their team. There is A TON of fake crap and shenanigans out there from BOTH sides you just wouldn't believe it. And quite a few misconceptions as well, thanks to TV, movies and the BS on YouTube. But I had to end it. I don't want to give away any spoilers to the movie so I'll just say that my experience was pretty close to Miles's albeit on a different level. And finally stopped after the death of my father, who ended up helping me when I asked, 4 months after his death. Needless to say, I have my answers. Boy, do I miss my dad.
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OK... I cried at the end..
18 June 2017
Let me start off by saying I have never seen the original cartoon. Sure, I owned it for the kids but animation is not something I enjoy watching so I never bothered to watch it. Honestly, I have watched less then a handful of Disney stuff I owned for the kids, Lion King and Aladdin are the only 2 that come to mind, both I thoroughly enjoyed. So for me there was no bias while watching this gem of a movie. And I literally did not know the story so it was fresh and new to me. I do believe this sets me apart from many reviewers. I didn't watch this with preconceived notions of what it should or shouldn't be.

If I had to compare it to any movie, it would have to be Cinderella since I watched that last year (the cartoon I saw in theater as a child). Lily James was better as Cinderella then Emma Watson as Belle, which is a little ironic since I didn't care for Lily James's character on Downton Abbey as I felt she over-acted her and would literally cringe when she was on screen. For me Emma Watson's performance felt a little on the flat side but not enough to dislike the movie. And I'm a HUGE fan of the Potter series and loved her in those. I also enjoyed her in The Perks of being a Wallflower. Her final scene in this movie, though, was excellent. Brought tears to my eyes...

It took me a few minutes to recognize Kevin Kline who I adored in this along with Josh Gad. Both Dan Stevens and Luke Evans did a fine job. I was totally enthralled by the voices of the actors playing the inanimate object. This is one of the reasons I don't like animation. I can't see faces and physical embodiment of the characters. But these guys conveyed so much emotion in many scenes. I thought the CGI was beautifully done. Now, I'm not an expert in CGI like it seems so many reviewers are but I think they did an excellent job.

A lot of what I feel boils down to whether or not I would buy the movie. Being of limited income, is the performance and overall effects be enough for me to not only recommend the movie but buy it. I definitely will.
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Blows WWZ Out of the Water!!
7 May 2017
For me, this is one of THE BEST in the zombie genre. Fast paced, adrenaline pumping... plenty of "jump" moments... I'm yelling at the screen... Damn, what a ride. And it mostly takes place on a train. I thought this was better then World War Z by a mile. The entire movie was very well written; all the scenes fell into place. A very predictable ending but who the heck cares, it was that much fun!!! I very seldom buy movies but I want this one for my shelf.
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