
15 Reviews
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Borderline (2016–2017)
I want more of this
4 August 2016
Before I watched this show, I was like oh great another "mockumentary." But I was pleasantly surprised because it made me laugh several times.

It's very reminiscent of The (U.S.)Office. Not just the format, but the overall vibe (the mundane setting, the quirky characters, etc.). I can already see a Jim and Pam...and a female Michael Scott...and a less angry more "dweeby" Dwight. The baggage guys? They're awesome.

I don't know if it was the actual jokes or the way the different characters delivered them that makes the comedy so fresh, but I definitely want more.

Kudos on the casting. More please. =)
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Mozart in the Jungle (2014–2018)
Just finished binge-watching Season 1
3 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am so glad I stumbled upon this amazing series.

Gael Bernal is so captivating and magnetic on screen it's mind blowing. Saffron Burrows is a natural scene stealer and Lola plays the slightly naive and wide eyed newcomer to perfection.

The pacing is great -- not too fast and not too slow.

The script is hilarious yet perfectly plausible. It gives a very clear glimpse of the music and art world in terms of the setting, players, and scenarios.

Each character adds something to the overall direction of the plot.

I can't wait to watch Season 2. Will definitely recommend!
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Telenovela (2015–2016)
Surprisingly decent comedy
8 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's a funny coincidence that I am currently rewatching Desperate Housewives (I'm now on season 4) and I stumbled upon the pilot of this show. When it began, who do I see but Gabrielle Solis acting like how Gabrielle Solis would act if she were given her own show.

The Good:

Eva Longoria has great comedic timing.

I really enjoyed the nice shots of the sets (clean, bright, colorful, etc.)

There are some very laugh out loud moments (Don't look at me, I'm a monster LOL)

Zachary Levi speaking Spanish? Yes please.

The Bad:

A bit predictable? You could only do so much with the plot.

While it has a sort of campy charm, they overdid it a bit with the camp. Toning it down will help in making this show more digestible.

All things considered, I'd watch it again. Hope it improves though.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Excellent show
24 November 2015
This compelling series make you think. It's definitely not one of those bubblegum flavored shows that one just spits out and forget about the next day.

Who would LOVE this:

People who like reading slightly macabre short story anthologies

People who like sci-fi

People who want to delve into the dark side/implications of technology

People who love watching episodes that stay with you long after you've watched them

What to LOVE:

Amazing premise for each episode (fresh, original, etc.)

Great acting

Gorgeous visuals

Brilliant direction

I highly recommend this!
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The Art of More (2015–2016)
Painful to watch
21 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
You don't really see a lot of dramas out there about art. The premise seems interesting so I decided to give it a go. What a mistake.

The Good:

Cary Elwes solidly performs as a rich gay art something something. He pretty much steals every scene he is in.

The script is okay in terms of art dialogue.

The Bad:

The main character is so forgettable. He's like a talking cardboard box. Did he go through an actual screen test? Sorry, but if you are going to use a relatively unknown actor as the lead, make sure he has star quality (e.g. Damien Brody in Homeland, Aaron Paul in Breaking Bad).

Dennis Quaid has his moments, but his portrayal is a bit one note. He is a rich perv. That's it. I don't get anything else from his character. But I guess if it was written that way, it could be the writer's fault.

Writing lacks humor and depth. Sure the art talk seems legit, but the rest is pretty straightforward. Nothing slightly poetic about it.

What a waste of the unique art premise. Will not recommend.
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Nip/Tuck (2003–2010)
Went downhill from Season 5 onwards
17 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed Season 1 to 4. The character development, plot twists, and story direction were pretty much on point. I am currently watching Season 5, and it has become such a circus I don't know where to begin. Pretty much all of the characters lack any redeeming traits whatsoever. Whatever glimmer of decency they have left are ultimately shadowed by their foibles. The characters are all driven by sex at this point. One can argue that they have always been driven by sex, but the difference is that Season 5's portrayal of sex is almost offensive. I also don't buy that Matt has become a drug addict due to his "love" for Kimber. I don't buy Julia turning to Christian for comfort. I don't buy Sean's foray into acting. It's sad when shows with great beginnings are eventually eclipsed by their horrible endings. It seems that the writers were determined to destroy any character development that has been in play in the earlier seasons.

With that being said, I will still definitely recommend this.
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Into the Badlands (2015–2019)
17 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to watch the pilot because of the trailer...the action sequences certainly looked badass..those would be the only redeeming highlights of the show

Point to consider:

Blood is too red

I don't buy their looks...I mean they all look so perfectly coiffed and oiled despite the dirt that was oh so carefully applied on their perfect skin..they look like a bunch of metrosexual warriors with $500 haircuts

The dialogue is BORING... If not for the action sequences, I would have dozed off..I skipped a bunch of scenes just to watch the stellar action's a shame that the script does not live up to the action choreography

Sorry, would not recommend. Meh.
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The Good Wife: Driven (2015)
Season 7, Episode 7
One of the funniest episodes ever
16 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the funniest episodes I've ever watched. The lightness of the episode's tone is consistent from beginning to end. All the funny gems are unpredictable and precious. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is certainly a welcome addition to the already stellar cast. Almost all of the cast members here had their funny moments. Alicia certainly shined here; it was like she was smiling all throughout the entire episode.


1. A plethora of threeways ---- The owner of the company, the woman in the wheelchair, and the employee ---- Canning, Florrick, Argos' firm ---- Alicia, Jason, Peter ---- Alicia and the two members of the board

2. Peter and Alicia's afternoon delight

3. Flirty banter between Jason and Alicia

4. Peter's mom and her racist comments while conversing with a potential backer

I would definitely recommend this.
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Perfect time killer
13 November 2015
This movie is not perfect, but it's not horrible either.

Friend's portrayal is perfectly acceptable (especially the action sequences which he nailed). He has a very intriguing presence. Hannah is subtly mesmerizing. The pacing of the story is perfect. Not too fast, but not too slow either. No boring unnecessary sequences. While the dialogue is a bit lacking in terms of depth, it's acceptable in terms of conciseness and clarity. The director is on point with almost every scene.

It wasn't groundbreaking, but I was actually "on the hook" enough to make me want to finish it all the way to the end.

If you like action movies, yep this is a great time killer.
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The trailer is better than the movie
13 November 2015
After watching the trailer, I anticipated this film's release. I shouldn't have.

Frankly, this was a boring movie which I stopped watching halfway through. The talent and magnetic presence of the lead actors are wasted on this film (Cavill, Vikander, Hammer). While the frames are intriguing enough, the dialogue is so inane. This is proof that merely slathering the screen with attractive people is not enough to keep the viewer's attention. One needs to actually develop the characters, duh.

The pacing is so painstakingly slow. Also, the writers wasted a solid premise. I mean, spy stuff are supposed to be interesting!

This was a huge disappointment. Sorry, but I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.
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The Practice (1997–2004)
Timeless and excellent legal drama
12 November 2015
If the show Ally McBeal is the slightly ditzy yet pretty teen sister, The Practice would be its handsome brooding older brother. I am currently rewatching this show, and it amazes me how it doesn't look dated at all.

Each and every member of Bobby's law firm (and also Helen from the DA's office) brings something to the table (yes, even you Lucy).

Obviously, some legal things were not legal yet back then (marijuana, same sex marriage), but the general issues are still the same (good vs bad, morality vs ethics, duty vs. heart). This show clearly resonates the law and the people who are passionate about it. I miss shows like these. Today, we are bombarded by superheroes and pointless laugh track comedy shows which does nothing to enhance one's sense of self. Sad.

In a perfect world, Mr. Kelley would do another "The Practice" show (same legal universe with some of the old characters brought in as mentors). That would be awesome. =)
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Empire (2015–2020)
Super entertaining
12 November 2015
The Good:

This show is nothing without Taraji. She steals every scene she is in (with her on fleek outfits, her low laugh, her tigress growl, etc.). I heart Hakeem - his sublime rapping, his boyish charm -- yas please If Beyonce and Rihanna had a daughter, it would be Serayah. Most of the music is superb (catchy, edgy, etc.) The cameos are priceless (sometimes it's pleasantly surprising, sometimes it's funny, at times slightly embarrassing, but always entertaining)

The Bad:

Terrence Howard rapping makes me cringe (sorry) Jamal has a great voice but it seems like he is singing the same song over and over and over (and over) again... Shut up Andre

All things considered, this show is pretty awesome =)
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Life in Pieces (2015–2019)
Laugh Out Loud Comedy
11 November 2015
Nothing but respect and total love for this show... the entire cast is funny (Jordan, Colin, Zoe,etc.) and the writing is awesome! I love comedy shows that actually make me laugh out loud, and I was pleasantly surprised that each episode made me laugh several times. Other shows try too hard or not enough...other shows have a great cast but bad writers...this one has everything right (much like Goldilock's third pick in the house she trespassed in)...I also appreciate the fact that each episode is broken down into four yummy bite sized servings.. this fresh format helps with the flow of the show's comedic pace... Hope this show gets more love from viewers and critics
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Humans (2015–2018)
Not enough to make me keep watching
11 November 2015
The Good:

The overall look that they are aiming for (clean lines, bright lighting) is definitely achieved..The setting is pleasing and palatable...the cast as well is perfectly coiffed as robots..Gemma definitely looks the part...if it comes down to visuals alone, I would give this a perfect ten

The Not so Good:

The writing is so first I was willing to keep watching for the visuals alone, but the writing just brings it down..So disappointed since the premise of the show is rock solid... if the show had better writers (e.g. like in Breaking Bad, Justified, etc.)I might have kept on watching

All in all, it's not bad but it's not great either...
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Binge Watcheable!
10 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
All things considered, this is a breathtaking show...

The Good:

Ben Daniels is captivating (as always) Sarah Hays is a phenomenal dancer among others (Sascha, Irina, etc.) Damon Herriman plays to perfection the lovable "loser" (like Dewey in Justified) The hint of mystery in each episode helps the viewer stay invested The dark undertone overall is intriguing and is a perfect frame for the dark issues conveyed in Claire's world The drama is intoxicating (e.g. cat fights, hidden agendas, pretty woman montages, etc.) The atmosphere of the ballet world feels authentic

The Not-so-good:

Sara Hays is not there yet as an actress...her portrayal is a bit two dimensional The ending is not satisfying at all...I love Damon Herriman, but at the end, his character killing the brother is confusing (such a cop out) Some sex scenes are vital to the story but most are really not necessary at all

In a perfect world, I would:

Know more about Romeo...who is he? (e.g. is he a failed writer/genius, escaped convict, tweaker, etc.) Where did he come from? How long has he been "guarding" the place? Does he have any other family?(props to Damon for looking so young...I was blown away after knowing he is actually 45!)

Watch a spin off show centered on Romeo

Know what happened with the sex slave girl in the yacht

Know what happened with the guy in the strip club who seems to like Claire (is he for real or just a customer with a hero complex?)

Know how exactly this incest business began..who initiated it? Since when has this been going on? It was hinted that the brother was the "monster" but it seems like Claire has more control over him (pushes him away, throws herself at him, etc.)

Know more about Paul's rich bf and how he died (was a bit sad by the wasted eggs thrown at his graveyard...i love eggs dude stop throwing them!)

I usually give up after an episode or two...some shows that I have anticipated (e.g. Minority Report, Quantico) have disappointed me with their lack of charisma due to bad writing, bad acting, etc...However, this show, while not perfect, is certainly a "page- turner" so to speak...Definitely binge-watcheable!
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