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Barbarian (2022)
Had me in the first half, NGL
13 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I vaguely remember hearing about this before, but watched it with my daughter tonight (her recommendation lol). First half of the movie, was pretty decent and creepy/unsettling without even showing anything gorey or gross. BS does a great job with his character and the audience not knowing what to expect, besides "something is happening". GC also does a good job, minus the stereotypical horror genre of making dumb decisions.

However, once you see a particular room, it was super apparent on what was happening/had happened and it played out (basically) how I thought. But don't worry, the homeless guy character will give you the exposition right before the ending. As other reviewers have commented, its like there's 2 different movies happening.

I know with movies you have to "suspend disbelief" and the horror genre has "dumb characters/decisions" but my god....this movie is ridiculous with both. The first half had promise and is why I only gave this a 5, but the 2nd half..yikes. It just pissed me off, especially the police part.

And what's up with JL, terrible horror movie reasons (ie Jeepers Creepers) and dying by the eyes!?
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Eternals (2021)
Loads of potential here...
6 June 2022
Overall, I liked the movies philosophical questions and it raised some interesting points. However, the overall movie was unfocused (lots of things they get into) and longer than it should've been. They didn't really need to use the whole roster, as it adds too much to explain/handle. You could've removed half of them and still gotten the same movie.

I also don't know what this movie has to do with the MCU/Phase 4, as it provided no real answers. This movie could've been really good, but its just...ok.

And the post credits didn't do anything either, so if you have little comics knowledge (like me), you'll be Googling stuff later.
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The Last Duel (2021)
The Last Act
22 May 2022
For the first 2 chapters/acts, this movie was a little slow moving. I understand for the setup of the last act, they needed to show the opposing viewpoints of what happened and how it built up to it.

However, the first 2 acts were also loosely written in Shakespeare-esque dialogue, which was seemingly used at random. It was just kinda odd, especially with a FRENCH background.

But the 3rd act..whoa. Completely shifted the movie and mood when she became the main POV. This was a very important movie, especially given the current times and how women are still treated/viewed today. Watch this with your spouse/gf/mom/etc. And you'll get a better perspective and how they react, just like the other women in the movie. I'm not sure if it was intentional that the first 2 acts were so odd and the 3rd was just better? Or the script was that bad until that point? Or both?

Also, the assault can be uncomfortable and hard to watch, so just FYI.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Better than I thought
28 March 2021
Im a big Bob Odenkirk fan, he's very underrated. If you want a general, simplified synopsis: this is John Wick-ish with an old man. This is the kind of action movie that you don't need/want to think too hard about it, its just entertaining to watch. Finding out Bob did a lot of his own stunts, even better.
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10 March 2021
You can only really feel the impact of this movie if you've watched the whole MCU in order (its way better, things make way more sense). Most of the Marvel movies are pretty standard and safe. When I first watched this, it was a complete reversal of what I expected.
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Paper movie
10 March 2021
Everything about this looked good on paper. Concept, the cast, setting, etc. But the execution was terrible. Huge potential that was wasted. Actors themselves were fine, but the story didn't really go anywhere or result in much. Not missing anything.
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Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
Pretty good up until...
10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So, overall this show started out pretty strong. If you ignore the fact that these guys suffer Vin Diesel syndrome and never suffer damage and execute CQB tactics like SEALS, its good/entertaining show about a motorcycle gang/family/crime.

But once Ron Perlman died, show got ridiculous and (like a lot of shows) overstayed its welcome. Started out like a 7-8
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Bob's Burgers (2011– )
Highly underrated
10 March 2021
Humor is layered in this show. Multiple viewings reveal more things you didnt notice before. You can watch this intently, or play it in the background.

My only minor complaint is the Gene and Teddy characters. Hit and miss for me overall.
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South Park (1997– )
Easily one of the best written satires in history
10 March 2021
The writing, the critiques of current events, its all great (for the most part). And the fact that they do it ALL in a week, amazing. The past few years of serialized seasons has been up and down, sure, but overall the show is fantastic.

Quest for Ratings is a sneaky good jab at the tv process and crazy expectations for hit shows and to "always be original "
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Joker (I) (2019)
I dont get the hype
10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked Phoenix's performance, but thats about it for the movie. I've watched it twice and the second time didn't really enhance it any more, or really change my mind about my first impression.

I know this is a general/simplified comparison, but Joker is Taxi Driver and King of Comedy mixed together with the Joker.

The apartment killing and his note taking during a set are the best scene of the movie. Lightly mixing in the Batman wasn't really necessary either. It's pretty on the nose with its message about mental health issues, the system, class division, etc..Rental at best.
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Really good, but....
10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know its historically accurate, but the ending didn't need to happen/be shown. It should've been just text on screen when the movie was over, imo. This movie is definitely Collection worthy
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Rental at best
10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like Guy Richtie movies, most of them anyways. This is just a typical "English gangster" movie hes made in the past, but not as endearing. Its the same template that is very familiar: slick, stylized and the same usual "twists".

His typical protagonist thinks of everything and every angle and always fakes a weakness/blind spot. Antagonist thinks he'll get away with it, some 3rd party flips the script in favor of the protagonist (intentional or not), usually at the end. Credits.

Its not bad by any means, but its not memorable either. Entertaining if you're into this genre.
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Better than the hate
20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was a different take on the whole war in Star Wars, while also filling in some detail in the gaps in the original.

My issues is that (from what I heard) that Edwards was handcuffed a lot for this movie. The trailers vs the movie, what happened!? I want a Directors Cut.

Also, the movie shouldve ended when Vader watched the transport escape. THAT would've been the perfect ending! With no terrible CGI Leia part.
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Knives Out (2019)
20 December 2020
My wife and I were experiencing a cold streak with movies before we saw this. A great mixup of a whodunit! The fact that this same director did The Last Jewish, astonished me. Cast was perfect and the story was fantastic. The only negative is the same as The Usual Suspects, once you know the ending.... however, we re watched it and it was still enjoyable!
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Cowboy Bebop (1998–1999)
20 December 2020
Im picky when it comes to anime. My first exposure was Ronin Warriors and then Gundam Wing and G Gundam (thanks Toonami!)

I can see why this is regarded as one of the best. And the fact that this was all hand drawn, wow. Characters, voice actors, story...all amazing. Plus, the soundtrack!
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Amazing throughout
20 December 2020
Everything about this show...amazing. The actors, the characters, the writing, the plot...all top notch. And it didn't drag out, 5 seasons was perfect
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Bob's Burgers (2011– )
Highly underrated
20 December 2020
The show is just great overall. Multiple viewings reveal other jokes you missed before. Minor details (like other business name puns are amazing sometimes) are littered all over. Linda is probably my favorite character. The show is underrated honestly
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Dexter (2006–2013)
Started phenomenal...
20 December 2020
Dexter is one of my favorite shows, but man did it stumble to a finish! The first 1-4, 5 seasons, awesome show. But it really fell off after that and the last season/finale....good god, not good. The ending was completely unsatisfactory. Im curious and nervous about the reboot or whatever.
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Justified (2010–2015)
20 December 2020
A fantastic show. Walton Goggins as Boyd Fowler, one of the best TV characters in awhile. Thankfully it didn't overstay its welcome and ended at the right time. Great characters and acting all around, with great arcs. Underrated show
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Had its moments
20 December 2020
As a hardcore stoner, I didn't revere this movie like a lot of my friends did. The movie def has moments, but I didnt find it as memeorable like the other movies by this group (Rogen, Franco, etc.)
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Never been so mad after leaving a theater
20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Super late review, but I'm on a review kick all of a sudden...

It was the EXACT same story/setup as the first movie!! Only thing that changed was the setting. There was very little variation between the first movie and this movie. Jokes, details, pace, everything!

I'm certain if this was released before the first one, THIS would be revered. I couldn't believe what I saw when I left the theater. And if I remember correctly, I dont recall hearing this complaint a lot when it was released...I could be wrong though (wouldn't be the first time lol)
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Midsommar (2019)
Terrible, predictable, overrated
20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a big horror fan. I also believe trailers are ruining movies because (a lot) of them reveal too much. I also never saw Hereditary. So, when I saw only one trailer for this movie, I was genuinely intrigued and enthusiastic for it. Heard/read the hype, nothing specific but overall hoopla.

Wow, the movie is just not good, at all. Anyone who thinks this is deep, takes themselves too seriously. The movie is entirely predictable once they reach the "not obvious cult". Unless you've never done psychedelics before, there's absolutely no way you would continue to stay after seeing 2 deaths and there's certainly no way a GRADUATE THESIS would keep you there either. Dumber reason to "stay/go back" is Jeepers Creepers.

It can be summed up like this: emotionally fragile female in a toxic relationship suffers a great tragedy. Gets to travel to Europe (by pity basically), takes psychedelics, joins a cult and lives (when everyone else dies, including her "terrible" boyfriend).

"You just don't get it" is probably the (second) most overused response for not liking something, ever. (Rick and Morty is first). And look at it this way, if the roles were gender reversed, this movie would get lambasted and not praised.

The way the movie was shot....eh. Parts were good, others didn't make sense (to me) as in, purposely shot "weird". It was just too, overt(?) for me? I just didn't particularly care for most of it.
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Vivarium (2019)
Eh, I'm not sure how I feel about this
20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think the movie would've been better served if the opening part of the movie was not shown. Kinda ruined it, even though if you simply Google the meaning of the title, you'd get the gist. Obviously, there's more philosophy and other questions posed from this movie, but overall it was just kinda weird.

It started out decent but then it was just kinda like "huh"? And then it was just a matter of figuring out what was happening and our guess as to why before the end. The middle act is what will probably make or break this for most people, as long as they buy into whatever they think about the end.
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Fatman (2020)
Fairly entertaining, could've been better?
20 December 2020
My first thought about this was like a made up backstory of South Parks version of Santa Claus, a badass with a gun/combat experience. I thought this would have more action/showing how much of a badass Santa is/was. Instead this was kind of like The Drop, imo. Slow build to a violent, action ending (although this one was longer).

It did have a little inconsistent tone to me. It kinda threw in a little bit of everything: dark humor and grit to a dash of campy, Xmas easter egg-y, satire-ish stuff with an indie film filter. Rode the line of being too serious vs sarcastically serious satire, not sure if that was intentional or not. Think of like the Liam Neeson movies like Cold Pursuit.. Entertaining overall, but not that memorable really.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Sandler is the only good in this, sort of
29 May 2020
Just watched it and as a whole, the movie is messy. There are parts that go on way too long (like the walking!?) and the pace is kinda erratic. Now, Sandlers ACTING is good, I did not, however, like his script. I get the whole degenerate gambler bit, but idk, there was just something about some of his dialogue that really bothered me. (I think part of the reason is that I HATE characters that are so clearly liars, yet everyone puts up with it, besides the wife. Probably why I stopped watching Shameless.) The big bet on the game was dramatic, but since I didn't like Sandler's character, I wasn't that into the decision.

And what's up with Demany (or whatever). His character was pointless, besides showing that he was a liar and irresponsible too. Could argue it's his fault.

Anyways, I heard a lot of good things about this and I was disappointed. But Sandler shows he can be more than just comedy.
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