
12 Reviews
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Lagos Landing (2018)
Don't bother. Really, don't bother!
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have never watched a movie with such a low IMDB rating before. But I thought the ratings couldn't be accurate; after all it was based on "true events." Not sure what could be true about it but I am sure not much. Apparently in Lagos, on a busy street in broad daylight, you can do a very inefficient kidnapping, and no one will notice or bother to intervene.

Apparently there is a cult of women living in the jungle somewhere around Lagos, who certainly don't appear to be of African descent, and who practice human sacrifice. And they live in North American style teepees! The acting is terrible, the plot is ridiculous; definitely the worst movie I have ever seen.
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Not even close to the book!
30 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes you read a fantastic book, then you find out there is a movie based on it. So you are excited to watch. This movie is a HUGE disappointment compared to the book. No one who read the book and then watched the movie would even know they are supposed to be the same plot if they didn't have the same title. First, the book is set in northern BC, in Canada, but the movie sets it in USA at some place called Whitebird Lake. And the scenery there, while spectacular, is nothing like the actual setting at Babine Lake and Takla Lake. But the main issue is that the book concentrates on the relationship between the bears and the author, and the movie makes the major storyline into a conflict between the indigenous people and the white man. There is some of that in the book, but it is not the main storyline as it is in the movie. In the movie Larch Ataskanay is deceased before the story even starts. In the book he is alive and a prominent character. And some of the ridiculously unrealistic animal sequences....sigh.
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Worst Christmas Movie Ever?
25 December 2021
Just confirms the reeking hypocrisy of all things left. Then there are the ridiculous plot twists.... If I could rate it 0 I would. Just don't waste your time,
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The Egg and I (I) (1947)
So disappointing
16 July 2021
I read the book, then discovered there was a movie. "Wow, that should be good!" I thought. Wrong. If they didn't have the same title you wouldn't even know that they were supposed to be the same story. There is none of the sarcastic humour that is the main attraction of the book in the movie. So many superb scenes in the book are left out of the movie. So many scenes in the movie - and they are the farthest thing from superb - that are not in the book. Biggest disappointment ever.
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Worst movie ever!
13 May 2021
The plot makes no sense, well the whole movie makes no senses, complete and utter waste of time.
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Decidedly the worst movie about the Entebbe raid
12 February 2021
What is with the dancing scene interspersed with the action? Totally ruins the movie; the rest of it isn't great anyhow. Terrible interpretation of the story.
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Palm Springs (2020)
Terrible nonsenes, complete and utter waste of time
10 February 2021
This movie makes no sense, the huge amount of unnecessary foul language doesn't help it at all, definitely among the worst movies I've ever seen. I was ready to quit 10 minutes in but thought it would get better - it doesn't. Don't waste your time.
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Peak Practice (1993–2002)
A soap opera disguised as a medical drama
9 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Certainly over 12 seasons there are seasons, and episodes, that are better than others but many are ho-hum. The shooting in the Peaks area of England provides for some spectacular scenery. The acting is good, Alice North my favorite character. There are a lot of romance/affair story lines, as per my title. But if you are one of the doctors at the Beeches beware! The script writers will get rid of you somehow....kill you off, have you move to Africa, leave town because of a shameful situation you got yourself never ends, even to the very last episode.
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Outback (2019)
Not realistic at all
10 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Is it really a true story? Then how stupid can people be? They didn't plan to leave the main road but even if you are just staying on the main road in the desert you take lots of water with you. LOTS. Basic common sense. They also didn't walk that far from the how come they couldn't find it? But the scorpion sting is the killer. A scorpion sting is painful. It is NOT something you sleep through. And scorpion stings do not knock out an adult for ridiculous. Then you just drop your backpack in the desert? Wade goes back and finds it, then leaves it there again? These people couldn't survive in a shopping mall...
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Just not very good
12 July 2020
I was 10 years old when this movie came out. I might have enjoyed it when I was 10. The plot is unbelievable, then there are so many sexist elements, and the long car chase scene near the end is way overdone; it seems they just put the stunts in to show that they could do them, but they had nothing to do with the story...can't figure why the IMDB rating is so high.
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Dog Park (I) (2017)
Awful movie.
12 July 2020
I read the reviews and only one bad one, all the rest really good. Well the minority was so right. The plot is contrived, the acting is poor, I could hardly finish watching. And the boo-breakers or whatever they were called? Is this a cartoon? Completely ridiculous. I thought of writing a review saying that maybe if the actress who plays a director in the movie - and is called a good director - directed the movie, it would be a lot better. Then it turns out the actress who played the director in the movie WAS the director! NOT a good director.
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Not the worst movie I have ever seen....
20 April 2019
But it's right up there. Terrible from beginning to end.
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