
12 Reviews
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Chance (2016–2017)
Engrossing and Intelligent
22 October 2016
Just finished 2 episodes of "Chance" and it has already left me craving for more. Normally within two episodes you realize where the show is going and what is in store for you but here the writers haven't revealed the crux of the story which has made me intrigued.

You do not have to ask about acting of Hugh Laurie, he is actor of highest quality you can get for the show. Direction, Cinematography and Screenplay are just as perfect as the acting.

I am so confused in a positive manner that I do not know what will be happening in next episode. You just feel like competing the series in one sitting itself and wait for next episodes is killing me !!!
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The Intern (I) (2015)
Feel Good Factor !!
19 April 2016
After a long time I saw a movie which is so positive and encourages you to try and materialize your dreams. You have to always keep that hunger for learning alive in you no matter whatever stage you have reached in your life.

During the whole movie I felt so happy and was grinning all the time. Robert De Niro stole the show for me. He looks so genuine and still smart at this age wearing the suits for work which has a start up culture (This makes me realize that Suits always enhance your personality and add a class to your personality). Story Telling and Direction is good and it never bores for a minute.

I would recommend to try this movie as it adds little bit of positive attitude in your life no matter whoever you are.
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11.22.63 (2016)
Super Interesting and Must Watch !!
18 February 2016
It has been a long time I have seen James Franco look so promising in a role. Last time when I saw him so good was in 127 Hours. He has done complete justice to the character in the premiere of this show and seems to be in his comfort zone.

As for the show, it does not waste any time to get into action. Franco plays role of Jake Epping, a High School Teacher, who unwillingly has to take up the task of traveling to the past and avoid assassination of JFK. Show is fast paced and keeps you engrossed all the time. You just keep wondering how the story will unfold and will Jake be able to prevent the assassination.

For the premiere, you do not see much of the acting of others as it revolves only around Franco and Cooper. But they both take you to a ride which should not end. Episode was 80mins long but I did not realize when the time flew by. Direction and screenplay is of high standards along with story which is very well thought of.

I personally recommend you to watch the show and guarantee that you will not be disappointed.
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Lucky Man (2016–2018)
Could have been better
26 January 2016
Just watched the premiere episode of this show and I do not feel excited about it. The story revolves around detective Harry of London who has been handed over a bracelet by a complete stranger that has the power to bend LUCK into favor of the person wearing it.

Harry has been shown as a gambling addict who has lost control over his life due to it. All of a sudden he meets a stranger who hands over this LUCKY bracelet that can change his life which is the gist of the whole series.

There are certain things in this pilot which do not impress me at all like there is no proper character introduction or building of character, we do not get any idea as to who would be the important characters in this series. Things are happening too fast within a span of one episode and writers have not focused on the how exciting it can be to bend luck in your favor.

Hope coming episodes are good enough and story evolves better to keep you glued to it.
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Billions (2016–2023)
Best of 2016
20 January 2016
Completed watching two episodes of this show and I am all of praise for it. It contains features that excite me to go for a show like insider trading, corporate politics, courtroom scenes and complex characters. It is kind of on the same lines as Suits but an incremented version of it. The pilot starts with building of the two lead characters Chuck and Bobby while keeping up the tempo too. Between the two you cannot decide whom to root for as both have gray shades.

With the second episode it starts going deeper into past of their lives and what shaped them to being the way they are today. It is exciting to watch both of them go head to head to get better of each other. It is like a see-saw ride, you cannot predict what is in store for you.

If it goes the way it has started it can be one of the best shows of 2016. I would recommend to give a try to this show, you will not regret it.
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Penny Dreadful (2014–2016)
You just cannot miss it !!!
22 July 2015
I just completed watching 2 seasons of Penny Dreadful and I am all praise for it. It is the best TV show on Showtime after Dexter.

It has all the ingredients in right amount that you want from a show like horror, suspense, drama and emotions. It is not just a show its poetry in motion.

Going into the technical aspects, acting is of supreme quality. Eva Green was born to play the role of Vanessa. She never seems to be out of character. Cinematography is so pleasant to the eyes you want to go back to Victorian England. Dialogues are very intriguing and thoughtful making you feel as if you are listening to a poetry. Over the two seasons story has developed very well keeping intact the suspense and thrill quotient.

I would highly recommend you to watch the show for its scenic beauty, play of words, acting and story. You simply cannot miss this show.
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Scream: The TV Series (2015–2019)
Did not scream at all
3 July 2015
Needless to say show is based on "Scream" movie franchise which I am not big fan of but thought of trying it out as I like suspense and thriller genre.

Story goes like bunch of school friends upload a secretly taken video on YouTube which goes viral and slashing(as mentioned in show) starts happening. Each character has an hidden untold secret about them which begins to unfold as episode progresses.

I feel makers tried to fit in too many things in one episode. There are so many things happening that you start losing track. There is also not enough screen time given to each character and they have tried to rush to main plot without building a solid platform.

There is nothing new or extra-ordinary about the show which will blow your mind. Acting and Direction are just about average.

My final verdict will be you can give it a try if you have free time.
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Ballers (2015–2019)
Good Start but nothing Extraordinary...
25 June 2015
Dwayne Johnson is the only reason I watched the pilot of show. I think he is going to be the man around whom the story will revolve.

Story depicts post retirement life of players of an American Football team. Things which I could understand was that Dwayne had very huge talent and potential as a player but somehow he could not achieve stardom or get respect that he should have got during his playing days. So now he is trying to come to terms with life after football which seems to be very difficult for him.

This is first time I can see Dwayne has a chance to showcase acting skills which were surprisingly good. Rest of the cast is bearable and I have got nothing much to say about them. Direction has to improve a lot as first episode was not up to HBO standards for example "Game of Thrones" and "True Detective".

My final take will be its a passable show but you can give it a try to decide if you want to continue.
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Literally MAD !!!
24 June 2015
I went for this movie with very low expectations, as off late there have been many apocalyptic movies.

The movie starts with Tom Hardy in back drop having very rugged look reciting the prologue. And mind you those are the only 5 minutes of sanity we get.

Then starts the long ride of action that will keep you on edge of your seat for whole of the movie. Cars chasing, trucks exploding, insane shooting, stabbing, gore violence is on your plate which will blow you away.

Acting wise both leads do not have much to show case as direction and action take front seat and do most of the talking. Story is nothing more than kind of redemption and salvation.

My final take Go for it, as it is bang on your buck and will leave you insanely amazed.
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Looked Promising initially but not Engaging Enough later
17 June 2015
I like Courtroom dramas and thrillers which made me watch the pilot episode of this show. Pilot had excellent screenplay and it kept me engaged. Character Introduction is exciting and Viola Davis as Law Attorney is picture perfect. Her questioning during court room scenes and lecturing scared daylight out of me(I would like to have her as my legal representative).

Pilot and initial episodes had good promise but as show reached later half it got predictable and less thrilling.

Direction is not that great and screenplay in later episodes sucks as scenes become repetitive to remind you of the open links(which I am not a big fan of).

Overall a show which did not live up to my expectations but can be watched if you are still searching for one to pass your time.

My Rating 6.5/10.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Great Acting, Great Story, Great Action !!!
16 June 2015
Just completed watching the first season of Daredevil and it left a very positive impact on me(Mind you it is way better than the movie of Ben Affleck).

First season features on making of the Blind Vigilante. How all it happened and why did he choose this path.

Acting is top notch by Charlie Cox(Daredevil) like it comes him as natural portraying the role. Action scenes are very well choreographed with great stunts in it. There is right amount of emotions which drives the story and keeps it intact.

I would recommend to all who are searching for some fast pace action and crime series. My Rating 8.5/10(keeping 1.5 for coming seasons).
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
Different from other hacker stuff available
15 June 2015
I have just seen the pilot episode of the series and my review is based on it. The show features a socially reserved guy who is hacker by passion and an IT Network security guy by profession. He has an urge to bring some change in the world but feels his lone efforts are not enough. Then comes the twist where he meets a stranger who offers him a chance to join him in their underground mission to bring equality in the world. I am quite intrigued by the pilot episode and very interested to see what the show has in offering. It is not that age old boring hacking stuff which we normally watch in commercial movies. Acting wise it seems good and lead Rami Malek has done fantastic job. It is promising start but will wait for series to unfold till then I would give it 8/10.
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