
12 Reviews
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The Batman (2022)
Falls Flat in 3rd act.
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first 2/3 of the movie were very enjoyable. I liked this Batman the best in terms of his character and the portrayal of Gotham city was great.

The fight scenes were incredible. They seemed more realistic and less choreographed than other movies and I could really sense Batmans rage. He was hitting guys to really hurt them, taking it further than Batman's have in the past.

The main story centering on the Riddler is interesting enough and has the violence and intensity that I've been looking for from Batman. The penguin was exceptional, and cat woman was a nice addition as well.

However, "the big reveal" fell flat as did the scenes thereafter. The interigation scene was cringeworthy. I didn't buy Dano's character one bit, and it was on par with the corniness of Marval movies.

I heard a number of chuckles from the packed theater during the scene, which had been totally engrossed up until then.

It also felt like very Stephen King at the end. Like the writers didn't quite know how it end it. It drug on for much longer than necessary. In the end, the first 2/3rds were so strong, that I still have to give it a 7/10.
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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
Oh wow, another dramatic twist!
23 January 2021
Was forced to watch a handful of episodes because my pregnant wife is obsessed with it and man, what a god awful show. It's a bunch of beautiful people that are supposed to hide how weak the characters and writing are. Every episode ends with a dramatic twist, people die and come back to life all the time, the two brothers fight over Elena all series long even though she's the most unlikable character on the show... I could go on and on. This is the absolute epitome of garbage television.
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Zero redeemable qualities
8 September 2020
This movie is nothing but a Mr. Wilson torture fest.

We've seen children's movies like this before, but unlike home alone, where the robbers deserved what they got, Mr. Wilson deserves none of what happened to him.

This distinct difference makes this movie Unfunny, and just plain awful.

Mr. Wilson's only sin is trying to enjoy his retirement and not liking the snot-nose kid next door, and for that, he deserves to be sadistically tortured by Dennis.

We see little character growth from anyone in this movie except for mr. Wilson, who after finally telling Dennis off, softens when Dennis goes missing shortly after.

Mr. Wilson is overjoyed when Dennis rolls back into town and seems like a brand new man... Dennis on the other hand, is still the same little blonde haired sociopath he's always been.

There is nothing redeemable about Dennis at all, which makes it impossible to like the character, and even harder to like the movie.

It was just plain terrible.

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Obvious Child (2014)
6.8, really!?
3 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst comedies I've ever seen. I didn't laugh once. It was basically one big, long raunchy joke without a punchline. What was funny in this except for how bad it was?

The whole movie is about this girl who's apparently a comedian, who has two best friends who suck, horribly; an ex who cheats on her, and a one night stand that ensues.

She gets pregnant from said one night stand, on no, who saw that coming! And decides to get abortion. It doesn't go the route of the typical romcom. I expected the guy to stop her and they'd agree to keep the kid but nope. She gets the abortion and it ends with them holding hands on the couch as they're apparently together now...

So she gets pregnant by stranger, struggles with shame over the idea of getting an abortion, gets one, then starts dating said stranger.

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Joker (I) (2019)
Not for Everyone
4 October 2019
You know a movie is great when the majority of the ratings are 1 or 10 stars. Obviously based off the 9.2 it's got a lot more 10's than 1's and there's a good reason for that.

Those who gave this one star are either one of two things:

1. Marvel cultists who will bash anything DC ever does. 2. People that went to this movie expecting it to be the usual cookie cutter superhero movie that is watered down in order to pander to both children and men...

Anyways... You will either hate or love this movie. I don't believe there is an in between. It is provocative, vile, dark, and occasionally hard to watch, but aren't all the greatest movies?

These are all elements of the world around us and we cannot just pretend like they don't exist, or blame movies for causing it.

If you have a villain who is an insane, manic clown, then showing what led to that is not going to be pretty. It can't be.

If you want sunshine and rainbows go watch Marvel on the Disney Channel.

The character development in Joker was amazing, showing us how a comedian turned into a psycho-killer clown. Todd Phillips killed it, and Joaquin Phoenix gave one of his greatest performances ever.

If you are reading this review and you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you do; just go into it with an open mind, and realize that this is not your average superhero movie. This is a beautifully dark standalone film showing the transformation of Arthur Fleck, comedian, into Arthur Fleck, psychopath.
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Terrible... just terrible.
4 September 2019
The Matrix Reloaded: a desperate cash grab that is 90% filler and 10% plot.

So much of this movie is absolutely pointless and quite painful to watch:

Firstly, that speech by Morpheus, then the painful dancing and sex scene between trinity and Neo. That was way too drawn out and just unnecessary. We get it, they are dancing, and Neo and Trinity are making love, get on with it.

Second, the whole scene with Neo and the Counselor. They have a lengthy conversation seemingly about nothing. What relevance did that have to anything? We were introduced to so many characters in Zion only to have them mean absolutely nothing in the end.

Oh, and while we are on the topic of Zion... how did they manage to make such an advanced city underground? Did they have time to drag billions and billions of dollars worth of equipment down with them while the machines were on their tails, eager to kill them?

Third: all of the action. It didn't add anything to the plot. Neo spends 15 minutes fighting all of the Smiths when he could have just flown away immediately after he realized it was a swarm.

The fight between that random programmer in order to get to the oracle...

Neo's Jackie Chan-esque fight scene on those stairs.

The 20 minute chase scene with trinity, Morpheus, and the keymaker... don't even get me started on that.

And how about those ghostly dreadlock twins...

All of those scenes seemed to just fill the time as the real storyline: the looming destruction of humanity was sprinkled in.

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Watered down Disney garbage created to sell toys
3 September 2019
The action sequences are always the same, the plots are always the same, every Marvel movie in this cinematic universe was exactly the same. All 22 of them were the same movie.

There is no creativity, just massive budgets, a star studded cast, as much cgi as possible, boring dialogue, poor character development, no deeper meaning whatsoever, poor cinematography, eye popping special effects, and watered down violence that is on par with the old power rangers.

These movies can't even hold a flame to the Dark Night trilogy which deal with the human condition, psychology, are immensely quotable, have real violence, and are more than guys in tights dancing around triumphantly saying the corniest lines ever spoken in the history of cinema.

George Lucas made Star Wars to sell toys, and these Marvel movies are no different. Why do you think Disney bought the rights to both?
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Life Itself (2018)
The critics are 100% rotten
17 January 2019
How does Black Panther (another stupid super hero movie) get a 97% on rotten tomatoes and this masterpiece gets a 13%.

This is one of the best movies I have seen in years. It was fresh, different, and an emotional rollercoaster ride. This is an easy 8/10 for me. The critics are dead wrong.
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Mr. Brooks (2007)
Costner is great, Cook surprising, Moore terrible.
6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Costner plays his part very convincingly, and Dane Cook surprised me with a decent performance in a thriller. However, Moore ruins this movie for me. She flies 20 feet out of a moving fan at 60 mph and lands on top of another car, but don't worry! She got away with just a scratch. Then later on, she's in a gun fight with the same people that tried to kidnap her and it's two against one, firing at her in a tiny hallway, somehow she doesn't get hit once and never runs out of bullets. She's insufferable, and so is his daughter.
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Castle Rock: The Queen (2018)
Season 1, Episode 7
27 August 2018
I've been a big fan of JJ Abrams since Lost but this episode may have topped anything he's ever done!

It was an absolute roller coaster ride through the mind of a demented woman, and the entire time I found myself transfixed by the cinematography, the sound, the suspense, the acting (Sissy Spacek deserves an Emmy as others have said), and the story.

The queen is some of the best television that I have ever seen!

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Arrival (II) (2016)
Finally, a different alien movie!
23 July 2018
I had low expectations for this movie, you've seen one alien movie you've seen em' all right? Nope.

I was pleasantly surprised by Arrival, which renewed my faith in the industry. Finally, a creative, new premise!

Arrival is a beautiful story les by Amy Adams who's performance was one of the better ones I've seen as of late. Her chemistry with Jeremy Renner feels very natural and genuine, and Forest Whitaker is always good.

This movie will have you on the edge of your seat, turninging in circles, and weeping all at the same time.

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The Week Of (2018)
vastly exceeds expectations
6 May 2018
I would have never given this movie a chance, if not for my pregnant wife insisting that we watch it; wanting to avoid her hormonal wrath, I just went with it. I had very low expectations, to say the least. I'd watched the ridiculous 6, Adam Sandler's first Netflix movie, and had been extremely let down by one of my favorite comedic actors.

The start of the movie is very slow, I even suggested that we stop watching just 5 minutes in, but my wife shut that down, and I'm glad she did... Soon after the first scene the movie becomes very funny, and I mean laugh out loud funny.

Anyone who has given this movie one star is either an Adam Sandler hater, or just didn't give the movie a chance. It wasn't quiet on par with the old Sandler who stole our hearts with performances in Happy Gilmore, and Billy Madison, but it was above average.

Realistically "Week Of" is a solid 6, but I had to give it a 10 just to offset some of the reviewers who gave it 1 star purely out of spite. This movie is actually worth a watch, and I suggest you put all your preconceived notions of what Adam Sandler movies have become, and do so.
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