
10 Reviews
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Pull the plug now
30 September 2015
this show has jumped the shark, and has over stayed its welcome. it has survived and thrived past Community, a show that is superior in so many ways, but regardless, they couldn't get to a sixth season without problems. tbbt had everything handed to it on a silver platter, and it has lost any and all spark that it once may have had, and everyday that this show is still on the air, it boils my blood, I hate this show with a fiery passion, I hope they don't get to a tenth season, they're not Friends, that was a great show, this is a pile of horse radish. I want to see a show like Modern Family get to a twelfth season, or further, because what makes or breaks a show are; the writing, the acting, the chemistry, the comedy, the drama and the characters. Modern Family exceeds at all these traits exceptionally, tbbt doesn't, not by a long shot. the writing is abysmal and lazy, the characters are boring and one dimensional, even Sheldon now, unfortunately, and the acting is so awful, it feels like I'm watching a dime version of Days of our Lives or All my Children, except somehow, more ridiculous.
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still chugging along famously
30 September 2015
If you've watched this show since the beginning, it doesn't take much to realize that this show gets better and better with each passing season, or even; episode. The show succeeds at the situational comedy and the brilliant writing, due to the cast's unpalatable chemistry, through season 1, all the way to season 6, we feel like we're watching an actual family. I'm writing this review at a time when the second episode of the seventh season hasn't come out yet, but I know it's going to be great, this show has the best chemistry since Breaking Bad. That was a joke regarding the cast's ability to get along together, and the fact that Breaking Bad also had great characters, and great scientific explanations, specifically; chemistry. It's funny I mention Breaking Bad, because Bryan Cranston directed 2 episodes of Modern Family; Election Day (2012) and The Old Man and The Tree (2013). Anyway, I stray too much, so anyway; WATCH THIS SHOW!
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the film was dope
28 August 2015
Straight Outta Compton is a wild ride, that shows the rise and fame of Ice Cube, Eazy-E and Dr. Dre. What I loved about this movie was the characters, if you walk into this movie, being slightly familiar with the artists, you will walk out, bobbing your head along to the amazing soundtrack, which consists of the artists' original songs, as well as some solo projects that they embarked on. I loved everything about it; the performances, the musical cues, the writing sessions, Ice Cube's film career, where he is seen writing the script for Friday, everything was very well done. The only true gripe I can find is that; I was disappointed that they didn't show Ice Cube writing one of his most popular and most critically successful songs; "It was a good day", but other than that, Straight Outta Compton is an emotional, funny and touching thrill ride, that is well worth the price of admission, I give it a 9.5 out of 10
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
is there a score lower than 0?
28 July 2015
this movie is exhausting, I can't even bear to talk about how awful it is. I couldn't possibly spoil the ending for you, though there wouldn't be any point to sustain myself from doing so, I don't know the ending. I couldn't bear to sit in the theatre until the end, and I certainly couldn't tolerate on any other platform. I feel like Adam Sandler still thinks that he's as funny as he used to be in films like; Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison, but no, it's like he's brain-damaged, and thinks that fart jokes are the funniest things in the world. In summary, do not waste your money, time, and life, to sit and watch this garbage, I'd rather watch a raccoon get run over by a bunch of cars, than watch any Adam Sandler "comedy" of the 21st century. I have to stop thinking about this garbage, I'm losing my mind.
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Hot Pursuit (2015)
10 June 2015
when I went online to see the showtimes for this movie, it said; rated PG, language may offend. After leaving the theatre, I wasn't offended by the language, I was offended by the dialogue. It is an awful movie of Titanic proportions, and it really infuriated me, that I wasted $10 on this garbage, and in the movie, I hated Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara, and I love those 2 actresses, they're very talented and beautiful, but I just wanted to rip my ears off with my butter knife as I was being subjected to the horror of this hot mess. I wish IMDb would allow 0 as an option on these review pages, so I can express numerically how I feel about this, rather than take the time to write "0/10", because me writing this brutal review, that picks apart this movie, has more thought put into it than the movie itself.
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Entourage (2015)
enjoyable on its own, and very funny
6 June 2015
I will start by saying that; I have not seen the Entourage TV show, but this movie is superbly entertaining. I will not be revealing anything from the film, just my thoughts on going in, and then coming out. For instance; the soundtrack is incredible, it is a well thought blend of modern hip hop and rock, to classic songs, Haley Joel Osment plays a much more important character than the trailers made it out to be, and without question; Jeremy Piven as Ari Gold. He is electric in this role. Some of the cameos in this film felt forced, while others were nice gems that were thrown in there for even more comic relief. You will enjoy this movie if you go out with your friends, it's a good time, and the believable characters and performances make it feel as if these people are real, and not just actors playing a role, the chemistry between the cast is palpable. So to sum up; the soundtrack, the chemistry, the girls, the boys, Ari Gold and Emily Ratajkowski are all more than worth the price of admission, just don't go to see it with any siblings.
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Community: Modern Espionage (2015)
Season 6, Episode 11
Community is back!
27 May 2015
Season 6 of Community has been very hit or miss so far, but this paintball episode, knocks it out of the park. After 4 long years since a paintball episode, the format has returned, and with magnificent results. This is definitely the best episode from Season 6, and I can't wait to see the next 2 episodes left in the 6th Season. However, watching Community makes me sad, because this hilarious and very well written show was cancelled, to make more room for the garbage show that is the big bang theory. And I refuse to capitalize the title of that show, because I've lost all respect for it, especially since it stole the spotlight from Community, but I hope that at least a year after this season ends, the movie can come out.
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24 May 2015
Let me begin by saying; I loved the first Pitch Perfect, it was funny, smart, catchy and touching, as for the second, it's OK. Here's a pros and cons list of the sequel; Pros; Rebel Wilson is always funny, the songs picked for the movie, Hailee Steinfeld was a strong edition to the cast, and of course, Keegan Michael Key. Key from Key & Peele is arguably the best part of the movie.

Cons- some offensive jokes that didn't hit the proper notes, I felt that Adam Devine wasn't as strong as he could've been in this one, and this is coming from someone who's a fan. Overall it is very enjoyable, but not as good as the original.
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A masterpiece for this generation
24 May 2015
Mad Max; Fury Road. There are almost no words to describe the sheer brilliance of George Miller's latest effort, the finished product speaks for itself. The action is high octane and non-stop, it is a beautiful film to look at, and that largely has to do with the fact that almost all of it is achieved through practical effects. I read somewhere that director George Miller spent 17 years to work on a script for Fury Road, and his effort has paid off tremendously. Another thing that makes this movie a masterpiece is that; you don't even need to be familiar with the original story and film to enjoy it, all the groundwork is established right off the bat, and the characters develop much deeper throughout the course of the film, that you feel as if you know them. Truly a spectacle, and achievement in filmmaking, bravo George Miller! 11/10 that extra one is for the guitar player with the guitar that shoots flames
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Community (2009–2015)
six seasons and a movie
24 May 2015
If you haven't seen Community, shut off the Big Bang Theory and watch this show. This show; by all intends and purposes, is a masterpiece of television. It's probably one of, if not the best TV comedy since Friends, because what makes this show, is not one single thing that stands out amongst everything else, it's the writing, and more importantly, it's the characters. But rather than siphoning off jokes and set pieces from Friends, Community creates its own unique situations and creates comedy gold with it. Another thing I love about the show; it doesn't need to advertise its most famous cast member; Chevy Chase to get attention, because all of the characters and actors do a fantastic job. Now before I conclude this short review on why Community is the greatest television comedy, I have to mention Troy and Abed, who in my opinion are the greatest TV comedy duo since Bert & Ernie
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